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The solid tumor mRNA expression of genes related to the mechanism of action of certain antineoplastic agents is often predictive of clinical efficacy. We report here on the development of a rapid and practical real-time RT-PCR method to quantify genetic expression in solid tumors. The genes examined are related to the intracellular pharmacology of gemcitabine and cisplatin, two drugs that are used in the treatment of several types of advanced cancer. We evaluated target gene mRNA levels from breast tumor samples using two quantitative RT-PCR methods: 1) an improved relative RT-PCR method using fluorescence-labeled primers, automated PCR set up, and GeneScan analysis software; and 2) real-time RT-PCR with redesigned primers using an ABI 7900HT instrument, with additional postprocessing of the data to adjust for efficiency differences across the target genes. Using these methods, we quantified mRNA expression levels of deoxycytidine kinase (dCK), deoxycytidylate deaminase (dCDA), the M1 and M2 subunits of ribonucleotide reductase (RRM1, RRM2), and excision cross complementation group 1 (ERCC1) in 35 human "fresh" frozen breast cancer biopsies. While both assay methods were substantially more rapid than traditional RT-PCR, real-time RT-PCR appeared to be superior to the amplification end-point measurement in terms of precision and high throughput, even when a DNA sequencer was used to assess fluorescence-labeled PCR products. This reproducible, highly sensitive real-time RT-PCR method for the detection and quantification of the mRNAs for dCK, dCDA, RRM1, RRM2, and ERCC1 in human breast cancer biopsies appears to be more informative and less time-consuming than either classical radioisotope-dependent RT-PCR or the technique utilizing GeneScan analysis described herein. By allowing the measurement of intratumoral target gene expression, these new methods may prove useful in predicting the clinical utility of gemcitabine- and platinum-containing chemotherapy programs in patients with solid tumors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Common methods for identification of DNA sequence variants use gel electrophoresis or column separation after PCR. METHODS: We developed a method for sequence variant analysis requiring only PCR and amplicon melting analysis. One of the PCR primers was fluorescently labeled. After PCR, the melting transition of the amplicon was monitored by high-resolution melting analysis. Different homozygotes were distinguished by amplicon melting temperature (T(m)). Heterozygotes were identified by low-temperature melting of heteroduplexes, which broadened the overall melting transition. In both cases, melting analysis required approximately 1 min and no sample processing was needed after PCR. RESULTS: Polymorphisms in the HTR2A (T102C), beta-globin [hemoglobin (Hb) S, C, and E], and cystic fibrosis (F508del, F508C, I507del, I506V) genes were analyzed. Heteroduplexes produced by amplification of heterozygous DNA were best detected by rapid cooling (>2 degrees C/s) of denatured products, followed by rapid heating during melting analysis (0.2-0.4 degrees C/s). Heterozygotes were distinguished from homozygotes by a broader melting transition, and each heterozygote had a uniquely shaped fluorescent melting curve. All homozygotes tested were distinguished from each other, including Hb AA and Hb SS, which differed in T(m) by <0.2 degrees C. The amplicons varied in length from 44 to 304 bp. In place of one labeled and one unlabeled primer, a generic fluorescent oligonucleotide could be used if a 5' tail of identical sequence was added to one of the two unlabeled primers. CONCLUSION: High-resolution melting analysis of PCR products amplified with labeled primers can identify both heterozygous and homozygous sequence variants.  相似文献   

人端粒酶逆转录酶是端粒酶的催化亚单位,能以端粒酶 RNA组分为模板合成端粒,是调节端粒酶活性高低的限速决定因子,85%~95% 的肿瘤hTERT表达上调,且 hTERT表达水平与肿瘤预后密切相关。现就hTERT的基因结构、hTERT mRNA实时定量检测方法以及应用价值作一综述。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Real-time quantitative TRAP assays for detection of telomerase activity have been recently developed to eliminate complex post-PCR procedures. However, all of them use the conventional TRAP assay that possesses an unpredictable cascade of events in PCR amplification caused by stagger annealing, which may affect the accuracy of quantitation. METHODS: A novel RTQ-TRAP method was developed by combining the duplex scorpion with modified TP-TRAP assay that has high fidelity PCR amplification of the telomerase product (DS/TP-TRAP). The synthesized oligonucleotide that represents telomerase products is used to set up a standard curve. RESULTS: The DS/TP-TRAP method gives the standard curve a dynamic range of 6 orders of magnitude (R(2)=0.9992). It optimizes PCR amplification efficiency and determines telomerase activity in a lower threshold cycle number (Ct value). The method is both accurate and reproducible to measure telomerase activity in human tumor cell lines, and linearity from 1 to 1000 cells could be obtained (R(2)=0.9926). For tumor samples, the results determined by the DS/TP-TRAP assay are comparable to the data obtained with the conventional TRAP method. CONCLUSIONS: The DS/TP-TRAP assay provides a high sensitive and accurate method for real-time quantitative detection of telomerase activity. It is thus a potential robust tool for application in cancer molecular diagnostics.  相似文献   

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