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乳腺乳头腺瘤1李希麟2张瑰红1临床资料患者女,32岁。1年前出现左乳肿块,疼痛明显,治疗后好转,但反复发作性乳头溢淡黄色液体,近2年左乳头溢血性液体。体检:左乳头部可扪及一2cm×1cm肿块,表面光滑,质硬,可活动,有轻度压痛。乳腺红外线探测示:左乳...  相似文献   

患者女性,39岁,因“发现左乳肿物1个月余”就诊。查体:双乳对称,外观大致正常,左乳内下可触及一1.0 cm ×0.8 cm大小肿物,质韧硬,界欠清,活动度差,左乳内上象限可及片状不均回声区,右乳未及明显异常,双腋下未及明显肿大淋巴结。外院B超示:左侧乳腺内侧腺体结构显示紊乱,呈片状,分布欠均匀。外院双侧乳腺CC+MLO示:双乳致密腺体型,左乳结节伴钙化,右乳结节,BI-RADS 3级。外院乳腺 MRI 示:左乳乳头内侧节段性明显强化,考虑 BI-RADS-MRI 4级;左乳乳头上方小结节,BI-RADS-MRI 3级;右乳BI-RADS-MRI 2~3级。  相似文献   

正患者女性,51岁,发现左乳肿物1个月,于2012年7月23日入院。查体:左乳上象限可触及一肿物,大小5 cm×5cm,质较硬,表面欠光滑,界限尚清,活动度差,与胸壁无明显粘连,轻挤乳头无溢血、溢液。乳腺彩超示左乳上象限片状低回声不均区。乳腺钼靶示左侧乳腺致密结节。临床考虑为乳腺纤维腺瘤,遂行B超引导下左乳肿物麦默通微创旋切术,切取肿物组织送病理活检。病理诊断为乳腺微腺体腺  相似文献   

乳腺平滑肌肉瘤并皮下转移一例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yu GH  Qu GM  Yao WD  Lang ZQ  Jiang L 《中华病理学杂志》2007,36(12):860-861
患者女,58岁.发现左乳肿物2个月,于2007年1月15日入院.体检:双乳头对称,左乳房内上象限11点方向距乳晕3 cm处扪及一肿物,约1 cm×1 cm×1 cm大小,质韧,边界清,活动度可,无明显触痛,腋窝未触及肿大淋巴结.  相似文献   

第一次入院:2年前发现左乳有一约"小指头"大小的结节,在当地妇幼保健院诊断为"增生结节",未治疗。之后肿块进行性长大,当地人民医院再次诊断为该症,予中药治疗。1年前出现左侧乳头内陷,无乳头溢液、溢血,我科门诊行左侧乳房肿块针吸细胞学检查提示左侧乳腺癌,遂人我科治疗。既往史无特殊,G2P1,未哺乳,月经规律,姨妈患乳腺癌。查体左侧乳房中央区乳头乳晕下明显肿块隆起,肿块周围皮肤增厚、呈橘皮样改变,无酒窝征;左侧乳头内陷,挤压乳头乳晕无溢液、溢血;左侧乳头下方扪及一肿块,约5.0×5.0cm,质地硬,边界不清,形态不规则,移动度尚可;左侧腋下扪及一肿大融合不规则淋巴结,约2.0×2.0cm,质地硬,边界清,移动度尚可,锁骨上下区未扪及肿大淋巴结,对侧乳房及腋下未扪及异常。乳腺彩超及乳腺钼靶:支持左侧乳腺癌,伴左侧腋窝淋巴结肿大;左侧乳房肿块空心针穿刺活检提示左侧乳腺浸润性癌,免疫组化未查;颈胸增强CT及骨扫描未见远处转移灶。诊断为左侧乳腺癌(cT4N2M0),给予TAC方案(多西他赛75 mg/m2、吡柔比星50 mg/m2、环磷酰胺500 mg/m2)新辅助化疗一个疗程,患者未回院继续治疗。  相似文献   

乳腺神经内分泌癌   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1 临床资料  例 1,女性 ,39岁。因无意中发现左乳肿块 1个月余入院。体检 :左乳外上象限触及一直径约 3cm肿块 ,与皮肤无粘连 ,乳头无溢液。术中发现肿块 3cm× 4cm× 3cm ,境界欠清。术中快速石蜡切片诊断为乳腺小叶癌 ,疑为神经内分泌型。遂行乳腺癌根治术。术后继以化疗。迄今健在 ,对侧乳腺未发现病变。例 2 ,女性 ,43岁。发现左乳肿块 15年 ,伴间歇性疼痛 5年。术前针吸细胞学检查诊断为乳癌可能。入院后体检 :左乳房乳头略偏向外侧 ,外上象限可触及一肿块 ,3cm× 3cm× 2cm。质硬 ,表面不平 ,边界尚清 ,但活动度欠佳…  相似文献   

患者女,66岁.发现右乳肿块4 d,无疼痛和溢液,于2009年11月30日收入院.体检:双乳对称,无乳头凹陷,右乳内下4点距乳晕3 cm处有酒窝征,触诊可扪及一个约2.5 cm×2.0 cm×2.0 cm的质硬肿块,界限不清,活动可,无触痛,按压时无乳头溢液.左乳未触及明显肿块.  相似文献   

正患者女性,72岁,发现左乳肿块半年,于2017年9月2日收住入院。患者半年前无意中发现左乳上方有一肿块,约鸽蛋大小,无肿胀、疼痛,无乳头溢液,未予重视。近半年来感肿块逐渐增大,B超提示:左乳上方低回声团块BI-RADS 5级。体格检查:双乳对称,大小相当,无皮肤红肿渗出,无乳头内陷溢液,双乳未见橘皮样改变及酒窝征。左乳外上触及  相似文献   

乳腺原发性恶性淋巴瘤1例蔡雷铭患者女,35岁,发现左乳肿块1周。无乳头溢液,无低热盗汗。外科检查,左乳外上、外下象限交界处肿块,4cm×5cm大小,质地偏硬,不活动,界不清,与胸壁皮肤无粘连,无压痛。左腋下可触及数枚蚕豆大小活动淋巴结,全身其他浅表淋...  相似文献   

男性乳腺泌乳性腺瘤1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
男性乳腺泌乳性腺瘤1例关键词男性,乳腺肿瘤,泌乳性腺瘤张仁亚患者,男性,62岁。发现右乳房肿块20d。查体:右乳头内侧触及一花生米大小肿块,质硬,活动,与皮肤和基底部无粘连,无触痛,压之乳头有血性液体溢出。对侧乳腺稍隆起,但未触及明显肿块。临床诊断为...  相似文献   

A further analysis of already published data supports the position that retardates of low ability level less frequently have retarded siblings, retarded parents, and parents low in occupational level than do retardates higher in ability level. The analysis supports the position that there are two types of retarded individuals, persons retarded as a result of gene or chromosomal anomalies, brain injury, etc., who more frequently occur in the lower-level retardate group, and persons whose retardation represents polygenic segregation, who more frequently occur in the higher-level group.  相似文献   

背景:局部注射具有成骨作用的辛伐他汀,可显著增加骨质疏松大鼠股骨颈及股骨髁部的骨密度及力学强度,分析局部注射辛伐他汀对股骨髁骨小梁的影响。 目的:进一步研究骨质疏松大鼠股骨内局部注射辛伐他汀对股骨髁骨小梁的影响。为将辛伐他汀应用于临床骨质疏松局部治疗提供实验基础。 方法:18只雌性SD大鼠双侧卵巢切除后3个月,制备大鼠骨质疏松模型。实验大鼠随机数字表法均分为3组,分别在实验大鼠的右侧股骨髓腔内单次注射辛伐他汀溶液5 mg、10 mg,对照组单纯注射空白载体。分别在注射后1个月处死大鼠并取材。Micro-CT扫描并定量分析骨组织形态变化。 结果与结论:给药后1个月,Micro-CT扫描结果显示,辛伐他汀治疗组的骨微结构参数如骨皮质厚度、骨小梁密度及连接率明显优于对照组。说明疏松骨骼单次注射小剂量辛伐他汀可显著促进股骨髁部骨小梁改建,改善骨骼微结构,可为强化局部、防治骨质疏松骨折的新选择进一步提供实验基础。  相似文献   

石斛属民族药用植物的分类及生药学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中药石斛早在《神农本草经》中就被列为上品,其应用历史悠久,具有养阴生津、补肾益气、润喉护嗓、活血明目、抗癌防老等功效。本文对国内外石斛属民族药用植物的分类及生药学研究进行了综述。  相似文献   

目的我科自2001~2005年4月对59例67膝的骨性关节炎(0A),进行关节镜检查及镜下清理术。方法镜检:膝关节骨性关节炎伴不同程度滑膜炎,滑膜皱壁粘连纤维片,关节软骨不同程度破坏。镜下清除增生滑膜,松解粘连,去除剥脱软骨、修复关节面。结果随访2月~4年,平均1.5年,术后综合评估2月~1年,优良率94%;1~2年,优良率79.2%;2年以上优良率54.8%。结论关节镜对膝关节骨性关节炎诊断能提供了比较全面的资料,并对骨性关节炎早期有良好疗效,具有创伤小、恢复快、并发症少和重复治疗等优点。  相似文献   

Since the cutaneous veins of the four limbs have been used as autogenous grafts in the treatment of cardiovascular disorders, knowledge of distribution of the valves is increasingly required depending upon the use. In the gross anatomical study of distribution of valves of the trunci venae, there has been argument about locational relationships between the venous roots and the valves in the vicinity of the roots and the inter-valvular distance. However, there have been only few reports discussing detailed information about valves of the cutaneous veins of the four limbs. The authors observed patterns of distribution of the cutaneous venous valves of the four limbs of cadavers prepared for practice in anatomy. The following parts were excised from each cadaver: the cephalic, basilic, and the great saphenous veins, which originate from the acral venous network and flow into the proximal deep veins, and the venous roots communicating with these veins. An incision was made on each excised vein in the direction of the long axis under observation with a stereoscopic microscope, and the inter-valvular distance and the distance between the valve and the orifice of venous root in the vicinity of the valve were measured. The inter-valvular distance varied with type of the truncus venae, and it varied according to area even in the same truncus venae.  相似文献   

Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 115, N o 4, pp. 401–404, April, 1993  相似文献   

Sterols of three digenetic trematodes were isolated and characterized by infrared and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies, and gas-liquid chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Sterols identified were cholesterol, cholestanol, 24-methylcholesterol, 24-methylcholestanol, 24-ethyl-22-dehydrocholesterol, 24-ethyl-22-dehydrocholestanol, 24-ethylcholesterol and 24-ethylcholestanol.  相似文献   

New electrophysiologic devices were used for the diagnostics of the state of excitable structures in the gastrointestinal tract and correction of their motor functions. Bioelectrical and biomechanical activities form the basis of functioning of internal organs. The mechanisms of generation of slow bioelectrical activity that are important for clinical and physiological studies are described. One of these mechanisms is a capacitance parametric transducer converting the energy of contractions into specific electric signals reflecting muscle functions. Another mechanism results from slow oscillations of resting potentials of interrelated excitable cells in large neuromuscular structures of internal organs. The elaborated procedure is efficient for preventing early postoperative paresis of the gastrointestinal tract. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 128, No. 10, pp. 448–452, October, 1999  相似文献   

崔慧  董鹏  刘文娟  徐敏 《解剖与临床》2008,13(4):239-240
目的:研究正常胃小弯侧血管弓及其属支血管的多排螺旋CT表现。方法:回顾性分析51例正常成人的上腹部CT资料,观察胃小弯侧血管弓及其属支血管的显示情况、血管弓形态及其与胃壁的关系。结果:51例均显示胃小弯侧血管弓,血管弓贲门部属支、胃体部属支和幽门部属支分别显示46例、15例和10例;血管弓与胃壁紧邻41例。结论:MDCT检查可良好显示正常胃小弯侧血管弓及其属支血管。  相似文献   

Assessment of the aftereffects of cryoexposure and ultrahigh-frequency cryoexposure on hemangioma tissue of various types, cavernous and squamous, showed a higher cryogenic effect in hemangiomatous tissue preexposed to ultrahigh-frequency waves. A quantitative criterion is proposed for assessing the efficacy of the studied methods of exposure. Translated fromByulleten' Eksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 119, N o 6, pp. 669–672, June, 1995  相似文献   

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