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目的 探讨暂时性骨质疏松症(transient osteoporosis of the hip,TOH)与股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿在临床症状及影像学上的差异. 方法 对2006年1月-2008年2月收治的5例(5髋)TOH及63例(67髋)股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者分析其病因、发病诱因、疼痛程度、持续时间及病情转归等方面的差异,并分析X线片、MRI和ECT改变的异同点.5例TOH患者,男1例,女4例;年龄29~42岁.63例(67髋)股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者,男53例,女10例:年龄18~70岁;根据ARGO分期标准,Ⅱ期23髋,Ⅲ期43髋,Ⅳ期1髋. 结果 TOH与股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者在发病诱因、疼痛程度、关节积液和ECT改变上无差异.TOH患者发病前无股骨头坏死相关病因;发病前无不适症状;2髋X线片表现为密度降低;MRI水肿信号改变在股骨头颈的上方或整个股骨头;治疗后5~11个月疼痛消失后无残留症状.65髋股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿患者有股骨头坏死的相关诱因:10髋表现为疼痛加重;59髋X线片上有硬化改变;MRI水肿信号改变在股骨头坏死灶的外侧,水肿信号消退后仍有轻度疼痛. 结论 TOH与股骨头坏死继发骨髓水肿在临床表现、X线片及MRI图像改变上存在差异.  相似文献   

目的探讨生物型人工全髋关节置换术(total hip arthroplasty,THA)治疗CroweⅢ型成人髋关节发育不良(developmental dysplasia of hip,DDH)的疗效。方法2013年9月-2015年9月,收治50例(51髋)CroweⅢ型DDH患者。男20例(20髋),女30例(31髋);年龄19~55岁,平均39岁。左髋34例、右髋15例,双髋1例。患者均伴明显跛行步态,患侧髋关节疼痛明显。临床症状出现至入院就诊时间为10~47个月,平均26个月。患髋"4"字征、Trendenleburg征均呈阳性,髋关节Harris评分为(38.9±7.1)分。单髋患者双下肢长度相差2.5~4.0 cm,平均3.3 cm。患者均采用生物型假体行THA,其中28例(28髋)行自体股骨头结构性植骨。结果术后患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合。2例(2髋)出现股神经牵拉麻木疼痛,7例(7髋)出现患肢肿胀,均对症处理后症状消失。50例均获随访,随访时间6~18个月,平均10个月。患者跛行步态均明显改善;4例(5髋)髋关节疼痛较术前明显缓解,46例(46髋)髋关节无疼痛。X线片复查示,髋关节外上方结构性植骨均在术后3~6个月达骨性愈合,平均5个月;随访期间假体均无松动、下沉;末次随访时单髋患者双下肢长度相差0~1 cm,平均0.4 cm,视为双下肢等长。末次随访,髋关节Harris评分为(91.2±2.8)分,与术前比较差异有统计学意义(t=—79.77,P=0.00)。结论对于CroweⅢ型成人DDH患者,采用生物型THA治疗可获得较好疗效。  相似文献   

目的 探讨暂时性骨质疏松症的诊断方法及保守治疗疗效.方法 回顾性分析2006年10月至2009年7月收治的10例暂时性骨质疏松症患者的临床资料,对其临床表现、体格检查及影像学特征进行归纳.男4例,女6例;年龄22~43岁,平均35岁.所有女性患者均不在妊娠期内.2例髋关节正侧位X线片表现正常,8例表现为股骨头不同程度的骨质疏松,骨小梁模糊.MRI均表现为广泛均匀的信号改变,累及股骨头和股骨颈,其中7例病变同时出现在股骨转子周围.T1加权像表现为低信号,T2加权像表现为高信号.治疗方法包括避免重体力劳动、过量运动、长距离行走及采用药物治疗,药物包括非甾体抗炎镇痛药和二膦酸盐类药物.采用四点口述分级疼痛评分和Harris髋关节评分对治疗结果进行评价.结果 10例均获得随访,随访时间1.0~3.5年,平均2.5年.治疗1天后临床症状开始改善,治疗前疼痛评分为3级8例、4级2例,治疗6个月后为1级6例、2级3例、3级1例.治疗前Harris髋关节评分65~85分,平均74.5分;治疗6个月后84~100分,平均96分.治疗6个月后,X线片及MRI影像均基本恢复正常.结论 暂时性骨质疏松症是一种一过性、自限性疾病,有独特的临床及影像学特征.保守和支持疗法对暂时性骨质疏松症有效.  相似文献   

全髋置换术治疗成人髋臼发育不良伴骨性关节炎   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨全髋关节置换术治疗髋臼发育不良(DDH)伴髋关节骨性关节炎的手术疗效.方法 对11例(12髋)因DDH致髋关节骨性关节炎患者行全髋关节置换术.根据Zionts分级,Ⅰ度7髋,Ⅱ度5髋.术前Harris评分28~63(48.1±9.4)分.结果 11例均获随访,时间6个月~6年.术后Harris评分为82~98(88.6±7.6)分.1例术后3年X线片示人工臼与植骨块间有透亮线,余患者人工臼位置均无移位、松动.有2例患肢轻度跛行,无疼痛,可以长距离行走.结论 全髋置换术解除患者症状,改善关节功能,提高生活质量,是一种行之有效的治疗方法.手术成功的关键在于加深髋臼、内移髋关节活动中心及适当植骨.  相似文献   

目的 分析、总结髋关节一过性骨质疏松症(transient osteoporosis of the hip,TOH)的临床特点、影像学特点、诊断及鉴别诊断要点,以提高临床医师对TOH的认识和诊治水平。方法 回顾性分析我院骨科2012年5月至2014年3月诊治的3例 TOH患者的临床资料,包括临床表现、髋部影像学检查、实验室检查、病理学检查等资料,并进行分析、总结。结果 TOH临床特点为主要表现为患髋关节周围疼痛及因疼痛引起的跛行步态,负重时疼痛加重,关节内收、外展及旋转活动轻度受限,MRI 及X光片检查提示异常,3例患者均经MRI检查,1例病理学检查确诊为TOH。结论 熟练掌握TOH的临床特点、影像学特征、诊断及鉴别诊断要点,有助于TOH的早期诊断,可明显减少其误诊、误治率。  相似文献   

目的探讨保留股骨颈型人工全髋关节置换术(totalhip arthroplasty,THA)治疗中青年髋关节疾病的临床疗效。方法2002年3月-2005年3月,采用保留股骨颈型THA治疗26例31髋中青年髋关节疾病患者。男19例23髋,女7例8髋;年龄32~48岁,平均37岁。左侧17髋,右侧14髋。缺血性股骨头坏死致髋关节骨性关节炎9例,缺血性股骨头坏死7例,髋臼发育不良致股骨头坏死3例,强直性脊柱炎致髋关节骨性关节炎1例,类风湿性关节炎2例;病程2~11年,平均5.6年。股骨颈头下型骨折2例于伤后5d手术;股骨颈头下型骨折不愈合2例,病程分别为24和26个月。主要临床症状为患髋疼痛,行走困难,跛行。X线片均排除骨质疏松。结果1例双侧患者术中截除股骨颈过多,致右侧假体柄远端股骨出现裂纹骨折,夹板固定后骨折愈合。患者术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无并发症发生。26例术后均获随访,随访时间4~7年,平均5.6年。1例术后因未正规功能锻炼,髋关节屈曲活动受限;其余患髋关节功能均改善,行走步态正常。1例术后诉髋关节持续隐痛,对症处理后6个月疼痛缓解。X线片示假体位置良好,末次随访时股骨距处无骨吸收发生;髋关节功能根据Harris评分标准评分为(91.31±0.77)分,与术前(50.88±0.90)分比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);获优11髋,良18髋,中2髋,优良率为93.5%。结论应用保留股骨颈型THA治疗中青年髋关节疾病,保留了更多宿主骨质,利于再次假体翻修,临床疗效良好。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨陶瓷对陶瓷结合保留股骨颈型人工全髋关节置换术治疗股骨头坏死的临床疗效。[方法]2009年5月2013年2月,采用陶对陶结合保留股骨颈型全髋关节置换治疗32例36髋中青年股骨头坏死。主要临床症状为患髋疼痛,行走困难。X线片均排除骨质疏松。[结果]32例术后均获随访,随访时间122013年2月,采用陶对陶结合保留股骨颈型全髋关节置换治疗32例36髋中青年股骨头坏死。主要临床症状为患髋疼痛,行走困难。X线片均排除骨质疏松。[结果]32例术后均获随访,随访时间1245个月,平均29个月。X线片示假体位置良好,末次随访时股骨距处无骨吸收发生;术后1年髋关节Harris评分平均87.3(85.4±4.5)分,与术前45.7(42.5±5.8)分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);计优24髋,良9髋,中3髋,优良率为91.7%。[结论]应用陶瓷对陶瓷保留股骨颈型全髋关节置换治疗股骨头坏死,保留了更多骨质,利于再次假体翻修,临床疗效良好。  相似文献   

例1 女,47岁。以“双髋疼痛、活动受限6年,加重5个月”于2010年2月入院。患者于6年前无明显诱因开始出现双髋疼痛,逐渐跛行,人院前5个月症状明显加重,无法正常行走。术前X线片显示双侧髋关节骨关节炎(图1),Harris评分双侧均为38分。入院后行双侧髋关节置换术,术后功能恢复满意。  相似文献   

目的评价采用计算机辅助技术精确实施全髋关节置换术治疗成人发育性髋脱位的价值。方法对12例12髋成人发育性髋脱位患者行薄层CT扫描及三维重建,术前模拟手术,制定手术方案,所有病例均采用全髋关节置换术。结果 12例患者均获得3~31个月术后随访,平均随访10.8月。术前Harris评分为(35.2±4.5)分,随访时评分为(89.5±5.3)分,差异有统计学意义(t=26.38,P〈0.01)。优5例,良7例。术后患肢短缩畸形、跛行步态明显改善。X线片提示所有病例均显示髋臼假体位于真臼位置,与周围骨床结合紧密。并发症:术后1例出现坐骨神经损伤,1例股骨假体下沉。结论采用计算机辅助技术精确全髋关节置换术治疗成人发育性髋脱位,疗效优良,能达到个体化治疗水平。  相似文献   

髋关节后脱位合并坐骨神经损伤临床常见 ,但导致髋臼软骨完全剥脱较少见 ,我科收治 1例。1 病例资料患者 ,男 ,5 4岁 ,农民。半年前在一次劳动时右髋扭伤出现疼痛跛行 ,曾用中草药外敷无效 ,疼痛逐渐加重 ,伴小腿外侧麻木和足下垂无力。诊断为“右髋关节脱位合并坐骨神经损伤”入院。查体 :右下肢呈屈髋屈膝位 ,短缩畸形 ,股骨大转子明显上移 ,股四头肌萎缩 ,髋后方可触及股骨头 ,小腿外侧皮肤感觉减退 ,足下垂。X线片示 :右股骨头后脱位 ,股骨头外形正常 ,髋臼外上方可见一弧形密度增高影。2 治疗患肢持续骨牵引 1周后 (图 1) ,行右髋开…  相似文献   

Transient osteoporosis of the hip. Magnetic resonance imaging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Magnetic resonance (MR) images of seven hips were reviewed in six patients with transient osteoporosis of the hip. The MR images of the affected joint showed increased joint fluid and diffuse signal abnormalities in the marrow of the femoral head, corresponding to a decreased signal intensity on T1-weighted images and an increased signal intensity on T2-weighted images. The MR images at the time of clinical improvement showed regression of the abnormalities. These MR abnormalities reflect the pathophysiology of this condition.  相似文献   

Sequential magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed on a 38-year-old woman with systemic lupus erythematosus who had received corticosteroid and had developed non-traumatic osteonecrosis of the femoral head. The initial MR finding was a band lesion on the T1-weighted image, which had been present before the onset of symptoms. At the onset of symptoms, a diffuse bone marrow edema pattern, with a low signal intensity on T1 and high signal intensity on T2-weighted images, was noted around the band lesion, extending to the femoral neck. Histopathologically, this region was found to consist of serous exudate, focal interstitial hemorrhage, and mild fibrosis, without any evidence of extension of osteonecrosis. It should be noted that extension of a low signal intensity area on MRI after the onset of hip pain may not be the result of the extension of osteonecrosis, but may represent concomitant edema due to collapse. Received: February 25, 2000 / Accepted: May 16, 2000  相似文献   

The results of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in six patients with transient osteoporosis of the hip were reviewed. Short TR/TE (repetition time/echo time) images demonstrated diffusely decreased signal intensity in the femoral head and intracapsular region of the femoral neck. Increased signal intensity was noted with progressive T2 weighting. Bone biopsies were performed in four patients. Histologic findings were nonspecific and included fat necrosis, marrow edema, increased bone resorption, and reactive bone formation. Repeat MR scans in two patients, performed six and eight months after the initial scans, showed an almost complete return to normal marrow signal. All patients became asymptomatic without bony deformity. In the appropriate clinical setting, MR scanning can aid in the diagnosis of transient osteoporosis as the cause of a painful hip.  相似文献   

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging may distinguish transient osteoporosis of the hip from more severe hip diseases. 12 patients with transient osteoporosis of the hip underwent MR imaging. The initial and follow-up studies included T1- and T2-weighted images in coronal, transverse or sagittal planes. There were revealed 3 stages: diffuse-, focal-, and residual stage. This syndrome is characterized by hip pain, limping, and osteoporosis of the femoral head with preservation of the joint space. The clinical symptoms and abnormalities on MR images disappeared completely within 6-10 months.  相似文献   

We report a case of transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) in a 59-year-old man including the clinical presentation, diagnostic studies, management and clinical progress. TOH is a rare self-limiting condition that typically affects middle-aged men or, less frequently, women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Affected individuals present clinically with acute hip pain, limping gait, and limited ranges of hip motion. TOH may begin spontaneously or after a minor trauma. Radiographs are typically unremarkable but MR imaging studies yield findings consistent with bone marrow edema. TOH is referred to as regional migratory osteoporosis if it travels to other joints or the contralateral hip. TOH often resembles osteonecrosis but the two conditions must be differentiated due to different prognoses and management approaches. The term TOH is often used interchangeably and synonymously with transient bone marrow edema.  相似文献   

Transient osteoporosis of the hip (TOH) is a rare disorder of unknown cause that is characterized by diffuse bone marrow edema of the femoral neck and head. A case of bilateral TOH occurring in a 32-yr-old man is reported and the radiological findings and bone densitometry that illustrate the natural history of this disorder are presented. The management of this disorder including the possible indications for antiresorptive therapy is reviewed.  相似文献   

We report four cases of transient hip osteoporosis studied between 1995 and 1997. All patients were men. The diagnosis was based on clinical symptoms, absence of abnormal laboratory tests, increased uptake in the femoral head and neck on Tc-99 bone scans and magnetic resonance imaging showing Oedema of the bone marrow. In three patients radiographs showed osteopenia of the head and neck of the involved femur, whereas no major radiographic changes were seen in the fourth patient. The clinical symptoms lasted 7 months and there was no recurrence after 8-24 months' follow-up.  相似文献   

We documented a case of rapidly destructive arthrosis of the hip joint (RDA), in whom abnormal findings were observed not only in the femoral head but also in the acetabulum on magnetic resonance images (MRI) in the early stage. Radiographs made 1 month after the onset of pain showed a slight narrowing of the joint space. MRI obtained 2 months after the onset detected small foci of low signal intensity in the subchondral area of the femoral head on the T1-weighted images, and a linear pattern of high signal intensity in the lateral side of the acetabulum on the T2-weighted images. During the 17-month follow-up period, this case eventually underwent massive destruction of the femoral head as well as the acetabulum.  相似文献   

MRI of transient osteoporosis of the hip   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Summary Among the available imaging techniques such as conventional radiography, radionuclide bone scan, and computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has made significant contributions to the diagnosis of acute hip joint disease in adults by enabling early differentiation between such conditions as idiopathic avascular femoral head necrosis, septic coxitis, degenerative disease, and tumors. In this study we investigated the use of MRI for evaluation of patients with transient osteoporosis (TO). MRI with T1- and T2-weighted sequences in coronal, transverse, and sagittal sections was performed in 12 patients with retrospectively confirmed TO, both at the onset of the disease and later as a follow-up procedure. MRI revealed three typical stages of TO: a diffuse stage, a focal stage, and a residual stage. Characteristic symptoms of TO are hip pain and a need for protective splinting of the hip joint. Conventional radiographs show demineralization of the hip joint without joint space narrowing. Clinical, radiologic, and MRI findings normalize within 6–10 months, indicating that TO has a good prognosis with complete restoration of bone density.  相似文献   

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