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新兵是部队中一个特殊的群体,年龄以17-19岁居多,其生殖健康情况少有报道,我们对某部2011年12月入伍新兵1865例进行了生殖健康调查。现分析报告如下。  相似文献   

影响高原部队官兵生殖健康知识水平的因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基层部队官兵对性生理知识和艾滋病传播及防治知识了解不多,有的甚至还存在一定的认识误区。本研究对高原部队官兵性生理及艾滋病知识进行了问卷调查,旨在了解高原部队官兵生殖健康知识水平,并探讨其可能的影响因素,以提供更有针对性、目的性的生殖健康保健服务,提高高原部队官兵对性生理知识和艾滋病防治知识的认知水平和生殖健康水平。  相似文献   

目的:调查了解某部新兵健康素养和健康行为状况。方法:采用自行编制的新兵健康知识和健康行为问卷,对某部2010年度新兵和2009年度义务兵进行调查与分析。结果:(1)除知道不良行为和生活方式会影响心身健康、知道肥胖可引起疾病、通过报纸期刊获取保健知识及通过电视获取保健知识等4项外,新兵组健康知识知晓率和健康态度与义务兵组比较,差异显著或非常显著(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);(2)除感到心理压力或困惑时找父母、找领导诉说两项外,新兵组心理精神状态各项与义务兵组比较,差异显著或非常显著(P〈0.05,P〈0.01);(3)除没有自觉锻炼身体、有时自觉锻炼身体、睡眠质量较好、爱好学习、爱好唱歌和爱好乐器外,新兵组饮食、运动及睡眠情况等各项与义务兵组比较,差异均非常显著(P〈0.01);(4)除从不饮酒和饮啤酒2项外,新兵组吸烟、饮酒情况等各项与义务兵组比较,差异显著或非常显著(P〈0.05,P〈0.01)。结论:新兵一入伍就应进行健康教育和健康行为塑型,培养良好的心理素质和健康行为。  相似文献   

目的:调查石河子市中学生性与生殖健康知识、态度、信念和行为的现状,探讨其健康教育的模式、内容和途径。方法:对市属中学19705名男女生按10%抽样比进行问卷调查,匿名答卷。结果:总正确率为 51.17%,男女之间差异显著(P<0.01)。学生的性与生殖健康知识主要来源于广播电视及新闻媒体和学校教育。结论:中学生的性与生殖健康知识较欠缺,正确率不高,应引起有关方面的重视。  相似文献   

目的 了解海警执法员生殖道感染知识知晓度和生殖健康知识需求,为构建海警执法员生殖健康教育体系提供理论依据。方法 结合以往研究设计调查问卷,对2022年新入职的812名海警执法员进行问卷调查。结果 有效问卷回收率为95.57%,其中仅25.90%对常见的生殖系统疾病有一定了解,66.49%的无法全面回答男性生殖道感染后的表现症状;94.72%的认为有必要开展生殖健康教育;90%以上的人员渴望获得生殖健康知识,希望获取生殖健康知识的方式依次为现场讲座、线上授课、网络文章、书籍或光盘教育和朋友或亲人的口口相传。结论 海警执法员普遍缺乏生殖健康知识,对常见生殖系统疾病认知不全面、不系统;需结合他们自身特点开展生殖健康教育,为提高战斗力提供有力保障。  相似文献   

目的提高新兵对艾滋病的认识。方法采用问卷法对2006年入伍新兵进行艾滋病相关知识调查,并对所调查艾滋病相关知识的问题当场进行解答和健康教育,4~6周后再对部分新兵进行第2次调查。结果新兵对有关艾滋病知识贫乏,教育前后差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论对新兵进行艾滋病知识教育非常必要。  相似文献   

目的:调查了解某部新兵的营养知识、态度和饮食行为现状,为引导合理膳食提供科学依据。方法:选择某部新兵435例,采用自行设计的“新兵营养知识、态度及饮食行为的调查”问卷进行调查。结果:某部新兵营养知识及格率48.4%、饮食行为及格率56.6%,对营养知识的求知欲望及格率为97.3%。结论:某部新兵营养知识、饮食行为及格率低,营养知识求知欲望高,应加强新兵营养知识和饮食行为教育。  相似文献   

 目的 调查并评估南疆武警某部新兵的健康教育需求。方法 通过自编调查问卷的方法,调查了南疆武警某部480名新兵的健康教育需求内容、健康需求方式、健康知信行现状,并按不同学历、不同户籍对新兵的健康教育需求进行综合分析、评估。结果 武警南疆某部新兵健康知信行现状中健康知识总知晓率为70.25%,健康态度总持有率为88.46%,健康行为总持有率为62.35%;对健康教育知识的需求广泛,健康教育需求内容居前5位的依次是反恐维稳自我防护(100%),反恐维稳心理调节(100%),民族地区生活习俗(87.95%),沙漠地区降温防寒知识(83.93%),战伤的救护知识(83.09%)和沙漠地区气候特点(83.09%);新兵处理应激与社交障碍的需求最低(43.97%)。健康教育需求方式排在前2 位的分别是录像、幻灯等多媒体和上网自学,分别为84.24%和 60.44%;不同学历、不同户籍新兵在性生理与性心理需求方面差异有统计学意义。结论 南疆武警新兵对于健康教育突出的需求是反恐维稳自我防护、反恐维稳心理调节和民族地区生活习俗,喜欢的健康教育方式为录像、幻灯等多媒体和上网自学。  相似文献   

现代化战争中,军人的心理素质至关重要,因此引发了人们对新兵筛选及新兵心理健康状况监测的重视[1].对新兵进行心理健康监测的目的就是发现心理问题现症患者或新兵精神疾病病史,避免新兵带病入伍;同时对集训期健康或亚健康状态的新兵进行跟踪监测,确定哪些新兵需要进行心理干预,哪些人可能对干预效果好;也有助于对新兵集训结束后军兵种或工种安排提供参考性意见.  相似文献   

随着新兵下到连队,为随时全面掌握新兵的身体心理状态,帮助新兵走好正式军旅生涯的第一步,同时做好冬季疾病的预防工作,舟山警备区海防某团党委专门制定出相应的具体措施,在辖区部队广泛开展“关爱新兵健康”活动。除在日常训练、生活中提供严密周到的保障外,他们还组织医护人员深入到基层一线,进行健康知识讲座、心理咨询,查体送药,传授救护技能,为新兵提供优质的医疗服务,让新兵尽快度过“第二适应期”,以更加饱满的热情投入到火热的训练场。  相似文献   

彭周雨  徐喆玥 《武警医学》2018,29(3):233-235
 目的 了解高原官兵健康教育需求情况,为健康教育方案提供科学依据。方法 采用随机抽样法选择四川省阿坝州红原县某部官兵423名为研究对象进行问卷调查,内容包括高原卫生、高原防护等相关知识的掌握情况,官兵对健康教育的需求和喜好方式,并对结果进行比对分析。结果 所有驻训官兵对健康基本知识较为熟悉,但对高原疾病预防的掌握程度较差;在各项知识的掌握程度上,老兵较熟悉健康基本知识(53.2%)及高原训练伤知识(31.2%),明显高于新兵的47.4%和22.7%。新兵和老兵在健康教育的需求及获得方式上均有所不同。结论 高原官兵对健康教育需求迫切,应有针对性地开展官兵易于接受的健康教育。  相似文献   

武警女兵新兵774例月经变化情况的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 目的了解武警女兵新兵入伍后的月经情况及影响月经的各种因素,以便制定相应的防治措施,为保障女兵身心健康及正常训练,提供有效参考数据.方法调查某地区新入伍女兵774例,并以地方新入学女大学生310例为对照组.观察女兵和女生入伍(入学)1~12个月的月经变化情况.结果女兵入伍后3个月时,月经异常发生率为56.3%,女生为17.4%,两组间差异非常显著.在入伍(入学)3个月时的月经异常者中,精神紧张、疲劳及适应能力差的百分率均高于月经正常者,女兵组比女生组更为明显,两组间差异非常显著.在入伍(入学)12个月时,月经异常者大多数恢复正常,月经异常率两组相似.结论女兵入伍后,月经异常发生率明显增高,其原因除受环境改变及生活习惯改变等影响外,精神紧张、心理压力及体能消耗是本组女兵月经异常的主要因素.  相似文献   

Health systems face enormous challenges in fragile and post-conflict states. This paper will review recent literature to better understand how, within a context of economic volatility, political instability, infrastructural collapse and human resource scarcity, population health deteriorates and requires significant attention and resources to rebuild. Classifications of fragile and post-conflict states differ among organizations and reviewing the basic consensus as well as differences will assist in clarifying how organizations use these terms and how statistics on these nations come about. Of particular interest is the increase in local conflicts within states that may not affect national mortality and morbidity but pose heavy burdens on regional populations. Recent research on sexual and reproductive health, children’s health and mental health within fragile and post-conflict states highlights the effects of healthcare systems and their breakdown on communities. We propose a research agenda to further explore knowledge gaps concerning health in fragile and post-conflict states.  相似文献   

宫雯 《临床军医杂志》2012,40(4):925-927
目的探讨未婚人工流产女青年心理健康状况。方法以匿名方式发放精神症状自评量表(SCL-90)及自编的流产相关问题问卷调查并分析资料。结果 (1)研究组263例的SCL-90各因子除强迫和偏执以外,其余分值均高于全国常模。两者比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组的躯体化、人际关系、抑郁、焦虑、恐惧和敌对性、精神病性分值高于对照组有统计学意义(P<0.05)。(2)流产相关问卷结果显示,76%的未婚青少年女性能自己发现怀孕但不了解人流的危害,23%青少年女性缺乏必要的避孕及生殖健康知识。在263例中有20%青少年未婚女性为2次以上流产。流产给青少年女性的心理带来自责,恐惧,焦虑等负性情绪体验。结论未婚先孕青年女性的性卫生和性安全知识水平有待提高。积极开展生殖健康心理咨询,指导落实确实可靠的避孕措施,是降低未婚青少年女性人工流产率,保障其身心健康的关健。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to examine the way in which the oral health of recruits changed during the 4 years immediately after entry on active duty. METHODS: In 1998, 1,331 dental records of recruits in the 1994 Tri-Service Comprehensive Oral Health Survey were located, and treatment data were analyzed. RESULTS: Class 1, treatment complete or no treatment indicated, was achieved by 61.2% (95% confidence interval, 58.4-64.0) of service members during the 4-year study period. Army, Navy, and Marine Corps percentages did not significantly differ in the range of 50% to 60%. The Air Force was significantly higher at 89.5% achieving class 1. CONCLUSIONS: All services were successful in achieving and maintaining operational readiness among 1994 recruits who spent 93% of their first 4 years of military service in a deployable oral health status (class 1 or 2). A significant number of recruits (38.8%) never achieved complete oral health (class 1).  相似文献   

Cook RJ 《Medicine and law》2002,21(1):155-164
This article reviews the jurisprudence on reproductive and sexual health of national and international tribunals. This review reveals a shift from controlling reproduction and sexuality through the use of criminal law to impose a moral order, to the use of administrative law to ensure availability of safe and effective services, and, finally, to the use of human rights to promote respect for human dignity. The conventional use of criminal law to prohibit provision of reproductive and sexual health services, underage sex, and relations between same-sex partners is waning. Due in part to research showing how criminal law harms reproductive health, an emerging judicial trend is toward the more pragmatic use of law to reduce the harm to health associated with sexuality and reproduction. Most recently, courts are recognizing that respect for individuals' needs to protect their reproductive and sexual health is a matter of social justice.  相似文献   

5000m以上高原男性军人性知识及性教育调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的掌握5 000 m以上高原男性军人性知识及性教育情况,为高原部队开展性知识教育提供参考依据。方法采用问卷调查的方式,抽样调查了喀喇昆仑山5 000 m以上高原86名17~29岁男性军人的性知识及性教育情况。结果 (1)分别有68.6%和58.1%的高原军人对男性和女性生殖系统及其构成稍有了解。在了解意愿方面,对自身的了解以非常想(51.2%)为主,而对异性的了解以无所谓为主(58.1%)。(2)获取性知识途径第一位的是学校(47.7%),认为艾滋病是性传播疾病的占84.9%,认可性接触可传播性病的占90.7%,误认为一起淋浴可传染性病的占19.8%,最愿意与朋友一同讨论性知识(74.4%)。(3)88.4%的军人认为目前生活环境对性功能会有影响,选择生育能力的占87.2%,82.6%的军人认为在部队有必要开展性知识讲座,最想了解的内容是性卫生知识(82.6%)。结论 5 000m以上高原男性军人性知识比较缺乏,性教育较为薄弱,需要引起高原边防部队和卫生行政部门共同关注,旨在加强军人的性知识普及和性教育工作,维护边防部队守防任务的顺利完成。  相似文献   

While much discussion has been devoted to defining the standards of care required when offering services to survivors of sexual violence, much less attention has been given to procedures for evidence collection to allow the successful prosecution of perpetrators. In Kenya there are no comprehensive guidelines that outline the roles of the survivor, the community, health care workers, and the police with regard to the handling of forensic evidence, a deficit that contributes to delays in prosecuting, or even a failure to prosecute sex offenders. This study examines some of the obstacles in Kenya to the adequate handling of forensic evidence in sexual violence cases. It was based on in-depth interviews with respondents drawn from health facilities, police stations, civil society organizations and with the Government Chemist in three Kenyan provinces. The study's objective was to examine the existing policy requirements regarding the maintenance of an evidence chain by the health and criminal justice systems, and how effectively they are being implemented. The findings indicate that the quality of the evidence obtained by the health care workers was often deficient, depending on the time elapsed before the rape survivor reports to the health facility; the equipment available at the health facility; the age of the survivor; and the level of knowledge of the service provider regarding the types of evidence to be collected from survivors of sexual violence.  相似文献   

A prospective study examined whether adult premilitary sexual victimization predicted women's military attrition. In a survey of female Navy recruits (N = 2,431), 56% reported some form of adult unwanted sexual contact before entering the military, with 25% reporting completed rape. Approximately one-third of respondents left the Navy before completing their 4-year term of service. When rape, attempted rape, and lower-level unwanted sexual contact were considered simultaneously, only rape predicted attrition. Women who reported premilitary rape, compared with those who did not, were 1.69 times more likely to leave the military. The pattern of results held across the 4-year period examined and after controlling for demographic predictors.  相似文献   

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