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The carcinogenicity of the mutagenic compound 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]-quinoline (IQ), identified in fried and broiled foods, was investigated in female Sprague-Dawley rats. Administration by gavage of IQ (0.4 mmol/kg body weight) on a weekly regimen for 31 weeks starting with 6-week-old animals induced a high yield of multiple mammary gland carcinomas in a limited bioassay lasting a total of 52 weeks. In a positive control group receiving 4-aminobiphenyl (4-AB), the expected carcinomas in the mammary gland developed. IQ, but not 4-AB, also yielded neoplasms in the ear duct and to a lesser degree, in the liver, pancreas, and urinary bladder. In addition, with IQ, a high incidence of preneoplastic lesions in the pancreas was observed. Vehicle and untreated controls did not have any lesions. These findings demonstrate that IQ is a powerful multipotent carcinogen in the rat.  相似文献   

We investigated the impact of the intestinal microflora on the genotoxicity of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f] quinoline (IQ), a mutagenic/carcinogenic heterocyclic amine commonly found in fried meats and fish. In parallel, we also examined the effect of the microflora on the protective effect of glucotropaeolin (GT), a glucosinolate contained in cruciferous vegetables, towards IQ-induced genotoxic effect. Conventional (NF), human flora associated (HFA) and germ free (GF) rats were treated either with 90 mg/kg IQ alone, 150 mg/kg GT alone or a combination of the two by gavage and DNA damage was determined in liver and colon cells using the alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (SCGE) or comet assay. IQ caused a significant effect in both organs of all groups. However, DNA damage was most pronounced in NF animals. In colon cells, DNA migration was 6-fold more in IQ-exposed rats as compared with untreated controls. The effect measured with liver cells was similar. In comparison to NF rats, in HFA rats, tail length of the comets was 22 and 53% lower in liver and colon cells, respectively. Significantly weaker effects were seen in GF animals (66 and 75% lower damage in hepatocytes and colonocytes, respectively, than in NF animals). Pretreatment with GT led to a complete reduction of IQ-induced DNA damage regardless of the microbial status of the animals. In addition, a moderate decrease in spontaneous DNA damage was seen in animals that received GT alone. Our results show that the microflora has a strong impact on the genotoxic effects of IQ. We conclude that the alkaline SCGE assay with rats harbouring different flora opens new possibilities to investigate the role of intestinal bacteria on health risks caused by dietary carcinogens.  相似文献   

Eight forms of human liver microsomal P-450 were individually expressed in human hepatoma Hep G2 cells with a vaccinia virus cDNA expression system. Using the Ames test, each expressed P-450 was examined for its ability to activate to mutagenic products the compounds, 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline, 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline, 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline, and 2-amino-3,4,8-trimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline, respectively. Three forms of human P-450 significantly activated 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline when the latter was at high substrate concentrations, but only a single form, P-450IA2, showed very high activation of all promutagens at lower substrate concentrations. Human IA2 had extraordinarily high affinity towards four promutagens tested and is likely the predominant P-450 enzyme responsible for their mutagenic activation in human liver.  相似文献   

2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ), which is mutagenic and carcinogenic, was found to be present in cigarette smoke condensate by liquid chromatography with an electrochemical detector and a photodiode-array detector. The amount of IQ was estimated to be 0.26 ng per cigarette.  相似文献   

The involvement of rabbit liver cytochromes P-450 in the activation of the food derived heterocyclic amine mutagen, 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ), was assessed using the Ames/Salmonella test. The number of revertants induced by IQ per microgram of control rabbit liver microsomes was 1872 +/- 50 (SD, n = 3), and this increased to 3690 +/- 239 when microsomes from 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) animals were used as the metabolic activation source. Microsomes from phenobarbital, rifampicin, and acetone pretreated rabbits were less efficient the controls at activating IQ to a mutagen. Cytochrome P-450 Forms 4 and 6, which are induced by TCDD, were found to be efficient activators of IQ to a mutagen in reconstitution experiments. Form 4 was 7.7-fold more active than Form 6 and produced 1702 revertants/0.125 pmol with a 20-min preincubation step in the Ames test. Anti-Form 4 IgG inhibited the activation of IQ in control and TCDD induced microsomes by 78 and 79%, respectively. The contents of cytochrome P-450 Form 4, determined by Western blot analysis, in control and phenobarbital, acetone, rifampicin, and TCDD pretreated microsomes were 0.55 +/- 0.19, 0.63 +/- 0.34, 0.5 +/- 0.27, 0.28 +/- 0.16, and 2.19 +/- 0.43 (n = 3) nmol/mg protein, respectively. A highly significant statistical correlation existed between the capacity of the above microsomes to activate IQ to a mutagen and their cytochrome P-450 Form 4 content (r = 0.96; r2 = 0.92). The content of cytochrome P-450 Form 6 in the above microsomes was also highly correlated with their capacity to activate IQ (r = 0.92; r2 = 0.85). Based on these results and the tissue distribution of cytochrome P-450 Forms 4 and 6, the former obviously contributes most toward the activation of IQ in the liver, whereas Form 6 would be expected to be primarily involved in this process in extrahepatic tissues.  相似文献   

2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ), a heterocyclic aromatic amine that has been identified in cooked meats and cigarette condensates, is mutagenic in human lymphoblastoid TK6 cells at the thymidine kinase and hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (hprt) loci. Treatment of the cells with IQ following activation with either an exogenous metabolizing mixture (S9) or following photoactivation of the azido-derivative of IQ (N3-IQ) showed that the photolytic-derivative of N3-IQ was more active. This observation is consistent with other reports that indicate that the weak mutagenicity of IQ in mammalian cells is caused by the lack of enzymes required for the ultimate activation of the compound within the cells. Two DNA adducts were found by 32P-post-labelling in the cells treated with the photoactivated N3-IQ. The major adduct was identified as N- (deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (dG-C8-IQ) and the minor adduct as 5-(deoxyguanosin-N2-yl)-2-amino-3- methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (dG-N2-IQ). The ratio of the dG-C8IQ to the dG-N2-IQ adducts was approximately 3:1 and did not significantly change in cultures treated with different concentrations of the mutagen. Approximately 50% of the adducts were removed 9 h after treatment with IQ and <10% of these adducts remained after 24 h. There was no significant preferential repair of either adduct under the experimental conditions used. The identification of 15 mutations induced at the hprt locus (of the 44 mutants analysed) showed IQ to be efficient at inducing single base deletions in a run of guanines. Six single guanine deletions were observed in the run of six guanines in exon III and one deletion of a single guanine was observed in a non- repetitive sequence in exon VI. Other mutations observed were two GC-- >TA transversions, two GC-->CG transversions, one AT-->TA transversion and one GC-->AT transition. In addition, two multiple mutations were found. The majority of the identified mutations (12/15) occurred at GC base pairs and suggests either the dG-C8-IQ or the dG-N2-IQ adduct to be the pre-mutagenic lesion.   相似文献   

The food mutagen 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ)is an analogue of quinoline, a hepatocarcinogen. 2-Aminofluorene,benzldine and 3,2'-dimethyl-4-aminobiphenyl (DMAB) are potentinducers of unscheduled DNA repair in primary culture rat liverhepatocytes, as was IQ (151 grains/ nucleus at 1 x 10–6M). Quinoline, on the other hand, is only weakly positive inthis assay (15 grains/nucleus at 1 x 10–3 M). IQ, quinolineand DMAB were applied topically to shaved skin of Sencar micewith promotion by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate (TPA)for 20 weeks, when 14 of 20 mice in the quinoline group had25 tumors, but only one of 30 animals in the IQ group and fiveof 30 in the DMAB group were tumor-bearing. Analogs of IQ synthesizedby substitution at the 2- or 3-position with amino or methylgroups were assayed with the Ames Salmonella typhimurium testerstrains TA98 and TA100. Mutagenicity for TA98 is reduced inthe absence of the 3-methyl group and is completely abolishedwith removal of the 2-amino moiety. None of these analogs arestrong mutagens for TA100. Exocyclic N-oxidation is a likelyobligatory step in the activation of IQ to a mutagen.  相似文献   

A sensitive fluorometric method has been developed for the determinationof carcinogenic amino imidazoazaarenes (AIA compounds) whichare formed during the cooking of food. They are separated byt.l.c. followed by spraying with dimethylsulfoxide and visualizationby long-wave u.v. light. Quantification is done by fluorescencescanning. This method was applied to the determination of themetabolites in urine and feces from rats given 5 mg/kg bodywt i.p. of 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) and2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (MeIQ). Metabolitesextractable by organic solvents were identified as the parentcompound and their N-acetylated derivatives (AcIQ, AcMeIQ).Between 0.1 and 1% of the administered dose was recovered asthese metabolites in urine during 24 h. The amounts of MeIQand AcMeIQ found in feces were 1 and 3% respectively. AcIQ wasnot detected in feces while IQ, MeIQ and their N-acetylatedderivatives were found in bile. The metabolites in urine wereidentified by m.s. and in feces by t.l.c. and their fluorescentproperties. When IQ or MeIQ were incubated with rat liver cytosolin the presence of acetyl-CoA, N-acetylated derivatives wereformed. The reverse reaction, deacetylation, also took placein the liver cytosol, with Km values of 67 and 32 µM forAcIQ and AcMeIQ respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of activated oncogenes in several rat hepatocellular carcinomas induced by 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]-quinoline (IQ) was examined by NIH 3T3 cell transfection assay and Southern blot analysis. In one tumor, IQ4, rat H-ras-1 and another oncogene that did not belong to the ras family were found to be activated.  相似文献   

2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) and 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline (MelQx) are carcinogens found in cooked meats that form DNA adducts upon metabolic activation. Purified DNA from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was reacted in vitro with the active metabolites N-acetoxy-lQ or N-acetoxy-MelQx, and the adduct levels in the 5′ dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) gene and downstream region were quantitated by Southern hybridization. Adducted and restricted DNA was treated with Escherichia coli uvrABC excinuclease or alkali (0.1 N NaOH, 37°C, 60 min) to incise DNA at IQ and MeIQx adduct sites. The DNA was then denatured with formamide, electrophoresed on a neutral agarose gel, transferred to a support membrane, and hybridized with sequence-specific DNA probes. Both uvrABC and alkali reduced the intensity of Southern hybridization in proportion to the number of IQ or MeIQx adducts in DNA, indicating that these adducts are substrates for uvrABC and that they form alkali-labile lesions in DNA. IQ and MeIQx adduct levels were the same in the 5′ DHFR gene and in the downstream region. Southern hybridization analysis of pBR322 containing known levels of IQ or MeIQx adducts showed that the efficiency of cutting IQ or MeIQx adducts by uvrABC excinuclease and alkali was approximately 30% and 15%, respectively. 32P-postlabeling studies examining adduct level in bulk DNA further showed that the adduct profiles were identical in pBR322, CHO DNA, and cultured CHO cells exposed to the reactive metabolites of IQ or MeIQx. The results indicate that IQ and MeIOx adducts can be quantitated in specific genomic sequences and that this method should be directly applicable to studies of gene-specific repair of these adducts in cultured cells.  相似文献   

2-Nitro-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (NO2-MeIQ) is thenitro derivative of 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimi-dazo[4,5-f]quinoline(MeIQ), one of the food pyrolysis product mutagens and carcinogens.The mutational specificity of NO2-MeIQ was determined usingthe lacI system in an Escherichia coli strain, EE125, harbouringthe plasmid pKM101. NO2-MeIQ acts as a direct-acting mutagentowards this strain, and induces a broad range of mutationalalterations. At higher doses; G:C  相似文献   

The food mutagen 2-amino-3-methlimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ)is carcinogenic in the CDF1 mouse liver, lungs and stomach.IQ Is activated to its ultimate carcinogenic form by N-hydroxylation,catalyzed principally by hepatic microsomal cytochrome P450IA2,and further esterification, resulting in the formation of N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-IQand other adducts. The furanoterpenold 4-ipomeanol (IPO) isa naturally occurring pneumotoxin which exerts its specifictoxicity in Clara cells of the lung after activation by microsomalcytochrome P450. Because IPO is activated in the liver by acytochrome P450IA2 enzyme, we evaluated IPO as a possible chemopreventiveagent by assessing its ability to inhibit IQ-DNA adduct formationin the CDF1 mouse. Mice were put on an AIN-76A diet with orwithout 0.075% IPO from day 0 to 54. IQ (0.01%) was added tothe diets from day 22 to 41 and animals were killed (four animals/timepoint) on days 42, 44, 46, 48, 50 and 54. Blood (for white bloodcell isolation), liver, lungs, stomach, small intestine, cecun,colon, kidneys, spleen and heart were collected for analysisof IQ-DNA adducts by .32P-post-labeling. During the 12 day periodafter cessation of IQ exposure (days 42–54) IQ-DNA adductformation was significantly inhibited in the liver (33.6–46.4%),lungs (29.9–58.6%), stomach (33.2–51.5%) and whiteblood cells (24.5–63.7%), but not in the other organs.Except in the colon, adduct removal from organs during days42–54 was relatively slow (36.0–81.9% of day 42levels remaining on day 54, 9.4–16.7% in the colon), butthe presence of IPO in the diet did not influence the rate ofadduct removal. Measurement of hepatic microsomal ethoxyresorufindeethylase, an activity specific for cytochrome P450IA isozymes,showed that the enzyme could be inhibited (14.1–68.1%)by IPO (0.05–10.0 mM) in vitro. It is concluded that IPOinhibits IQ-DNA adduct formation in target organs of the CDF1mouse and that IPO may act by inhibiting N-hydroxylation ofIQ. It is therefore possible that IPO may be a candidate chemopreventiveagent against IQ-induced carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

When incubated in suspension with the heterocyclic aromatic amine food mutagens 2-amino-3-methylimidazo [4,5-f]-quinoline (IQ) and 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (MeIQ), human mammary epithelial cell aggregates were found, by 32P-postlabelling analysis, to yield DNA that contained adducts. Analysis by HPLC of the 32P-labelled digests of mammary cell DNA indicated that in each case a major adduct peak corresponded to that produced in DNA in vitro by activated derivatives of the two compounds. The patterns of adducts obtained when DNA digests were separated by TLC on polyethyleneimine-cellulose plates were found to resemble those previously shown to be present in DNA of tissues of mice fed IQ or MeIQ. These results demonstrate the ability of human mammary epithelial cells to activate carcinogenic heterocyclic compounds known to be present in the human diet to DNA binding derivatives.  相似文献   

A rapid and simple scheme has been developed for the isolation and purification of two of the major mutagenic heterocyclic amines formed in heated beef products by affinity chromatography using monoclonal antibodies which recognize 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ). Two cell lines producing IgG antibodies were established following fusion of Sp2 or P3x.63 myeloma cells with spleen cells of immunized BALB/cby mice. The antigen was bovine gamma globulin haptenized with 2-(3-carboxypropylthio)-3-methylimidazo-[4,5-f]quinoline. The antibodies were immobilized on CNBr-activated Sepharose 4B. IQ and MeIQx formed in heated beef products were partially purified by XAD-2 chromatography and then applied to the affinity columns. Purification by affinity chromatography was adequate for subsequent quantitative analysis by HPLC with UV detection. With this purification scheme as little as 1 g of beef extract or 15 g of fried beef could be assayed for IQ and MeIQx at the part per billion level. Both antibodies had similar affinity constants for IQ (9.3 X 10(6) and 6.7 X 10(6) M-1) and for MeIQx (7.1 X 10(5) and 2.7 X 10(5) M-1) and both were suitable for immunoaffinity purification of IQ from complex mixtures. MAb2 could be used as well to selectively remove MeIQx from meat products after partial purification by XAD-2. MAb1, despite having a 3-fold higher affinity than MAb2 for MeIQx, could not be used for affinity chromatography for this mutagen.  相似文献   

A new approach to low-dose assessment of carcinogenic potential was applied to food contaminant pyrolysis products. Single intragastric doses of the carcinogenic pyrolysates, 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) or 2-amino-3,8-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline MeIQx), were given 12 h after two-thirds partial hepatectomy (PH) to F344 male rats. Two weeks thereafter the animals were placed on a basal diet containing 0.05% phenobarbital (PB) for 6 weeks combined with an i.p. administration of D-galactosamine (300 mg/kg) to facilitate growth of initiated cells. Both IQ and MeIQx clearly caused initiation of hepatocarcinogenesis as revealed by induction of preneoplastic placental-form glutathione-S-transferase-positive (GST-P+) hepatocyte foci composed of more than three cells (approximately 30 microns in diameter). A similar protocol without performance of PH before pyrolysate administration gave a positive result only for the IQ-treated group indicating that cell proliferation is essential during the low-dose, one-shot initiation step. IQ was found to be two to three times more potent in inducing GST-P+ foci using both protocols. The current approach could find application in practical carcinogenicity screening of chemicals, for which only small amounts are available.  相似文献   

Male and female CDF1 mice were administered a single oral dose of 3 mumol of the food mutagens 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) or 2-amino-3,4-dimethylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (MeIQ) and killed 24 h later. DNA was isolated from the livers, lungs, kidneys, colon and forestomach and analysed by 32P-postlabelling for the presence of IQ and MeIQ adducts. Several adduct-enrichment procedures were investigated, including ATP-deficient labelling conditions, butanol extraction and nuclease P1 digestion, and only the ATP-deficient procedure was found to produce the same adduct pattern on polyethyleneimine--cellulose TLC as the standard procedure. Up to nine adduct spots were detected in liver DNA from IQ-treated mice, two of which were not detected in other tissues. The levels of binding in both male and female mice were in the order liver greater than kidney greater than colon greater than forestomach greater than lung. Analysis of DNA from MeIQ-treated mice revealed the presence of up to seven adducts, one of which was detected in liver but not in other tissues. The relative order of DNA binding was kidney greater than liver greater than or equal to colon greater than forestomach greater than lung. As dietary feeding of IQ induces liver, lung and forestomach tumours, and MeIQ induces liver and forestomach tumours in this mouse strain, these binding levels do not correlate with the susceptibility of the organs to carcinogenesis induced by these compounds; the results may indicate the importance of additional factors in determining organ specificity of carcinogenicity.  相似文献   

p53 knockout mice are now being frequently used to identify the carcinogenic potential of chemicals, thus it is important to precisely assess the susceptibility of the animals to various test chemicals. In the present study the susceptibility of p53 nullizygous((-/-)), heterozygous((+/-)), and wild-type((+/+)) mice to 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline (IQ) was investigated. Mice of all three genotypes were first fed a diet containing 100 or 300 p.p.m. IQ for 15 weeks in a short-term experiment. p53((+/-)) and ((+/+)) mice were then treated with IQ for 40 weeks and maintained without further treatment for an additional 12 weeks in the long-term experiment. In the forestomach, the incidence of squamous cell hyperplasia was significantly higher in p53((-/-)) than in ((+/-)) and ((+/+)) mice at 15 weeks and higher in ((+/-)) mice than ((+/+)) mice with long-term IQ treatment, indicating an elevated susceptibility of p53 knockout mice. In contrast, in the liver, various hepatocellular lesions developed mainly in female mice with long-term IQ exposure but no significant differences were evident between p53 knockout and wild-type mice, indicating a lack of elevated susceptibility in the knockout animals. Furthermore, polymerase chain reaction-single strand conformation polymorphism and sequencing analysis revealed relatively high (13/30) and low (1/15) incidences of p53 mutations (exons 5-8) in squamous cell hyperplasia and hepatocellular tumors, respectively. These results clearly indicate that the susceptibility of p53 knockout mice is organ-dependent, coinciding to some extent with the likelihood of p53 gene alteration in the induced tumors.  相似文献   

2-Amino-3-methylimldazo [4,5-f]quinoline [I] is a potent mutagenisolated from broiled sun-dried sardine. [I] and its seven ofderivatives, (two isomers, one demethylated derivative and fourmethyl-substituted derivatives), were tested for mutagenicityon Salmonella typhimurium TA98 and TA100 in the presence ofS9 mix. 2-Amino-1,4-dlmethylimldazo [4,5-f]quinoline was thestrongest mutagen of these 8 compounds on TA98, giving 159,000revertants/nmol (750,000 revertants/µg). The demethylatedderivative, 2-aminoimidazo [4,5-f]quinoline, had very weak mutagenicity,inducing only 55 revertants/nmol (200 revertants/µg).Compounds having a methyl group at position N-1 or N-3 of 2-aminoimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline were strong mutagens. The 1,5-dimethyl-derivativewas more mutagenic than 3,5-dimethyl-derivative. Introductionof a methyl group at position 4 and position 5 enhanced andreduced the mutagenicity, respectively. All the compounds testedwere more mutagenic to TA98 than to TA100, but their relativeorders of mutgenlcity with TA98 and TA100 were the same.  相似文献   

The effects of IQ on the promotion stage of DHPN-induced lung carcinogenesis and contributions of oxidative stress were investigated in rats. Groups of 20 male 6-week-old F344 rats were given 0.1% DHPN in their drinking water for 2 weeks for initiation. From the age of 9 weeks, they were treated with 0, 150 and 300 p.p.m. of IQ in the diet for 27 weeks. Control rats were similarly fed 300 p.p.m. IQ or basal diet alone without the preceding initiation. IQ clearly (P < 0.01) enhanced the multiplicity of lung tumors in a dose-dependent manner (DHPN alone, 3.63 +/- 1.80; DHPN +150 p.p.m. IQ, 11.50 +/- 5.04; DHPN +300 p.p.m. IQ, 18.83 +/- 4.58 [no./rat]). In addition, the incidence of lung tumors in the 300 p.p.m. IQ alone group (25%) was significantly (P < 0.05) higher than that in the non-treatment group (0%). In a second experiment, male rats were given IQ at doses of 0 and 300 p.p.m. in the diet for one week in order to analyze 8-OHdG formation, levels of TBARS and BrdU-LI in the lungs. There were no changes in 8-OHdG or TBARS levels, but significant elevation of BrdU-LI occurred in the IQ administration group. The overall data clearly indicate that IQ is a potent lung carcinogen in rats, in which oxidative stress may not be involved in lung carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

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