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针对目前我国药品定价模式出现的主要问题,通过分析澳大利亚和日本两国定价模式特点,提出了以药品定价与医保制度紧密结合为原则的相关优化建议:扩大医保报销目录;优化集中政府定价部门的职能,让医保机构参与到价格制定工作中;引入药物经济学制定药品医保报销参考价,发挥医保控价作用;建立药品价格动态调节机制,及时调整药价。  相似文献   

药品是特殊商品,关系到人民群众的生命健康,药品价格直接影响我国制药行业健康发展和国民卫生保健水平的提高.我国药品定价制度历经变革,药品价格管理也逐步趋于规范,但药品的政府定价制度仍存在许多急待解决的问题.文章试图深入分析我国药品政府定价制度,探讨当前药品定价机制存在的缺陷和问题,最后借鉴发达国家药品定价制度实践经验,提出相关策略建议,以完善我国的药品政府定价制度.  相似文献   

目前,尽管列入国家基本医疗保险药品目录的药品的价格已经一降再降,但人民群众看病贵的情况仍然没有太大的改观,其中重要的原因就是我国缺乏明确的药品定价政策以及合适的定价方法。对此,笔者就国外各种药品定价体系及其特点进行分析归类,旨在寻找适合我国国情的药品定价体系  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市计委、物价局: 根据我委《关于单独定价药品价格制定有关问题的通知》(计价格(2001)13号)的有关规定,我们研究制定了《药品单独定价论证会试行办法》和《化学药品单独定价申报评审指标体系(试行)》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。 附件:一、药品单独定价论证会试行办法 二、化学药品单独定价申报评审指标体系(试行)。 附件一: 药品单独定价论证会试行办法 第一条 为提高药品单独定价工作的透明度和科学性,规范药品单独定价专家论证会程序,制定本办法。 第二条 参加专家论证会的人员,为国家计委邀请的专家、申报企业代表和国家计委有关工作人员。 第三条 参加药品单独定价论证会的专家为从业时间较  相似文献   

WHO于2020年发布的WHO国家药品定价政策指南中提到的10种定价方法是国际常用的定价方法。但由于中成药成本构成比例的特殊性,单纯参照化药及生物药品制品对中成药进行定价存在适用性偏差。当前,我国药品定价主要方法为内部参考定价、招标谈判定价、促进使用有质量保证的仿制药和生物类似药、汇总采购等方法。文章在系统分析各种定价方法的基础上,明确其对于中成药医保定价的适用性及其原因,其中价值定价和提高价格透明度的方法有助于提高中成药医保定价的合理性。  相似文献   

背景:近年来,中国药物政策存在着药品费用快速增长,以及质量、定价和提供能力等方面的问题,其解决的关键在于理清其中的定价和补偿问题。方法:本文较为系统收集了药物领域的学术文献和灰色文献,以及中国政府的官方统计数据,并结合中国国务院发展研究中心举办的研讨会信息,概述了中国的药品定价和补偿情况。结果:通过一个融合了供应方、代理方和需求方多方政策的框架,分析了定价与补偿政策。在目前药品政策的相互影响下,出现了药品价格高、质量低、不合理开药等问题。分立的监管环境也不利于药品政策的改革。结论:提高药品质量标准、市场集中度、政府补贴,以质量为导向的招标、扩大零差率政策的实施范围、建立补偿与合理开药的联动机制以及促进卫生技术评估与比较效能研究来改善定价和补偿政策。另外,整合广泛的监管分立体制、改善透明度和打击腐败等问题将有助于确保制定出具有一致性的、循证的政策。  相似文献   

日本的药品定价政策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:阐述日本药品定价政策,提出借鉴意义。方法:文献研究和描述性分析。结果与结论:严格药品审批;确定合理的药品定价方法;适时调整药价;参考国际药品价格。  相似文献   

医疗服务产品的定价策略   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
张英 《中国卫生经济》2004,23(11):52-54
医院竞争机制的引入和目前国家有关政策的规定,使得医院之间通过价格竞争来获得生存与发展优势越来越普遍。一般而言,医院的定价目标主要有利润目标、市场份额目标、服务质量领先目标、对付竞争对手目标以及投资目标等。为了实现这些目标,常用的定价方法有:成本导向定价法、需求导向定价法和竞争导向定价法3种。其定价策略包括心理定价策略、折扣和让价策略、地区定价策略、医疗服务新项目定价策略和组合定价策略等。  相似文献   

目的药物经济学评价在药品定价中的应用进行研究分析。方法合药物经济学评价内容,分析当前我国药品定价机制的局限性、药物经济学应用于药品定价中的意义,探讨药物经济学评价在药品定价中的应用对策。结果品定价过程中,要根据实际的参照药物、价格开展药物经济学评价,同时结合药物经济学评价结果对成本基础的药品申报价格开展评估、调整工作。结论物经济学评价能够显著提升药品定价的科学、合理性,药物经济学评价在我国还面临着多方面的困境与挑战,药物经济学评价在药品定价中的应用仍然还有十分漫长的道路要开拓。  相似文献   

在分析我国药品定价现状的基础上,提出了将特征价格模型应用于药品定价的思路。同时,借鉴特征价格模型的基本理论,将药品特征分为安全性特征、有效性特征和创新性特征,对三个特征向量进一步量化,给出了药品特征价格模型的基本形式。  相似文献   

Pricing drugs     
Graham JR 《Health affairs (Project Hope)》2003,22(6):284; author reply 285

Pricing and reimbursement of new pharmaceuticals have been based until recently on the traditional clinical trial outcomes (efficacy, safety, and quality parameters) used for registration. Now we can distinguish various additional data requirements which relate to the use of the drug in real daily practice. The most important new data requirements are effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, and budgetary impact. A main question is how much the impact is of the various types of data in the pricing and reimbursement process. The objective of this contribution is to present a method for quantifying this type of uncertainty in order to develop a more solid pricing and reimbursement strategy for a new innovative drug. The concepts are illustrated for a new hypothetical antidepressant drug in The Netherlands. This method is based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) concept which measures decision makers' preferences for the critical success factors. This study shows that the AHP concept may be applied to the pricing and reimbursement environment. The method may be used to assess the pricing potential of a new drug, considering the various data requirements in the reimbursement process.  相似文献   

K Sandrick 《Hospitals》1985,59(22):75, 77-75, 78


One of the most important and complex decisions that public services managers have to make is pricing. This is especially difficult within public health care because pricing decisions are influenced by a myriad of ideological, political, economic and professional arguments. In Turkey the majority of health care services are provided under public auspice; however, recent changes in governmental policy have led to increased competition among hospitals in both the public and private sector. Therefore, all institutions are being watched and remain open to government scrutiny and regulation. The aim of the study is to analyze how the private and governmental hospitals determine pricing or the actual cost of services in Turkey. Also, comparisons are made between health services expenditures and the Consumer Price Index with suggestions provided for public and private hospital managers in regard to the general cost of health services.  相似文献   

Individual dietary choices are primarily influenced by such considerations as taste, cost, convenience and nutritional value of foods. The current obesity epidemic has been linked to excessive consumption of added sugars and fat, as well as to sedentary lifestyles. Fat and sugar provide dietary energy at very low cost. Food pricing and marketing practices are therefore an essential component of the eating environment. Recent studies have applied economic theories to changing dietary behavior. Price reduction strategies promote the choice of targeted foods by lowering their cost relative to alternative food choices. Two community-based intervention studies used price reductions to promote the increased purchase of targeted foods. The first study examined lower prices and point-of-purchase promotion on sales of lower fat vending machine snacks in 12 work sites and 12 secondary schools. Price reductions of 10%, 25% and 50% on lower fat snacks resulted in an increase in sales of 9%, 39% and 93%, respectively, compared with usual price conditions. The second study examined the impact of a 50% price reduction on fresh fruit and baby carrots in two secondary school cafeterias. Compared with usual price conditions, price reductions resulted in a four-fold increase in fresh fruit sales and a two-fold increase in baby carrot sales. Both studies demonstrate that price reductions are an effective strategy to increase the purchase of more healthful foods in community-based settings such as work sites and schools. Results were generalizable across various food types and populations. Reducing prices on healthful foods is a public health strategy that should be implemented through policy initiatives and industry collaborations.  相似文献   

The increasing complexity of reimbursement systems and other financial issues forces hospitals to obtain maximum reimbursement from third-party payers. What effect does this have on price-setting decisions? This article presents the results of a survey that sought to identify the key players in setting prices in nonprofit hospitals and the objectives pursued in setting those prices.  相似文献   

This paper examines the economics of pricing practices at artificial reproductive clinics, which have introduced money‐back guarantees (MBGs) for in vitro fertilization. We identify incentives for clinics to offer MBGs and evaluate the impact on couples' choices and on social welfare. Introducing MBGs allows a clinic to (i) segment couples simultaneously on their relative fertility and on risk preferences; (ii) offer quantity discounts to relatively infertile couples; and (iii) offer some risk‐sharing to couples for this costly procedure, whose outcome is uncertain. Our results also show how the addition of MBGs can affect the overall social welfare. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

《Value in health》2022,25(4):666-675
ObjectivesIndication-based pricing (IBP) has received growing attention because of the expected increase in the number of new medicines with multiple indications. In our systematic review, we assess the potential benefits, barriers, current experiences, and future perspectives of different IBP mechanisms.MethodsWe searched publications in English, Spanish, or French assessing the impact, international experience, and future context of IBP systems on PubMed, Scopus, Cochrane, EconLit, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment from 2000 to 2020. This was complemented by a gray literature search in Google Scholar.ResultsA total of 29 publications that specifically addressed the topic of IBP were retained. The most commonly reported benefits of IBP were a better alignment of medicines’ value and price, optimization of research and development incentives and increase of competition, and improvement of patients’ access to treatments. Data collection and proper infrastructures, and the risk of high administrative burden and associated costs, were seen as the main barriers for proper IBP implementation. International experience lacks concrete examples of IBP. A single weighted average price according to volume, value, or a combination of both, appears to be the most used methodology, followed by different confidential net prices per indication. Different brands with distinct price per indication are less common, although it is considered a pure IBP system.ConclusionsEvidence of IBP impact is still scarce, and there is a need for pilot projects and experiences to monitor its real consequences. An appropriate price and reimbursement model for multi-indication medicines should be a priority, but political will and proper data collection systems remain crucial.  相似文献   

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