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《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(10):1413-1421
Responses by the public to the question of whether drugs was the United States’ most important problem ranged from under 5% to over 60% during the 9 years from 1985 to 1994. Time series analysis showed that changes in this opinion could be explained by the press describing drugs as a crisis. Other types of drug discussion contributed negligibly. In the reverse direction, public opinion about drugs was a weak but significant contributor to press coverage.

Cuando entre los años 1985 y 1994 se le preguntó al público si la droga era el problema más importante de los Estado Unidos, las respuestas afirmativas variaron entre un 5 y un 60 por ciento. El análisis de series cronológicas demostró que los cambios de opinión podían ser atribuidos a la prensa que presentaba el problema de la droga como una crisis. Otro tipo de discusiones sobre el tema tenían un efecto negligible. A la vez, la opinión del público influía de manera débil pero significativa en la forma en que la prensa trataba el tema.

Entre 1985 et 1994, ont eu lieu une serie de sondages d'opinion publique pour savoir si la drogue était le problème le plus important aux Etats-Unis. Les réponses variaient entre 5 et 60 pour-cent. Les analyses par séries chronologiques avaient démontré que ces changements d'opinion étaient dus à la présentation de ce problème comme crise dans la presse. D'autres discussions à ce sujet avaient eu un effet négligeable sur l'opinion publique. Cependant, l'influence de l'opinion publique avait été faible mais tout de měme significative sur les traitements de ce sujet par la presse.  相似文献   


The authors systematically reviewed 42 quantitative studies on the relationship between media exposure and tobacco, illicit drug, and alcohol use among children and adolescents. Overall, 83% of studies reported that media was associated with increased risk of smoking initiation, use of illicit drugs, and alcohol consumption. Of 30 studies examining media content, 95% found a statistically significant association between increased media exposure and negative outcomes. Similarly, of the 12 studies evaluating the quantity of media exposure, 67% reported an association with a negative outcome. Overall, all 17 of the identified longitudinal studies supported a causal association between media exposure and negative outcomes over time. The evidence was strongest for links between media exposure and tobacco use; it was moderate for illicit drug use and alcohol use. Substantial variability in methodological rigor across studies and expanding definitions of media exposure contribute to persistent gaps in the knowledge base.  相似文献   

张忠伟 《北方药学》2013,(11):122-123
目的:考察《抗菌药物临床应用管理办法》通过、实施过程中抗菌药物的使用情况。方法:采用回顾性调查方法,对2011年8月~2013年1月的门诊处方进行统计、分析。结果:抗菌药物的使用趋于合理。结论:《抗菌药物临床应用管理办法》为抗菌药物的合理使用提供了法律依据,国家应出台更多的政策,不断加强各类药品的规范使用。  相似文献   

目前临床上用到的降糖药物种类众多,作用机制各异。本文依作用机制将降糖药物进行了分类,并对各类药物的作用机制和特点进行了简要介绍。对全球首个上市的胰高血糖素样肽-1(Glucagon-like peptide-1,GLP-1)类似物艾塞那肽进行了重点阐述,包括氨基酸序列、作用机制、药物动力学、上市制剂和在研制剂等。  相似文献   

目的:加强麻醉药品、精神药品管理和使用监督检查,避免滥用。方法:依据麻醉药品、精神药品管理的相关法律法规,对我市持有"麻醉药品、第一类精神药品购用印鉴卡"(以下简称印鉴卡)的211家医疗机构进行审核,现场查看管理制度建立健全及落实情况。结果:全市符合获得印鉴卡条件、需整改后获取印鉴卡、建议撤销印鉴卡的医疗机构分别为128家(60.66%),44家(20.85%),39家(18.48%)。结论:特殊管理药品相关法律法规执行力度亟须加强,医药人员业务素质需进一步提高。  相似文献   

In the UK, CCTV is a tool that is commonly used for fighting crime despite the fact that independent studies have disagreed on whether and to what extent it works. To date there has been little work that has focused specifically on the impact of CCTV in tackling drug crime. The aim of the research on which this paper is based was to assess the effectiveness of a different type of CCTV, termed redeployable CCTV, in tackling drug crimes. In theory, redeployable CCTV systems have a major advantage over static CCTV systems as they can be moved around a community to tackle crime hot spots, as such they were considered ideal for tackling drug crime. The methodology included extensive periods of observation in three police areas, stakeholder interviews and assessments of relevant documentation. The findings were disappointing in that the desired impact was not achieved, in part because of implementation failure, therefore this paper concentrates on the process of implementation. The conclusions highlight the implications for policy and crime prevention.  相似文献   

基本药物供应链长,需经历遴选、生产、采购、使用等环节,才为患者所用。因此,自基本药物制度实施以来,可及性问题一直备受关注,而执业药师正是贯穿于此些环节中的重要人物。本文从执业药师的职能出发,探讨其在基本药物供应链的各个环节中所发挥的作用,对基本药物的可及性是否存在影响及如何影响,揭示了在保障基本药物可及性的过程中执业药师的重要作用。并根据现实与理想的差距,提出对执业药师价值体现的展望。  相似文献   

This study was designed to inform the development of new Criminal Justice Intervention Programmes for drug-using offenders by examining the complex inter-relationships of drug problems, drug crime and generic crime together with psychological and social problems. The study combined total population datasets for police and probation agencies with all drug agencies in one geographical area. It first examined associations between greater frequency of crime, drug crime and drug problems. It then examined associations between each of these factors and a range of psychological and social problems. There is a relationship between drug crime and drug problems and both are associated with increased frequency of crime. However, drugs and crime variables are mediated by a range of other social and psychological factors, which strongly influence the probability of drug problems and crime, indicating a need for caution in identifying simple cause-and-effect relationships between crime and drugs.  相似文献   

The drug-violence relationship exists for several reasons, some direct (drugs pharmacologically inducing violence) and some indirect (violence occurring in order to attain drugs). Moreover, the nature of that relationship is often complex, with intoxication, neurotoxic, and withdrawal effects often being confused and/or confounded. This paper reviews the existing literature regarding the extent to which various drugs of abuse may be directly associated with heightened interpersonal violence. Alcohol is clearly the drug with the most evidence to support a direct intoxication-violence relationship. The literatures concerning benzodiazepines, opiates, psychostimulants, and phencyclidine (PCP) are idiosyncratic but suggest that personality factors may be as (or more) important than pharmacological ones. Cannabis reduces likelihood of violence during intoxication, but mounting evidence associates withdrawal with aggressivity. The literature on the relationship between steroids and aggression is largely confounded, and between 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and aggression insufficient to draw any reasonable conclusions. Conclusions and policy implications are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

药品注册审批工作中专利相关问题探讨   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的:探讨如何正确处理药品注册审批工作中的专利相关问题。方法:分析我国药品注册审批工作中专利相关规定及其存在的问题,并参照美国、欧盟的相关规定进行比较与分析。结果与结论:药品注册审批与专利权保护是相对独立的法律关系,分别适用药品管理法和专利法;药品注册审批与专利侵权之间没有必然联系;专利纠纷应当按照专利法的相关规定解决,药品注册审批工作不应当涉及药品专利纠纷的解决。  相似文献   

小儿感染患者抗生素使用及药敏分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查我院感染患儿抗生素使用情况,指导临床合理用药。方法:统计感染患儿的抗生素使用并对照药敏结果分析。结果:抗生素使用情况与药敏结果符合率为75%。引起小儿感染的主要细菌是埃希菌属,克雷伯菌属,葡萄球菌属,链球菌属。结论:由于青霉素G已被大量耐药,头孢菌素已代替霉素G成为一线药物。应加强临床病原学检测,指导临床合理使用抗生素。  相似文献   

该实验的目的是对研究毒性中药的五种炮制方法的说明,通过实验进一步认识毒性中药炮制的重要性,充分合理利用有毒中药,为人类健康和解除疾病提供科学依据。经实验与临床验证收到较好效果。  相似文献   

南海函 《药学教育》2008,24(4):18-21
介绍新开设课程海洋药物讲授过程中的教学内容、教学方法和体会,探讨海洋药物授课过程中存在的问题及解决办法。  相似文献   

《Substance use & misuse》2013,48(13-14):1903-1923
More than 75% of people age 65 and older use medications. Of the drugs most commonly used by older people, many have potential to interact adversely with alcohol. The absorption, distribution, metabolism, and effects of drugs or alcohol may be affected. The major adverse clinical outcomes of drug-alcohol interactions are altered blood levels of the medication or of alcohol, liver toxicity, gastrointestinal inflammation and bleeding, sedation and delirium, disulfiram-like reactions, and interference with the desired effect of medications. Since alcohol is commonly used by elderly people, educating patients about the potential for these interactions should be a routine part of health care visits.  相似文献   

过期药品回收立法势在必行   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
彦玲  吴彬  盛睿  袁瑞玲 《中国药事》2007,21(6):377-380
随着社会发展,居民家庭小药箱的储量越来越大,过期药品的数量日益增多。如果对过期药品不管不问、放任自流,可能会产生用药安全隐患、环境污染和社会危害等严重后果。如何有效地处理过期药品,是我们必须面对和解决的重大课题。本文在分析过期药品回收现状的基础上,提出做好过期药品回收工作应坚持科学发展观、走可持续发展之路的原则,从法律法规、监管体系、科技水平、经济补贴、社会环境等多方面入手。  相似文献   

目的:比较鞭类中药材中两种不同药用部位质量的优劣.方法:采用高效液相色谱法和分光光度法分析鞭类药材中的甾体类成分.结果:甾体类化合物在狗鞭和狗睾丸中的含量均高于其在羊阴茎和牛阴茎中的含量.结论:鞭类中药材的药用部位应以阴茎和睾丸为佳.  相似文献   

由于社会发展迅速、生活节奏加快以及竞争日益激烈,人们的精神压力加大,导致抑郁症的发病率、患病率逐年增加.随着抗抑郁药物作用机制假说的不断提出,开发了一系列新型抗抑郁药物并应用于临床.本文就临床常见的新型抗抑郁药进行综述.  相似文献   

李敏  王亚楼 《药学进展》2006,30(1):29-34
综述了已上市和处于不同临床研究阶段的各类型尿失禁治疗药物,并简单概括了该类药物的构效关系及作用机制。  相似文献   

目的:了解我院门诊抗高血压药使用情况,为合理用药提供依据。方法:随机抽查门诊处方5792张,以药物利用指数(DUI)作为评价合理用药的技术指标,分析抗高血压药使用情况。结果:门诊抗高血压药使用比例为12.81%,其中男性占7.42%,女性占5.38%。使用最多的年龄段为60岁~70岁。使用最多的药物为钙通道阻滞剂,占40.43%,其次为β受体阻滞剂,占35.18%。联合用药以β受体阻滞剂 钙通道阻滞剂最多,占33.64%。结论:抗高血压药物使用基本合理。  相似文献   

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