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Aims of the treatment of Barrett's oesophagus (BO) are disappearance of symptoms and inflammatory complications of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), prevention of occurrence of dysplasia and adenocarcinoma, and early treatment of high-grade dysplasia (HGD) and adenocarcinoma. Anti-secretory treatment with proton-pump inhibitors (PPI) must result in disappearance of both symptoms and oesophagitis. The only correction of symptoms, as well as normalization of pHmetry, are not considered as adequate criteria for efficiency of treatment. It has not been demonstrated that treatment with PPI prevented occurrence of dysplasia and adenocarcinoma so the only BO is not an indication for treatment with PPI, which results in only partial regression of height and/or surface of BO. Endoscopic ablation of BO, combined with PPI, allows complete regression of intestinal metaplasia in about 50% of cases. Photodynamic therapy (PDT) seems the best technique for treatment of HGD and mucosal adenocarcinoma. This treatment is not indicated in case of low-grade dysplasia, since its benefit on survival is less clear than for HGD. Endoscopic treatment does not suppress the need for prolonged endoscopic follow-up since BO recurs in approximately one third of patients. For HGD isolated or associated with mucosal adenocarcinoma (proven by endoscopic ultrasound), endoscopic treatment can consist in mucosectomy or ablation with PDT or plasma argon coagulation (PAC) of these lesions if localized, possibly followed by complete ablation of BO by PAC, and always associated with an efficient treatment of GORD by PPI or anti-reflux surgery. Submucosal adenocarcinomas must be treated by oesophagectomy if allowed by the general condition of the patient.  相似文献   

Surgical resection has a limited place in the management of Barrett's oesophagus with high-grade dysplasia, except when failure of endoscopic mucosectomy is likely (extended Barrett's oesophagus, nodular or ulcerated lesions at endoscopy). For superficial carcinoma, it is often difficult to differentiate mucosal carcinoma (carrying a risk of nodal metastasis less than 7%) from submucosal carcinoma (carrying a risk of nodal metastasis ranging from 16 to 47%), oesophagectomy is routinely indicated if operative risk is low. When operative risk is not minimal, endoscopic mucosectomy is indicated for lesions limited to the mucosa and the proximal third of submucosa; for lesions extending beyond, an oesophagectomy must be discussed. These indications must take into account both age and general condition of the patient, as well as the expertise in oesophageal surgery of the group.  相似文献   

Barrett's oesophagus (BO), or replacement of the squamous mucosa by a specialized intestinal metaplasia due to gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD), predisposes to adenocarcinoma. It is estimated that 6 to 12% of patients undergoing GI endoscopy have short BO (< 3 cm), and 1% have a long BO. Macroscopic diagnosis of BO is sometimes difficult and, in case of doubt, endoscopy should be redone after a period of efficient anti-secretory treatment. Diagnosis of BO is histological and should be confirmed by biopsies. The incidence of adenocarcinoma is globally estimated at 0.5% patient by year of follow-up, and exists for both short and long BO. Due to this low incidence, screening for BO is only justified in patients at high risk for adenocarcinoma (male gender, age > 50 ans, old GORD in a young patient). Low-grade dysplasia (LGD) then high-grade dysplasia (HGD) precedes adenocarcinoma. Histological diagnosis of LGD is difficult: the main cause of confusion is inflammation so diagnosis of LGD must be confirmed after a 3-month high-dose anti-secretory treatment. Diagnosis of HGD is easier but multiple biopsies are needed to determine the focal or multifocal disposition of HGD. The benefit of follow-up of BO is debated. Aged patients should be followed only if dysplasia is present. When dysplasia is absent, an endoscopic control with biopsies is desirable within 3 to 5 years. In case of dysplasia, the latter must be confirmed by another examination of biopsies, particularly in case of suspicion of HGD and after antisecretory treatment. In case of LGD, endoscopy with biopsies should be redone 6 months later to screen for HGD, then every year if LGD is confirmed. In case of HGD, the 5-year risk of cancer is 60% so surgical or endoscopic treatment is usually proposed. If HGD follow-up is decided, it should be performed on a 3- to 6-month basis.  相似文献   

Paragangliomas (PG) are rare and often diagnosed in the young adult. One case of retroperitoneal preaortic paraganglioma localised between the celiac trunk and the superior mesenteric artery is reported. The management of paraganglioma involves endocrinologists, geneticists and surgeons but the only potentially curative treatment remains surgical resection. Pathology reports can not always discriminate between benign or malignant tumors. Hereditary in paraganglioma occurs in approximately 25% of cases. Genetic investigation is therefore mandatory in all patients with PG. Since the type of genetic mutation is correlated with tumoral aggressiveness, genetic investigation results should be taken into account when a surgical procedure is planned.  相似文献   

Forty-five patients with histologically proven Barrett's columnar-lined oesophagus (CLO) were treated in one unit over a 9-year period. Patients were studied prospectively as part of a surveillance programme; all initially received standard conservative treatment including high-dose H2-receptor antagonists. A satisfactory initial response was seen in 21 patients, but in 24 the symptoms were unchanged or progressed; 19 patients in the latter group were considered suitable for antireflux surgery and underwent fundoplication. Symptoms of heartburn or dysphagia persisted or recurred in 88 per cent of patients receiving medical treatment alone and complications developed in 38 per cent, including nine strictures and one adenocarcinoma. In patients undergoing antireflux surgery, symptoms persisted or recurred in 21 per cent and complications developed in 16 per cent (P < 0.01). Complete regression of Barrett's CLO occurred in two patients (11 per cent) after antireflux surgery. The results of this study suggest the superiority of antireflux surgery over pharmacological acid suppression in the control of symptoms and prevention of complications in patients with Barrett's CLO.  相似文献   



This study was undertaken to quantify the use of chronic medication and herbal remedies in the presurgical population.

Study design

Prospective multicenter survey.

Patients and methods

Adult patients presenting for anaesthesia were directly asked if they were currently using chronic medication or herbal remedies.


Among 1057 patients (age 54 ± 17 yrs, woman 54%, ASA 2 [1–4], 74%) were taking one or more chronic medication. The most commonly used treatments were, in descending order angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-II receptor blockers (15%), beta blockers (11%) and platelet inhibitors (10%). Also, 9% were taking one or more of the following herbal remedies known to interact with the perioperative period: valeriane, ginseng, ginkgo, St John's wort, echinacea and ephedra. Women and patients aged 40-70 yr were most likely to be taking a herbal product (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01 respectively).


Chronic medication and herbal remedies are common in patients presenting for anaesthesia. Because of the potential interactions between anaesthetic drugs or techniques and such medication it is important for anaesthetists to be aware of their use.  相似文献   

Medical and surgical treatments are able to improve symptoms in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the outcome in GERD patients without therapy, under continuous medical treatment, and after laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Five hundred seventy-nine consecutive patients underwent medical or surgical treatment for GERD-induced symptoms. Patients were studied in detail before and after treatment by means of a symptom questionnaire, endoscopy, esophageal manometry, 24-hour esophageal pH monitoring, and a barium esophagogram. In addition, quality of life was measured by the means of the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI) and the Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQL) questionnaire. Surgery was indicated and performed in 351 patients with persistent or recurrent GERD symptoms and/or complications, and in patients preferring surgery to medical treatment, despite the use of an adequate medication. The remaining 228 patients were treated with proton pump inhibitors (PPI) in the standard dose, or if required, the double dose. The outcome was assessed 3 and 12 months after treatment. While symptoms and quality of life were highly impaired in GERD patients without therapy compared with normal people, a significant improvement was obtained by PPI therapy. Following surgery, quality of life was normalized in all subsections and was significantly higher compared with the medically treated group. These results stayed constant in short-term and intermediate follow-up. Medical and surgical therapies are both able to improve symptoms and quality of life in GERD patients. Nevertheless, the outcome is significantly better following surgery. It can be suggested that surgical treatment may be the more successful therapy in the long-term. Presented at the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, Chicago, Illinois, May 14–19, 2005 (poster presentation).  相似文献   



The closure of the hiatal crura has proven to be a fundamental issue in laparoscopic antireflux surgery. In particular, the use of prosthetic meshes for crural closure results in a significantly lower rate of postoperative hiatal hernia recurrence with or without intrathoracic migration of the fundic wrap. The aim of the present study was to evaluate different methods of crural closure depending on the size of the hiatal defect by measuring the hiatal surface area.


Fifty-five consecutive patients (mean age = 53 years) with symptomatic gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) were scheduled for laparoscopic antireflux surgery (LARS) in our surgical unit. Intraoperatively, the length, breadth, and diameter of the hiatal defect was measured using an endoscopic ruler. In every patient, the hiatal surface area (HSA) was calculated using an arithmetic formula. Depending on the calculated HSA, hiatal closure was performed by (1) simple sutures, (2) simple sutures with a 1 × 3-cm polypropylene mesh, (3) simple sutures with dual Parietex® dual mesh, or (4) “tension-free” polytetrafluoroethylene BARD Crurasoft® mesh.


Twenty-six patients (47.2%) underwent laparoscopic 360° “floppy” Nissen fundoplication. The remaining 29 patients (52.8%) with esophageal body motility disorder underwent laparoscopic 270° Toupet fundoplication. Mean calculated HSA in all patients was 5.092 cm2. Thirty-two patients (58.2%) with a smaller hiatal defect (mean HSA = 3.859 cm2) underwent hiatal closure with simple sutures (mean number of sutures: = 2.0). In 12 patients (21.8%) with a mean HSA of 7.148 cm2, hiatal closure was performed with a 1 × 3-cm polypropylene mesh in addition to simple sutures. Five patients with a mean HSA of 6.703 cm2 underwent hiatal closure with Parietex mesh, and in the remaining six patients, who had a mean HSA of 8.483 cm2, the hiatus was closed using BARD Crurasoft mesh. For a mean followup period of 6.3 months, only one patient (1.8%) developed a postoperative partial intrathoracic wrap migration.


Measurement of HSA with subsequent tailoring of the hiatal closure to the hiatal defect is an effective procedure to prevent hiatal hernia recurrence and/or intrathoracic wrap migration in laparoscopic antireflux surgery.

Background Postoperative dysphagia after laparoscopic antireflux surgery usually is transient and resolves within weeks after surgery. Persistent dysphagia develops in a small percentage of patients after surgery. There still is debate about whether postoperative dysphagia is caused by the type or placement of the fundic wrap or by mechanical obstruction of the hiatal crura. This study aimed to investigate patients who experienced recurrent or persistent dysphagia after laparoscopic antireflux surgery, and to identify the morphologic reason for this complication. Methods A sample of 50 patients consecutively referred to the authors’ unit with recurrent, persistent, or new-onset of dysphagia after laparoscopic antireflux surgery were prospectively reviewed to identify the morphologic cause of postoperative dysphagia. According to their radiologic findings, these patients were divided into three groups: patients with signs of obstruction at or above the gastroesophageal junction suspicious of crural stenosis (group A; n = 18), patients with signs of total or partial migration of the wrap intrathoracically (group B; n = 27), and patients in whom the hiatal closure was radiologically assessed to be correct with a supposed stenosis of the wrap (group C; n = 5). The exact diagnosis of a too tight (group A) or too loose (group B) hiatus in contrast to a too tight wrap (group C) was established during laparoscopic redo surgery (groups B and C) or by x-ray during pneumatic dilation (group A). Results For all 18 group A patients, intraoperative x-ray during pneumatic dilation showed the typical signs of hiatal tightness. Of these, 15 were free of symptoms after dilation, and 3 had to undergo laparoscopic redo surgery because of persistent dysphagia. In all these patients, the hiatal closure was narrowing the esophagus. All the group B patients underwent laparoscopic redo surgery because of intrathoracic wrap migration. Intraoperatively, all the patients had an intact fundoplication, which slipped above the diaphragm. Definitely, only in 10% of all 50 patients (group C) presenting with the symptom of dysphagia, was the morphologic reason for the obstruction a problem of the fundic wrap. Conclusions In most patients, postoperative dysphagia is more a problem of hiatal closure than a problem of the fundic wrap. Poster presentation at the 45th annual meeting of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), Digestive Disease Week (DDW), New Orleans, Louisiana, 15–19 May, 2004  相似文献   

AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of the study was to assess preoperative radio-chemotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This study was a retrospective comparison between radio-chemotherapy followed by surgical resection (RCPO) and surgery alone. The RCPO group included patients with tumor located in the middle or lower third of the esophagus, staged T2 or T3 tumors without distant metastases by pretherapeutic assessment. These patients were matched with patients who underwent immediate surgery, who constituted the surgical group (CHIR). Both groups were matched for gender, age, tumor localization (middle or lower third), T stage, and surgical procedure. Each group included 77 men and 9 women, 50 tumors of the middle third and 36 of the lower third of the oesophagus, and 19 tumors T2 and 67 T3 ones. RESULTS: Morbidity of both groups was not significantly different. The mortality was 4% in the group CHIR and 12% in the group RCPO (P =0.07). The rate of radical resection (R0) was significantly higher in the RCPO group (74% vs. 51%; P =0.001). The overall 5-year survival rate was 38% after R0 surgery and 11% after R1 or R2 surgery (P <0.0001). After R0 surgery, the 5-year survival rate was 47% in the CHIR group and 32% in the RCPO group (P =0.06). CONCLUSION: Preoperative radiochemotherapy increases the rate of radical surgical resection without significant increase in postoperative morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

Quality of life and patient satisfaction have been shown to be important factors in evaluating outcome of laparoscopic antireflux surgery (LARS). The aim of this study was to evaluate data pertaining to quality of life, patient satisfaction, and changes in symptoms in patients who underwent laparoscopic redo surgery after primary failed open or laparoscopic antireflux surgery 3 to 5 years postoperatively. Between March 1995 and June 1998, a total of 27 patients whose mean age was 57 years (range 35 to 78 years) Underwent laparoscopic refundoplication for primary failed open or laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Quality of life was evaluated by means of the Gastrointestinal Quality of Life Index (GIQLI). Additionally, patient satisfaction and symptomatic outcome were evaluted using a standardized questionnaire. Three to 5 years after laparoscopic refundoplication, patients rated their quality of life (GIQLI) in an overall score of 113.4 points. Twenty-five patients (92.6%) rated their satisfaction with the redo procedure as very good and would undergo surgery again, if necessary. These patients were no longer taking any antireflux medication at follow-up. Two patients (7.4%) reported rare episodes of heartburn, which were managed successfully with proton pump inhibitors on demand, and four patients (14.8%) reported some episodes of regurgitation but with no decrease in quality of life. Seven patients (25.9%) suffer from mild-to-moderate dysphagia 5 years postoperatively, and 12 patients (44.4%) report having occasional chest pain but no other symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux disease. Nine of these patients suffer from concomitant cardiopulmonary disease. Laparoscopic refundoplication after primary failed antireflux surgery results in a high degree of patient satisfaction and significant improvement in quality of life with a good symptomatic outcome for a follow-up period of 3 to 5 years after surgery. Presented at the Forty-Third Annual Meeting of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, San Francisco, California, May 19–22, 2002 (poster presentation).  相似文献   



Many women scheduled for surgery are using either oral contraception (OC) or hormone replacement therapy (HRT). These two treatments are associated with a significant albeit moderately increased risk of venous thromboembolic events which might increase the risk associated with surgery.

Data source

Record of French and English references from Medline® database.

Data extraction

Data were selected including prospective and retrospective studies, reviews, and case reports.

Data synthesis

Thromboembolism induced by these two pharmacologic classes is similar and close to that produced by pregnancy. The increased risk is usually small, especially after the first year of administration of either class of drug, for progestogen-only contraception drugs and for transdermal HRT. The increased risk should be compared with the occurrence of undesired pregnancy after discontinuation of OC or the occurrence of climateric symptoms after discontinuation of HRT. Maintaining OC during the perioperative period is legitimate and strengthening prophylaxis is justified during the first year of combined OC administration. Stressful climateric symptoms can lead to maintain HRT and strengthening prophylaxis is justified during the first year of oral HRT. Transdermal HRT may not need to be stopped and probably does not require any additional antithrombotic measure.


The increased thromboembolic risk is to be compared with the risks of stopping either treatment. In most cases, these two treatments can be maintained and antithrombotic prophylaxis is moderately strengthened in particular cases.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Nephron-sparing surgery (NSS) for renal cell carcinoma (RCC) remains controversial for elective indications (low stage RCC in the presence of a normal contralateral kidney). In this single center study survival rate and, as novel aspects, the frequency of postoperative arterial hypertension and renal function parameters were investigated to evaluate safety and efficacy of NSS. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The complete data of 248 patients operated nephron-sparing for RCC between 1975 and 1995 were evaluated. One hundred and seventy-five patients were treated for elective indication (95% with tumor stage T1 or T2), 73 patients for mandatory indication (bilateral tumors, solitary kidney, renal insufficiency). The mean follow-up was 75 months (maximum 23 years). RESULTS: Mean tumor-size was lower under elective (3.8 cm) than under mandatory (4.7 cm) indication. Overall tumor-specific survival after 5 years for both indications was 88%. Comparing preoperative vs. follow-up values, arterial blood pressure and serum-creatinine values remained unchanged for both indications. The incidence of postoperative proteinuria (19% imperative, 11% elective indication) was strongly related to hypertension. CONCLUSIONS: NSS for RCC under elective indication achieves patient survival comparable to the results of radical nephrectomy. The presented data do not indicate significant longterm complications such as arterial hypertension, proteinuria or deterioration of renal function as a result of glomerulosclerosis or hyperfiltration. This gives further argument for the concept of NSS in RCC as an alternative to radical nephrectomy in the presence of a healthy contralateral kidney.  相似文献   

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