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Summary The case of a 64-year-old woman with a leiomyosarcoma arising from the upper thoracic spinal dura mater is presented: the CT and magnetic resonance image features are reported.  相似文献   

目的分析硬脑膜肥厚的MRI表现,探讨不同病理情况的影像学特点,以提高定性诊断水平。方法回顾分析36例经手术病理或临床证实的硬脑膜肥厚性疾病例纳入研究,其中男20例,女16例,年龄6~68岁,平均年龄(34±3.5)岁,采用西门子1.5T超导MR成像仪,完成横断面T2WI、T1WI、FLAIR和矢状面T2WI平扫,横断面、冠状面和矢状面T1WI增强及横断面FLAIR增强,2名高级职称影像医师共同回顾性分析MRI表现。结果低颅压综合征10例(27.8%),肥厚性硬脑膜炎10例(27.8%),其中1例为特发性,9例为感染性,硬脑膜转移瘤8例(22.2%),其中合并脑实质内小结节病灶5例,单纯局限性脑膜增厚3例,白血病颅内浸润1例(2.8%),系统性黄斑狼疮1例(2.8%),脑外伤后血肿形成2例(5.6%),脑肿瘤放疗后2例(5.6%),侵袭性脑膜瘤2例(5.6%),上述病例于MRI检查上均表现为硬脑膜弥漫性或局限性增厚。结论硬脑膜增厚疾病种类繁多,但根据病灶所发生的范围和是否伴随软脑膜及脑实质内强化结节等特征,并结合临床表现,多数能做出明确诊断。  相似文献   

We report a 42-year-old female with alcohol addiction who suddenly died of subdural hematoma (SDH) caused by dural arteriovenous malformation (AVM). In autopsy, there was seen a massive SDH with a total weight of 181 g that covered an entire part of the left cerebral hemisphere, although either serious external injuries of the head or any visible internal injuries of the brain were observed. SDH subsequently resulted in the tonsillar, transtentorial and subfalcial herniations with a right-sided shift of the left-lateral and third ventricles, and the left thalamus as well. Histopathological examination on the serial sections cut from the falx cerebri revealed abnormal distribution of arteries and veins with various sizes, which were comprehensively highlighted by immunohistochemical stainings with alpha-SMA and CD31. Although a very point of bleeding was not identified even by careful histological observation, we concluded that dural AVM could be critical for acute SDH in the present case. The value of ethanol concentration examined in the samples from SDH supported that the lesion could be not chronic, but acute.  相似文献   

A failed embolisation of a spinal dural arteriovenous fistula (AVF), because a pedicular injection has not reached the initial venous compartment, must be identified immediately, to allow prompt surgery and thus avoid clinical deterioration. The purpose of our study was to determine the role of CT in confirming a complete cure just after embolisation with N -butyl cyanoacrylate (NBCA). Seven patients embolised for spinal dural AVFs with perimedullary venous drainage had an immediate postembolisation CT scan. In six patients a complete cure was achieved, with a normal postembolisation angiogram in five cases. Just after injection of NBCA, we were unable to determine on plain films whether or not the glue had reached the draining vein in six of seven cases. The postembolisation CT showed various patterns: in two cured patients, the glue was visible in the inner surface of the dura mater and therefore on the venous side. In five cases, the glue was approaching the dura mater around the cord or seemed to reach its surface: in the four patients cured, the glue column was 7–18 mm high, whereas it was less than 2 mm high in the patient with angiographic proof of recurrent fistula. The follow-up angiogram remains the only way to confirm a durable cure. We suggest that immediate postembolisation CT may help in assessing endovascular treatment of spinal dural AVFs. Received: 27 May 1994 Accepted: 30 August 1995  相似文献   

目的研究腰椎退变性滑脱的CT特征,使之与腰椎峡部裂引起的真性滑脱鉴别。方法对80例无腰椎外伤史和腰椎椎弓峡部裂史腰椎退变性滑脱的CT资料作回顾性分析。CT扫描范围从滑脱椎体椎弓开始至下位椎体上缘,所扫层面与椎间盘平行。结果 CT扫描有以下特征:①椎间盘退行性改变。②椎骨和椎小关节退行性改变,腰椎椎体边缘骨质增生及腰椎骨质疏松,椎小关节面增生硬化、关节面下囊变、碎裂、关节间隙变窄或不对称和关节囊钙化;滑脱腰椎椎弓完整,椎体及附件整体向前(后)移位,向前滑脱时,滑脱椎体下关节突向前移位,其前缘几乎与下位椎体上椎小关节突前缘相平或超出下位椎体上椎小关节突前缘,关节方向向矢状方向转化。③椎管、椎间孔和侧隐窝狭窄。④终板双重轮廓。结论腰椎退变性滑脱有其CT特征,能与腰椎峡部裂引起的真性滑脱鉴别。  相似文献   

Summary Four additional cases of synovial cyst (ganglion) arising from the facet joint between L4 and L5 are reported. Only five such cases have been reported in the past. For the first time impressive and characteristic myelographic findings are described, which make a preoperative diagnosis possible in these cases.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the diagnostic value of epidural fat interposition between the dura mater and spinous process of L5 as an indirect sign of spondylolysis on mid-sagittal MR imaging of the lumbar spine. Mid-sagittal T1-weighted MR images of the lumbar spine of 85 patients with spondylolysis and 93 patients without pars interarticularis fractures were randomized and evaluated by a masked reader. After a training sample of five cases, the reader was asked to note the presence or absence of epidural fat interposition between the dura mater and spinous process of L5 on the randomized images. The epidural fat interposition between the dura mater and spinous process of L5 was noted in 67 out of the 85 patients with spondylolysis (78.8%) and three of the patients without pars interarticularis fracture (3.2%). The difference was statistically significant (P<0.01). This sign has a specificity of 96.7%, sensitivity of 78.8%, positive predictive value of 95.7%, negative predictive value of 83.3% and accuracy of 88.2% for diagnosis of spondylolysis. Epidural fat interposition between the dura mater and spinous process may be a helpful sign for the diagnosis of spondylolysis on mid-sagittal MR imaging of the lumbar spine.  相似文献   

目的:总结分析腰椎间盘突出症治疗前后的X线改变。方法:对诊断明确的32例腰椎间盘突出症患者,18例行保守治疗,14例行髓核摘除术并随访10-25年,对其X线片进行回顾性分析。结果:保守治疗者腰椎间隙变窄速度慢,程度轻,少数患者相邻椎小关节发生退行性骨关节病。髓核摘除术者椎间隙变窄速度快,程度重,发生相邻椎小关节退行性骨关节病者较前者多见。结论:腰椎间盘突出症治疗方法视病情而定,保守治疗仍是一种比较理想的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨轴向负荷对受检者椎间盘ADC值、各项异性(FA)值的影响.方法 腰腿痛患者45例,年龄范围25~54岁.进行常规T2WI、T1WI及轴向负荷前后DTI,负荷重量为体质量的40%~50%,负荷时间为10 min.DTI参数:TR 2500 ms,TE 89 ms,扩散方向为6个方向,b值设为400 s/m2,扫描时间4 min 10 s.利用DTI原始数据重组ADC图、FA图、b0图,测定其负荷前后椎间盘的ADC值、FA值,分析短时轴向负荷后ADC值、FA值的变化规律.椎间盘负荷前后ADC值、FA值的差异性比较,采用配对资料t检验或秩和检验.结果 45例225个椎间盘,223个纳入研究,Pfirrmann分级结果:Ⅱ级100个,Ⅲ级48个,Ⅳ级59个,Ⅴ级16个,2个椎间盘钙化未纳入研究,223个椎间盘负荷前、后椎间盘的ADC值分别是为(1666±252)×10-3、(1662±253)×10-3 mm2/s,负荷后平均ADC值减低,但差异无统计学意义(Z=-1.363,P>0.05),负荷前、后223个椎间盘的FA值分别是(301±104)×10-3、(316±112)×10-3,负荷后平均FA值升高(Z=-2.794,P<0.05).Pfirrmann Ⅲ级椎间盘,短时轴向负荷后ADC值减低、FA值升高,Ⅳ级椎间盘FA值升高,负荷前、后Ⅲ级椎间盘的ADC值分别是为(1685±190)×10-3、(1624±180)×10-3mm2/s,FA值分别是(300±87)×10-3、(326±87)×10-3,Ⅳ级椎间盘FA值分别是(348±67)×10-3、(351±71)×10-3,差异均有统计学意义(t值分别为3.513、-2.210、-2.006,P值均<0.05);Pfirrmann Ⅱ级、Ⅳ级和Ⅴ级椎间盘负荷前后ADC值差异无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);Ⅱ级、Ⅴ级椎间盘FA值负荷前后差异亦无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 短时轴向负荷可引起轻度退变椎间盘(Pfirrmann Ⅲ级)ADC值下降、椎间盘扩散能力降低;在正常(Pfirrmann Ⅱ级)和重度退变椎间盘(Pfirrmann Ⅳ级和Ⅴ级),短时轴向负荷前后椎间盘ADC值无明显变化,对椎间盘扩散能力影响不明显.  相似文献   

Chordoma is a rare, malignant neoplasm thought to develop from the notochord. It most commonly occurs in the base of the cranium or the sacro-coccygeal region but around 15%-20% affect the vertebral body. Extra-lesional resection with or without adjuvant radiotherapy is generally accepted as the mainstay of treatment for this slow-growing tumor. We present a case whereby a patient with an extensive vertebral body lesion causing caudal compression, treated with spinal decompression and posterior stabilization. This case highlights the importance of pre-operative tissue diagnosis, and that, although rare (0.8 per 100,000), chordoma should always be considered.  相似文献   

目的探讨CT的诊断价值及其临床意义。方法回顾153例腰椎小关节退变的临床症状与诊断,分析椎小关节退变的CT影像改变,进行重新认识、领会与提高。结果椎小关节退变CT影像表现为:小关节突的骨质增生、硬化、骨赘形成,关节软骨侵蚀,关节间隙狭窄、积气,关节面下小囊变及周围筋膜、韧带的钙化等。结论 CT扫描可准确显示腰椎小关节形态、结构等退行性改变,在目前临床医师未足够重视的情况下,运用CT的高分辨特性,对椎小关节退变的早期诊断提供可靠依据,充分提高他们对椎小关节退变的认识,为临床医师正确治疗反复腰腿痛的患者提供很好的帮助。  相似文献   

To investigate the influence of age, sex and spinal level on perfusion parameters of normal lumbar bone marrow with dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE MRI). Sixty-seven subjects referred for evaluation of low back pain or sciatica underwent DCE MRI of the lumbar spine. After subtraction of dynamic images, a region of interest (ROI) was placed on each lumbar vertebral body of all subjects, and time intensity curves were generated. Consequently, perfusion parameters were calculated. Statistical analysis was performed to search for perfusion differences among lumbar vertebrae and in relation to age and sex. Upper (L1, L2) and lower (L3, L4, L5) vertebrae showed significant differences in perfusion parameters (p<0.05). Vertebrae of subjects younger than 50 years showed significantly higher perfusion compared to vertebrae of older ones (p<0.05). Vertebrae of females demonstrated significantly increased perfusion compared to those of males of corresponding age (p<0.05). All perfusion parameters, except for washout (WOUT), showed a mild linear correlation with age. Time to maximum slope (TMSP) and time to peak (TTPK) showed the same correlation with sex (0.22<r<0.32, p<0.05). Our results indicate increased perfusion of the upper compared to the lower lumbar spine, of younger compared to older subjects and of females compared to males.  相似文献   

目的:通过测量L4椎体前滑脱的距离与邻近椎小关节的有关数据,观察两者间的关系。方法:对80例L4滑脱(滑脱组)和80例有腰部疼痛但无L4滑脱(对照组)的患者行64层CT扫描,对比分析邻近椎小关节结构及形态特点。测量邻近椎小关节冠状位、矢状位、横断位的角度、间隙,对获得的数据进行2组间t检验。结果:以L4为中心,分为上下关节;以中轴线为中心,分为右、左关节。2组椎小关节角度、间隙的差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。结论:随着邻近椎小关节间隙逐渐变窄,冠状位、横断位角度逐渐变大,矢状位角度逐渐变小,L4椎体前滑脱的距离增大,且容易前滑脱。L4前滑脱距离≥4.33mm,对邻近椎小关节影响明显。  相似文献   

We studied 63 patients between the ages of 20 and 81 years undergoing lumbar myelography, using a 25-gauge pencil-point (Whitacre) spinal needle. With the use of a questionnaire, the incidence and severity of post-dural-puncture headache (PDPH) was investigated. There were three patients who complained of PDPH (4.7%), two of whom described their headache as moderate and one as mild on a visual analogue scale. All the headaches were alleviated by mild analgesics and no patient experienced severe headache needing treatment with a blood-patch. There were three other patients who experienced a post dural-puncture-related headache which, unlike PDPH, was not postural. Four patients had ordinary mild headache. The quality of the myelograms was good.  相似文献   

二次注射胶原酶治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 讨论二次注射胶原酶治疗腰椎间盘突出症的可行性及适应证.方法 对82例行二次注射胶原酶治疗的腰椎间盘突出症患者进行随访并对其临床疗效进行总结分析.结果 82例患者随访3~12个月,疗效优51例,良13例,可8例,差10例,总优良率为78%,有效率为88%,本组患者无一例出现并发症.结论 只要严格掌握二次胶原酶注射治疗腰椎间盘突出症的适应证,做好术前、术中、术后的过敏反应预防措施,二次注射胶原酶治疗腰椎间盘突出症是安全有效的.  相似文献   

腰椎间盘臭氧注射压力与纤维环损伤程度的关系   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的研究腰椎间盘臭氧注射压力与纤维环破损程度的关系。方法自制压力监测装置,记录腰椎间盘内注射臭氧时的压力增高值,再根据椎间盘气体造影结果对椎间盘纤维环破损程度进行分型,利用统计学方法研究注射压力与纤维环破损程度间的关系。结果根据腰椎间盘气体造影结果将椎间盘纤维环破损程度分为A型(无破裂型)、B型(纤维环后缘破裂型)、C型(纤维环多发破裂型);A型6例患者8个椎间盘记录压力为700~900mmHg,平均(821±61)mmHg;B型9例患者10个椎间盘记录压力为400~800mmHg,平均(602±145)mmHg;C型2例患者2个椎间盘记录压为100mmHg和320mmHg,均数(268±94)mmHg。各组压力均数差异有统计学意义(F=8047.02,P<0.01)。结论腰椎间盘内注射臭氧气体时的压力增加值与腰椎间盘纤维环破损程度相关,纤维环破损越严重注射压力越小,不同破损程度的纤维环盘内注射压力存在一定的分布范围。  相似文献   

Lumbar surgery is regularly applied in cases of discal hernia and acquired lumbar stenosis. In this report, we present a case of a laceration in the left common iliac artery and iliac vein during a lumbar surgery and discuss the literature concerning this kind of event. In the present case, the surgical procedure was followed by a sudden decrease in blood pressure, and the surgeon discovered an intra-abdominal haemorrhage that led to the patient’s death. Postmortem investigation confirmed the intra-abdominal haemorrhage and revealed a laceration of the proximal portion of the left common iliac artery and left iliac vein. The source of bleeding could be detected especially thanks to multi-phase postmortem CT angiography (MPMCTA), which was performed prior to autopsy. We also found a haemorrhagic path through the intervertebral disc between the L4–L5 vertebrae, caused by the surgeon’s instrument (pituitary rongeur). To date, a few cases have been described of iatrogenic death resulting from a tear in the iliac vessels during lumbar surgery, but not from the postmortem perspective. Such investigations have recently been modernized thanks to the introduction of forensic imaging. In particular, MPMCTA offers new possibilities in postmortem investigations and can be considered the new gold standard for investigating deaths related to medical intervention. Here we describe the first case of a death during lumbar surgery using this new method.  相似文献   

目的:探讨周围型腰椎管狭窄及椎间静脉压迫症的CT表现,为骨科手术方式的选择和术中处理提供依据。方法:分析经手术病理证实的周围型腰椎管狭窄及椎间静脉压迫症的患者52例,全部行CT平扫,部分CT增强扫描。分析其各种类型的CT表现和不同术式的选择及术中所见。结果:大多数病例术中所见与CT表现相一致。CT诊断侧隐窝狭窄、椎间孔狭窄及椎间静脉压迫症的原因有:椎间盘的病理性膨突、侧方椎间盘突出、上关节突增生肥大、椎体后外缘骨质增生、黄韧带肥厚、腰椎滑脱等。结论:选择合理的CT扫描方法可以提高诊断符合率和特异性。正确的CT诊断有助于术式选择和术中处理,能有效的减少术后并发症。  相似文献   

Summary The lumbar epidural veins are opacified by injection of the lateral sacral and ascending lumbar veins with abdominal compression. This technique provides a good opacification of the entire lumbar epidural venous system. Some anatomical points are discussed and clarified. The interest of the technique in the diagnosis of discal herniations is emphasized.  相似文献   

目的 探讨腰椎动态试验对预测经皮穿刺椎间盘摘除术(PLD)疗效的价值.方法 CT、MRI检查证实的"包容性"腰椎间盘突出症109例;PLD前1 d进行腰椎动态试验,根据发生症状向心化现象(CP)、症状部分向心化现象(PCP)、症状非向心化现象(NCP)分为3组,其中CP组46例,PCP组43例,NCP组20例,各组均行PLD治疗并分别进行疗效统计,用χ2检验比较3组间的疗效.结果 PLD术后随访3~6个月统计疗效.CP组,优24例、良22例,优良率100%;PCP组PLD疗效,优5例、良29例、可 差9例,优良率79.1%;NCP组PLD优良率0,3组间疗效有显著性差异(χ2=72.59,P<0.005).结论 腰椎动态试验发生"CP"现象者,PLD疗效显著;发生"NCP"者PLD疗效差,应行外科手术治疗.  相似文献   

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