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射频消融术前行经食管心房调搏检查的临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郑方胜  刘松  辛辉 《山东医药》2003,43(4):15-17
选取初步诊断为阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)欲行射频消融(RFCA)的患者328例,在做RFCA之前均先行经食管心房调搏(TEAP)检查。在检查过程中,每例患者均诱发出心动过速,在心动过速时应用多导心电图(ECG)同时记录,并通过TEAP时多导ECG标测资料与心内电生理资料进行对比观察,找出TEAP检查对PSVT的诊断规律并对其进行评价。结果本组328例初诊为PSVT患者在行TEAP检查之后均做了心内电生理检查并且射频消融均获成功;其中316例TEAP诊断与心内电生理及射频消融结果符合,TEAP与心内电生理符合率为96.4%。TEAP 12例不符合诊断病例,其诊断错误主人由于P波记录不表、RP标测不准确及不能做心室起搏观察室房逆行传导等局限性造成。认为在PSVT射频消融手术之前行TEAP电生理检查,可初步了解PSVT性质、分类,明确诊断,简化射频消融操作手续,缩短手术时间,减少患者痛苦,降低放射线照射的损害等优点,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

经食管心房调搏对阵发性室上性心动过速的诊断价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 探讨经食管心房调搏对阵发性室上性心动过速的分型及定位诊断价值。方法 回顾性分析食管心房调搏对193例阵发性室上性心动过速分型及定位诊断结果,并与心内电生理检查诊断结果比较。结果 经食管心房调搏对慢-快型AVNRT及顺向性AVRT的诊断敏感性、特异性、准确性均较高,对少见型AVNRT的诊断敏感性低(25%)。结论 阵发性室上性心动过速发作时食管与体表心电图P^-波起始与极性是诊断阵发性室上性心动过速的关键。经食管心房调搏对心动过速旁道定位误诊原因主要是心动过速时体表心电图P^-波往往与T波融合,导致V1、I导联P^-波极性及V1导联P^-波起始部形态改变。  相似文献   

目的:研究经食管心房调搏对阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)诱发与终止的价值。方法:选择237例有心动过速发作史的患者进行食管心房调搏检查,如果诱发出阵发性室上速,进行12导联心电图记录后,予以短阵快速刺激或程序期前刺激终止之。另外对54例急诊PSVT患者直接予以短阵快速刺激或程序期前刺激终止之。结果:在被检的237例患者中诱发出PSVT148例,占62.4%(其中房室结双径87例,房室折返为61例)。对其202例PSVT患者均采用短阵快速刺激或程序期前刺激。PSVT即刻终止的有196例,转复成功率97%。结论:经食管心房调搏可作为PSVT筛选检查及终止的首选方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨经导管射频消融(RFCA)治疗阵发性室上性心动过速临床护理的作用。方法:回颐性分析420例阵发性室上性心过速患者RFCA治疗及护理的资料。结果:消融成功率:房室折返性心动过速为98.2%.房室结折返性心动过速为99.3%.预激综合征100%。消除了310例患者的恐惧心理。未见与消融及导管操作有关的合并症及穿刺部位出血、血肿。结论:护理是保证RFCA治疗阵发性室上性心动过速成功的重要组成部分.应予重视。  相似文献   

王海昌  张清 《心功能杂志》1995,7(4):228-229
作者采用射频消融法治疗3例预激综合征和1例房室结双径路所引起的儿童顽固性阵发性室上速,全部成功,未发生任何并发症。结果表明射频消融是治疗儿童顽固性阵发性室上速的一种有效的新方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨老年阵发性室上性心动过速(室上速)患者特点及射频消融治疗的有效性和安全性。方法回顾性分析184例因阵发性室上速行射频消融患者,根据年龄分为两组,实验组共52例,年龄≥60岁,对照组132例,年龄<60岁,分析两组患者的临床特征、电生理特点、射频消融的成功率及并发症。结果实验组合并器质性心脏病和其他系统疾病高于对照组(P<0.01),实验组房室结折返性心动过速发生率高于对照组(P<0.01),两组患者在射频消融成功率(P>0.05)及复发率(P>0.05)方面无显著性差异。结论老年阵发性室上速患者行射频消融术是安全、有效的,可作为首选的治疗方法之一。  相似文献   

阵发性室上性心动过速是临床常见的心律失常。射频消融术损伤易控 ,安全性高 ,已成为各种原因的阵发性上性心动过速最有效的治疗方法。我院在2 0 0 0年 4月~ 10月间利用导管射频消融术成功治疗了 10例阵发性室上性动过速 ,现将射频消融术的术前准备、术中配合、术后护理介绍如下 :1 资料与方法1.1 临床资料本组 10例患者 ,男 8例 ,女 2例 ,年龄 17~ 58岁 ;阵发性室上性动过速史 2~ 30年 ,为反复发作、多种抗心律失常药物难以有效控制和预防复发的阵发性室上性动过速 ,均无器质性心脏病。1.2 方法1.2 .1 电生理检查 :病人在禁食、非镇…  相似文献   

目的探讨经食管心房调搏(TEAP)检查诊断阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)的临床价值。方法纳入临床诊断为PSVT患者74例,通过TEAP检查予以诱发以及终止PSVT,记录并分析PSVT心电图参数,包括诱发窗口、诱发频率、房室结不应期等,并与心腔内电生理(IEPS)检查结果进行比较。结果 TEAP检查的诱发窗口、诱发频率、房室结不应期与IEPS检查结果相关性良好(P<0.05), TEAP检查诊断PSVT的符合率达83.8%(62/74),诱发的PSVT均能通过TEAP予以终止。结论 TEAP检查可有效评估PSVT的电生理特性,准确率高,值得临床广泛应用。  相似文献   

老年人阵发性室上性心动过速的射频消融治疗王海昌张清张殿新贾国良刘兵李伟第四军医大学西京医院心脏内科(710032)射频消融术已被证明是治疗阵发性室上性心动过速(SVT)的有效方法,适用于各年龄段患者,但老年SVT患者多病史较长,常合并有高血压、冠心病...  相似文献   

射频消融治疗阵发性室上性心动过速   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的总结射频消融(RFCA)治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的经验。方法分析71例阵发性室上性心动过速病人的RFCA过程,其中房室结折返性心动过速(AVNRT)45例,房室折返性心动过速(AVRT)26例。结果消融成功69例(97.2%),失败2例(2.8%),复发2例(2.8%),并发症2例(2.8%)。结论RFCA是治疗阵发性室上性心动过速安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨与常规标测相比。三维标测指导下的阵发性室上性心动过速射频消融的可行性、安全性与优势。方法回顾性分析2013年1月至8月,在宁波市第一医院行射频消融术的阵发性室上性心动过速的患者114例,按照标测方法分为三维标测组与常规标测组,比较两组间的射频消融成功率、并发症发生率、手术时间、x线曝光时间与x线曝光量。结果两组所有手术均获得即刻成功,均无并发症发生。两组的手术时间比较,差异无统计学意义[(77.6±28.1)min vs.(70.4±23.2)min,P〉0.05]。三维标测组的x线曝光时间与x线曝光量均显著低于常规标测组(中位数:4.2minvs.15.4min,P〈0.01;中位数:11.0mGyvs76.7mGy,P〈0.01),差异有统计学意义。结论阵发性室上性心动过速的射频消融术与常规标测相比,采用三维标测指导具有相同的成功率与安全性,并不延长手术时间,且能显著减少x线曝光时间与x线曝光量。  相似文献   

李婧 《心功能杂志》2014,(3):299-300,309
目的评价我院临床路径对行射频消融术的阵发性室上性心动过速患者的效果。方法:回顾分析140例行射频消融术的阵发性室上性心动过速患者,将其分为路径组和对照组,比较两组患者的平均住院日、住院总费用、医患满意度等指标的差异。结果:路径组在平均住院日、住院总费用均显著低于对照组(P〈0-05),而在医患满意度方面均显著高于对照组(P〈0-05)。结论:对行射频消融术的阵发性室上性心动过速患者实施临床路径,可显著缩短住院日,降低住院费用,提高临床疗效和医患满意度。  相似文献   

Background: Paroxysmal Supraventricular Tachycardia (PSVT) is a common condition which until recently has been treated with anti-arrhythmic drugs or surgery. Radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation is a new mode of treatment which provides a cure of this condition. Aims: To present our early experience of RF catheter ablation for PSVT. Methods: One hundred and thirty-five procedures were performed in 117 patients. The diagnostic study and therapeutic catheter ablation were performed as a combined electrophysiological procedure in 74 patients (63%). In 58 patients (50%), PSVT was due to Atrio-ventricular junctional (nodal) re-entrant tachycardia (AVJRT). Twenty-five of the 58 patients underwent a fast pathway ablation while 33 had ablation of their slow pathway. The mean number of radio-frequency pulses delivered was ten for a mean duration of 25 seconds. Radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathways was attempted in 58 patients; pathways were left-sided in 29 patients, postero-septal in 21, midseptal in five, Mahaim connection in two, antero-septal in one and right free wall in one patient. One patient with incessant automatic atrial tachycardia also underwent a successful RF ablation. Results: Using RF ablation cure of PSVT was achieved in 90% of patients. Cure of AVJRT was achieved in 95% (55/58) of patients using either fast or slow pathway ablation. Only one patient required permanent pacemaker implantation for Mobitz type I AV block following fast pathway ablation. The overall success rate for ablation of accessory pathways was 85%. There is an operator learning curve for this procedure suggested by the fact that the success rate for accessory pathway ablation at first attempt was 63% in the first 29 patients and 93% in the remaining 29. There was no significant morbidity or mortality during or after the procedure. In a mean follow-up of nine months in the patients with successful ablation only two patients with AVJRT had a recurrence of documented PSVT. Both these patients had successful repeat RF ablation. Catheter ablation using radiofrequency energy is an effective and safe therapeutic option for patients with symptomatic PSVT. (Aust NZ J Med 1993; 23: 317–324.)  相似文献   

An assessment was made of the effect of pirmenol in the termination of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (SVT). Sinus rhythm was restored by intravenous administration in 11 of 17 patients during a spontaneous attack. Another 8 patients were studied electrophysiologically. Pirmenol terminated an induced SVT in 3 of 5 patients having an atrioventricular (AV) intranodal re-entry mechanism but in none of 3 patients having an atrioventricular bypass tract as one re-entrant limb. The overall success in restoring sinus rhythm was 14 of 25 patients (56%). The drug was hemodynamically well tolerated even in cases of continued SVT. Pirmenol increased the atrial effective refractory period and had no obvious effect on AH and HV intervals. The functional refractory period of the AV node was decreased, probably by an anticholinergic effect. The effective and functional refractory periods of retrograde atrioventricular conduction via the AV node and bypass tract were increased in some patients. The mechanism terminating the AV intranodal SVT was a block in the retrograde part of the dual AV nodal pathway, a typical antiarrhythmic Class I effect.  相似文献   

To assess the efficacy of combination therapy of aprindine (40 mg/day) and verapamil (160 mg/day), transesophageal programmed atrial stimulation was performed on 21 patients with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (including 12 patients with atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia and nine patients with atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia) under four conditions: a) control, b) aprindine alone, c) verapamil alone, and d) aprindine + verapamil. Results: a) Aprindine, verapamil, and aprindine + verapamil prevented paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia induction in 2/21, 3/21, and 9/21 patients, respectively;b) aprindine + verapamil prolonged the cycle length of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia more than aprindine or verapamil alone; c) aprindine, verapamil, and aprindine + verapamil decreased the AV blocking rate by 15, 23, and 35 beats/min, respectively, in comparison with the control state; d) aprindine, verapamil, and aprindine + verapamil prolonged the effective refractory period of atrioventricular conduction system by 20, 34, and 76 msec, respectively, compared with the control state. In conclusion, aprindine + verapamil appear to be more effective than aprindine or verapamil alone in preventing paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia with nodal reentry, but there was less benefit in those without nodal reentry (Wolff-Parkinson-White group).  相似文献   

目的探讨射频消融(RFCA)治疗老年人室上性心动过速的有效性和安全性。方法采用常规方法射频消融治疗80岁以上阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)患者14例,其中慢径消融治疗房室结折返8例、旁路消融5例、线性消融房扑1例。结果80岁以上的高龄老年PSVT患者14(男11,女3)例,年龄8087(83.7±3.0)岁。主要并发症有高血压病、高脂血症、冠心病、慢性喘息型支气管炎、肺气肿、脑梗死、糖尿病、肥厚性心肌病和主动脉瓣狭窄等。先行冠状动脉造影术4例;髂动脉迂曲,选择对侧动脉或使用长血管鞘跨过迂曲部位消融成功3例;术中发生心衰1例,在导管操作及电生理检查中诱发房颤(AF)2例;主动脉瓣狭窄应用直接穿间隔法后消融1例;在放电时出现Ⅱ度房室传导阻滞1例,放电时出现Ⅰ度房室传导阻滞(PR间期大于0.24 s)2例。穿刺点出现血肿1例。14例患者均首次消融均成功,其中2例复发,再次消融成功。术后共随访624月,均未复发,也无传导阻滞等严重并发症发生。结论射频消融治疗高龄老年人室上性心动过速是有效、安全的。  相似文献   

目的总结阵发性室上性心动过速(PSVT)射频消融治疗病例,比较应用三维电解剖标测系统Carto3指导PSVT导管消融的疗效及安全性,着重分析永久性Ⅱ°以上房室传导阻滞(AVB)的发生率。方法自1992年1月1日至2017年12月31日间,联勤保障部队第980医院心血管内科共完成PSVT导管消融治疗且资料齐全的病例2098例。使用Carto3前称为二维组,使用Carto3后称为三维组,比较使用Carto3指导PSVT导管消融的疗效及安全性,着重分析永久性Ⅱ°以上AVB的发生率,总结发生AVB的病例特点,分析相关因素。结果共完成PSVT导管消融治疗病例2098例,其中发生永久性Ⅱ°以上AVB 5例,发生率0.24%。二维组1443例,发生永久性Ⅱ°以上AVB 5例,发生率0.35%;三维组655例,未发生永久性Ⅱ°以上AVB。发生AVB的病例中,房室结折返性心动过速2例,后间隔部旁道2例,希氏束旁旁道1例。发生AVB时消融术者手术年限情况:二维时代术者2名,发生并发症时术龄分别是7年和15年,三维时代术者2名,发生并发症时术龄分别是1年和3年。结论间隔部旁道消融和房室结慢径改良有发生AVB的风险,应用三维标测系统指导阵发性室上速消融治疗可显著降低永久性房室传导阻滞的发生风险。  相似文献   

Abstract Background: Radiofrequency (RF) ablation has become the primary method of treatment for supraventricular tachycardia and often requires prolonged fluoroscopy times. Aim: To quantitate radiation exposure to patient and operator during RF ablation for supraventricular tachycardia. Methods: Thermoluminescent dosemeters were used to monitor radiation at seven sites. Positions were: patient's thyroid, left scapula, T9 vertebra, right scapula and L4-L5 vertebra and the operator's thyroid and left hand. Monitoring was performed during 22 procedures. Of the patients studied 10 (45%) had atrioventricular junctional re-entry tachycardia (AVJRT) and 12 (55%) had accessory pathway tachycardia. Results: The median fluoroscopy times (minutes) and inter-quartile ranges were 46 (39–65) for AVJRT, 55 (52–60) for left free wall accessory pathway (LFW), 107 (89–140) for septal and 166 (128–176) for RFW pathways. The mean radiation doses (mGy) to the chest wall were 50 for AVJRT, 47 for LFW, 87 for septal and 151 for RFW pathways. The mean radiation to the chest wall of the patient per case was found to be 3.9 times that reported for diagnostic cardiac catheter-isation and 1.5 times that reported for angioplasty. Conclusions: Radiofrequency ablation is associated with significant irradiation of the patient and operator. All precautions should be taken to decrease this exposure. If eye irradiation is assumed to be equal to that to the thyroid, more than 45 procedures per month by a single operator (using ceiling-suspended lead glass shielding) may result in exceeding the recommended dose limit to the eye. (Aust NZ J Med 1995; 25; 490–495.)  相似文献   

Verapamil is a useful drug for treating supraventricular tachycardia; however, severe side effects occasionally have been reported in infants. We describe here our experience with the use of a 10 percent solution of intravenous calcium gluconate prior to the use of verapamil in infants with paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia. In all the attacks verapamil converted the supraventricular tachycardia to sinus rhythm. We feel that calcium gluconate injected previous to verapamil can avoid the negative inotropic effects without interfering with the antiarrhythmic properties of verapamil.  相似文献   

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