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“改革城市卫生服务体系,积极发展社区卫生服务,逐步形成功能合理、方便群众的卫生服务网络”是《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》中提出的,它是21世纪改革卫生服务体系的重大决策,也为医院的改革和发展提供了一条新思路。我院自1980年起就承担了兆麟地区的初级卫生保健工作,由于广大医务人员多年深入细致的工作,使初级卫生保健工作深入人心,得到了我们所管辖的社区居民的认可。  相似文献   

初级卫生保健是实现“2000年人人享有卫生保健”的关键和基本途径,而社区卫生服务又是初级卫生保健的基础,特别是在城市初保中,社区卫生服务更具有重要的地位和作用。1开展社区卫生服务是解决人人享有初级卫生保健的基础开展社区卫生保健服务是城市深化卫生改革的头等大事。它可使有关初级卫生保健的计划、组织和管理措施的落实,有一个坚强的组织保障,为解决人人享有卫生保健打下坚实的基础。《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》中将发展社区卫生服务列为改革城市卫生服务体系的重要内容。《决定》指出:“改革城市卫生服务…  相似文献   

各国卫生体系的经验总结为:全科医生为守门人的、分层的医疗服务体系;重视社区初级卫生保健服务和老龄服务;关注农村居民的卫生保健计划;分权、民主的卫生服务管理体制;公立医院免费提供服务等。  相似文献   

英国国家卫生服务体系的基本构架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年11月,上海市卫生局组织了社区卫生服务工作者赴英国培训团,进行了为期16天的考察和培训。在英期间,不仅听取了有关英国地区初级卫生保健(PCT)体制、国家卫生服务体系(NHS)的基本框架、初级卫生保健在现代国家卫生服务体系中的作用,初级卫生保健建立最佳的服务、  相似文献   

挪威卫生服务体系概况及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对挪威卫生服务体系的发展脉络进行追溯,了解到挪威政府对初级卫生保健体系和专科卫生服务体系一直采取不同的管理模式,并随着人口结构、卫生服务需求的变化将初级卫生保健逐步交由自治市政府管理,而专科卫生服务则采取了市场化较强的半政府、半市场的组织管理模式,并由中央政府进行统筹。这样的管理结构从目前来看较好的解决了初级卫生服务供给不足和专科卫生服务效率低下的问题。  相似文献   

在欧洲,人人享有卫生保健的理念已经纳入了各国政府经济社会发展的战略目标。2008年6月,WHO欧洲委员会部长级会议通过了"增加财富与促进健康的卫生系统——塔林宪章"(The Tallinn Charter:HealthSystems for Health and Wealth)的卫生改革战略性框架文件,提出了投资于健康就是投资于人类发展、社会和谐与财富增长的卫生发展战略,进一步强调卫生系统必须要满足日益增长的卫生保健需求与健康期望。围绕重组初级卫生保健服务体系,增加政府卫生投入,整合卫生服务资源与模式,提高卫生系统反应性,改善卫生服务质量,加强公共卫生、疾病预防和健康促进,建立基于问责机制的卫生系统绩效评估模式,加强卫生部门治理,以及实施卫生技术评估等问题,一些国家采取了一系列改革措施,完善卫生筹资机制,改革政府卫生投入方式,明确卫生改革优先领域等,促进了卫生服务供给模式转变与卫生服务绩效改善,这也为我国进一步深化医药卫生体制改革提供了许多借鉴。本期首先介绍《塔林宪章》的主要内容,今后将陆续推出关于欧洲卫生改革发展的文章,以供读者参考。  相似文献   

张龙连  卢玲  白韶英  林英 《职业与健康》2009,25(16):1693-1695
根据基本职业卫生服务的原则,在我国开展基本职业卫生服务工作的重点是扩大职业卫生服务的覆盖面,首先应将基本职业卫生服务职能作为初级卫生保健的重要内容纳人到初级卫生保健服务体系中,推动职业卫生服务和初级卫生保健与社区卫生服务相结合,在乡镇卫生院和城市社区卫生服务中心设立职业卫生工作职能,进行必要的人员培训,满足职业卫生管理、咨询、培训教育的要求。由此可见,社区卫生服务中心是开展基本职业卫生服务重要的基础单位之一,为了使基本职业卫生服务尽快纳入到社区卫生服务中心的基本职能中,加快基本职业卫生服务体系建设,我们对北京丰台区基层医疗卫生机构的现有条件进行了调查,为下一步更加深入地开展实质性工作奠定基础。  相似文献   

朱世泰  李若明 《社区卫生保健》2005,4(5):321-323,325
城市社区卫生服务是城市医疗卫生服务体系和公共卫生服务体系的基础。自1997年《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》做出“改革城市卫生服务体系,积极发展社区卫生服务,逐步形成功能合理、方便群众的卫生服务网络”的重要决策以来,社区卫生服务在全国大多数城市相继启动,不断发展,在缓解“看病贵”、“看病难”及落实预防保健以及初级卫生保健策略等方面发挥了积极作用,受到了广大群众的欢迎。  相似文献   

论社区卫生服务   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
一、发展社区卫生服务是我国政府的既定方针改革城市卫生服务体系,发展社区卫生服务,是我国城市卫生改革的方针,是21世纪我国城市卫生服务的发展方向。中共中央、国务院(关于卫生改革与发展的决定)第八条,明确规定要“改革城市卫生服务体系,积极发展社区卫生服务,逐步形成功能合理,方便群众的卫生服务网络”。中共上海市委、上海市人民政府(关于加快卫生改革与发展的若干意见)第八条,也明确规定了“要优先保证和发展社区卫生服务,把加强社区卫生设施建设,实施城乡初级卫生保健和社区卫生服务,作为改革和完善卫生服务体系的重…  相似文献   

近年来英国将卫生服务与社会服务体系进行整合,各地在对整合型保健进行探索与试点过程中产生了一些典型做法,并取得了较为明显的成效。本文主要通过现场观察与深度访谈的定性研究方法,以英国牛津郡对整合型保健服务的探索为典型案例,对其精神卫生服务保健方案以及社区急诊多学科团队的服务方式进行了分析。研究认为英国整合型保健将初级卫生保健和社区卫生服务作为卫生体系的核心,与其他社会服务进行整合,其多学科服务团队、整合型的服务路径、个性化服务方案、强调病人参与和自主等做法为我国医改过程中卫生服务体系的改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   

初级卫生保健无论在发达国家还是发展中国家都是卫生保健系统的一个明显特征。根据Starfield提出的不同国家初级卫生保健发展状况要素,对中德两国的初级卫生保健人员、资金来源和支付方式、服务方式及改革和发展趋势等进行比较研究。通过分析借鉴德国的初级卫生保健和全科医生制度,探讨我国初级卫生保健的实现途径,以促进卫生体制的深化改革。  相似文献   

Many countries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) are currently reforming their national health sectors and also implementing a comprehensive approach to reproductive health care. Three regional workshops to explore how health sector reform could improve reproductive health services have revealed the inherently complex, competing, and political nature of health sector reform and reproductive health. The objectives of reproductive health care can run parallel to those of health sector reform in that both are concerned with promoting equitable access to high quality care by means of integrated approaches to primary health care, and by the involvement of the public in setting health sector priorities. However, there is a serious risk that health reforms will be driven mainly by financial and/or political considerations and not by the need to improve the quality of health services as a basic human right. With only limited changes to the health systems in many Latin American and Caribbean countries and a handful of examples of positive progress resulting from reforms, the gap between rhetoric and practice remains wide.  相似文献   

It has been 30 years since the Declaration of Alma Ata. During that time, primary care has been the central strategy for expanding health services in many low- and middle-income countries. The recent global calls to redouble support for primary care highlighted it as a pathway to reaching the health Millennium Development Goals. In this systematic review we described and assessed the contributions of major primary care initiatives implemented in low- and middle-income countries in the past 30 years to a broad range of health system goals. The scope of the programs reviewed was substantial, with several interventions implemented on a national scale. We found that the majority of primary care programs had multiple components from health service delivery to financing reform to building community demand for health care. Although given this integration and the variable quality of the available research it was difficult to attribute effects to the primary care component alone, we found that primary care-focused health initiatives in low- and middle-income countries have improved access to health care, including among the poor, at reasonably low cost. There is also evidence that primary care programs have reduced child mortality and, in some cases, wealth-based disparities in mortality. Lastly, primary care has proven to be an effective platform for health system strengthening in several countries. Future research should focus on understanding how to optimize the delivery of primary care to improve health and achieve other health system objectives (e.g., responsiveness, efficiency) and to what extent models of care can be exported to different settings.  相似文献   

Success in the provision of ambulatory personal health services, i.e. providing individuals with treatment for acute illness and preventive health care on an ambulatory basis, is the most significant contributor to the health care system's performance in most developing countries. Ambulatory personal health care has the potential to contribute the largest immediate gains in health status in populations, especially for the poor. At present, such health care accounts for the largest share of the total health expenditure in most lower income countries. It frequently comprises the largest share of the financial burden on households associated with health care consumption, which is typically regressively distributed. The "organization" of ambulatory personal health services is a critical determinant of the health system's performance which, at present, is poorly understood and insufficiently considered in policies and programmes for reforming health care systems. This article begins with a brief analysis of the importance of ambulatory care in the overall health system performance and this is followed by a summary of the inadequate global data on ambulatory care organization. It then defines the concept of "macro organization of health care" at a system level. Outlined also is a framework for analysing the organization of health care services and the major pathways through which the organization of ambulatory personal health care services can affect system performance. Examples of recent policy interventions to influence primary care organization--both government and nongovernmental providers and market structure--are reviewed. It is argued that the characteristics of health care markets in developing countries and of most primary care goods result in relatively diverse and competitive environments for ambulatory care services, compared with other types of health care. Therefore, governments will be required to use a variety of approaches beyond direct public provision of services to improve performance. To do this wisely, much better information on ambulatory care organization is needed, as well as more experience with diverse approaches to improve performance.  相似文献   

Health reform is an important movement in countries throughout the region of the Americas, which could profoundly influence how basic health services are provided and who receives them. Goals of health sector reform include to improve quality, correct inefficiencies, and reduce inequities in current systems. The latter may be especially important in countries with indigenous populations, which are thought to suffer from excess mortality and morbidity related to poverty. The purpose of this paper is to report the results of a community health assessment conducted in 26 indigenous communities in the Province of Cotopaxi in rural Ecuador. It is hoped that this information will inform the health reform movement by adding to the current understanding of the health and socioeconomic situation of indigenous populations in the region while emphasizing a participatory approach toward understanding the social forces impacting upon health. This approach may serve as a model for empowering people through collective action. Recommended health reform strategies include: 1) Develop a comprehensive plan for health improvement in conjunction with stakeholders in the general population, including representatives of minority groups; 2) Conduct research on the appropriate mix between traditional medicine, primary health care strategies, and high technology medical services in relation to the needs of the general population; 3) Train local health personnel and traditional healers in primary health care techniques; 4) Improve access to secondary and tertiary health services for indigenous populations in times of emergency; and 5) Advocate for intersectoral collaboration among government institutions as well as non-governmental organizations and the private sector.  相似文献   

建立国家基本卫生制度、实现人人享有基本卫生保健是国际社会"全民健康覆盖"目标的具体体现。过去几十年,江苏省农村卫生服务体系得到了较好发展,基本建立具有较高可及性的农村服务组织网络,为实现农村居民人人享有基本卫生保健打下了良好的基础,同时还存在诸多亟待解决的问题。为此提出建议:明确政府健康责任,改革卫生投入机制;优化卫生服务体系布局,提高高质量卫生服务的可及性;加强基层卫生人才队伍建设,提高基本卫生服务质量;完善薪酬分配制度,调动卫生人员积极性。  相似文献   

Primary health care, once the cornerstone of China's health system, has been neglected in the country's market-oriented system. Recent primary care reform was designed to improve access, quality and efficiency of health service use, but the results are unclear. The government is dramatically increasing funding for community health services, but there is concern about maximizing the impact of this investment. This paper draws on policy analysis, literature review, and a secondary analysis of two case studies and two surveys to review the structure of community health services and public reaction to them. Our results suggest that despite several years of primary care reform, current performance remains poor. The capacity of providers is low, services are not felt to be affordable, and patients report concerns about safety, all contributing to low utilization of community health facilities. We argue that the minimum skill set for community health service providers should be clearly defined to focus training efforts as should the role of community health facilities within the health system. Moreover, a quality and accountability framework for community health service is needed so that increased funding can produce a strong foundation for China's health system.  相似文献   

部分国家政府举办公立医院的经验与启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
世界各国不论经济发达与否,均举办一定数量的公立医院。公立医院的重要地位和作用是:弥补市场缺陷、体现政府保障居民健康权益的责任,并在控制医药费用、提高卫生服务公平可及性、有效利用资源等方面发挥重要作用。不同卫生保健体制国家的公立医院功能定位具有不同特点:国民卫生服务体系国家强调政府主导卫生筹资,公立医院为人群提供免费或廉价的基本卫生服务;社会健康保险体制国家以德国为例,公立医院除承担一般性功能外主要提供住院服务;商业健康保险体制国家以市场为主导,公立医院的作用在于调节市场失灵,在医疗服务体系中发挥基础性但非主体性作用,并履行一定的社会职责。各国政府通过探索公立医院改革,如实行“管办分离”,以明确政府举办公立医院的职责。国际经验对我国的启示是:政府应举办一定数量的公立医院,为其承担大部分筹资,完善监管政策,促使其落实社会职能和责任;公立医院要通过高效率运行,为群众提供高质量的服务,并要代表国家医疗服务体系的先进水平,起到示范作用;政府进行公立医院改革要以转变政府职能为前提,并保障公立医院的社会功能;公立医院的功能应适应国家医药卫生体制的制度环境。  相似文献   

Health financing reform became a critical element of public sector reform in sub-Saharan Africa during the past decade. Within the framework of health sector reform, this article reviews the major constraints, goals, and strategies for health financing reform in sub-Saharan Africa. It identifies shrinking budgetary resources, increasing demand for health services, and rising health care costs as the primary factors driving the sub-region's health financing reform agenda. In light of these constraints, the article defines the major goals and the strategies for health care financing reform employed by many sub-Saharan African countries.  相似文献   

中国农村卫生发展现状与策略思考   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
该文回顾和总结了建国50多年来我国农村卫生工作取得的成就和经验,客观分析了经济转型时期农村卫生工作面临的矛盾、困难和机遇,最后对农村卫生改革提出若干思考:调整政府卫生投入政策,确保公共卫生和预防保健工作的落实,改革农村卫生服务体系的产权结构和管理体制,巩固农村卫生服务网,发展初级卫生保健,建立适宜的农村健康保健制度.  相似文献   

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