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1病例简介患者,男性,17岁,发现头皮肿块10余年就诊。患者6岁发现头皮肿物,随年龄增长而缓慢增大。查体:枕部左侧头皮触及大小约40mm×40mm的肿块,边界清,柔软有弹性,无明显红、肿、热、痛,表面无破溃渗出,无头晕、  相似文献   

徐慧  于金昌 《人民军医》2005,48(8):493-494
患者女,16岁。因鼻背皮肤瘘孔16年,常有干酪样分泌物溢出而入院治疗。查体:体温36.0℃,脉搏80/min,血压105/75mmHg。一般状态良好,头颈未见异常,心肺及腹部检查均正常。肛门及外生殖器无异常,脊柱呈生理弯曲。专科检查:鼻外观无畸形,鼻正中软硬骨交界稍上方皮肤可见一直径约1mm瘘孔,周围无红肿,瘘孔上方皮肤颜色稍暗,挤压小孔周围有干酪样分泌物自孔中溢出,无压痛。鼻镜检查:鼻中隔无偏曲,鼻黏膜无充血及糜烂,双下鼻甲无肥大,各鼻道无异常分泌物。鼻窦、额窦区均无压痛。  相似文献   

患者男,71岁。头部外伤后发现颅内占位8年余,右下肢无力2年余。8年前头部外伤后头颅CT检查发现颅内占位,元明显不适症状,未继续诊治。入院前2年开始自觉右下肢无力,活动不灵,走路拖行。查体:神志清楚,右上肢可见震颤,右下肢肌力Ⅳ级,病理征未引出,膝腱反射正常。  相似文献   

患者女性,45岁。因先心病胸闷、憋气、呼吸困难加重来诊。查体:除先心病体征外,右胸下部叩实。胸透及超声检查均诊断为大量胸腔积液。临床进行穿刺抽胸水呈血性。胸部CT表现:自肺尖以7mm层厚向肺底扫描,自气管隆突层面显示一囊性占位(图1)。其上下径14cm,左右最大为11cm,前后最大为10cm(图2)。占居右胸腔大部,右支气管被推挤向右前上移位,心脏亦向左明显移位。并向下突入腹腔,右隔肌反向下移,膈穹消失,肝脏挤压向左下。瘤体实质密度均匀,平均CT值42HU,其边缘与心脏分界欠清楚。瘤体左侧可见条形低密度分隔并有钙化,囊性瘤体横断面显示为…  相似文献   

虽然颅内皮样囊肿并不少见,但发生于小脑实质内极少,本文报道了1例发生于小脑蚓部的皮样囊肿。1 病历简介患儿,男,6岁,因头痛、呕吐12天,发热4天来院检查。查体:体温39℃,神志清楚,项强,四肢肌力大致正常,双腱反射不亢进,病理征未引出,双侧视乳头边界不清,后枕部未见皮下局部性软组织肿胀、隆起。临床以“颅压高待诊”申请进行CT和MRI检查。影像学表现:CT示小脑蚓部巨大类圆形低密度影,大小约45cm×55cm,边界清晰,其内密度大致均匀,未见钙化灶,第四脑室明显受压变扁,幕上脑室系统明显扩大,脑室周围白质密度减低,未见枕部颅骨缺…  相似文献   

后颅窝皮样囊肿不典型影像学表现一例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
患者 女,19岁.6个月前无明显诱因出现枕部阵发性针刺样疼痛,无放射,伴恶心、呕吐.近1个月来头疼发作频繁.入院体检:神经系统(-),T 37.1℃,P 80次/min,R 19次/min,Bp 100/70 mmHg(1 mmHg=0.133 kPa).  相似文献   

1 病历简介患者,女,48岁。因右胸背部持续性疼痛伴阵发性干咳2个多月来就诊。X线胸片示:右中下肺野占位性病变;右胸腔积液。B超检查:在右前胸第二肋以下的胸腔内见大片状的液性暗区。暗区中可见一18cm×20cm椭圆形的囊性肿物,包膜完整,肿物内外侧壁与外侧壁层胸膜及纵隔相连,囊内透声差,充满点状的回声,并夹杂有斑点状和线条状强回声,随体位改变而飘动。B超诊断:(1)右胸腔巨大囊性肿物(皮样囊肿?)(2)右胸腔中量积液,CT诊断为右纵隔巨大占位性病变(皮样囊肿)。手术所见:右前纵隔囊性肿物,大小22cm×20cm,与周围粘连。病理诊断:…  相似文献   

额顶部头皮下皮样囊肿1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭晋  吴贵华  吴暇 《医学影像学杂志》2005,15(6):506-506,513
患者男,25岁.出生后发现额顶部头皮下有一黄豆大小肿块,缓慢增大,近3个月以来增大明显,遂入院.体检:额顶部半球形包块呈蕈样突出,约5cm,表面光滑,有囊性感,基底部不活动.头颅X线片示:额顶部见弧形压迹,局部颅外板变薄,稍内陷,颅内板无异常(图1).MRI平扫示:额顶部皮下1个类圆形肿块向外突起,大小约3.0cm×4.5cm×6.0cm,边界清楚,T1WI、T2WI均呈高信号并见分层现象(图2),压脂后信号减低,病灶前底部见小团状低信号区,局部颅板吸收变薄下陷,肿块与颅内无连通.MRI诊断:额顶部皮下囊性肿块,考虑:①皮样囊肿;②胆脂瘤.  相似文献   

Fat droplets in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a well-known complication of ruptured intracranial dermoid tumours. We report an unusual case of a ruptured spinal dermoid tumour. MR images showed a tethered spinal cord and an intramedullary fat-containing mass. Fat droplets were revealed in the ventricles and the cisternal spaces on brain CT and brain MR. In the English literature, a ruptured spinal dermoid tumour accompanying a tethered spinal cord is extremely rare.  相似文献   

A fourth ventricular dermoid cyst examined by CT, MRI and angiography is reported. The combination of CT density and MRI signal indicated the presence of hair within the cyst, which was confirmed at surgery.  相似文献   

Dermoid cysts located in the floor of the mouth are classified as submental or sublingual based on their location with respect to the mylohyoid muscle. The lesion was located in the midline, involved the genioglossus and geniohyoid muscles, and extended down to the area superior to the mylohyoid muscle. An hourglass-shaped cyst of the floor of mouth was seen. Such magnetic resonance imaging findings appear to be characteristic of an extended sublingual dermoid cyst.  相似文献   

We present the second case of Klippel-Feil syndrome in association with a posterior fossa dermoid cyst extending through the occipital bone and presenting as a suboccipital subcutaneous mass. We describe its radiographic, CT, and MRI appearances as well as on MRI diffusion-weighted images. Posterior cranial fossa dermoid cysts and sinuses should be added to the list of congenital abnormalities which must be sought in patients with Klippel-Feil syndrome. Diffusion-weighted images of brain may differentiate these masses from cerebral spinal fluid collections. Received: 8 February 2000 Revised: 22 May 2000 Accepted: 23 May 2000  相似文献   

The ovarian dermoid cyst is the most common ovarian tumor. However, malignant transformation developing from a dermoid cyst is very rare. Because of this rarity, few reports exist of preoperative diagnosis of this tumor by MRI. We report MRI findings from a 69-year-old patient with a malignant transformation (squamous cell carcinoma with sarcomatoid features) in a right ovarian dermoid cyst.  相似文献   

We report the plain film and sonographic findings in six children (2 1/2 months to 5 years old) with a subgaleal dermoid cyst at the anterior fontanelle. Plain films of the skull made in all patients showed a soft-tissue mass superficial to the anterior fontanelle with a normal subcutaneous fat layer above it. In three children, the margins of the anterior fontanelle were beveled to match the contour of the mass. Sonography in the five children with open fontanelles showed the mass to have a well-defined sonolucent interior with a clear wall separating it from the superior sagittal sinus and other intracranial contents. The combination of clinical evaluation, plain films, and sonography appears to be sufficient to make the diagnosis of subgaleal dermoid cyst of the anterior fontanelle.  相似文献   

Ovarian dermoid cyst complicated by an entero-ovarian fistula   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Shiels  WE; Dueno  F; Hernandez  E 《Radiology》1986,160(2):443-444
An unusual case of a 21-year-old nonpregnant woman with a left ovarian dermoid cyst complicated by an entero-ovarian fistula is presented. This case illustrates the importance of the contrast media enema for detecting this unusual complication.  相似文献   

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