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Carcinoma of the colon and rectum are rare in children and under the age of 40 years. A case of coro-rectal carcinoma in a nine-year-old Nigerian male child is reported. Family history was significant in the patient, it revealed that his father died three years earlier because of chronic diarrhoea and mucoid stool with associated on and off constipation and one of his elder brothers died eight years ago of colonic cancer at the age of twenty years. Exploratory laparotomy was done for the patient which revealed fixed rectosigmoid tumour with metastases to the liver, omentum and small intestine and ascites was also found. Hartmann's procedure with sigmoid colostomy was performed and the tumour was resected. Histological report of the biopsy specimen was consistent with poorly differentiated adeno-carcinoma. To the best of our knowledge, the youngest patient recorded in the literature is seven years old, which is younger than our patient, but this is still the youngest in our records. 相似文献
Atallah NG 《Le Journal médical libanais. The Lebanese medical journal》2006,54(3):161-163
The author reports the case of a man presenting with a bloody discharge from the right nipple without a palpable mass. On the mammogram pleiomorphic microcalcifications were identified (BIRADS-Category 4B). An ultrasound guided mammotome vacuum-assisted biopsy (11-G) was done, because the breast was thin and the microcalcifications were seen by ultrasound. This is the first case report of a biopsy performed under ultrasound guidance for a man with breast microcalcifications. The diagnosis of DCIS was confirmed by pathology. 相似文献
MRI诊断男性原发性乳腺癌1例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
患者 ,男 ,62岁 ,发现右胸壁无痛性包块 3年 ,包块增大并疼痛 7个月。查体 :右侧乳房外上象限近乳头处扪及一 3 0cm× 4 0cm包块 ,质硬 ,有中度触痛 ,表面欠光滑 ,活动度较差 ;包块呈球状突出胸壁 ,表面皮肤发红 ,无破溃及“酒窝征”、“桔皮征” ,乳头无凹陷 ,挤压乳头无溢液。双侧腋窝未扪及肿大淋巴结。 MRI :右侧乳腺较对侧增大 ,外上象限见一约 2 .5cm× 3 .0cm× 3 .9cm椭圆形肿块 ,与腺体分界较清楚 ,但与胸壁分界不清楚 ,病灶内部信号不均匀 ,呈长T1长T2信号 ,见图 1。注射造影剂后 ,病灶呈不均匀强化。双侧腋窝未显示肿大淋… 相似文献
1 病例报告 患者 ,男 ,5 0岁 ,发现左胸壁肿物 17年余收治普外科 ,患者 17年前偶然发现左胸壁一约蚕豆大小肿物 ,后渐增大 ,表面红肿、破溃 ,于 2 0 0 1- 0 5行手术治疗 ,未病检 .术后 7mo复发 ,且肿物迅速增大 .查体 :左胸壁可见一儿头大肿物 ,表面皮肤发亮 ,可见怒张静脉 ,有红肿、破溃、溢淡黄色液 ,质韧 ,易推动 ,无压痛 ,双侧锁骨上、下及腋窝淋巴结无肿大 .诊断 :男性乳腺肿瘤 .行“左乳腺肿瘤切除术”,术中见肿物表面呈结节状 ,与周围组织无明显粘连 ,完整切除肿物 ,并切除部分胸大肌 .肉眼所见 :切除条索状皮肤一块 ,面积 4.5cm×… 相似文献
A 10-year-old girl was admitted for abdominal pain for 1 week. Morning vomiting with 5 Ascaris and diarrhea with Ascaris were found. Radiograph of the abdomen disclosed no significant abnormality. Abdominal sonogram revealed a normal biliary tree; but mildly enlarged pancreatic thickness, and thickened gallbladder wall. Within the thickened gallbladder wall a linear echogenic structure with worm-like movement suspected of being Ascaris was found. We report this case because pediatric pancreatitis and a gallbladder wall thickened with worm-movement have rarely been reported. Urgent treatment and surgery are required for the very ill child with a tensely distended abdomen or signs of peritoneal irritation. Early diagnosis is very important to prevent further complications. We emphasize the role of sonography in the diagnosis of this case and the prevention of progressive deterioration. 相似文献
A. Hussain K. J. Sweeney R. Salman G. M. Callagy I. Sweeney R. McLaughlin 《Irish journal of medical science》2012,181(3):329-331
Carcinoma of the male breast is an infrequent and poorly understood disease (Sinha et al. in Ann R Coll Surg Engl 88(5):W3?CW5, 2006). It differs from female breast cancer in both demographic and histopathological characteristics.Materials and methods
Herein we describe a case of intracystic papillary carcinoma in situ in a male breast with a review of the literature.Conclusion
Although rare, in situ carcinoma constitutes a larger proportion of male than female breast cancer in a non-screened population. It is characteristically of the papillary and micropapillary subtype. Intracystic papillary carcinoma is a noncomedo intraductal carcinoma constituting about 0.5% of female breast cancers and is associated with a slightly inferior prognosis than other noncomedo intraductal carcinomas (Lefkowitz et al. in Hum Pathol 25:802?C809, 1994). 相似文献12.
患者,女性,27岁.发现右乳包块2年,产后1个月伴右乳红肿、胀痛6 d,破溃、流脓3 d.患者于2年前发现右乳外上象限直径约1 cm包块.自2003年3月怀孕后,自觉包块呈进行性增大,直径达2 cm,产后25 d出现右乳外侧乳晕处红肿、胀痛,3 d后右乳9点处出现破溃,有淡红色脓性分泌物溢出. 相似文献
患者 ,女 ,49岁 ,2个月前发现左侧乳房有一“鸡蛋”大小包块 ,无疼痛 ,皮肤无红肿及破溃 ,乳头无溢血、溢液。 2 0d前 ,偶感疼痛 ,呈隐痛 ,劳动后加剧 ,于 2 0 0 2年 4月 18日来我院就诊。 入院查体 ,左乳无红肿 ,未见皮肤破溃 ,无橘皮样外观 ,乳头无溢血、溢液 ,外上象限扪及大小为 4cm× 4cm× 4cm包块 ,质韧 ,边界不清 ,活动性差 ,稍压痛 ,表面不光滑 ,腋窝未扪及肿大淋巴结。B超示右乳外上象限探及一 3 .5cm× 4cm不均质实性包块 ,考虑为乳腺恶性肿瘤。穿刺病理结果 :左侧乳腺浸润性导管癌。遂行乳腺癌改良根治术。病理检查 :切除一… 相似文献
Hidradenoma papilliferum is a rare apocrine gland tumour, described only once previously in a male. We present the second
such case. 相似文献
R. L. Prince 《Postgraduate medical journal》1984,60(706):542-543
There is an increased risk of development of carcinoma of the breast in males with hypogonadism due to Klinefelter''s syndrome. A patient with isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and gynaecomastia developed an intraduct carcinoma of the breast. This is believed to be the first reported case of this association. 相似文献
Relapsing polychondritis (RP) is a rare disorder of unknown cause. It is characterized by recurrent inflammation of cartilage and connective tissue. Airway complications are the most serious manifestations. The anesthetic management of patients with RP is challenging Airway management is of primary importance because of the potential for collapse of supporting airway structures with resulting inability to intubate and ventilate the patient. Although it tends to occur in middle age (〉 40 years), it has been reported in younger individuals. Herein we report a case of anesthetic management of a child with RP for tracheotomy combined with insertion of T tube stent and review several other cases. 相似文献