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The relationship between conditioning, generalization, and extinction of digital vasoconstriction, and subject awareness of CS-US sequence was investigated. Subjects were randomly assigned to four groups and within-group awareness was controlled through the manipulation of instructional parameters. Results indicated that vasomotor conditioning occurred only in those subjects that were judged to be aware of relevant conditioning stimulus relationships. Conditioned responses were found to extinguish almost immediately when subjects were informed of shock cessation. These findings were interpreted as being consistent with an approach which distinguishes between conditioning and relational learning.  相似文献   

Lytic replication of many viruses activates an innate host response designed to prevent the completion of the viral lifecycle, thus impeding the spread of the infection. One branch of the host's complex reaction functions to incapacitate the cellular translational machinery on which the synthesis of viral polypeptides completely depends. This is achieved through the activation of specific protein kinases that phosphorylate eIF2 on its α subunit and inactivate this critical translation initiation factor. However, as continued synthesis of viral proteins is required to assemble the viral progeny necessary to transmit the infection to neighboring cells, viruses have developed a variety of strategies to counter this cellular response. Genetic and biochemical studies with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) have revealed that the virus produces at least two discrete products at different times during its replicative program that act to prevent the accumulation of phosphorylated eIF2α. The γ134.5 gene product is expressed first, encoding a regulatory subunit that binds the cellular protein phosphatase 1α and regenerates pools of active eIF2 by removing the inhibitory phosphate from the α subunit. The second function, encoded by the product of the Us11 gene, specifies a double-stranded RNA-binding protein that prevents activation of PKR, a cellular eIF2α kinase. Together, both proteins cooperate to overcome the antiviral response of the host and properly regulate translation in HSV-1–infected cells.  相似文献   

Conditional heart rate responses were measured for field-dependent and field-independent subjects. The conditional stimulus (CS) was a colored light and the unconditional stimulus (US) was an electric shock delivered to the finger. The CS-US interval was 10 sec. The field-independent subjects demonstrated an initial cardiac acceleration followed by a cardiac deceleration, whereas the field-dependent subjects showed only the cardiac deceleration. When these data are compared with the previously reported galvanic skin response (GSR) data, a model of sympathetic-parasympathetic reactivity is evolved wherein the field-independent group shows both conditioned sympathetic and parasympathetic autonomic activity, while the field-dependent group shows only parasympathetic activity.  相似文献   

The relationship between extraversion and autonomic conditioning was examined in three response systems: skin resistance, pulse rate and pulse volume. A discrimination schedule was employed as suggested by Eysenck (1965), and also as a means of differentiating conditioning effects from pseudoconditioning. Ss were afterwards interviewed to assess whether or not they were aware of the CSUCS contingency. Most of the Ss (93 out of US) could verbalize the contingency, and evidence of conditioning was clearcut in this group and virtually non-existent in the unaware group. There were no significant correlations between conditioning and personality in any of the response systems, a finding considered in the light of the overwhelming effect of cognitive factors on the acquisition curve.  相似文献   

Human subjects were conditioned to a tone-shock sequence during heat or cold exposure and then given 10 trials of experimental extinction in the heat. In the heat, while exhibiting a general peripheral as well as a digital vasodilatation, vasoconstriction developed as a conditioned response; the response did not extinguish. In the cold, with general peripheral and digital vasoconstriction, vasodilatation developed as the conditioned response. Since the cold-conditioned Ss did not recover completely from their cold exposure during the following heat equilibritun period, the extinction data of this group could not be accepted. A comparison was also made of the differences in thermoregulation and in conditioned responses of preselected Ss varying in latency of cold-induced digital vasodilatation. Although these Ss did differ in their thermophysiological reactions, they did not differ in regard to the nature of the conditioned response developed.  相似文献   

目的:观察病毒性脑炎病人的脑地形图特点及临床治疗的指导价值。方法:自2005年2月至2009年3月间对收治资料齐全以儿童为主的53例病毒性脑炎进行BEAM首次描记及追踪观察。结果:53例中轻度异常17例(32%)中度异常24例(45%),重度异常12例(23%)。发病3~5天内阳性率57%,6~8天阳性率88%。BEAM首次描记时间在一周后阳性率及异常程度最高。结论:病毒性脑炎BEAM改变总体表现以广泛不规则高功率θ频带为主,混有部分高功率δ及杂乱波为主。  相似文献   

目的:观察病毒性脑炎病人的脑电地形图特点及对临床治疗的指导价值。方法:自1995年2月至1999年3月间对收治资料齐全以儿童为主的53例病毒性脑炎进行BEAM首次描记及追踪观察。结果;53例中轻度异常17例(32%)中度异常24例(45%),重度异常12例(23%)。发病3~5天内阳性率57%,6~8天阳性率88%。BEAM首次描记时间在一周后阳性率及异常程度最高。结论:病毒性脑炎BEAM改变总体表现以广泛不规则高功率θ频带为主,混有部分高功率δ及杂乱波为特征。  相似文献   

Four groups, Young Males, Young Females, Aged Males and Aged Females, were run in a discrimination conditioning paradigm with a variety of autonomic and central measures. This paper deals primarily with Electro-Dermal Responses. The findings indicate that in all measures the Young Males and Young Females show the best discriminated conditioning, followed by Aged Females and Aged Males. In the GSP there are hints that the negative wave of the response might be related to the orienting phenomena whereas the positive wave is what becomes discriminately conditioned in the experiment. A cognitive questionnaire was accurately answered in the same rank order as the conditioning, that is. Young Males, Young Females, Aged Females and Aged Males.  相似文献   

Different criteria for orienting and conditioned responses (ORs and CRs) are discussed, and it is proposed that neither latency nor differences between conditioning and sensitization treatments provide adequate solutions to the problem. An additional criterion is proposed based on differences in the slopes of the generalization gradients, i.e. ORs should show rising and CRs falling generalization gradients with increased stimulus change. This criterion was tested for conditioning and sensitization groups in paradigms involving generalization along pitch and temporal continua. It was found that the response to the onset of the conditional stimulus (the CS response) fulfilled the proposed criteria for an OR, while responses in the interval of the unconditioned response on trials where the unconditional stimulus (US) was omitted (post-US responses) satisfied the criteria for an OR early in training and the criteria for a CR later in training. For the response preceding US (the pre-US response) no definite conclusion was reached, but the evidence could be interpreted to mean that both OR and CR components participated in that response too. The relationships between these response components and stages of sensory integration and response acquisition of conditioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Mammalian reoviruses serve as important models for studies of viral replication and pathogenesis. These viruses have been isolated from many mammalian species, including humans, and cause disease primarily in the very young. Reoviruses induce apoptosis by a novel mechanism that requires engagement of cell-surface receptors, intracellular signal transduction, and activation of NF- &#115 B. Reovirus binding to both cell-surface sialic acid and junctional adhesion molecule 1 is required for NF- &#115 B activation and apoptosis. However, receptor binding alone is not sufficient to evoke these events. Viral disassembly acts in concert with receptor binding to induce NF- &#115 B activation and apoptosis. Nuclear translocation of NF- &#115 B is followed by activation of both extrinsic and intrinsic cell-death pathways. Importantly, potently apoptotic reovirus strains are highly virulent in newborn mice, suggesting that NF- &#115 B-dependent apoptosis is essential for reovirus-induced disease.  相似文献   

目的:探讨精神症状为主的病毒性脑炎患者的临床特点及脑电图的早期诊断价值。方法:对68例以精神症状为主的病毒性脑炎患者进行脑电图检查并结合临床资料进行分析。结果:患者出现精神症状是以混合型为主,伴随躯体体征出现率较低,实验室检查脑电图异常率为91%,界限6例,轻度异常30例,中度异常22例,重度异常10例。结论:以精神症状为主首发的患者,应动态观察病人有无意识障碍、智能减退、癫癎发作及神经系统体征并及时进行脑电图检查有利于早期疾病的诊断及治疗。  相似文献   

Four experiments are reported, all of which are concerned with evaluating in human Ss the relationship between the deceleration of heart rate, observed to anticipate both aversive and non-aversive stimuli, and several aspects of somatic-motor activity. In a simple reaction time task, a decrease in spontaneous bursts of EMG activity and both respiration amplitude and frequency were found to be concomitant with the deceleration of heart rate during the foreperiod and to be directly correlated with reaction time. The decrease in anticipatory somatic activity to an aversive stimulus was found in a second experiment to extend to spontaneous eye movements and blinks, which also had a marked concomitance with the anticipatory deceleration of heart rate. However, experimentally imposed somatic activity, i.e. continuous finger tapping, increased in intensity around the time the UCS was expected. A third experiment provided additional evidence that the anticipatory cardiac deceleration to aversive stimuli was not mediated significantly by respiratory maneuvers. Finally, evidence was provided that the basis for the spontaneous EMG bursts may be related to somatic responses elsewhere in the body, such as postural adjustments.  相似文献   

John J.  Furedy 《Psychophysiology》1971,8(4):497-503
The conventionally used explicitly-unpaired CS– (euCS–) of the differential conditioning paradigm, a stimulus which is negatively correlated with the US, may generate inhibition and hence be an inappropriate control for CS+ conditioning. An implication of this possibility is that the CS+:euCS– performance difference should exceed the difference between CS+ performance and performance to a truly-random CS– (trCS–), a stimulus which is uncorrelated with US occurrence. This implication was tested in a 5-sec delay conditioning skin resistance response study (Exp. I, N = 32) and an 8-sec delay conditioning plethysmographic digital pulse volume response study (Exp. II, N = 48). While highly reliable discrimination between CS+ and the two control CSs (euCS– and trCS–) was obtained in both experiments, neither experiment yielded the outcome expected from the position that euCS– generates inhibition.  相似文献   

Cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTL) from murine sarcoma virus (MSV) or Friend leukaemia virus (FLV) inoculated mice lyse syngeneic much more efficiently than allogeneic FMRGi+ lymphoma cells. By comparing the cytolysis of various H-2 different 51Cr lymphomas by CTL from several inbred and congenic lines differing at H-2, and by competition experiments using unlabelled cells, one can demonstrate that this phenomenon is due to an H-2 barrier. H-2b/H-2d hybrid-anti-MSV-CTL immunized by H-2b, H-2d or H-2b/H-2d tumours lyse only FMRGi+ lymphomas of the same H-2, and their activity for a given target is inhibited only by H-2-identical competitive cells. H-2 antigens are therefore directly involved in the interaction between tumour cells and immune CTL which probably react with an 'H-2 modified' antigen of the tumour cells surface. The use of CTL from intra-H-2 recombinant lines shows that H-2D and probably H-2K molecules are involved, but vary according to the tumour cells. A possible role of the I region is discussed as well as the implications of these results in immunosurveillance against viral neoplasia.  相似文献   

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