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Summary This study analyzed the relationship between case history and reported symptoms and child psychiatric diagnosis in a sample of 928 cases. In addition sex, age, socioeconomic status and intelligence were considered. In general, symptoms were more important than case history data and background factors. Antisocial symptoms contained by far the most information for diagnosis. However, the highest information gained by a combination of different variables was only 20%. Overall, case history data represent an nonspecific factor of vulnerability in child psychiatric disorders which are primarily determined by symptoms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: A combination of multiple factors, including a strong genetic predisposition and environmental factors, are considered to contribute to the developmental pathways to borderline personality disorder (BPD). However, these factors have mostly been investigated retrospectively, and hardly in adolescents. The current study focuses on maternal factors in BPD features in adolescence. METHODS: Actual parenting was investigated in a group of referred adolescents with BPD features (N = 101) and a healthy control group (N = 44). Self-reports of perceived concurrent parenting were completed by the adolescents. Questionnaires on parental psychopathology (both Axis I and Axis II disorders) were completed by their mothers. RESULTS: Adolescents reported significantly less emotional warmth, more rejection and more overprotection from their mothers in the BPD-group than in the control group. Mothers in the BPD group reported significantly more parenting stress compared to mothers in the control group. Also, these mothers showed significantly more general psychopathology and clusters C personality traits than mothers in the control group. Contrary to expectations, mothers of adolescents with BPD features reported the same level of cluster B personality traits, compared to mothers in the control group. Hierarchical logistic regression revealed that parental rearing styles (less emotional warmth, and more overprotection) and general psychopathology of the mother were the strongest factors differentiating between controls and adolescents with BPD symptoms. CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents with BPD features experience less emotional warmth and more overprotection from their mothers, while the mothers themselves report more symptoms of anxiety and depression. Addition of family interventions to treatment programs for adolescents might increase the effectiveness of such early interventions, and prevent the adverse outcome that is often seen in adult BPD patients.  相似文献   

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) is a distressing condition with an impact on various aspects of an individual's life. However, the condition is underrecognized due to a lack of awareness and the fact that the patient does not describe symptoms easily associated with RLS. In clinical practice, the main misdiagnoses are the following: circulation problems, venous diseases, arthritis, back or spinal injury. It is possible to make a diagnosis of RLS based on the patient's medical history and physical examination, in conjunction with the essential criteria of International RLS Study Group (IRLSSG). If the patient fulfils each of the four criteria, a diagnosis of RLS is likely. Supportive features (including response to a dopaminergic agent, and positive family history for RLS) as well as associated features (natural clinical course, sleep disturbance, normal findings on physical examination) are not necessary for a diagnosis to be made but may support the diagnosis in ambiguous cases. In most conditions that may be confused with RLS (sleep starts, nocturnal leg cramps, neuroleptic-induced akathisia, painful leg and moving toe syndrome), RLS can be excluded for the lack of response to the dopaminergic treatment, as well as for the lack of the typical circadian profile.  相似文献   

Bipolar disorders are common, chronic illnesses that can develop in children and adolescents at early ages. However, diagnosing bipolar disorders in youths can be difficult because currently defined gradations of the disorder, including bipolar I and bipolar II disorders and bipolar disorder not otherwise specified, were not created with the developmental differences of children in mind. Children with major depression or attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder plus a family history of bipolar disorder may be presenting with prodromal signs and symptoms of a bipolar disorder, although longitudinal studies are needed to clarify risk factors for developing bipolar disorders. Neuropsychological and biological markers may eventually aid clinicians in distinguishing bipolar spectrum disorders and offering early intervention for at-risk children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Object relations in borderline adolescents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although pathological object relations is a core aspect of borderline psychopathology, few studies have examined borderline object relations empirically, and none has focused on borderline adolescents. The present study examined four dimensions of object relations, as measured by the Thematic Apperception Test, in a sample of adolescent borderlines, psychiatric comparison subjects, and normals. These dimensions are complexity of object representations, affect-tone of relationship paradigms, capacity for emotional investment in relationships and moral standards, and understanding of social causality. Borderlines differed significantly from both comparison groups in several distinct ways, supporting some aspects of psychoanalytic theories of borderline object relations, while challenging others. Borderline adolescents have a malevolent object world, a relative incapacity to invest in others in a non-need-gratifying way, and a tendency to attribute motivation to others in simple, illogical, and idiosyncratic ways. Their object representations, however, can be quite complex, suggesting something other than a preoedipal arrest.  相似文献   

Psychotic symptoms in borderline personality disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In a pilot study of 13 patients with borderline personality disorder, analysis of brief psychotic symptoms was done. Derealization and depersonalization were the most common symptoms, but drug-free hallucinations were also observed. The symptoms did not appear to be factitious.  相似文献   

The creative writer: psychiatric symptoms and family history   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A group of 15 successful creative writers was found to differ significantly from a group of 15 noncreative controls when both were examined for psychiatric symptoms and family history using a structured interview and specifically defined diagnostic criteria. Seventy-three percent of the writers suffered from some form of psychiatric disorder, as compared with 20% of the controls. The most common illness was affective disorder, which occurred in 67% of the writers and 13% of the controls. The two groups also differed significantly in family history. The primary relatives of writers had a 21.4% prevalence for any type of psychiatric illness, as compared with 4.4% among the relatives of controls. Morbid risk for depression was 19% among the primary relatives of writers and 2% for primary relatives of controls. In addition to an increased risk for psychiatric illness, relatives of writers also had a higher incidence of creativity; 23% of the primary relatives of writers were creative, while only 7% of the primary relatives of controls were similarly creative. These data suggest a familial association between creativity and affective disorder.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to explore the relationship between alexithymia and borderline personality disorder (BPD) in adolescents.MethodsThe study investigated a sample of 59 consulting or inpatient adolescents with a well-established diagnosis of BPD (SIDP-IV) and a control sample of healthy adolescents individually matched by gender, age and socio-economic status. Alexithymia, depression and trait-anxiety were rated using the Twenty-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20), the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II) and the trait-anxiety subscale from the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI-T), respectively. A confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA) was performed to test the fit of the three-factor structure of the TAS-20 in the adolescent sample (N = 140). BPD and control groups were compared on alexithymic scores using ANCOVA analyses controlling for the potential confounding effects of depression and anxiety.ResultsThe ratio of the chi-square to its degrees of freedom, the goodness-of-fit index, the adjusted goodness-of-fit index and Steiger's root-mean-square error of approximation had satisfactory values of 1.54; 0.87; 0.83 and 0.058, respectively. The two ANCOVA demonstrated no significant difference for TAS-20 scores. BPD subjects were more alexithymic than healthy subjects but this difference was mainly explained by the levels of depression or anxiety.LimitationsSince BPD subjects have high comorbidity with depression or anxiety, longitudinal studies examining the absolute and relative stability of TAS-20 scores are necessary to determine whether alexithymia constitutes a state or a trait in BPD.ConclusionsBPD adolescents are characterized by alexithymia, probably of a secondary or state-dependent nature.  相似文献   

To evaluate a developmental psychopathology approach for understanding adolescent social anxiety, parent-reported predictors of social anxiety were examined in a nonclinical sample of adolescents. Structured diagnostic interviews were obtained from biological parents of 770 participants. Potential risk factors assessed included child characteristics: negative affect, shyness, separation anxiety disorder, and childhood chronic illness, as well as parent characteristics: major depression, panic disorder, and agoraphobia. Adolescent social anxiety was measured multiple times during high school. Findings indicate stability in social anxiety symptoms across time. Parent-reported, childhood negative affect, shyness, and chronic illness as well as parental panic disorder or agoraphobia were associated with adolescent social anxiety. Interactions were observed between parent-reported childhood shyness and gender and between parent-reported childhood shyness and parent-reported childhood chronic illness in the prediction of social anxiety. Parent-reported childhood shyness was a stronger predictor of adolescent social anxiety in females compared to males. The combined effect of subjects being positive for both parent-reported childhood shyness and parent-reported childhood chronic illness was greater than would be expected based on additive effects. This study provides support for a multifactorial and developmentally informed understanding of adolescent social anxiety.  相似文献   

Often patients with personality and affective disorder are troubled by psychotic and psychotic-like symptoms. Predicting a course that includes such symptoms, and subsequently adjusting treatment to take into consideration the added difficulties presented by psychosis, is clinically important. In the current study, a measure of thought disorder, the Thought Disorder Index (TDI), significantly predicted prospective psychotic and psychotic-like symptoms in a sample of 49 personality and affective disorder patients. Multiple regressions demonstrated that the TDI had predictive value above and beyond that of a clinical interview. The high prevalence of psychotic symptoms was most striking in patients with borderline personality disorder.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aims of this systematic chart review were to determine the frequency of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in a clinic sample of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), to compare ADHD symptoms in children with Autistic Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, and pervasive developmental disorders-not otherwise specified (PDD-NOS), to compare ADHD symptoms in individuals with and without ADHD-related chief complaints, and to determine the correlation between ADHD Rating Scale (ADHD RS) scores and age. METHOD: This systematic chart review examined data from children and adolescents who were consecutively referred to a university-based autism psychopharmacology program. All individuals were diagnosed by semistructured interview for ASD and ADHD, and ADHD symptoms were assessed using ADHD RS scores. RESULTS: Of 83 children, 78% fulfilled Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) criteria for ADHD and exceeded the 93rd percentile norm for the ADHD RS. Hyperactivity-impulsivity scores were significantly greater in individuals with autism than those with other ASDs. DSM-IV ADHD diagnosis was represented equally in individuals with and without ADHD as their chief complaints. ADHD RS hyperactivity-impulsivity and total scores were negatively correlated with age. CONCLUSION: ADHD symptoms are pervasive in clinically referred children and adolescents with ASD.  相似文献   

The clinical presentation of borderline personality disorder (BPD) bears a striking resemblance to the behavioral alterations associated with temporal lobe epilepsy. Using the Limbic System Checklist-33, we found that BPD subjects reported more symptoms associated with partial seizures than did control subjects. BPD patients also exhibited deficits on immediate and delayed recall of the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure and produced distorted drawings of the Rey Figure. Their degree of impairment correlated with their report of temporolimbic symptoms. Results are consistent with the proposal that temporolimbic dysfunction underlies the behavioral dyscontrol and affective dysregulation present in BPD.  相似文献   

PSYCHOANALYTIC theory would suggest that differentiating the borderline adolescent from his or her normal peers should be a difficult task. In many respects the developmental crises of adolescence dovetail with critical conflicts of Borderline Personality Disorder--e.g., identity formation and separation-individuation. Extensive semi-structured interviews (Gunderson's Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines) of normal, borderline and other disturbed adolescents provide a data base for examining the hallmarks of borderline pathology in adolescence. This paper focuses on the qualitative differences in patterns of impulsivity, affective lability, dissociative experience, and interpersonal relationships that distinguish borderline teenagers from other seriously disturbed and normal adolescents. The paper also outlines modifications in the Gunderson interview for an adolescent population.  相似文献   

The author reviews the complicated history of the concept of borderline personality disorder and associated diagnostic entities, especially as these conditions relate to adolescents. He examines current theories about etiology of borderline personality disorder, primarily those related to object relations theory and genetic vulnerability to the disorder. Because patients with borderline disorders are such a heterogeneous group and often carry other diagnoses as well, the treatments used are highly diverse. The author reviews principles of psychotherapy with borderline patients, including the difficulties of the negative transference and the intense countertransference that occur; hospital treatment; and pharmacologic treatment, usually aimed at target symptoms.  相似文献   

Background Parents of children with developmental disabilities (DD) face greater caregiving demands than parents of children without DD. There is considerable variability in parents' adjustment to raising a child with DD, however. In line with a strengths‐based approach, this study explores coping strategies as potential mechanisms of resilience among mothers of adolescents with DD. This study examines the frequency with which mothers use various coping strategies and the extent to which those strategies moderate the relationship between adolescent behaviour problems and aspects of maternal well‐being. Both positive and negative dimensions of well‐being are explored, with maternal depressive symptoms and perceived parenting efficacy examined as outcomes cross‐sectionally and longitudinally. Methods The present study focuses on 92 mothers and their adolescents with DD. The adolescents had a wide range of diagnoses, all with continuing special needs. Data were collected from mothers through interviews and self‐administered questionnaires when their adolescents were aged 15 and aged 18. A structured assessment of the adolescent was completed during home visits at age 15. Results Mothers reported frequently using strategies of denial and planning but rarely using strategies of mental and behavioural disengagement to cope with recent stressful situations. Adolescent behaviour problems were found to contribute to greater symptoms of depression and lower feelings of parenting efficacy as well as increases in depressive symptoms over time. Mothers of sons, but not daughters, reported increases in parenting efficacy across their child's adolescent period. Above and beyond adolescent factors, several coping strategies emerged as significant predictors of mothers' symptoms of depression and perceived parenting efficacy. Moreover, use of Active Coping/Planning, Positive Reinterpretation/Growth, and Behavioural/Mental Disengagement as coping strategies moderated the impact of adolescent behaviour problems on maternal depressive symptoms. Conclusions This study extends previous findings by focusing on both positive and negative dimensions of parent well‐being during their child's adolescent period. Adolescence can be a stressful time for parents, with typical developmental tasks entailing additional strains for parents of adolescents with DD. The present findings point to several coping strategies that may reduce the impact of challenging behaviours during this period on mothers' symptoms of depression and feelings of parenting efficacy. Certain coping strategies were found to exert a greater impact on maternal well‐being for parents of adolescents with higher levels of behaviour problems, suggesting that interventions may benefit from an increased focus on this group of mothers with heightened caregiving demands.  相似文献   

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