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BackgroundPoland has the lowest number of physicians per 1000 population (2.2/1000) in the EU. This is accompanied by a considerable migration rate of Polish physicians to other EU countries (estimated at above 7%). Among other consequences, this results in waiting lists and unmet health needs.ObjectiveThe aim of this article is an identification of the main challenges for physician workforce planning in Poland.MethodsThe authors analysed national and international documents, reports, official statements, publications and statistical databases.Main findingsIn Poland health workforce planning is inadequate and insufficient. There is no formal structure and no strategy regarding human resource planning or regular forecasts for the health workforce, which results in many negative effects for the healthcare system. Currently the shortage of physicians in some specialties is becoming one of the most important reasons for limited access to care and lengthening the average wait time.ConclusionsTo improve this situation operational and strategic actions should be undertaken without unnecessary delay. Effective and close cooperation between key stakeholders is needed. Health workforce planning needs to become one of the key building blocks of the Polish health system’s reforms, strongly connected to the other functions of the health system. It is essential for Poland to follow available good practices in health workforce planning.  相似文献   

Policymakers are becoming aware that increasing the size of the healthcare workforce is no longer the most viable way to address the increasing demand for healthcare. Consequently, a focus of recent healthcare workforce reform has been extending existing roles and creating new roles for health professionals. However, little is known of the influence on outcomes from this variation in labour inputs within hospital production functions. Using a unique combination of primary and administrative data, this paper provides evidence of associations between the composition of care delivery teams and patient outcomes. The primary data enabled the construction of a task component-based measure of skill mix. This novel measure of skill mix has the advantage of capturing how workforce planning can restructure the relative input of nurses or physicians into task components while keeping the overall level of staff fixed. The analysis focuses on specific care pathways and individual hospitals, thus controlling for an under-investigated source of heterogeneity. Additionally, stratifying by country (England, Scotland, and Norway) enabled analysis of skill mix within different health systems. We provide evidence that variations in labour inputs within the breast cancer and heart disease care pathways are associated with both positive and adverse outcomes. The results illustrate the scope for substitution of task components within care pathways as a potential method of healthcare reform.  相似文献   

Health workforce needs have moved up on the reform agendas, but policymaking often remains ‘piece-meal work’ and does not respond to the complexity of health workforce challenges. This article argues for innovation in healthcare governance as a key to greater sustainability of health human resources. The aim is to develop a multi-level approach that helps to identify gaps in governance and improve policy interventions. Pilot research into nursing and medicine in Germany, carried out between 2013 and 2015 using a qualitative methodology, serves to illustrate systems-based governance weaknesses. Three explorative cases address major responses to health workforce shortages, comprising migration/mobility of nurses, reform of nursing education, and gender-sensitive work management of hospital doctors. The findings illustrate a lack of connections between transnational/EU and organizational governance, between national and local levels, occupational and sector governance, and organizations/hospital management and professional development. Consequently, innovations in the health workforce need a multi-level governance approach to get transformative potential and help closing the existing gaps in governance.  相似文献   

With many European countries facing health workforce shortages, especially in nursing, and an increasing demand for healthcare, the importance of healthcare assistants (HCAs) in modern healthcare systems is expected to grow. Yet HCAs’ knowledge, skills, competences and education are largely unexplored. The study ‘Support for the definition of core competences for healthcare assistants’ (CC4HCA, 2015–2016) aimed to further the knowledge on HCAs across Europe. This paper presents an overview of the position of healthcare assistants in 27 EU Member States (MSs) and reflects on the emerging country differences.It is shown that most learning outcomes for HCAs across Europe are defined in terms of knowledge and skills, often at a basic instead of more specialized level, and much less so in terms of competences. While there are many differences between MSs, there also appears to be a common, core set of knowledge and skills-related learning outcomes which almost all HCAs across Europe possess. Country differences can to a large extent be explained by the regulatory and educational frameworks in which HCAs operate, influencing their current and future position in the healthcare system. Further investments should be made to explore a common understanding of HCAs, in order to feed discussions at policy and organisational levels, while simultaneously investments in the development and implementation of context-specific HCA workforce policies are needed.  相似文献   

Medical migration is a global phenomenon. In Ireland, hospital doctor emigration has increased significantly in recent years, with Australia a destination of choice. With work and employment conditions cited as a driver of these trends, this article explores how health system differences in the organisation of medical work shape the everyday experiences of hospital doctors which underpin migration decisions. Drawing on 51 semi-structured interviews conducted in July-August 2018 with Irish-trained hospital doctors who had emigrated to work in Australia, the findings highlight doctors’ contrasting experiences of medical work in the Irish and Australian health systems. Key system differences in the organisation of medical work manifested at hospital level and related to medical hierarchy; staffing, support and supervision; and governance and task coordination. Findings indicate that retention of hospital doctors is as much about the quality of the work experience, as it is about the quantity and composition of the workforce. At a time of international competition for medical staff, effective policy for the retention of hospital doctors requires an understanding of the organisation of work within health systems. Crucially, this can create working contexts in which doctors flourish or from which they seek an escape.  相似文献   

自2007年底,澳大利亚政府实施自1984年引入全民医疗保险制度以来规模最大的一次医疗体制改革.在本轮医改中,澳大利亚政府出台了一系列加强卫生人力资源管理的重要举措,如新设独立的卫生人力管理机构、成立统一的注册和认证机构、加大卫生人力资源经费投入、创新管理体制和机制及制定全面卫生政策来引导卫生人力向基层流动.本文简要介...  相似文献   

The 2010–2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government proposed introducing a radical decentralisation reform of the organisation, financing, and planning of medical workforce education and training in England. However, following public deliberation and parliamentary scrutiny of the government's proposals, it had to abandon and alter its original proposals to the extent that they failed to achieve their original decentralisation objectives. This failed decentralisation attempt provides important lessons about the policy process and content of both workforce governance and health system reforms in Europe and beyond. The organisation, financing, and planning of medical workforce education is as an issue of national importance and should remain in the stewardship of the national government. Future reform efforts seeking to enhance the skills of the workforce needed to deliver high-quality care for patients in the 21st century will have a greater chance of succeeding if they are clearly articulated through engagement with stakeholders, and focus on the delivery of undergraduate and postgraduate multi-professional education and training in universities and teaching hospitals.  相似文献   

Starting in the 50s, healthcare workforce planning became a major concern for researchers and policy makers, since an imbalance of health professionals may create a serious insufficiency in the health system, and eventually lead to avoidable patient deaths. As such, methodologies and techniques have evolved significantly throughout the years, and simulation, in particular system dynamics, has been used broadly. However, tools such as stochastic agent-based simulation offer additional advantages for conducting forecasts, making it straightforward to incorporate microeconomic foundations and behavior rules into the agents. Surprisingly, we found no application of agent-based simulation to healthcare workforce planning above the hospital level. In this paper we develop a stochastic agent-based simulation model to forecast the supply of physicians and apply it to the Portuguese physician workforce. Moreover, we study the effect of variability in key input parameters using Monte Carlo simulation, concluding that small deviations in emigration or dropout rates may originate disparate forecasts. We also present different scenarios reflecting opposing policy directions and quantify their effect using the model. Finally, we perform an analysis of the impact of existing demographic projections on the demand for healthcare services. Results suggest that despite a declining population there may not be enough physicians to deliver all the care an ageing population may require. Such conclusion challenges anecdotal evidence of a surplus of physicians, supported mainly by the observation that Portugal has more physicians than the EU average.  相似文献   

Although the health care system depends heavily on female physicians, it discriminates against women and tends to concentrate female physicians' work in lower status occupations. Gender discrimination has structural, social, and cultural dimensions. Such discrimination is perceived differently by various stakeholders and the public. In addition, there is reluctance to publicly acknowledge gender discrimination, especially in the culturally conservative Middle East region. Gender discrimination leads to underrepresentation of female physicians in leadership roles and certain specialties and hence leads to less attention and understanding of the working conditions of female physicians and their roles in the health care system. The lack of accessible data in the region regarding gender discrimination among physicians leads to stakeholders failing to recognize the existence and magnitude of this type of discrimination. This article takes up the relatively neglected issue of gender discrimination in the health care workforce among the stakeholders of the Ministry of Health and Prevention of the United Arab Emirates. Future research should explore the extent of gender discrimination among physicians and the gender remuneration gap, together with other sorts of discrimination, perception of equal opportunity, and dominant stereotypes of men and women working in health care in relation to job obligation, promotion, retention, remuneration, and education.  相似文献   

Better primary care has become a key strategy for reforming health systems to respond effectively to increases in non-communicable diseases and changing population needs, yet the primary care workforce has received very little attention. This article aligns primary care policy and workforce development in European countries. The aim is to provide a comparative overview of the governance of workforce innovation and the views of the main stakeholders. Cross-country comparisons and an explorative case study design are applied. We combine material from different European projects to analyse health system responses to changing primary care workforce needs, transformations in the general practitioner workforce and patient views on workforce changes. The results reveal a lack of alignment between primary care reform policies and workforce policies and high variation in the governance of primary care workforce innovation. Transformations in the general practitioner workforce only partly follow changing population needs; countries vary considerably in supporting and achieving the goals of integration and community orientation. Yet patients who have experienced task shifting in their care express overall positive views on new models. In conclusion, synthesising available evidence from different projects contributes new knowledge on policy levers and reveals an urgent need for health system leadership in developing an integrated people-centred primary care workforce.  相似文献   

Nursing is the largest segment of the healthcare workforce, but over the next decade even more nurses will be required. Changing population demographics, new technologies, and evolving models of healthcare will stimulate expansion of nursing roles and the need for a highly educated nursing workforce. The current nursing workforce is aging, and large numbers of retirements are anticipated. By 2025, the United States is expected to experience a nursing shortage; in Hawai‘i this shortfall is forecast to be 3,311 professional nurses. Currently there are nine nursing programs across the state in public and private universities and colleges. These programs are partnering to implement the Institute of Medicine''s recommendations for the future of nursing. In Hawai‘i, nursing practice is being expanded; different pathways to advanced nursing education are being implemented; and nurses are partnering with other groups to reshape healthcare. The Hawai‘i State Center for Nursing collects ongoing data on the nursing workforce to inform strategic planning. Current gaps in nursing specialty education include school health and mental health. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of Hawai‘i''s nursing workforce in relationship to statewide population demographics, healthcare needs and gaps, and then outline steps being taken by the profession to address these needs and gaps while implementing the Institute of Medicine recommendations.  相似文献   

Oral health workforce policy has often lacked systematic connections with broader health policy, and system-based reforms that would enable more effective responses to future needs of the population. The aim of the study was to better understand challenges facing oral health workforce policy and planning and identify potential solutions. In-depth interviews of 23 senior oral health leaders and/or health policy experts from 15 countries were conducted in 2016-17. Grounded theory principles using the Straussian school of thought guided the qualitative analysis. The findings identified: (i) narrow approach towards dental education, (ii) imbalances in skills, jobs and competencies, and (iii) geographic maldistribution as major challenges. An overarching theme -“strife of interests” - shed light on the tension between the profession's interest, and the needs of the population. A key aspect was the clash for power, dominance and authority within the oral health workforce and across health professions. This study argues that appreciating the history of health professions and recognising the centrality of the strife of interests is necessary in developing policies that both address professional sensitivities and are in line with the needs of the population. Integration and closer collaboration of oral health professionals with the mainstream medical and health professions has emerged as the key issue, but the solutions will be diverse and dependent on country- or context-specific scenarios.  相似文献   

近年来,中国经济发展取得长足进步,但在卫生领域还面临诸多挑战。人口老龄化以及不断加重的慢性非传染性疾病负担,是当前中国亟待解决的卫生问题。然而,和世界上大多数国家一样,中国也面临着卫生人力短缺以及分配不均的问题。本文认为,中国卫生人力的发展需要重点关注三个方面:通过技能组合改善医护比;医学教育现代化,尤其是对教学目标及其内容进行改革;研究生教育和继续医学教育的标准化及推广。  相似文献   

The public health sector has been the target of austerity measures since the global financial crisis started in 2008, while health workforce costs have been a source of rapid savings in most European Union countries. This article aims to explore how health workforce policies have evolved in three southern European countries under external constraints imposed by emergency financial programmes agreed with the International Monetary Fund, Central European Bank and European Commission. The selected countries, Greece, Portugal and Cyprus, show similarities with regard to corporatist systems of social protection and comprehensive welfare mechanisms only recently institutionalized. Based on document analysis of the Memoranda of Understanding agreed with the Troika, our results reveal broadly similar policy responses to the crisis but also important differences. In Cyprus, General Practitioners have a key position in reducing public expenditure through gatekeeping and control of users’ access, while Portugal and Greece seeks to achieve cost containment by constraining the decision-making powers of professionals. All three countries lack innovation as well as monitoring and assessment of the effects of the financial crisis in relation to the health workforce. Consequently, there is a need for health policy development to use human resources more efficiently in healthcare.  相似文献   

Timor-Leste is in the process of addressing a key issue for the country’s health sector: a medical workforce that is too small to provide adequate care. In theory, a bilateral programme of medical cooperation with Cuba created in 2003 could solve this problem. By the end of 2013, nearly 700 new doctors trained in Cuba had been added to Timor-Leste’s medical workforce and by 2017 a further 328 doctors should have been trained in the country by Cuban and local health professionals. A few more doctors who have been trained in Indonesia and elsewhere will also soon enter the workforce. It is expected that the number of physicians in Timor-Leste in 2017 will be more than three times the number present in the country in 2003. Most of the new physicians are expected to work in rural communities and support the national government’s goal of improving health outcomes for the rural majority. Although the massive growth in the medical workforce could change the way health care is delivered and substantially improve health outcomes throughout the country, there are challenges that must be overcome if Timor-Leste is to derive the maximum benefit from such growth. It appears crucial that most of the new doctors be deployed in rural communities and managed carefully to optimize their rural retention.  相似文献   

There is a paradox characterising the Russian health workforce. By international standards, Russia has a very high number of physicians per capita but at the same time is confronted by chronic real shortages of qualified physicians. This paper explores the reasons for this paradox by examining the structural characteristics of health workforce development in the context of the Soviet legacy and the comparative performance of other European countries. The paper uses data on comparative health workforce dynamics to argue that Russia is a European laggard, before then evaluating recent and current policies within that context. The health workforce challenges facing all low‐ and middle‐income countries are acute, and this paper confirms this IS the case for Russia—Europe's largest country. The paper argues that the physician shortage is driven by the model of health workforce development inherited from the Soviet period, with its emphasis on quantitative rather than structural indicators. We find that, in contrast to most European Union countries, Russia's stalled reform process leaves it facing a chronic shortage of appropriately trained physicians. We document the costs of failed and slow reforms during the last 2 decades, while cautiously welcoming some recent policy initiatives.  相似文献   

The quality of the available information on Human Resources for Health (HRH) is critical to planning strategically the future workforce needs. This article aims to assess HRH monitoring in Portugal: the data availability, comparability and quality.A scoping review of academic literature was conducted, which included 76 empirical studies. The content analysis was guided by the World Health Organization ‘AAAQ framework’ that covers availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality of the health workforce.The analysis identified three types of problems affecting HRH monitoring in Portugal: insufficient data, the non-use of available data, and the general lack of analysis of the HRH situation. As a consequence, the data availability, comparability and quality is poor, and therefore HRH monitoring in Portugal makes strategic planning of the future health workforce difficult.Recommendations to improve HRH monitoring include: 1) make data collection aligned with the standardized indicators and guidelines by the Joint Eurostat-OECD-World Health Organization questionnaire on Non-Monetary Health Care Statistics; 2) cover the whole workforce, which includes professions, sectors and services; 3) create a mechanism of permanent monitoring and analysis of HRH at the country level.  相似文献   

A competent health workforce is a vital resource for health services delivery, dictating the extent to which services are capable of responding to health needs. In the context of the changing health landscape, an integrated approach to service provision has taken precedence. For this, strengthening health workforce competencies is an imperative, and doing so in practice hinges on the oversight and steering function of governance. To aid health system stewards in their governing role, this review seeks to provide an overview of processes, tools and actors for strengthening health workforce competencies. It draws from a purposive and multidisciplinary review of literature, expert opinion and country initiatives across the WHO European Region's 53 Member States. Through our analysis, we observe distinct yet complementary roles can be differentiated between health services delivery and the health system. This understanding is a necessary prerequisite to gain deeper insight into the specificities for strengthening health workforce competencies in order for governance to rightly create the institutional environment called for to foster alignment. Differentiating between the contribution of health services and the health system in the strengthening of health workforce competencies is an important distinction for achieving and sustaining health improvement goals.  相似文献   

Basu and Pak (2014) argue that need‐based workforce planning models would not maximize social welfare, and use of need‐based models would result in inefficiency. They propose that planning be based on service utilization to incorporate preferences or other socioeconomic factors. We show that the analysis is based on inappropriate considerations of the nature of healthcare demand, a misrepresentation of need‐based approaches and misunderstanding publicly funded healthcare system objectives. We explain how current levels of utilization emerge from workload and income interests of providers that underlie utilization‐based models and are incompatible with public goals of maximizing health gains. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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