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A profound knowledge of specific genetically determined anomalies of the hair may be of considerable value in the diagnosis of genetic syndromes. We give a review of a few recent developments in the field of genetic hair diseases. For example, the brittle hair due to sulphur deficiency (trichothiodystrophy) is nowadays regarded as genetically heterogeneous; three different syndromes can be distinguished: BIDS syndrome, Tay syndrome, and PIBIDS syndrome. Polarization microscopy revealed a striking resemblance of the hair anomalies found in trichothiodystrophy syndromes and those in acrodermatitis enteropathica. This surprising result indicates similar pathophysiological mechanisms. The Comèl-Netherton syndrome--long regarded as representing two different diseases--has recently been recognized as a clinically variable, but genetically homogeneous syndrome, which is most likely based on a single mutation ("lumping"). Minor's sweat test allows the recognition of women heterozygous for X-linked hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia and may help to appreciate seemingly non-specific hair findings, such as diffuse alopecia.  相似文献   

What controls hair follicle cycling?   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Despite more than a hundred years of professinal hair research, and substantial recent progress in unravelling the molecular controls of hair follicle morphogenesis, the chronobiological control system that cyclically drives the hair follicle through dramatic remodelling processes between phases of growth (anagen), regression (catagen), and relative resting (telogen) have remained disappointingly obscure. In view of the vast literature that has become available over the past decades on numerous genetic, biochemical, cellular and pharmacological aspects of hair growth control under physiological and pathological conditions, it is astounding how comparatievely few researchers in the field have published theoretical concepts that explore how hair follicle cycling might be controlled. Since this question is at the very heart of basic and clinically applied hair biology, it deserves a much more systematic and serious public exploration, which the following contributions are designed to stimulate.  相似文献   

Chronic pruritus is a relevant symptom burden in various systemic diseases. It is most commonly observed in patients with chronic kidney disease, hepatobiliary and hematological disorders as well as adverse drug reaction. Recent basic research has unravelled novel treatment targets which are currently in preclinical phases, clinical trials or have already been licensed. While µ‐opioid receptor antagonists have been used since decades mainly in cholestatic pruritus, the k‐opioid receptor agonist nalfurafine has been licensed in Japan for chronic kidney disease‐associated pruritus (CKDaP) as well as cholestatic pruritus. Further κ‐opioid receptor agonists are currently investigated in various clinical trials including CKDaP. In recent years, the calcium channel blockers gabapentin and pregabalin have also been recognized as effective anti‐pruritus therapy in several internal diseases with the best evidence in chronic kidney disease‐associated pruritus. Neurokinin‐1 receptor antagonists have been investigated with variable benefit in CKDaP, solid tumors and lymphoproliferative disorders such as cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma, Sézary syndrome. Inhibitors of the ileal bile acid transporter (IBAT) represent a selective interruption of the enterohepatic circulation and are currently investigated in various hepatobiliary disorders associated with pruritus. The current development and testing of novel drugs in clinical trials offers hope to struggling physicians and suffering patients.  相似文献   

Innovative and exciting advances in the clinical science in solid organ transplantation continuously realize as the results of studies, clinical trials, international conferences, consensus conferences, new technologies and discoveries. This review will address to the full spectrum of news in transplantation, that verified by 2013. The key areas covered are the transplantation activity, with particular regards to the donors, the news for solid organs such as kidney, pancreas, liver, heart and lung, the news in immunosuppressive therapies, the news in the field of tolerance and some of the main complications following transplantation as infections and cancers. The period of time covered by the study starts from the international meetings held in 2012, whose results were published in 2013, up to the 2013 meetings, conferences and consensus published in the first months of 2014. In particular for every organ, the trends in numbers and survival have been reviewed as well as the most relevant problems such as organ preservation, ischemia reperfusion injuries, and rejections with particular regards to the antibody mediated rejection that involves all solid organs. The new drugs and strategies applied in organ transplantation have been divided into new way of using old drugs or strategies and drugs new not yet on the market, but on phase Ito III of clinical studies and trials.  相似文献   

This review summarizes clinically important findings from nine systematic reviews of the causes, treatment and prevention of atopic eczema (AE) published between August 2008 and August 2009. Two systematic reviews concluded that there is a strong and consistent association between filaggrin (FLG) mutations and development of eczema. The associations between FLG mutations and atopic sensitization, rhinitis and asthma are weaker than between FLG mutations and eczema, especially if those who also have eczema are excluded. The relationship between transforming growth factor levels in breast milk and eczema development is still unclear. A further systematic review found no strong evidence of a protective effect of exclusive breastfeeding for at least 3 months against eczema, even in those with a positive family history of atopy. Based on a systematic review and meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials, supplementation with omega-3 and omega-6 oils is unlikely to play an important role in the primary prevention of eczema or allergic diseases in general. There is little evidence to support dietary restrictions of certain foods in unselected children with AE. There is also little evidence to suggest a clinically useful benefit from using probiotics in patients with established eczema. A systematic review of topical pimecrolimus and tacrolimus added little additional information to previous reviews, and did not provide any new data on long-term safety. Both of these drugs work in AE, and may reduce flares and usage of topical corticosteroids; however, there is still uncertainty about how they compare with topical corticosteroids.  相似文献   

Itch is often regarded as unpleasant or bothersome and is accompanied by symptoms of distress and impairments in daily life. The biopsychosocial model of chronic itch describes how psychological factors can contribute to the improvement or exacerbation of chronic itch and related scratching behaviour. Recent research underlines the important role of cognitive‐affective information processing, such as attention, affect and expectancies. This may not only play a role for acute itch states, but may particularly apply to the process of itch chronification, for example, due to the vicious cycle in which these factors shape the experience of itch. The present paper focuses on new insights into the relation between itch and the cognitive‐affective factors of attention, affect and expectancies. These factors are thought to play a possible aggravating role in itch in the long term and have received increasing attention in the recent empirical literature on maintaining and exacerbating factors for chronic physical symptoms. Possible psychophysiological and neurobiological pathways regarding these factors are discussed, as well as possible intervention methods.  相似文献   

The renin-angiotensin system (RAS) has been known for more than a century as a cascade that regulates body fluid balance and blood pressure. Angiotensin II(Ang II) has many functions in different tissues; however it is on the kidney that this peptide exerts its main functions. New enzymes, alternative routes for Ang IIformation or even active Ang II-derived peptides have now been described acting on Ang II AT1 or AT2 receptors, or in receptors which have recently been cloned, such as Mas and AT4. Another interesting observation was that old members of the RAS, such as angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE), renin and prorenin, well known by its enzymatic activity, can also activate intracellular signaling pathways, acting as an outside-in signal transduction molecule or on the renin/(Pro)renin receptor. Moreover, the endocrine RAS, now is also known to have paracrine, autocrine and intracrine action on different tissues, expressing necessary components for local Ang II formation. This in situ formation, especially in the kidney, increases Ang II levels to regulate blood pressure and renal functions. These discoveries, such as the ACE2/Ang-(1-7)/Mas axis and its antangonistic effect rather than classical deleterious Ang II effects, improves the development of new drugs for treating hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) is a serious complication resulting from long-term steroid treatment. In addition to several nonpharmacologic therapies recommended by the American College of Rheumatology, various pharmacologic therapies, such as calcium, vitamin D, hormone-replacement therapy, calcitonin, and bisphosphonates, can be used to prevent and/or treat GIOP. Bisphosphonates, which are potent inhibitors of bone resorption, are considered the most effective and first-line agents for increasing bone mineral density and decreasing the risk of fracture. Human parathyroid hormone has emerged as a promising agent for the treatment of severe GIOP when used alone or in combination with a bisphosphonate.  相似文献   

What is new in the treatment of steroid-induced osteoporosis?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glucocorticoid-induced osteoporosis (GIOP) is a serious complication resulting from long-term steroid treatment. In addition to several nonpharmacologic therapies recommended by the American College of Rheumatology, various pharmacologic therapies, such as calcium, vitamin D, hormone-replacement therapy, calcitonin, and bisphosphonates, can be used to prevent and/or treat GIOP. Bisphosphonates, which are potent inhibitors of bone resorption, are considered the most effective and first-line agents for increasing bone mineral density and decreasing the risk of fracture. Human parathyroid hormone has emerged as a promising agent for the treatment of severe GIOP when used alone or in combination with a bisphosphonate.  相似文献   

Kenogen. A new phase of the hair cycle?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND: A novel phenomenon has been described by the phototrichogram: the emptiness of the follicle after teloptosis. We called this phenomenon kenogen, from the Greek kappaepsilonnuóvarsigma, 'empty'. OBJECTIVE: To describe the kenogen phase in its details. METHODS: Analysis of the existing literature. RESULTS: The original observation in 2 women was confirmed in 10 balding and non-balding males studied for 14 years in whom kenogen lasted about 4 months increasing up to about 7 months and affecting 80% of all hair cycles. In 2 women with progressing androgenetic alopecia studied for 2 years, kenogen involved 22% of the hair follicles, lasting from 3 months to 1 year. In a prepubertal boy studied for 1 year, it involved 8% of hairs and lasted about 2 months. CONCLUSION: During kenogen, the hair follicle rests physiologically, but duration and frequency are greater in androgenetic alopecia, possibly accounting for baldness. In addition to the classical cycle, the hair follicle may follow an alternative route during which the telogen phase, not accompanied by a coincident new early anagen, ends with teloptosis leaving the follicle empty.  相似文献   

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