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目的 依据国内外标准和指南评估低能X射线术中放射治疗室的屏蔽需求,测量屏蔽材料的透射系数、关注位置的周围剂量当量率水平以及防护装置的应用效果,为此类设备屏蔽方案的设计和防护装置的应用提供参考。方法 分别依据我国GBZ 121标准、英国医学物理与工程研究所(IPEM)75号报告和美国国家辐射防护与测量委员会(NCRP)151号报告计算INTRABEAM术中放射治疗室所需的屏蔽厚度。实际测量固体水板、屏蔽贴片和防辐射围裙对于此设备产生低能X射线的透射系数,对模拟治疗条件下关注位置处的周围剂量当量率进行测量并评估辐射防护屏的应用效果。结果 依据不同标准和指南计算得到治疗室全部关注点处所需铅屏蔽厚度均<0.6 mm,差异为亚毫米水平。此设备产生的低能X射线在屏蔽物质中衰减明显,0.05 mm铅当量屏蔽贴片和0.25 mm铅当量防辐射围裙的透射系数为0.068和0.0038。使用球形施用器在空气中进行照射时,距离射线源1和2 m处测得的周围剂量当量率为10.7和2.6 mSv/h。将施用器置于小水箱中后,相应的周围剂量当量率降为3.8和0.9 μSv/h,防护屏的使用可以使2 m处的周围剂量当量率降为本底水平。结论 低能X射线术中放射治疗设施的屏蔽需求较低,设备产生的射线有效能量低,但在邻近未屏蔽辐射源位置的剂量率较高,应优化设计治疗室屏蔽方案并合理使用防护装置。  相似文献   

目的 分别根据中、外放射治疗机房辐射屏蔽标准,对低能医用电子直线加速器机房设计方案进行对比,为修订和完善现行国家标准提供参考。方法 按照美国国家辐射防护与测量委员会(NCRP)151号报告、英国电离辐射法规(IRR)17号和国家标准GBZ/T 201,对于一个每日平均治疗125例患者(90%为调强放疗技术)的6 MV X射线医用电子直线加速器机房,分别设计机房屏蔽方案,对比关注点(主束次屏蔽区A、B点、主束主屏蔽区C、D点、侧墙次屏蔽点E、室顶主屏蔽点F和室顶次屏蔽点G)所需的混凝土屏蔽厚度、治疗室内使用面积、室内层高和室顶承重。结果 按照NCRP 151号报告和IRR 17号法规,计算得到的A、B、C、D、E、F和G点所需的混凝土屏蔽厚度分别为79、105、136、166、104、137、76 cm和94、126、183、189、119、175、92 cm。而按照我国标准GBZ/T 201计算得到的相应关注点所需的混凝土屏蔽厚度是最厚的,特别是主束主屏蔽厚度的增加明显,分别为117、133、207、227、121、175、94 cm。与此同时,与NCRP 151号报告计算得到的屏蔽方案相比,治疗室内使用面积、室内层高显著降低,分别减小11.24%和7.13%,室顶承重增加更为明显(25.20%)。结论 与NCRP 151号报告和IRR 17号法规相比,按照我国现行屏蔽标准所推荐的计算方法和评价指标计算得到的屏蔽厚度是最大的,特别是现行国家标准中要求的瞬时剂量当量率评价指标会显著增加主屏蔽区所需的屏蔽厚度。  相似文献   

目的 介绍了用能量沉积核函数方法计算60 Co照射野吸收剂量的方法。方法 能量沉积核函数方法将吸收剂量的贡献分为 3部分 :原射线、单次散射和多次散射。它使用基本的剂量学数据 ,如射野中心轴百分深度剂量、离轴比和准直系统散射输出因子等 ,这些数据在Fyc 5 0H治疗机上用方形照射野测量得到。再用能量沉积核函数计算吸收剂量。并讨论了散射线对吸收剂量的影响。结果 从测量数据得到了原射线和散射线的能量沉积核函数 ,并利用能量沉积核函数计算60 Co照射野的主要剂量学参数 ,计算值和测量值是一致的 ;不规则照射野的吸收剂量及其分布的计算结果也和测量结果符合得很好。结论 能量沉积核函数方法适用于较精确地计算60 Co不规则照射野的吸收剂量。  相似文献   

目的 介绍了用能量沉积核函数方法计算^60Co照射野吸收剂理的方法。方法 能量沉积核函数方法将吸收剂量的贡献分为3部分:原射线、单次散射和多次散射。它使用基本的剂量学数据,如射野中心轴百分深度剂量、离轴比和淮直系统散射输出因子等,这些数据在Fyc50H治疗机上用方形照射野测量得到,再用能量沉积核函数计算吸收剂量,并讨论了散射线对吸收剂量的影响。结果 从测量数据得到了原射线和散射线的能量沉积核函数,并利用能量沉积核函数计算^60Co照射野的主要剂量学参数。计算值和测量值是一致的;不规则照射野的吸收剂量及其分布的计算结果也和测量结果符合得很好。结论 能量沉积核函数方法适用于较精确地计算^60Co不规则照射野的吸收剂量。  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the scattered radiation exposure to the surroundings during videofluoroscopy for swallowing study (VFSS). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Scattered radiation exposure was measured using an ion chamber survey meter for 17 adult patients undergoing videofluoroscopy for swallowing study. The cumulative dose area product of each case was also recorded. Data were presented as mean +/- standard deviation. RESULTS: The scattered radiation exposure at a distance of 150 cm from the patient and the dose area product recorded were 149 +/- 78 microR (range 42-308 microR) and 842 +/- 544 cGy.cm(2) (range 258-2151 cGy.cm(2)), respectively, for a single study of 18 +/- 6 minutes. A formula was then derived for estimating the scattered radiation dose to muscle tissue at an arbitrary distance based on the accumulated dose area product. With this formula, the mean scattered radiation dose to naked muscle tissue of the surrounding people at a distance of 30-100 cm from the patient were estimated to be 33.68-3.03 microSv respectively. CONCLUSION: The scattered radiation detriment associated with videofluoroscopy for swallowing study was well within acceptable levels.  相似文献   

目的 中外近距离治疗机房辐射屏蔽设计考虑因素不尽相同,本研究以常见的高剂量率192Ir源为例,分别应用国内外标准进行后装机房的屏蔽核算,比较计算结果分析差异产生的原因,为修订和完善现行国家标准提供参考。方法 对于典型的后装机房进行工作量估算,放射源初始活度10 Ci (1 Ci=3.7×1010 Bq),分别按照英国医学物理与工程研究所IPEM75号报告、美国辐射防护委员会NCRP151报告和GBZ/T 201.3-2014国家标准设计后装机房屏蔽方案,详细比较不同参考标准的屏蔽限值、居留因子及其他因子的差异。结果 典型后装机房的年照射时长约为330 h,按照NCRP151报告、IPEM法规和GBZ/T 201.3-2014国家标准计算得到的控制室、屏蔽墙外、候诊区、相邻控制室和无人居留室顶等关注点位所需的混凝土厚度分别为70、65、61、70、50 cm,41、43、30、40、39 cm和84、79、46、88、39 cm。按照GBZ/T 201.3-2014国家标准计算得到的相应关注点所需的混凝土屏蔽厚度普遍偏厚,与NCRP151报告结果差别较小,IPEM75号报告计算得到的屏蔽厚度最薄;三者计算出的防护门的等效铅屏蔽厚度分别为1.170、0.854和1.040 cm,厚度相近。结论 我国现行后装机房屏蔽标准所推荐的计算方法和评价指标计算得到的屏蔽厚度与NCRP151报告的相似但偏保守,特别是现行国家推荐标中要求的瞬时剂量当量率评价指标以及过于保守的居留因子取值会显著增加主屏蔽区所需的屏蔽厚度。  相似文献   

To support the use of soil as a suitable radiation protection material, the effects of soil grain size and pressure on γ-ray attenuation have been tested in the energy region from 279 to 1250 keV. The variation in linear—and mass—attenuation coefficients, μ and μm, with soil grain diameter is found appreciable and independent of soil chemical composition. The increase of μ with pressure is only up to 104 kg/cm2 pressure for soil particles of uniform grain size d = 0.12 ± 0.03 mm. However, no significant change is seen in μm with pressure. The half-thickness values for attenuation were calculated from present data have also been discussed for different γ radiations.  相似文献   

National Radiation Protection Institute in Prague is equipped with 14 HPGe detectors with relative efficiency up to 150%. Steel shielding with one of these detectors (relative efficiency 100%) was chosen to be rebuilt to decrease minimum detectable activity (MDA). Additional lead and copper shielding was built up inside the original steel shielding to reduce the volume of the inner space and filled with nitrogen by means of evaporating liquid nitrogen. MDA values decreased for Compton background up to 0.67 of original value.  相似文献   

Patient contact shielding has been in use for many years in radiology departments in order to reduce the effects and risks of ionising radiation on certain organs. New technologies in projection imaging and CT scanning such as digital receptors and automatic exposure control (AEC) systems have reduced doses and improved image consistency. These changes and a greater understanding of both the benefits and the risks from the use of shielding have led to a review of shielding use in radiology. A number of professional bodies have already issued guidance in this regard. This paper represents the current consensus view of the main bodies involved in radiation safety and imaging in Europe: European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics, European Federation of Radiographer Societies, European Society of Radiology, European Society of Paediatric Radiology, EuroSafe Imaging, European Radiation Dosimetry Group (EURADOS), and European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology (EADMFR). It is based on the expert recommendations of the Gonad and Patient Shielding (GAPS) Group formed with the purpose of developing consensus in this area. The recommendations are intended to be clear and easy to use. They are intended as guidance, and they are developed using a multidisciplinary team approach. It is recognised that regulations, custom and practice vary widely on the use of patient shielding in Europe and it is hoped that these recommendations will inform a change management program that will benefit patients and staff.  相似文献   

Basic theoretical concepts of static magnetic shielding are summarized. Expressions describing the magnetic field produced by a solenoidal coil confined coaxially inside a long thin ferromagnetic cylinder of constant permeability are derived. Conditions for the optimum arrangement of a magnetic screen for whole-body NMR systems are discussed.  相似文献   

屏蔽防护效果如何是医院放疗工作用房的关键所在。辐射屏蔽防护与辐射种类、照射条件、照射方式以及屏障材料选用、屏蔽厚度等多种因素有关。  相似文献   

We attempted to visualize dynamic adjustment of glucose utilization in humans in the whole-body organs during physical exercise by using three-dimensional positron emission tomography (3D-PET) and [18F]-2-fluoro-deoxy-glucose (FDG). Twelve healthy male volunteers collaborated on the study; six subjects were assigned to the resting control group (C) and the other six to the running group (E). Group E subjects performed running on a flat road for 35 min. After 15 min of running, subjects injected FDG and kept on running thereafter for another 20 min. Group C subjects sat on a comfortable chair in a quiet room for 35 min after the injection of FDG. After scanning by PET, the regions of interest (ROIs) were manually set on brain, heart, thorax, abdomen, lower extremities, and the rest of the body on the corresponding transaxial images. The uptake of FDG in each region was evaluated as the % fraction of FDG accumulation relative to the total amount of whole-body accumulation. The results revealed increase of FDG uptake after running in the lower leg muscles from 24.6 +/- 9.5% to 43.1 +/- 4.7% and in the heart from 2.3 +/- 0.4% to 2.8 +/- 0.6%. The differences were significant (P < 0.05). These increases reflect the rise in energy consumption in leg and heart muscles and were balanced by the reduction of energy consumption in the other part of the body. FDG uptake in the abdominal region reduced from 37.3 +/- 7.2% to 19.7 +/- 4.9%. However, FDG uptake in the brain remained stable, i.e., 11.9 +/- 2.8% at rest and 10.3 +/- 2.5% after exercise. Thus, 3D-PET is a tool to visualize the dynamic adjustment of energy consumption during physical exercise in humans.  相似文献   

We suggest that the observed experimental data on relative double-strand break (dsb) yield as a function of radiation quality can act as valuable constraints in defining the type of energy deposition which causes this basic lesion in radiation biology. Both heavy-ion and alpha-particle data show sufficient trends for quantitative comparisons with calculation to be made. We use the technique of track-structure simulation and search for energy-deposition clusters (containing at least a given number of ionizations in a given diameter) whose relative frequencies (compared to sparsely ionizing radiation) correlate with the relative biological effects (RBEs) for dsb induction. We conclude that locally multiply damaged sites (LMDS) which cause dsb are probably energy depositions of at least two to five ionizations localized, respectively, in sites of diameters of 1-4 nm. Although our derived cluster sizes should be viewed in light of the quality of the experimental data and uncertainties in the computer simulations at the nanometre level, it is unlikely that these estimates of cluster sizes would change greatly.  相似文献   

与常规放疗技术相比, FLASH治疗技术在保护正常组织方面具有优势, 但剂量率提升100倍以上。如果按照现有标准对机房进行屏蔽设计, 将显著提升改造成本, 且仍有可能无法满足标准要求, 导致FLASH治疗技术无法开展。通过调研国内外标准及文献, 分析了FLASH治疗技术对机房屏蔽设计带来的挑战, 并着重对比了不同国家在放疗机房屏蔽设计时采用的剂量率控制标准。部分国家屏蔽设计时采用考虑实际治疗工况下的平均剂量率;我国主要采用考虑居留因子条件下的瞬时剂量率方法进行控制。如果在我国开展FLASH治疗技术, 瞬时剂量率的要求将很难满足。为了提高FLASH等高剂量率放射治疗技术, 在管理目标限值不变的前提下, 建议考虑对现有标准进行修订, 采用一定时间内的平均剂量率限值进行控制, 或增加FLASH治疗条件下的控制标准。  相似文献   

Significant direct and scatter radiation doses to patient and physician may result from routine interventional radiology practice. A lead-free disposable tungsten antimony shielding pad was tested in phantom patients during simulated diagnostic angiography procedures. Although the exact risk of low doses of ionizing radiation is unknown, dramatic dose reductions can be seen with routine use of this simple, sterile pad made from lightweight tungsten antimony material.  相似文献   

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