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To evaluate the reliability of the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA), a test for allergic contact dermatitis activity, the inter- and intralaboratory consistency statistics (h and k, respectively) were calculated for validation studies testing multiple chemicals. The analysis indicated the absence of excessive variability in the dose calculated to induce a threefold or greater increase in the stimulation index (SI). To assess the appropriateness of using an SI of 3 as the decision criteria for identifying a sensitizing compound, LLNA results based on SI values of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, and 4.0 were compared with guinea pig or human results. The results supported the use of an SI of 3 as the decision criteria. Assay performance was determined by comparing LLNA results to results obtained for guinea pigs or humans. The accuracy of the LLNA was 89% when compared with results from the guinea pig maximization test (GPMT)/Buehler assay (BA). The performance of the LLNA and the GPMT/BA was similar when each was compared to human maximization test results plus substances included as human patch test allergens. The LLNA offered advantages over the GPMT in respect to both the time required to conduct the test and the assay cost.  相似文献   

New test methods are being developed to improve the prediction of human and environmental risks and to benefit animal welfare by reducing, refining, and replacing animal use. Regulatory adoption of new test methods is often a complex and protracted process, requiring test method validation, regulatory acceptance, and implementation. Assessments of new test methods have not always been uniform within or among regulatory agencies. Thus, there have been increased pressures for a harmonized approach to test method evaluation and acceptance. In 1997, in response to these pressures and to U.S. Public Law 103-43, the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) established the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) to coordinate interagency consideration of new and revised test methods. This article describes the validation and acceptance criteria and process used for the first test method evaluated by ICCVAM, the murine local lymph node assay (LLNA). Based on ICCVAM's conclusions and recommendations, the LLNA has been accepted by U.S. regulatory agencies as a stand-alone assay for allergic contact dermatitis. Two related articles in this series of three present the results of the independent peer review evaluation of the LLNA and summarize the performance characteristics of the database substantiating the validity of the LLNA.  相似文献   

目的 通过局部淋巴结试验法和局部封闭斑贴试验应用于化妆品皮肤变态反应的比较,探讨局部淋巴结试验应用于化妆品成品的可行性。方法 采用局部淋巴结试验与体内局部封闭斑贴试验对标准的阳性物以及市面上的2种染发剂进行评价。结果 局部淋巴结试验表明,2种染发剂的SI值<1.8,均为阴性,判断结果与局部封闭斑贴试验结果一致。结论 局部淋巴结试验相对局部封闭斑贴试验具有检验周期短、测试简便、评价客观等优点,是一种较好的用于评价染发类态产品过敏反应的替代方法。  相似文献   


Summary: The murine local lymph node assay (LLNA) has been developed as an alternative method for the identification of skin sensitizing chemicals. Measurement is made of the proliferation of lymphocytes within lymph nodes draining the site of exposure to the test chemical. This report describes a collaborative study in which 25 test chemicals were evaluated in each of four participating laboratories and the results compared with existing data from guinea pig predictive tests. Nineteen chemicals were predicted to be sensitizers in the guinea pig. Of these, 14 were correctly identified in the LLNA (9 by all laboratories and 5 by two or three laboratories). Five chemicals predicted to be contact allergens by guinea pig tests failed to elicit positive LLNA responses. With adoption of a 5 day rather than a 4 day exposure period to the test chemical and administration of maximum soluble test concentrations, positive reactions could be obtained with each of the chemicals initially negative in the LLNA. The LLNA and guinea pig tests were in agreement for all three chemicals predicted to be nonsensitizers in the guinea pig. Positive LLNA responses were obtained with four chemicals (including a re-evaluation of one initially negative in the LLNA) for which guinea pig results were equivocal in three cases and negative in another. These results suggest that the LLNA may provide a rapid and reliable elective prescreen for the identification of contact allergens.  相似文献   

The scientific approaches employed by selected internationally recognized organizations in developing occupational exposure limits (OELs) for metals and other mining-related chemicals were surveyed, and differences and commonalities were identified. The analysis identified an overriding need to increase transparency in current OEL documentation. OEL documentation should adhere to good risk characterization principles and should identify (1) the methodology used and scientific judgments made; (2) the data used as the basis for the OEL calculation; and (3) the uncertainties and overall confidence in the OEL derivation. At least within a single organization, a consistent approach should be used to derive OELs. Opportunities for harmonization of scientific criteria were noted, including (1) consideration of severity in identification of the point of departure; (2) definition of the minimum data set; (3) approaches for interspecies extrapolation; (4) identification of default uncertainty factors for developing OELs; and (5) approaches for consideration of speciation and essentiality of metals. Potential research approaches to provide the fundamental data needed to address each individual scientific criterion are described. Increased harmonization of scientific criteria will ultimately lead to OEL derivation approaches rooted in the best science and will facilitate greater pooling of resources among organizations that establish OELs and improved protection of worker health.  相似文献   

The presence of structurally diverse chemicals as contaminants in the environment has led to concerns regarding their possible endocrine disturbing effects. Recently, some ultraviolet absorbing components of sunscreen preparations have given positive responses in assays monitoring estrogen-like activity both in vitro and in vivo. Consequently, two recently developed sunscreen components, Tinosorb M-active and Tinosorb S, were evaluated using the in vitro estrogen and androgen receptor competitive binding assays. Neither compound gave a positive response in either of the assays, consistent with the large molecular dimensions of each chemical disfavoring binding to the hormone receptors. Both of the chemicals were inactive in immature rat uterotrophic assays conducted using the subcutaneous route of administration. It is concluded that neither of these agents possess intrinsic estrogenic/antiestrogenic or androgenic/antiandrogenic activity. The several positive control chemicals evaluated gave the expected positive responses in the assays used.  相似文献   

Mathematical models have been developed to describe nasal epithelial tissue dosimetry with two compounds, vinyl acetate (VA) and methyl methacrylate (MMA), that cause toxicity in these tissues These models couple computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations that map airflow patterns within the nose with physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models that integrate diffusion, metabolism, and tissue interactions of these compounds. Dose metrics estimated in these models for MMA and VA, respectively, were rates of MMA metabolism per volume of tissue and alterations in pH in target tissues associated with VA hydrolysis and metabolism. In this article, four scientists who have contributed significantly to development of these models describe the many similarities and relatively few differences between the MMA and VA models. Some differences arise naturally because of differences in target tissues, in the calculated measures of tissue dose, and in the modes of action for highly extracted vapors (VA) compared with poorly extracted vapors (MMA). A difference in the approach used to estimate metabolic parameters from human tissues provides insights into interindividual extrapolation and identifies opportunities for studies with human nasal tissues to enhance current risk assessments. In general, the differences in model structure for these two esters were essential for describing the biology of the observed responses and in accounting for the different measures of target tissue dose. This article is intended to serve as a guide for understanding issues of optimum model structure and optimal data sources for these nasal tissue dosimetry models. We also hope that it leads to greater international acceptance of these hybrid CFD/PBPK modeling approaches for improving risk assessment for many nasal toxicants. In general, these models predict either equivalent (VA) or lower (MMA) nasal tissue doses in humans compared with tissue doses at equivalent exposure concentrations in rats.  相似文献   

As skin barrier modulating compounds, fatty acids are frequently used in formulations for transdermal or topical delivery. In this study the effects of oleic acid on keratinocytes in vitro was compared with its in vivo skin irritancy in humans. Dose- and time-dependent effects of oleic acid were examined in submerged human keratinocyte cultures, in reconstructed human epidermis (RE-DED), and in excised human skin, using alterations in morphology and changes in interleukin-1 mRNA levels as endpoints. In vitro results were compared with responses of living human skin after topical application of oleic acid, using non-invasive bioengineering methods. Direct interaction of oleic acid and submerged keratinocyte cultures resulted in cell toxicity at very low concentrations of the fatty acid. By contrast, when oleic acid was applied topically on RE-DED or on excised skin, no alterations in morphology were observed. Modulation of stratum corneum thickness indicated a key role of the stratum corneum barrier in the control of oleic acid-induced toxicity. In agreement with these findings, no epidermal tissue damage was seen in vivo, whereas oleic acid induced a mild but clearly visible skin irritation and inflammatory cells were present in the upper dermal blood vessels. Small amounts of oleic acid induced IL-1 mRNA expression in submerged keratinocyte cultures, whereas in RE-DED and in excised skin, IL-1 mRNA levels were increased only when the concentration applied topically was at least two orders of magnitude higher. It is concluded that minute amounts of oleic acid are sufficient to cause local (i.e. inside the viable epidermis) modulation of cytokine production. These concentrations do not affect morphology but induce skin irritation in vivo. To achieve comparable effects in the skin, much higher topical doses are needed than expected according to the locally required levels, owing to the rate-limiting transport of the fatty acid across the stratum corneum barrier.  相似文献   

The Local Lymph Node Assay (LLNA) is the gold standard regulatory toxicology test for skin sensitisation along with the guinea pig maximisation test (GPMT). Compared with the GPMT, LLNA uses fewer animals, it is quantitative, and it gives a numerical prediction of potency. However several concerns have been raised with this assay, mainly related to false positives and false negatives. Over the years, many authors, including the developers of the assay, have presented cases where there have been discrepancies between the GMPT and LLNA results. Several theories have been put forward for these discrepancies, the main one being the “over-sensitivity” of the GPMT. This paper analyses the data from a systematic study, published in three papers from 2008 to 2011, covering several classes of chemicals, in particular unsaturated fatty acids, sugar surfactants and ethoxylated alcohols, with many cases of chemicals testing positive in the LLNA being negative in the GPMT. Based on consideration of reaction chemistry and structural alerts, it is concluded that these discrepancies are not LLNA false positives, but can be rationalised in terms of the different protocols of the assays.  相似文献   

The cytotoxicity of 10 chemicals from the Multicentre Evaluation of In vitro Cytotoxicity (MEIC) list (nos 21–30) was evaluated in human and rat cultured hepatocytes and in two established cell lines (HepG2 and 3T3) according to the MEIC programme organized by the Scandinavian Society of Cell Toxicology. The MTT test was used as the endpoint of cytotoxicity after 24hr of exposure to the chemicals. Theophylline, phenobarbital and paraquat were the least cytotoxic compounds in the cellular systems (IC50 = 450-17,000 μm) except for the 3T3 cells. The seven remaining chemicals (dextropropoxyphene, propranolol, arsenic trioxide, cupric sulfate, mercuric chloride, thioridazine and thallium sulfate) showed a similar relative cytotoxic ranking in the four in vitro systems in the lower range of concentrations (IC50 = 2–350 μm). The data suggest that these 10 chemicals have a basal cytotoxic effect common to the four in vitro systems, and probably none of these compounds could be considered either hepatotoxic or species specific. The correlation between in vitro data and human lethal blood concentrations showed that the predictability of the in vitro systems was similar to that of in vivo rodent tests (LD50) only when low cytotoxic concentrations (IC10) were used for correlation.  相似文献   

Although the natural flavonoid fisetin (3,3′,4′,7-tetrahydroxyflavone) has been recently identified as an anticancer agent with antiangiogenic properties in mice, its in vivo pharmacokinetics and metabolism are presently not characterized. Our purpose was to determine the pharmacokinetics and metabolism of fisetin in mice and determine the biological activity of a detected fisetin metabolite. After fisetin administration of an efficacious dose of 223 mg/kg i.p. in mice, the maximum fisetin concentration reached 2.5 μg/ml at 15 min and the plasma concentration declined biphasically with a rapid half-life of 0.09 h and a terminal half-life of 3.1 h. Three metabolites were detected, one of which was a glucuronide of fisetin (M1), whereas another glucuronide (M2) was a glucuronide of a previously unknown fisetin metabolite (M3). HPLC–MS/MS analysis indicated that M3 was a methoxylated metabolite of fisetin (MW = 300 Da). The UV spectrum of M3 was identical to that of fisetin and standard 3,4′,7-trihydroxy-3′-methoxyflavone (geraldol). In addition, because M3 co-eluted with standard geraldol in 4 different chromatographic ternary gradient conditions, M3 was therefore assigned to geraldol. Of interest, this metabolite was shown to achieve higher concentrations than fisetin in Lewis lung tumors. We also compared the cytotoxic and antiangiogenic activities of fisetin and geraldol in vitro and it was found that the latter was more cytotoxic than the parent compound toward tumor cells, and that it could also inhibit endothelial cells migration and proliferation. In conclusion, these results suggest that fisetin metabolism plays an important role in its in vivo anticancer activities.  相似文献   

Although many studies of lindane toxicity have been carried out, we still know little about the underlying molecular mechanisms. We used a microarray specifically designed for studies of the hepatotoxic effects of xenobiotics to evaluate the effects of lindane on specific gene expression in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. These genes were assigned to detoxication processes (CYP3A4, Gsta2, CYP4A1), cell signalling pathways and apoptosis (Eif2b3, Eif2b4, PKC). In this study, we demonstrate that lindane up-regulates PKC by increasing oxidative stress. TEMPO (a well known free radical scavenger) and Ro 31-8220 (an inhibitor of classical PKCs) prevented the inhibition of spontaneous and intrinsic apoptosis pathway (characterised by Bcl-xL induction, Bax down-regulation, caspases inhibition) and the induction of necrosis by lindane in rat hepatocytes. Thus, these findings indicate that several dependent key signalling pathways, including detoxification, apoptosis, PKC activity and redox status maintenance, contribute to lindane-induced toxicity in primary cultured rat hepatocytes. This may account more clearly for the acute and chronic effects of lindane in vivo, with the induction of cell death and tumour promotion, respectively.  相似文献   

A group of 80 menstruating rhesus (Macaca mulatta) monkeys were randomly allocated to four similar rooms (20 monkeys/room) and then to one of five dose groups (four females/dose group room). Each day the monkeys self-ingested capsules containing doses of 0, 5, 20, 40 or 80 μg Aroclor 1254/kg body weight. After 25 months of continuous dosing, approximately 90% of the treated females had attained a qualitative pharmacokinetic steady state with respect to the concentration of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) in their nuchal fat pad. Concurrently, sebaceous glands were being examined for changes analagous to chloracne. Subsequently, the females were paired with untreated males. The infants' blood PCB levels at birth were not correlated with its dam's dose or blood PCB level. However, there was an association between an infants preweaning blood PCB levels and its dam's dose and PCB milk levels. After weaning, the infants were not dosed with PCB. The half-life for the PCB in the infants' blood was determined and found to be slightly more than 15 wk. After 6 yr on test, three monkeys from the 0, 5, 20 and 40 μg dose groups were randomly allocated to a depletion study to ascertain the half-lives of specific PCB congeners (Mes et al., Chemosphere 1995, 30, 789–800). Concurrently, necropsies began of the remaining females, and of seven infants from the treated dams and four infants from the control dams, which had attained an age of 2 yr. Approximately 3 yr later, the depletion monkeys were necropsied. The only statistically significant treatment-related pathological changes found during the study were in the adult females, in which an involution of the sebaceous glands and a dose related increase in liver weight due to hyperplasia were evident.  相似文献   

Many reports have shown that cannabinoids might be beneficial in the symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis (MS). We have investigated the therapeutic properties of the non-selective cannabinoid receptor agonist WIN-2 as a suppressive drug in the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of MS. In the passive variety of EAE, induced in Lewis rats by adoptive transfer of myelin-reactive T cells, WIN-2 ameliorates the clinical signs and diminishes the cell infiltration of the spinal cord. Due to the involvement of cannabinoids in the regulation of cell death and survival, we investigated the effects of WIN-2 on the encephalitogenic T cell population. WIN-2 induced a profound increase of apoptosis in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The potential involvement of cannabinoid receptors (CB) was investigated by encephalitogenic T cell stimulation in the presence of the CB(1) (SR141716A) and CB(2) (SR144528) antagonists, pertussis toxin (PTX) and the inactive enantiomer WIN-3. WIN-2-induced apoptosis was partially blocked by SR144528 and PTX, whereas, WIN-3 only exerted a mild effect on cell viability. These results point to the partial involvement of CB(2) receptor together with other receptor-independent mechanism or by yet unknown cannabinoid receptors. Moreover, WIN-2 induced the extrinsic pathway of apoptosis, as shown by caspase-10 and -3 activation. These results suggest that cannabinoid-induced apoptosis of encephalitogenic T cells may cooperate in their anti-inflammatory action in EAE models. The partial involvement of CB(2) receptors in WIN-2 action may open new therapeutic doors in the management of MS by non-psychoactive selective cannabinoid agonists.  相似文献   

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