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OBJECTIVES: We estimated the prevalence of and risk factors for intimate partner violence in China. METHODS: Our cross-sectional, comparative prevalence study used a face-to-face survey of randomly selected women attending an urban outpatient gynecological clinic at a major teaching hospital in Fuzhou, China. Multiple logistic regression models were used to assess risk factors for intimate partner violence. RESULTS: Of the 600 women interviewed, the prevalence of lifetime intimate partner violence and violence taking place within the year before the interview was 43% and 26%, respectively. For lifetime intimate partner violence, partners who had extramarital affairs and who refused to give respondents money were the strongest independent predictors. For intimate partner violence taking place within the year before the interview, frequent quarreling was the strongest predictor. CONCLUSIONS: Intimate partner violence is prevalent in China, with strong associations with male patriarchal values and conflict resolutions. Efforts to reduce intimate partner violence should be given high priority in health care settings where women can be reached.  相似文献   

  目的  追踪比较湖南省工业地区夫妻暴力发生状况十年间的变化。  方法  分别于2001 — 2002年(2002年组)和2011 — 2012年(2012年组),由相同的调查员采用相同的家庭暴力调查问卷,对湖南省工业地区夫妻暴力发生状况进行调查。  结果  两组施暴者中男性分别占85.7 %和69.2 %,受虐者中女性分别占87.0 %和69.1 %,2组施暴者和受虐者的性别差异均有统计学意义(χ2 = 50.125、19.550,P = 0.000);两组夫妻暴力发生的首位诱发因素均为子女教育问题(41.1 % vs 51.9 %),最常见的暴力形式都是羞辱和谩骂(90.5 % vs 93.2 %),差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);2012年受虐者受到精神损伤和身体损伤的比例分别为35.3 %和15.0 %,明显高于2002年组的16.8 %和4.2 %,差异均有统计学意义(χ2 = 9.481、6.897,P < 0.01);2组施暴者认可夫妻暴力的比例分别为69.4 %和50.8 %,受虐者认可夫妻暴力的比例分别为54.3 %和35.3 %,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.012 5)。  结论  夫妻暴力仍以男性施暴为主,精神暴力是夫妻暴力最常见的形式,子女教育问题仍是诱发夫妻暴力的首要因素,受虐者受到较十年前更多的精神损伤和身体损伤,施暴者和受虐者对夫妻暴力的态度十年来无明显变化。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study assessed the history of hospitalization among women involved in violent intimate relationships. METHODS: In this 1-year retrospective cohort study, female residents of King County, Washington, who were aged 18 to 44 years and who had filed for a protection order were compared with nonabused women in the same age group. Outcome measures included overall and diagnosis-specific hospital admission rates and relative risk of hospitalization associated with abuse. RESULTS: Women known to be exposed to a violent intimate relationship were significantly more likely to be hospitalized with any diagnosis (age-specific relative risks [RRs] ranging from 1.2 to 2.1), psychiatric diagnoses (RR = 3.6, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 2.8, 4.6), injury and poisoning diagnoses (RR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.2, 2.8), digestive system diseases (RR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.3, 2.9), and diagnoses of assault (RR = 4.9, 95% CI = 1.1, 22.1) or attempted suicide (RR = 3.7, 95% CI = 1.6, 9.2) in the year before filing a protection order. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed an increased relative risk of both overall and diagnosis-specific hospitalizations among abused women. Intimate partner violence has a significant impact on women's health and use of health care.  相似文献   

Intimate partner violence (IPV) has been recognized as a risk factor for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) among women, particularly among those who are drug involved. This study examines the temporal relationships between sexual and/or physical partner violence (IPV) and sexual risk of HIV/STI transmission in a longitudinal study with a random sample of 416 women enrolled in methadone maintenance treatment programs in New York City. Two hypotheses are tested: whether sexual risk-related factors or risk reduction behavior leads to subsequent IPV (H1); and whether IPV decreases likelihood of subsequent risk reduction behavior (i.e., requesting to use condoms) or increases likelihood of certain sexual risk-related factors (i.e., inconsistent condom use, having unprotected anal sex, having more than one partner, exchanging sex for drugs or money, having had an STI, being HIV positive, having a partner who engaged in HIV risk) (H2). Participants were interviewed at three waves: baseline, six months and twelve months. Hypotheses were examined using propensity score matching and multiple logistic regression analyses. The prevalence rate of any physical or sexual IPV was 46% at baseline. Findings for H1 indicate that women who reported always using condoms at wave 2 were significantly less likely than women who reported inconsistent or no condom use to experience subsequent IPV at wave 3. Similarly, increased risk of IPV at wave 3 was associated with self-reported STIs (OR=2.0, p=.03), and unprotected anal sex (OR= 2.0, p<.01); always requesting that partners use condoms was associated with a significant decrease in subsequent IPV (OR=.18, p<.01). Findings for H2 suggest that IPV at wave 2 decreased the subsequent likelihood of always using condoms at wave 3 (OR=.41, p<.01) and always requesting that a partner use condoms (OR=.42, p=.02). The implications of the findings for HIV prevention interventions for women on methadone are discussed.  相似文献   

PurposeAdverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are associated with an increased likelihood of intimate partner violence (IPV) in adulthood. We tested whether psychosocial factors, such as depression, anxiety, impulsivity, and problem drinking, mediate associations between ACEs and IPV.MethodsCouple data from a cross-sectional sample of married/cohabiting couples residing in 50 medium-to-large California cities (n = 1861 couples) were used. Hypothesized relationships among male and female ACE, male-to-female partner violence (MFPV) and female-to-male partner violence (FMPV), frequency of intoxication, depression, impulsivity, and anxiety were tested with structural equation path models, and the significance of both individual direct paths and indirect associations was determined.ResultsMale and female partners had positive direct associations between ACEs and depression, anxiety, and impulsivity. Males’ anxiety and impulsivity and females’ depression were positively related to MFPV. Males’ depression and frequency of intoxication and females’ depression, were positively related to FMPV. Indirect associations between male ACEs and MPFV via depression; male ACEs and FMPV via anxiety and impulsivity; and female ACEs and MPFV and FMPV via depression were all positive and significant.ConclusionsAdverse childhood experiences impact IPV partially through psychosocial characteristics. Interventions targeted at reducing ACEs and subsequent psychosocial outcomes may help reduce adult IPV.  相似文献   

This study describes the types of intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual HIV-risk factors reported by a sample of 139 African American and Latina women ages 50 and older receiving care in outpatient clinics of an urban medical center. Additionally, we obtained estimates of the associations between experiencing IPV in a primary heterosexual relationship and the following HIV-risk behaviors among our sample of older minority women: (a) having multiple sexual partners, (b) STD history, (c) partner-related risk (i.e., having a partner who has multiple sexual partners, is HIV-infected, injecting drugs, and/or has an STD), and (d) self-perception of risk for HIV infection. Results indicate that many of these women are engaged in sexual risk behaviors, and such behaviors are associated with increased likelihood of IPV for this cohort. Implications for health care professionals are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article we explore Sri Lankan Tamil immigrant women's views on factors contributing to intimate partner violence (IPV). We conducted eight focus groups with young, midlife, and senior women and women who experienced IPV. Three main themes emerged: postmigration sources of stress and conflict, patriarchal social norms that dictated gendered behavior, and individual male attributes and behaviors. Study participants recognized gender inequality and financial dependence as contributing factors and the role of women in promoting marital harmony. Findings suggest that pre- and postmigration factors need to be considered in the prevention of IPV in newcomer communities.  相似文献   

We examined rates of help seeking for intimate partner violence (IPV) among recent (0-9 years in Canada) and non-recent (10+ years in Canada) immigrant women. Data from a national, cross-sectional, telephone survey were used. Help-seeking variables included disclosure of IPV, reporting IPV to police, use of social services subsequent to IPV, and barriers to social service use. Recent immigrant women, compared with non-recent immigrant women, were significantly more likely to report IPV to police and less likely to use social services. Findings have important implications for prevention and detection of IPV in immigrant communities and in future research.  相似文献   

Despite research indicating higher than average rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) across groups of vulnerable women, less is known about the prevalence and types of IPV experienced by women who trade sex for money, drugs, shelter or food, a high risk group for poor health and psychosocial outcomes. Using a cross-sectional design and multivariate logistic regression analyses, this study examined the relationship between IPV and sex trading in a convenience sample of 346 HIV-negative, drug-involved women in relationships, recruited during 2005–2010 in New York City. About 41% and 36% of participants reported lifetime and recent IPV, respectively, by their main partner, with significant differences by recent engagement in sex trading (p < 0.01). Results of multivariate analyses indicated that sex trading was associated with recent severe physical or sexual IPV (OR = 3.07, p < 0.01) and that depression, having ever been married, child sexual abuse, and income were associated with IPV (p < 0.05). Women who reported childhood sexual abuse and recent sex trading had a 7.37 higher odds (p < 0.01) for reporting severe physical or sexual IPV compared to those who reported neither. Findings highlight the need to expand screening and interventions among women who trade sex.  相似文献   

PERPOSE: To compare the prevalence of selected risk behaviors among Asian American/Pacific Islander (AAPI) students and white, black, and Hispanic high school students in the United States. METHODS: The national Youth Risk Behavior Survey conducted in 1991, 1993, 1995, and 1997 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention produced nationally representative samples of students in grades 9 through 12 in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. To generate a sufficient sample of AAPI students, data from these four surveys were combined into one dataset yielding a total sample size of 55, 734 students. RESULTS: In the month preceding the survey, AAPI students were significantly less likely than black, Hispanic, or white students to have drunk alcohol or used marijuana. AAPI students also were significantly less likely than white, black, or Hispanic students to have had sexual intercourse; however, once sexually active, AAPI students were as likely as other racial or ethnic groups to have used alcohol or drugs at last intercourse or to have used a condom at last intercourse. AAPI students were significantly less likely than white, black, or Hispanic students to have carried a weapon or fought but were as likely as any of the other groups to have attempted suicide. CONCLUSIONS: A substantial percentage of AAPI students engage in risk behaviors that can affect their current and future health. Prevention programs should address the risks faced by AAPI students using culturally sensitive strategies and materials. More studies are needed to understand the comparative prevalence of various risk behaviors among AAPI subgroups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examined the health consequences of having experienced both sexual and physical abuse relative to women experiencing physical abuse but not sexual abuse. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 203 women seeking refuge in battered women's shelters. Controlling for sociodemographics, logistic regression analyses were conducted to assess the consequences of experiencing both sexual and physical abuse. RESULTS: Compared to women experiencing physical abuse, women experiencing both sexual and physical abuse were more likely to have a history of multiple sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in their abusive relationships, have had an STD in the past 2 months, be worried about being infected with HIV, use marijuana and alcohol to cope, attempt suicide, feel as though they had no control in their relationships, experience more episodes of physical abuse in the past 2 months, rate their abuse as more severe, and be physically threatened by their partner when they asked that condoms be used. CONCLUSIONS: Given the prevalence of adverse health outcomes, domestic violence shelters could counsel women to avoid using alcohol/drugs as a coping strategy, educate women about alternative healthy coping strategies, counsel women about methods of STD prevention that they can control, and provide STD screening and treatment.  相似文献   

We estimated rates of intimate partner violence and related injuries in a sample of 1371 women aged 18 to 49 years in Yokohama, Japan. By the age of 30 years, 14.3% of women who had ever had a partner had experienced violence from that partner, and 3.3% had suffered injuries related to such violence. By the time women had reached the age of 49 years, these percentages were 19% and 4%, respectively. In addition to the need for increased prevention efforts, our findings indicate the need for an expanded legal definition of intimate partner violence in Japan given that the current definition excludes premarital violence.  相似文献   

Recent reports indicate that AIDS is increasing among Asian and Pacific Islander populations. Data from 249 women sampled from nine Asian and Pacific Islander communities in San Diego County from 1993 to 1995 were examined to determine what factors contributed to perceived susceptibility to HIV infection and having had an HIV test. Thirteen percent of women sampled were classified as high risk for HIV infection, while half of the women reported perceived susceptibility to HIV. Years in the United States and ethnicity appeared to be effect modifiers of the relationship between risk behaviors and perceived susceptibility. In the multivariate model, high school education or greater, age of 30 or more, participation in risk behaviors, and knowing an HIV-positive person were significantly associated with perceived susceptibility. Reliability of self-reported sexual behavior was somewhat low, while the reliability of data relating to injection drug use and needle sharing was high.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There is growing evidence for associations between generations in family violence and between family violence in both childhood and adulthood and women's health. Most studies focus on a subset of family violence (child abuse, witnessing intimate partner violence [IPV] as a child, and/or adult IPV), and few examine possible differences associated with the nature of abusive experiences, such as physical versus sexual abuse. METHODS: A population-based telephone survey, the 1999 and 2001 Washington State Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, asked a representative sample of 3527 English-speaking, non-institutionalized adult women whether they had been physically or sexually assaulted or witnessed interparental violence in childhood, and whether they had experienced physical assault or emotional abuse from an intimate partner in the past year. The survey also asked about current general health and mental distress in the past month. RESULTS: The risks associated with childhood family violence experiences varied depending on the nature of those experiences. Women reporting childhood physical abuse or witnessing interparental violence were at a four- to six-fold increase in risk of physical IPV, and women reporting any of the experiences measured were at three- to four-fold increase in risk of partner emotional abuse. In contrast, women reporting childhood sexual abuse only were not at increased risk of physical IPV. Women reporting childhood physical abuse were at increased risk of poor physical health, and women reporting any type of childhood family violence were at increased risk of frequent mental distress. Approximately one third of women reporting poor general health and half of women reporting frequent mental distress also reported at least one of the childhood experiences measured. CONCLUSIONS: These findings underscore the role of childhood experiences of abuse and of witnessing family violence in women's current risk for IPV, poor physical health, and frequent mental distress.  相似文献   

Refugee women are at high risk of experiencing high level of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) and its negative impacts. We conducted a cross-sectional population-based household survey with refugees in a settlement in the city of Semnan, Iran, from 2016 to 2017. Afghan refugee women (n?=?188) with ages between 15 and 49?years were recruited for the survey. Overall, about 79.8% of the participants reported to have experienced a form of IPV in the past 12?months. IPV exposure is associated with a negative reproductive health outcome. The high prevalence of IPV found among refugee women in the present research and its strong links with poor reproductive health outcomes, underline the urgent need for the development and testing of appropriate interventions in refugee settlements.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We examined the prevalence of intimate partner violence (IPV) among recent (0-9 years) and nonrecent (>/= 10 years) immigrant women in Canada to determine whether differences in IPV were associated with length of stay in Canada. METHODS: We analyzed data from the 1999 General Social Survey, a national cross-sectional telephone survey. We used weighted logistic regression analysis to examine the effect of length of stay in Canada on IPV and controlled for socio-cultural and other factors associated with IPV. RESULTS: The crude prevalence of IPV was similar among recent and nonrecent immigrant women. However, after adjustment, the risk for IPV was significantly lower among recent immigrant women compared with nonrecent immigrant women. Country of origin, age, marital status, and having an activity limitation (physical/mental disability or health problem) also were associated with a higher risk for IPV. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings have important implications for both prevention and detection of IPV among immigrant women.  相似文献   

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