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目的 对比老年髋部骨折患者与老年非骨折的骨病患者维生素水平及缺乏情况,分析维生素缺乏对老年髋部骨折的影响。方法 回顾性病例对照研究。纳入2020年11月—2022年2月深圳市第二人民医院均行血清维生素水平检测的老年髋部骨折患者172例(骨折组)及老年非骨折的髋膝关节骨病患者345(非骨折组)例。骨折组患者中男50例、女122例,年龄65~97(81.0±8.2)岁;非骨折组中男89例、女256例,年龄65~90(72.1±5.9)岁。采用液相色谱串联质谱法检测血清维生素A、B1、B2、B3、B5、B6、B9、E、K1,以及25-羟基维生素D(D2和D3)的含量,将维生素水平低于正常值下限定义为相应维生素缺乏。观察指标:(1)观察骨折组与非骨折组是否缺乏维生素,并比较2组患者维生素水平的差异。(2)将标准化后的维生素水平作为自变量,骨折与否作为因变量,年龄和性别作为协变量,采用多因素logistic回归分析标准化后维生素水平对老年髋部骨折的影响。结果 (1)骨折组患者维生素A、B1、B3、B9、E缺乏情况更为严重,骨折组占比分别为62.8% (59/94)、62.4% (58/93)、19.4% (18/93)、50.0% (52/104)、14.9% (14/94),非骨折组为20.2% (49/243)、41.2% (100/243)、5.0% (12/241)、16.3% (41/251)、4.5% (11/243),差异均有统计学意义(χ2=56.49、12.15、15.82、43.10、10.61,P值均<0.05)。骨折组患者的血清25-羟维生素D、D3,以及维生素A、B1、B3、B5、B6、B9、E、K1水平较非骨折组明显降低,差异均有统计学意义(Z=-4.41、-2.53、-7.08、-3.43、-5.25、-2.08、-2.46、-6.80、-3.26、-7.93,P值均<0.05);25-羟维生素D2和维生素B2水平2组差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05)。(2)多因素回归分析显示,维生素A[比值比(OR)=0.30,95%可信区间(CI)0.20~0.45]、维生素K1(OR=0.31,95% CI 0.21~0.46)、维生素B9(OR=0.33,95% CI 0.23~0.47)、维生素B3(OR=0.50,95% CI 0.36~0.70)、维生素B5(OR=0.50,95% CI 0.37~0.69)、维生素B1(OR=0.52,95% CI 0.38~0.72)、维生素E(OR=0.61,95% CI 0.45~0.83)、25-羟基维生素D(OR=0.70,95% CI 0.55~0.89)和维生素B6(OR=0.71,95% CI 0.54~0.95)水平的降低均会导致老年髋部骨折的风险增加(P值均<0.05)。结论 老年髋部骨折患者和老年非骨折的髋膝关节退行性骨病患者都普遍存在各种维生素缺乏,而且以25-羟基维生素D的缺乏最为严重。髋部骨折患者相对于非骨折患者的多种维生素水平更低,血清维生素A、B1、B3、B5、B6、B9、E、K1、25-羟基维生素D水平的降低会增加髋部骨折的风险。  相似文献   

目的 评估闭合复位髓内钉治疗同侧股骨干骨折合并股骨粗隆间骨折的临床疗效并分析造成骨折不愈合的危险因素。 方法 回顾性分析2010年1月至2016年12月在我院行闭合复位髓内固定治疗同侧股骨干骨折合并髋部骨折的31例患者,男23例,女8例,年龄(46.4±15.7) 岁(21~73岁)。观察并记录股骨干合并股骨粗隆间骨折患者阻挡钉数量、手术时间、失血量、愈合时间、肢体短缩、髋关节HHS功能评分。对可能造成骨折不愈合的可能因素进行单因素及多因素分析。 结果 所有患者随访时间12~48个月,平均随访时间20.1个月。对所有造成骨折不愈合的可能因素进行分析。阻挡钉数量和骨折类型具有统计学意义(P<0.05),其余因素如损伤机制、手术时间等未见明显统计学意义(P>0.05)。对上述两因素进行多因素分析,阻挡钉数量(OR=2.845, 95% CI 2.164~3.741)和骨折类型(OR=3.388,95% CI 1.966~5.840)为独立危险因素。 结论 阻挡钉数量少、股骨干粉碎型骨折是引起骨折不愈合的独立危险因素。闭合复位髓内钉治疗同侧股骨干合并股骨粗隆间骨折安全有效、可提高生活质量,值得临床广泛推广。  相似文献   

目的 探讨结直肠腺瘤性息肉发病的危险因素。方法 回顾性病例对照研究。纳入2018年1月—2019年12月皖西卫生职业学院附属医院消化内科内镜中心行肠镜检查及摘除结直肠息肉的患者780例,其中男492例(63.1%)、女288例(36.9%),年龄9~93(56.86±12.65)岁。根据息肉的病理诊断结果分为腺瘤组540例和非腺瘤组240例。比较两组患者的临床特征(年龄、性别、腹部临床表现)、内镜特征以及病理表现(结直肠息肉的数目、大小、位置、息肉蒂情况、分叶情况及息肉上皮内瘤变情况),将有统计学差异的指标进一步纳入多因素logistic回归分析。结果 腺瘤组患者的平均发病年龄、便血和腹痛的发生率均高于非腺瘤组,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05);腺瘤组中存在息肉直径≥1 cm、息肉数目≥3枚、息肉带蒂、息肉分叶、高低级别上皮内瘤变及上皮癌变等的患者占比均高于非腺瘤组,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。进一步多因素logistic回归分析显示,年龄≥70岁[比值比(OR)=1.772, 95%置信区间(CI)=1.333~2.770, P<0.05]、便血(OR=1.290, 95% CI 1.015~1.637, P<0.05)、腹痛(OR=1.732, 95% CI 1.207~2.483, P<0.05)、息肉数目≥3枚(OR=0.390, 95% CI 0.202~0.753, P<0.05)、息肉直径≥1cm(OR=0.604, 95 CI 0.383~0.952, P<0.05)、息肉有蒂(带蒂和亚蒂)(OR=2.779, 95% CI 1.511~5.112, P<0.05)和息肉存在高、低级别上皮内瘤变或癌变(OR=0.599, 95% CI 0.373~0.960, P<0.05)是结直肠腺瘤性息肉发病的危险因素。结论 腺瘤性息肉易发生上皮内瘤变及癌变,高龄 (≥70岁)、便血、腹痛,结直肠息肉数目≥3枚、直径≥1cm以及息肉有蒂的患者患结直肠腺瘤可能性较大。  相似文献   

背景:髋部骨质疏松是其骨折的主要原因。 目的:调查50岁以上骨质疏松髋部骨折患者骨质疏松相关评估和药物治疗现状。 方法:通过电子病历回顾及电话随访的方式,对于2009-07/2010-12在北京积水潭医院住院的50岁及以上、骨质疏松髋部骨折患者进行调查。完成有效调查484例,调查内容包括骨密度检查、骨质疏松相关药物的应用现状以及患者对骨质疏松的知晓率。 结果与结论:患者中骨折前曾进行过骨密度检查的患者仅为13例(2.7%),曾经用过骨质疏松相关药物的46例(9.5%),骨折住院期间为93例(19.2%)和219例(45.2%),随访期间分别为14例(2.9%),96例(19.8%)。随访期仅骨质疏松相关药物应用率显著高于住院前(P=0.000)。患者或其家人对其患有骨质疏松症知晓率仅为45.9%,主要获取途径来自于医务人员占54%。提示大多数骨质疏松髋部骨折患者在发生骨折前和康复期没有接受骨质疏松相关检查,骨质疏松的知晓率低,治疗率更低。  相似文献   

 目的:对5-氨基水杨酸(5-ASA)干预炎症性肠病(IBD)相关性结肠癌(CRC)或上皮内瘤变(Dys)(IBD-CRC/Dys)的作用进行临床资料的评价和meta分析。方法:检索PubMed、Web of Science、the Cochrane Library等主要数据库,将符合标准的资料纳入研究,统计优势比(OR)及其95%置信区间(CI),并根据IBD 类型和疗程进行亚组分析。结果:共纳入15 篇文献中的5 038名IBD患者。使用5-ASA的IBD患者发生CRC/Dys的OR= 0.53(95% CI:0.37~0.76)。根据疾病类型分层分析显示,使用5-ASA的溃疡性结肠炎患者发生CRC/Dys的OR=0.45(95%CI:0.27~0.77),克罗恩病患者发生CRC/Dys的OR= 0.39(95%CI: 0.16~0.97);此外,疗程小于1年的患者发生CRC/Dys的OR= 0.59(95% CI: 0.26~1.34),而疗程在1年以上(最长者达20年)发生CRC/Dys的OR= 0.43(95% CI: 0.25~0.74)。结论: 5-ASA对IBD-CRC/Dys 有预防作用,且该作用呈疗程依赖性,疗程长者效果明显,尚不能证明2~6个月的使用疗程有预防作用。  相似文献   

背景:老年髋部骨折后发生对侧髋部再骨折数目在逐年增加。 目的:阐述老年髋部骨折后对侧髋部再骨折的临床特征,提高对再次对侧髋部骨折的认识。 方法:于2001-01/2011-07对老年单侧髋部骨折患者567例和老年再发对侧髋部骨折患者30例,分析再发对侧骨折病例的发生率、骨折类型、年龄、性别、骨密度、骨质疏松、再骨折时间间隔和合并症。 结果与结论:单侧髋部骨折与再发对侧髋部骨折患者年龄、性别比例和骨密度值接近。老年髋部骨折患者中,对侧髋部再骨折发生率为5.0%。转子间骨折再发对侧髋部骨折率高于股骨颈骨折再发对侧髋部骨折率(P=0.018)。再发对侧骨折组骨质疏松发生率高于单侧骨折组(P=0.032)。初次骨折后发生对侧骨折的间隔时间平均2.4年,其中1年发生的最多,占40.1%。提示老年髋部骨折患者对侧髋部再骨折发生率较高,对于伴有骨质疏松和合并症的转子间骨折患者在术后1年内应加强预防,防止对侧髋部骨折的再次发生。 关键词:再发对侧髋部骨折;髋部骨折;股骨颈骨折;转子间骨折;骨密度;骨质疏松 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1673-8225.2012.04.042  相似文献   

目的 探讨合并脑卒中病史的老年髋部骨折患者的临床特征,以及在老年髋部骨折共管模式下的治疗效果。方法 回顾性队列分析。纳入2018年11月—2019年11月在北京积水潭医院手术治疗的1 092例老年髋部骨折患者的临床资料,其中男306例,女786例,年龄65~95岁(平均79.6岁)。根据既往是否有脑卒中病史分为脑卒中组155例和非脑卒中组937例。脑卒中组患者发生脑卒中至髋部骨折手术时间均大于30 d。观察指标:(1)分析脑卒中组患者的临床特征(脑卒中类型、发病史、后遗症发生率、遗留肢体不利情况,以及肢体不利侧与肢体利侧发生骨折的占比)。(2)比较2组患者的年龄、性别、骨折类型、骨折侧别、伤前能否户外活动、伤前行走是否需要辅具等临床特征的差异。(3)比较2组患者的入院48 h内手术率、术前等待时间、住院时间,比较不同观察时间的死亡率、再手术率,以及并发症发生率、活动恢复情况、健康相关生活质量等结果的差异。结果 (1)脑卒中组155例患者的临床特征:其中,脑梗死141例(91.0%),脑出血14例(9.0%);1次脑卒中发病史148例(95.4%),≥2次发病史7例(4.5%);有脑卒中后遗症60例(38.7%);遗留肢体不利的患者43例(27.7%),其中81.4%(35/43)骨折发生在肢体不利侧,18.6%(8/43)发生在利侧。(2)2组患者的性别、骨折侧别比较差异均无统计学差异(P值均>0.05);脑卒中组患者较非脑卒中组患者的中位年龄小(79岁与81岁),脑卒中组患者股骨颈骨折发生率(58.7%,91/155)、辅具帮助行走的比例(43.9%,68/155)及无法户外活动的比例(11.6%,18/155)均较非脑卒中患者高(49.6%,465/937;23.5%,276/937;5.7%,53/937),差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。(2)2组患者的入院48 h内手术率、术前等待时间、住院时间、再手术率及并发症发生率比较差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);院内死亡率及入院后30 d、120 d、1年死亡率差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);入院后30 d、120 d、1年骨折术后并发症发生率与再手术率差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);患者恢复伤前活动能力的比较,入院后30、120 d差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05),入院后1年随访脑卒中组(48.9%,68/139)低于非脑卒中组(59.8%,468/782),差异有统计学意义(χ²=5.79,P<0.001)。脑卒中组入院后30 d、120 d、1年健康相关生活质量评分为0.62(0.46,0.74)、0.78(0.57,0.90)和0.83(0.57,0.94)分均低于非脑卒中组的0.69(0.51,0.78)、0.83(0.73,0.94)和0.93(0.75,1.00)分,差异均有统计学意义(Z=-3.12、-2.97、-4.83,P值均<0.05)。结论 合并脑卒中史的老年髋部骨折患者,骨折总体发病年龄稍早于无脑卒中史者,既往多有1次脑梗死病史发作,少部分人遗留有后遗症,伤前活动能力较差,髋部骨折多发生在脑卒中后遗留肢体活动不利侧。共管模式下对于脑卒中病史超过30 d的老年髋部骨折患者尽早实施手术是安全有效的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颈椎退行性变患者甲状腺异常的MRI检出率及相关影响因素。方法 回顾性研究。纳入2014年10月—2018年4月徐州医科大学附属医院骨科963例颈椎退行性变患者的临床资料,其中男515例、女448例,年龄28~91 (56.0±11.1)岁。统计甲状腺异常患者的检出率、类型。根据是否合并甲状腺异常将患者分为合并甲状腺异常和无甲状腺异常2组,比较2组患者的性别、年龄、体质量指数(BMI)、颈部放射史及甲状腺疾病家族史等临床资料,采用多因素logistic回归分析甲状腺异常发生的影响因素。结果 963例患者中,发现甲状腺异常63例,检出率6.5%。63例甲状腺异常患者中,甲状腺结节47例,甲状腺肿10例,桥本甲状腺炎3例,甲状腺部分切除术术后2例,甲状腺癌1例。900例无甲状腺异常者和63例合并甲状腺异常者2组颈椎退行性变患者比较,在吸烟史方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在年龄、性别、BMI、颈部放射史及甲状腺疾病家族史等方面差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.05)。进一步多因素logistic回归分析显示,女性[比值比(OR)=4.640、95%可信区间(CI)2.470~8.719]是甲状腺异常的危险因素,年龄(OR=0.968、95% CI 0.946~0.991)及BMI(OR=0.918、95% CI 0.848~0.993)是甲状腺异常的保护因素(P值均<0.05)。结论 颈椎退行性变患者在颈椎MRI中检出甲状腺异常并不少见,性别、年龄、BMI是甲状腺异常的独立影响因素。临床应重视颈椎MRI中甲状腺区域的判读、评估,尤其是对女性、年龄小、BMI低的患者,完善相关评估,颈椎于术前发现甲状腺异常可降低其潜在的手术风险。  相似文献   

目的探讨影响老年髋部骨折手术治疗效果的相关因素。方法选取广东医学院附属惠东县人民医院及南昌大学第一附属医院2011年3月至2014年8月收治的139例65岁以上髋部骨折手术治疗患者的临床资料,根据患者术后6个月随访Harris髋部功能评价分为优良组和(可+差)组,采用单因素χ2检验及多因素logistics回归分析,探讨影响老年髋部骨折手术治疗效果的危险因素。结果单因素分析显示,影响患者手术后6个月髋部功能恢复的单因素主要有年龄、骨折部位、骨折分型、受伤至手术时间、伤前ASA分级、伤前ADL评分、手术方式;多因素分析显示,年龄(OR=2.048)、骨折部位(OR=3.096)、骨折分型(OR=4.028)、受伤至手术时间(OR=5.174)、伤前ADL评分(OR=3.560)、手术方式(OR=3.928)为影响术后6个月髋部功能恢复的相关因素。结论老年髋部骨折患者手术后功能恢复情况受到多种因素的影响,应根据患者的实际情况进行术前预防,及时处理相关危险因素。  相似文献   

背景:临床上用于诊断骨质疏松症的通用指标:脆性骨折或骨密度T ≤ -2.5标准差,只要满足一个条件即可作出骨质疏松的诊断。在做骨密度检查时同时进行椎体骨折评估,可以避免单一因素的评判造成骨质疏松症的漏诊,有利于提高骨质疏松的诊断率。 目的:评估骨密度结合椎体骨折对骨质疏松症临床诊断率的影响。 方法:对217例年龄≥50岁的绝经后女性患者行髋部骨密度检测,同时进行椎体骨折评估,比较单纯依靠骨密度检查与骨密度结合椎体骨折评估对骨质疏松的诊断率的影响,同时探讨骨密度对椎体骨折率的影响。 结果与结论:92例骨密度T ≤ -2.5,达到骨质疏松诊断阈值,占42.4%;102例骨密度-1 > T > -2.5,为低骨量,占47.0%;23例骨密度在正常范围,骨密度T > -1,占10.6%。158例无椎体骨折;59例(27.2%)椎体骨折,101个骨折椎。骨密度T > -2.5的患者椎体骨折率为21.6%,骨密度T ≤ -2.5的患者椎体骨折率34.8%,两组骨折率比较差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);骨密度结合椎体骨折评估的骨质疏松诊断率为54.8%,比单纯依靠骨密度检查,骨质疏松诊断率提高12.4%(P=0.01)。说明绝经后女性做骨密度检测的同时进行椎体骨折评估可以提高骨质疏松的诊断率。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

Sarcopenia-related falls and fractures are increasing worldwide due to the aging population. The purpose of this study was to 1) evaluate anthropometric characteristics related to hip fracture in Korean patients, 2) investigate sarcopenia prevalence in hip fracture (HF) and non-hip fracture (NF) groups, and 3) investigate the correlation between sarcopenia and osteoporosis. This case-control study examined 359 HF and 1,614 NF normal populations using Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data. We performed whole-body dual energy X-ray absorptiometry to analyze body composition using the skeletal muscle mass index (SMI: lean mass/height2) and bone mineral density (BMD). In the HF group, using the AWGS definition, the prevalence of sarcopenia in women and men was 44.3% and 68.2%, respectively; in the NF group, it was 7.1% and 16.1%, respectively. Lower appendicular SMI (P < 0.001), leg muscle mass (P < 0.001), and higher prevalence of sarcopenia (P < 0.001) were observed in the HF group after adjustment for age and gender. In multivariate analysis, sarcopenia (OR = 6.52; 95% CI = 4.67-9.09), age (OR = 1.15; 95% CI = 1.13-1.17), and osteoporosis (OR = 1.87; 95% CI = 1.35-2.58) were associated with the occurrence of a hip fracture. This study showed a higher prevalence of sarcopenia in patients with hip fractures compared with a normal population, and higher prevalence of sarcopenia in men.  相似文献   



To screen the risk factors associated with breast cancer among Chinese women in order to evaluate the individual risk of developing breast cancer among women in China.

Material and methods

A case-control study on 416 breast cancer patients and 1156 matched controls was conducted in 14 hospitals in 8 provinces of China in 2008. Controls were age- and region-matched to the cases. Clinicians conducted in-person interviews with the subjects to collect information on demographics and suspected risk factors for breast cancer that are known worldwide. Conditional logistic regression was used to derive odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the associations between risk factors and breast cancer.


Compared with matched controls, women with breast cancer were significantly more likely to have higher body mass index (BMI, OR = 4.07, 95% CI: 2.98-5.55), history of benign breast disease (BBD) biopsy (OR = 1.68, 95% CI: 1.19-2.38), older age of menarche (AOM) (OR = 1.41, 95% CI: 1.07-1.87), stress anticipation (SA), for grade 1-4, OR = 2.15, 95% CI: 1.26-3.66; for grade 5-9, OR = 3.48, 95% CI: 2.03-5.95) and menopause (OR = 2.22, 95% CI: 1.50-3.282) at the level of p < 0.05. Family history of breast cancer (FHBC) in first-degree relatives (OR = 1.66, 95% CI: 0.77-3.59) and use of oral contraceptives (OC) (OR = 1.59, 95% CI: 0.83-3.05) were associated with an increased risk of breast cancer at the level of p < 0.20.


Our results showed that BMI, history of BBD biopsy, older AOM, SA and menopause were associated with increased risk of breast cancer among Chinese women. The findings derived from the study provided some suggestions for population-based prevention and control of breast cancer in China.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of dementia as an underlying disease in elderly patients with hip fracture, to investigate the effect of dementia on postoperative mortality after surgery of hip fracture, and to analyze the differences in postoperative mortalities according to the severity of dementia through subgroup analysis.MethodsThis study selected 2,346 elderly patients who were diagnosed with unilateral intertrochanteric or femoral neck fractures who underwent surgery between January 2004 and December 2018. The patients were classified into the non-dementia group (2,196 patients) and dementia group (150 patients; no-medication [66 patients] and medication [84 patients] subgroups). The cumulative crude mortality rate was calculated, and 30-day, 60-day, 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year mortality rates were compared between the groups. A univariate regression test was performed using age, sex, diagnosis, surgery type, and Charlson''s comorbidity index (CCI), as these variables had P values of < 0.10. Multivariate regression analysis was performed to identify independent risk factors associated with mortality.ResultsThe 30-day, 60-day, 3-month, 6-month, and 1-year postoperative cumulative mortality rates were 1.8%, 3.8%, 5.6%, 8.9%, and 13.6%, respectively, in the non-dementia group, and 2%, 7.3%, 14%, 19.3%, and 24%, respectively, in the dementia group (P = 0.748, P = 0.048, P < 0.001, P < 0.001, and P = 0.001). The factors that affected the 1-year mortality were age (odds ratio [OR], 1.06; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02–1.08; P < 0.001), sex (OR, 2.68; 95% CI, 2.07–3.47; P < 0.001), CCI (OR, 1.34; 95% CI, 1.23–1.47; P < 0.001), and dementia (OR, 1.70; 95% CI, 1.46–1.08; P = 0.016). In subgroup analysis, severity of dementia influenced the 6-month mortality (OR, 1.41; 95% CI, 1.70–2.01; P = 0.018), and 1-year mortality (OR, 1.30; 95% CI, 1.17–1.90; P = 0.027).ConclusionIn elderly hip fracture patients, the comparison between patients with and without dementia revealed that dementia was an independent risk factor for mortality at a minimum of 1 year of follow-up, and the severity of dementia in hip fracture patients was a risk factor for mortality within 6 months and 1 year, postoperatively.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate whether a change in current treatment practice for Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia from flucloxacillin and aminoglycoside to flucloxacillin and fusidic acid was associated with any changes in outcome.
Method: A retrospective analysis was carried out of 316 episodes of S. aureus bacteremia diagnosed and treated in a tertiary hospital complex between 1983 and 1993. Outcomes considered were (1) death related to the infection and (2) relapse following cessation of antibiotic therapy.
Results: Mortality related to infection, which occurred in 24% of patients, was unrelated to treatment with the combination of flucloxacillin and fusidic acid; however, increasing age was a significant risk factor (OR per decade = 1.35, 95% CI = 1.18-1.55), and increasing duration of treatment (OR per week of treatment = 0.63, 95% CI = 0.52-0.77), use of flucloxacillin (OR = 0.30, 95% CI = 0.14-0.64), presence of an intravascular device (OR = 0.39,95% CI = 0.20-0.78) and presence of a skin lesion (OR = 0.51, 95% CI = 0.26-0.99) were significant protective factors. The only factor significantly related to relapse, which occurred in 11% of patients, was treatment with the combination of flucloxacillin and fusidic acid (OR = 0.32, 95% CI = 0.12-0.85). There was approximately a 70% reduction in the risk of relapse if this combination was used.
Conclusions: This retrospective analysis suggests a clinically important protective effect of fusidic acid against relapse in patients with S. aureus bacteremia. Although the results were adjusted for potential confounding factors, the possibility of bias remains. There is a need for a prospective randomized trial to evaluate the effectiveness of flucloxacillin and fusidic acid for treating S. aureus bacteremia.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the effect of bariatric surgery on sleep apnea symptoms and obesity-associated morbidity in patients with severe obesity. DESIGN: Prospective study. SETTING: University hospitals and community centers in Sweden. Intervention: We investigated the influence of weight loss surgery (n=1729) on sleep apnea symptoms and obesity-related morbidity using a conservatively treated group (n=1748) as a control. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: Baseline BMI in surgical group (42.2+/-4.4 kg/m(2)) and control group (40.1+/-4.6 kg/m(2)) changed -9.7+/-5 kg/m(2) and 0+/-3 kg/m(2), respectively, at 2-year follow-up. In the surgery group, there was a marked improvement in all obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) symptoms compared with the control group (P <0.001). Persistence of snoring (21.6 vs 65.5%, adjusted OR 0.14, 95% CI 0.10-0.19) and apnea (27.9 vs 71.3%, adjusted OR 0.16, 95% I 0.10-0.23) were much less in the surgery group compared with controls. Compared with subjects with no observed apnea at follow-up (n=2453), subjects who continued to have or developed observed apnea (n=404) had a higher incidence of diabetes (adjusted OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.19-3.47) and hypertriglyceridemia (adjusted OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.07-3.25) but not hypertension (adjusted OR 1.09, 95% CI 0.65-1.83) or hypercholesterolemia (adjusted OR 0.91, 95% CI 0.53-1.58). CONCLUSION: Bariatric surgery results in a marked improvement in sleep apnea symptoms at 2 years. Despite adjustment for weight change and baseline central obesity, subjects reporting loss of OSA symptoms had a lower 2-year incidence of diabetes and hypertriglyceridemia. Improvement in OSA in patients losing weight may provide health benefits in addition to weight loss alone.  相似文献   

BackgroundAromatase inhibitors (AIs) play an important role in the endocrine therapy of postmenopausal breast cancer patients, with a recent tendency to extend the duration of their use. However, AIs may increase the risk of osteoporotic bone fractures. This meta-analysis evaluated the risk of osteoporotic fractures of the hip, spine, and other locations in breast cancer patients using AIs.MethodsWe performed a systematic search to identify randomized controlled clinical trials that investigated osteoporotic fractures in breast cancer patients on AI therapy. The main outcomes were the incidence and risk of osteoporotic fractures in general and of hip, vertebral, and non-vertebral fractures in AI users and controls.ResultsThe systematic review found a total of 30 randomized controlled trials including 117,974 participants. The meta-analysis showed a higher incidence of osteoporotic fracture in AI users: The crude risk ratio for all osteoporotic fractures was 1.35 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.29–1.42; P < 0.001), for hip fractures 1.18 (95% CI, 1.02–1.35; P < 0.001), for vertebral fractures 1.84 (95% CI, 1.36–2.49; P < 0.001), and for non-vertebral fractures 1.18 (95% CI, 1.02–1.35; P < 0.001), respectively, compared to the controls.ConclusionOur meta-analysis suggested an increased risk of osteoporotic fractures for AI therapy in patients with breast cancer that was most expressed for vertebral fractures. Breast cancer patients on AIs need to be monitored for osteoporosis and osteoporotic fractures, and active prevention measures should be implemented.  相似文献   

To evaluate the WHO (World Health Organization) algorithm for management of respiratory tract infection (RTI) in HIV-1-infected adults and determine risk factors associated with RTI, we enrolled a cohort of 380 HIV-1-seropositive adults prospectively followed for incident RTI at an outpatient clinic in Nairobi, Kenya. RTI was diagnosed when patients presented with history of worsening or persistent cough. Patients were treated with ampicillin, or antituberculosis therapy when clinically indicated, as first-line therapy and with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole as second-line therapy. Five hundred ninety-seven episodes of RTI were diagnosed: 177 of pneumonia and 420 of bronchitis. The WHO RTI algorithm was used for 401 (95%) episodes of bronchitis and 151 (85%) episodes of pneumonia (p <.001). Three percent of bronchitis cases versus 32% of pneumonia cases failed to respond to first-or second-line treatment (p <.0001). Being widowed (adjusted odds ratio [OR] = 2.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.0-4.4), less than 8 years of education (adjusted OR = 2.5, CI: 1.5 - 4.1), and CD4 count < 200 cells/microl (adjusted OR = 2.4, CI: 1.4-3.9) were risk factors for pneumonia. A high percentage of patients (32%) with pneumonia required a change in treatment from that recommended by the WHO guidelines. Randomized trials should be performed to determine more appropriate treatment strategies in HIV-1-infected individuals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cigarette smoking has been associated with a decreased risk for AIDS-related and classical KS, but whether it is associated with decreased risk of human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection is unknown. STUDY DESIGN: We evaluated factors associated with HHV-8 seropositivity in 2795 participants (132 with KS) in the National Cancer Institute AIDS Cancer Cohort, including 1621 men who have sex with men (MSM), 660 heterosexual men and 514 women. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals were estimated using logistic regression models. RESULTS: Among non-KS subjects, HHV-8 seropositivity was 6%, 13% and 29% among women, heterosexual men and MSM, respectively. HHV-8 seropositivity was decreased in heavier (> or =1/2 pack/day) compared to lighter smokers among women (5% versus 8%; adjusted OR (aOR) 0.4; 95% CI 0.2-0.8) and MSM (27% versus 32%; aOR 0.7; 95% CI 0.6-1.0), but not among heterosexual men (12% versus 16%; aOR 0.7; 95% CI 0.4-1.2). HHV-8 seroprevalence was increased in heavier (> or =1 drink/day) compared to lighter consumers of alcohol among women (16% versus 4%; adjusted OR 5.2; 95% CI 2.3-12), but not among MSM (33% versus 28%; aOR 1.2; 95% CI 0.9-1.6) or heterosexual men (13% versus 13%; aOR 1.1; 95% CI 0.6-2.0). In analyses adjusted for smoking and drinking, HHV-8 seropositivity was positively associated with chlamydia infection (OR=4.3; 95% CI 1.2-13) and with marital status among women p(heterogeneity)=0.03, and with hepatitis (OR=1.6; 95% CI 1.2-2.1), gonorrhea (OR=1.5; 95% CI 1.1-1.9), genital warts (OR=1.5; 95% CI 1.1-2.0) and nitrate inhalant use (OR=1.7; 95% CI 1.3-2.3) among MSM. CONCLUSIONS: Inverse association of HHV-8 seropositivity with cigarette smoking may indicate protective effect of tobacco smoke on HHV-8 infection, whereas positive associations with alcohol may reflect either behavioral factors or biological effects modulating susceptibility. Smoking and drinking may influence KS risk, at least in part, by altering the natural history of HHV-8 infection.  相似文献   

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