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The aim of this paper is to present trends in reported HIV-related behaviours among men having sex with men (MSM) in Switzerland. In 1992, 1994, 1997 and 2000 a standardized anonymous questionnaire was placed in gay newspapers and distributed in gay associations. High levels of protection (no anal sex or consistent condom use) with casual partners were found: around 90%, with a peak in 1994 and a slight decrease in 2000 to the level of 1992. With the steady partner, the level of protection was 57% in 1992, 61% in 1997 and decreased in 2000 to the same level as in 1992. The proportion of couples with both HIV statuses known increased from 49% in 1994 to 59% in 2000. In 2000, 26% of concordant HIV negative couples protected themselves compared to 83% of those exposed to an actual or potential risk (HIV status discordant or unknown). Within each category of couples, there was no change over time in the level of reported practice of anal sex and condom use. This slight decrease in prevention behaviour justifies efforts to maintain HIV/AIDS prevention targeted at gay men.  相似文献   

Bull SS  McFarlane M  Lloyd L  Rietmeijer C 《AIDS care》2004,16(8):1012-1020
Research has shown that online sex-seeking among men who have sex with men (MSM) is related to elevated risk for sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV infection; however, the process of seeking sex online is not well understood. It is important to understand the process of seeking sex partners in order to determine the best method for reaching MSM at high risk for infection. We report on baseline data from the Smart Sex Quest, an Internet-based STD prevention intervention targeting MSM (n = 1,776, 79% white, mean age = 33 years). Results indicate that older, white, college-educated men solicited sex partners on AOL, whereas Gay.com was a more frequent choice among younger men. Yahoo was named as a solicitation site more frequently by those with no college education, as were 'bareback' websites devoted to facilitating anal sex without the use of condoms. Following online solicitation, men tended to meet in public restrooms (86%), partners' homes (74%) and their own home (57%). Though results are limited by the self-selected nature of the sample, the data have important implications for online outreach, study recruitment and intervention.  相似文献   

Although the latest survey on prevention behaviours of men having sex with men (MSMs) in Switzerland shows a decreasing number of HIV cases since 1992, a decrease in the protection level has also been observed. This could lead to a higher rate of HIV notifications in 2001 compared to 2000.  相似文献   

Guo Y  Li X  Song Y  Liu Y 《AIDS care》2012,24(4):451-458
Data from 307 young migrant men who have sex with men (MSM) in Beijing were analyzed to examine bisexual behavior and the associated sociodemographic and behavioral factors among Chinese young migrant MSM. More than one-fourth (27%) of the MSM were also concurrently engaged in sexual behavior with women (MSMW). Among MSMW, 8.4% were infected with HIV, and 10.8% with Syphilis, compared to 4.9% and 23.7%, respectively, among men who have sex with men only (MSM-only). Various HIV-related risk behaviors among MSMW were similar to those of MSM-only, such as unprotected anal sex, multiple sexual partners, involvement in commercial sex, and substance use. Compared with MSM-only, MSMW were less likely to have tested for HIV, to participate in HIV prevention activities, and were less knowledgeable about condom use and HIV/AIDS. MSMW also had a higher rate of unprotected sex with female stable sexual partners than with male stable sexual partners (79.5% vs. 59.5%). Results indicated that MSMW were at a very high risk for both HIV infection and transmission. Intervention efforts are needed to target this subgroup of MSM and promote AIDS knowledge and HIV/STD testing among MSMW, and to reduce HIV transmission through MSM's bisexual behavior.  相似文献   

Using qualitative information from in-depth interviews of 40 female entertainment workers (FEWs) in Shanghai, this article explores factors associated with unprotected sex and barriers to consistent condom use among FEWs. Results suggest that not all FEWs were at high risk, nor did they all engage in unprotected sex for the same reasons. Prevalence of unprotected sex varied by individual characteristics, across different settings where commercial sex took place, and by the FEWs' relationship to pimps or establishment owners. Factors contributing to unprotected sex included lack of HIV transmission knowledge, economic hardship, client refusal/coercion, and control by pimps/establishment owners. Incorrect beliefs also contributed to use of methods that offered no protection. Study participants endorsed the need for HIV/sexually transmitted disease prevention, but were suspicious about government programs. Prevention interventions need to target simultaneously clients of commercial sex and pimps/business owners and to promote a social environment supportive of 100% condom use in commercial sex.  相似文献   

男男性工作者的艾滋病综合干预效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的评价在男男性工作者(money boy,MB)中开展性病艾滋病预防综合干预的效果。方法对沈阳、成都和南京3个城市,在干预现场,对接受干预的、有性交易或准备从事性交易的MB,开展面对面艾滋病性病预防知识宣传,调查干预活动前后的知识与行为,评价干预效果。结果基线调查有效问卷484份,终期调查获得有效问卷553份。MB的平均年龄分别是21.56岁和21.60岁,均以未婚为主。通过开发和发放宣传册,推广润滑剂和鼓励购买安全套,交流使用安全套保护健康的技巧,建立全国医疗服务网络,开展性病规范诊疗,并积极推荐到当地疾病预防控制中心接受自愿咨询检测(VCT)活动。干预后,MB的性病艾滋病知识知晓率由62.66%上升到91.94%;男男安全性行为有所提高;愿意到公立医院接受性病诊治者由53.9%上升到86.8%。结论对于MB的健康干预、有关安全性行为仍应以宣传和推荐安全套使用为重点。综合干预宣传可以引导MB正确选择性病的诊疗机构。  相似文献   

Developing standards in behavioral surveillance for HIV/STD prevention.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
HIV/STD prevention programs are increasingly guided by behavioral rather than by disease indicators. Relevant HIV/STD-related behavioral information is currently available from a variety of surveys and surveillance systems at three levels: general population, infected populations, and high-risk populations. However, the utility of these systems for local program development is limited due to lack of standardization. In 1997 a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention working group was formed to develop a core set of items for HIV/STD behavioral surveillance for use across surveys. Core items were chosen on the basis of existing surveys and surveillance systems, relevant literature, testing in a cognitive laboratory, and field pilot-testing. A draft of the core set of sexual behavior questions is available on the web at http://www.cdc.gov/nchstp/od/core-workgroup for review and feedback. Questions on drug use, including drug injection practices, as well as questions on HIV testing and sexually transmitted diseases are in preparation and will also be posted on the web site for review.  相似文献   

In sub-Saharan Africa, the prevalence of stigma-related abuse and violence among men who have sex with men (MSM) and its potential impact on the HIV/AIDS epidemic is unknown. This study estimated the prevalence and source of violence and abuse among a sample of MSM in Tanzania and characterized the association between levels of violence and sexual and mental health variables. Data were taken from a larger study of 200 MSM in Tanzania. Frequency tabulations, bivariate analysis, and logistic regression were performed to describe the prevalence and source of abuse and to determine the association between levels of violence and sexual demographics and mental health variables. The MSM sample for this study was young (median age 23), somewhat educated with the majority having attained secondary school (80%) and mostly employed (60%). Verbal (48.5%) and moral (32.5%) abuses were the most predominant types of abuse among the sample and were mostly from people in the street and neighbors. Sexual abuse (30%) was mostly from partners, and physical violence (29.5%) was largely from people in the street. Participants in the high-violence level group had a significantly greater number of sexual partners, depression scores, and internalized homonegativity (IH) scores. IH predicted HIV infection and verbal abuse predicted IH.There is a need for an increased awareness of violence and abuse faced by MSM in Tanzania, as well as effective programs to specifically target the issue of violence among MSM, and its implication for mental health and for risky sexual behaviors and HIV transmission.  相似文献   

This study compared the social and behavioral characteristics of binge users and nonbinge users of methamphetamine (meth) in a sample of 90 HIV-positive men who have sex with men. Forty-one participants (46%) self-identified as a binge user. Meth binges ranged from 2 to 33 days (mean = 5.6), and average consumption was 3.1 grams. Binge users were significantly more likely than nonbinge users to be ethnic minority and to have lower education. The two groups did not differ in terms of the total amount of meth used in the past 30 days; however, binge users reported significantly more social difficulties, more mental and physical health problems, and more sexual risk behaviors as compared with nonbinge users. The findings are discussed in relation to drug treatment approaches and the development of behavioral interventions.  相似文献   

江苏省部分城市男男性行为者HIV/STD感染情况研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 了解男男性行为者(MSM)群体的艾滋病病毒/性病(HIV/STD)感染水平.方法 在MSM聚集的酒吧,在知情同意下,匿名填写问卷,自愿选择检查项目,在现场开展体检和实验室标本采集,标本按要求冷藏转送至实验室.结果 共检测了144人,平均年龄32.68岁,未婚者占59.03%,各种文化层次和职业者均有.他们中只有同性性行为者占38.64%,其他人均与异性有性行为.首次性行为的平均年龄为20.82岁.近3个月内被调查者有与异性的性行为及各种方式的性行为,且每次使用安全套者仅13.77%.其中11.11%的人报告曾被诊断有性病.现场体检发现尖锐湿疣患病率13.21%(14/106).尿道分泌物检查淋球菌阳性率2.68%(3/112),沙眼衣原体8.04%(9/112),解脲脲原体25.00%(28/112),生殖支原体4.46%(5/112).血清学检查HIV抗体全部阴性,梅毒螺旋体明胶凝集试验(TPPA)阳性率18.75%(27/144),快速血浆反应素试验(RPR)阳性率9.72%(14/144),疱疹病毒抗体(HSV-2-IgG)阳性率7.78%(7/90),乙型肝炎病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性率9.68%(9/93),丙型肝炎病毒抗体(抗-HCV)阳性率0(0/93),戊型肝炎病毒抗体(抗-HEV)阳性率16.13%(15/93).结论 MSM人群的性生活状态复杂并且缺乏安全性意识,成为HIV/STD传播的桥梁人群.他们中STD的感染水平较一般人群高,个别感染甚至接近性病门诊的感染水平,应该引起关注.  相似文献   

The HIV epidemic in Peru is concentrated among men who have sex with men (MSM). Given that MSM have been documented as early adopters of emerging technology, we examined communication technology access and utilization, and mobile health (mHealth) acceptance among Peruvian MSM and transgender women (TGW) in order to gauge opportunities for mHealth-enabled HIV interventions. A convenience sample of 359 HIV-infected MSM and TGW recruited from three sites in Lima, Peru completed standardized assessments of alcohol use disorders (AUDs), risky sexual behavior, and antiretroviral therapy (ART) adherence along with self-constructed measures of communication technology access and utilization, and mHealth acceptance. Most participants (86%) had daily access to any cell phone, including smartphones (30%). The most frequent communication activities were receiving and making calls, and receiving and sending text messages using cell phones. On a 5-point Likert scale, participants expressed interest in using mHealth for medication reminders (M = 3.21, SD = 1.32) and engaging in anonymous online interactions with health professionals to discuss HIV-related issues (M = 3.56, SD = 1.33). Importantly, no significant differences were found in communication technology use and mHealth acceptance among participants with AUDs, depression, and suboptimal ART adherence, all of which are associated with poor HIV treatment outcomes. Findings show support for implementing mHealth-based intervention strategies using cell phones to assess and reduce HIV-risk behaviors among HIV-infected MSM and TGW.  相似文献   

男男性行为人群(MSM)中存在的多性伴、非保护性性行为、饮酒和毒品使用等,是造成艾滋病病毒(HIV)及性传播疾病(Sexual transmitted disease,STD)在该人群中传播的主要原因,应及时采取相应的干预措施。该人群随访率相对较高,有利于在该人群中开展深入的研究及实施干预。  相似文献   

Polysubstance use has been posited to be a significant contributor to excess burden of HIV disease among men who have sex with men (MSM). The current study investigated polysubstance use and sexual risk among men who utilize Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH) van services (such as HIV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis testing; Hepatitis A and B vaccinations) at venues targeting MSM. Participants (n = 214) completed a one-time, cross-sectional survey via an audio computer-assisted self-interview (ACASI) in English or Spanish between June 2007 and September 2007. Fifteen percent of the overall sample did not know their HIV status; 11% reported polysubstance use (concurrent use of three or more: poppers, ecstasy, GHB, cocaine, crystal methamphetamine, Viagra) during sex in the 12 months prior to study enrollment. Polysubstance users were more likely to be HIV infected (odds ratio [OR] = 4.62; p = 0.03) and to have a history of one or more sexually transmitted diseases (STDs; OR = 4.74; p = 0.03) relative to participants who did not report polysubstance use during sex. After controlling for covariates of age, race/ethnicity, education level, insurance status, sexual orientation, STD history, HIV status, and depression, multivariable logistic regression analyses revealed that polysubstance users were 9 times more likely to have reported unprotected anal (insertive or receptive) sex in the 12 months prior to study enrollment (adjusted OR = 9.53; p = 0.007) compared to nonpolysubstance-using MSM. Polysubstance users lacked access to care (21% were uninsured) and the overwhelming majority (96%) were first time users of mobile health van services. Accessible outreach services for MSM such as mobile van services need to include drug screening and interventions that triage men into treatment programs; year-round availability of van services is warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess trends in the HIV epidemic and risk factors for HIV infection among men having sex with men (MSM) in mainland China. A literature review was conducted. Data from studies regarding HIV prevalence, syphilis infection and risk behavior, were pooled into three chronological stages. The independent correlates of HIV infection were gathered in order to guide the development of future interventions. HIV prevalences were 2.5% (95%CI 1.8-3.7), 1.8% (95%CI 1.1-2.9) and 3.3% (95%CI 2.0-5.3) before 2004, during 2004 to 2005 and 2006 to 2007, respectively. About two-thirds of MSM had multiple male sex partners during the previous six months (P6M), and more than one third of MSM engaged in unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) during last sex. Only UAI among commercial sex workers declined significantly. More than one quarter of MSM had female partners in P6M and the proportion having multiple female partners declined. The rates of unprotected vaginal sex had a downward trend. The prevalence of injecting drug use was low and remained the same. The number of lifetime male sexual partners and the frequency of anal sex in P6M were independently associated with HIV infection; UAI was correlated to the number of male partners, buying sex from males, being part of a mobile population, prior HIV testing and having a prior sexually transmitted disease (STD). We conclude intervention programs targeting UAI and multiple partners are urgently needed to control the HIV epidemic among MSM in mainland China.  相似文献   

Lau JT  Zhang J  Yan H  Lin C  Choi KC  Wang Z  Hao C  Huan X  Yang H 《AIDS care》2011,23(11):1472-1482
Conclusive evidence-based research has shown that circumcision reduces the risk of HIV transmission via heterosexual intercourse, whilst ongoing studies are investigating similar effects via homosexual transmissions and the results are equivocal. Few acceptability studies regarding circumcision were conducted among men who have sex with men (MSM). In this cross-sectional study, a total of 307 MSM were recruited by snowball sampling and were interviewed anonymously by some peer field workers in Yangzhou, China. Amongst all uncircumcised participants (93.4% of all participants were uncircumcised), the willingness to be circumcised increased from 8.1% to 30.7%, before and after the participants were briefed about a hypothetical potential benefit of a 50% risk reduction of circumcision in preventing HIV transmission among MSM. In the multivariate analysis, perception of overly long foreskin (odds ratio [OR] = 6.04), unprotected sexual intercourse with male regular sex partners in the last six months (OR = 2.04), and seeing no chance for contracting HIV in the next 12 months (OR = 0.54) were significantly associated with conditional willingness for circumcision. Adjusting for these variables, other significant factors were identified by multiple logistic regression analysis, including number of perceived disadvantages for having overly long foreskin (adjusted OR = 2.60), variables that were derived from the Theory of Planned Behaviors (TPB), and having some circumcised MSM peers (adjusted OR = 0.45-4.38). Some risk compensation behaviors however, may be practiced by 15.9% of the MSM who were willing to undergo circumcision. The acceptability would increase slightly with the effect size of circumcision in protecting MSM from HIV transmission via homosexual intercourse. However, it was only around 30%, even if circumcision could result in a large (50%) risk reduction in HIV transmission among MSM. If future studies can establish efficacy of circumcision, relevant promotion programs need to guard against risk compensation, though the magnitude of risk compensation may be moderate.  相似文献   

Ethnic affiliation can define sociocultural boundaries and contribute to the HIV vulnerabilities faced by men who have sex with men (MSM). This study investigated the influence of ethnic affiliation on HIV vulnerabilities among MSM in North China. Our study analyzed a cross-sectional survey of MSM (n?=?398) in two major North China cities. We examined associations between ethnic affiliation and (a) HIV status, (b) sexual behaviors and experiences, and (c) substance use. Compared to ethnic majority Han MSM: MSM belonging to ethnic minority groups of South China had significantly greater odds of HIV infection (AOR: 7.40; 95% CI: 2.33–23.47) and experience of forced sex (AOR: 3.27; 95% CI: 1.12–9.52). Compared to ethnic majority Han MSM, Ethnic Hui MSM had significantly lower odds of condomless anal sex (AOR: 0.41; 95% CI: 0.21–0.82) and significantly greater odds of circumcision (AOR: 2.62; 95% CI: 1.24–5.51). HIV prevalence and riskier sexual behaviors among MSM in China appear to vary significantly by ethnic affiliation. Current epidemiological practices of aggregating all ethnic minority groups in China into a single category may be masking important interethnic differences in HIV risk, and precluding opportunities for more culturally appropriate interventions.  相似文献   

Rural South African men who have sex with men (MSM) are likely to be underserved in terms of access to relevant healthcare and HIV prevention services. While research in urban and peri-urban MSM populations has identified a range of factors affecting HIV risk in South African MSM, very little research is available that examines HIV risk and prevention in rural MSM populations. This exploratory study begins to address this lack by assessing perceptions of HIV risk among MSM in rural Limpopo province. Using thematic analysis of interview and discussion data, two overarching global themes that encapsulated participants’ understandings of HIV risk and the HIV risk environment in their communities were developed. In the first theme, “community experience and the rural social environment”, factors affecting HIV risk within the broad risk environment were discussed. These included perceptions of traditional value systems and communities as homophobic; jealousy and competition between MSM; and the role of social media as a means of meeting other MSM. The second global theme, “HIV/AIDS knowledge, risk and experience”, focused on factors more immediately affecting HIV transmission risk. These included: high levels of knowledge of heterosexual HIV risk, but limited knowledge of MSM-specific risk; inconsistent condom and lubricant use; difficulties in negotiating condom and lubricant use due to uneven power dynamics in relationships; competition for sexual partners; multiple concurrent sexual partnerships; and transactional sex. These exploratory results suggest that rural South African MSM, like their urban and peri-urban counterparts, are at high risk of contracting HIV, and that there is a need for more in-depth research into the interactions between the rural context and the specific HIV risk knowledge and behaviours that affect HIV risk in this population.  相似文献   

To inform the development and assess potential use of rectal microbicide gels for HIV prevention among men who have sex with men (MSM), we examined the dynamics and contexts of commercial lubricant use during receptive anal intercourse (RAI) within this population. From 2007 to 2010, 168 HIV-negative MSM living in Los Angeles who practice RAI completed computer-assisted self-interviews, which collected information on their last sexual event with ≤3 recent partners, at baseline, three months, and one-year study visits. Logistic generalized linear mixed models were used to identify individual- and sexual event-level characteristics associated with commercial lubricant use during RAI at the last sexual event within 421 partnerships reported by participants over the course of follow-up. During RAI at their last sexual event, 57% of partnerships used a condom and 69% used commercial lubricant. Among partnerships that used commercial lubricant, 56% reported lubricant application by both members of the partnership, 66% first applied lubricant during sex, but before penetration, and 98% applied lubricant at multiple locations. The relationship between substance use and commercial lubricant use varied by condom use (interaction p-value = 0.01). Substance use was positively associated with commercial lubricant use within partnerships that did not use condoms during RAI at their last sexual event (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 4.47, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.63–12.28), but no association was observed within partnerships that did use condoms (AOR = 0.66, 95% CI: 0.23–1.85). Commercial lubricant use during RAI was also positively associated with reporting more sexual partners (AOR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1.05–1.31), while older age (units = 5 years; AOR = 0.75, 95% CI: 0.61–0.94), homelessness (past year; AOR = 0.32, 95% CI: 0.13–0.76), and having sex with an older (>10 years) partner (AOR = 0.37, 95% CI: 0.14–0.95) were negatively associated with commercial lubricant use. These factors should be considered in the development of rectal microbicide gels to enhance their acceptability and use among MSM.  相似文献   

深圳市男男性行为者STD/AIDS感染情况研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解深圳市男男性行为者(MSM)群体的性传播疾病/艾滋病(STD/AIDS)感染状况。方法在知情同意、匿名自愿的前提下,从男男性行为群体聚集的酒吧、家庭、会所等场所选择研究对象,在现场开展问卷调查、现场体检和实验室标本的采集和检测。结果共调查检测各种文化层次人员182人,平均年龄(20.39±2.80)岁,未婚者占90.5%。其中只有同性性行为者占42.5%,其余均同时与异性有性行为。被调查者与固定性伴发生性行为时每次均使用安全套的比例为49.2%。其中6.7%的人报告曾被诊断有性病。尿道分泌物检查淋球菌阳性率1.68%,衣原体阳性率5.03%。肛门拭子检查淋球菌阳性率2.23%,衣原体阳性率27.93%。血清学检查HIV抗体阳性率0.55%,梅毒阳性率15.39%。结论男男性行为人群性病的感染水平较一般人群高,性生活状态复杂且缺乏安全性意识,是STD/AIDS传播的桥梁人群。  相似文献   

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