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N-linked glycans, including sialic acids, are integral components of ion channel complexes. To determine if N-linked sugars can modulate a rapidly inactivating K+ channel, the glycosylated Drosophila melanogaster Shaker K+ channel (ShB) and the N-glycosylation-deficient mutant (ShNQ), were studied under conditions of full and reduced sialylation. Through an apparent electrostatic mechanism, full sialylation induced uniform and significant hyperpolarizing shifts in all measured voltage-dependent ShB gating parameters compared to those measured under conditions of reduced sialylation. Steady-state gating of ShNQ was unaffected by changes in sialylation and was nearly identical to that observed for ShB under conditions of reduced sialylation, indicating that N-linked sialic acids were wholly responsible for the observed effects of sialic acid on ShB gating. Interestingly, the rates of transition among channel states and the voltage-independent rates of activation and inactivation were significantly slower for ShNQ compared to ShB. Both effects were independent of sialylation, indicating that N-linked sugars other than sialic acids alter ShB gating kinetics but have little to no effect on the steady-state distribution of channels among states. The effect of sialic acids on channel gating, particularly inactivation gating, and the impact of other N-linked sugars on channel gating kinetics are unique to the ShB isoform. Thus, ShB gating is modulated by two complementary but distinct sugar-dependent mechanisms, (1) an N-linked sialic acid-dependent surface charge effect and (2) a sialic acid-independent effect that is consistent with N-linked sugars affecting the stability of ShB among its functional states.  相似文献   

Among the classical or canonical transient receptor potential (TRPC) family, the TRPC3, -6, and -7 channels share 75% amino acid identity and are gated by exposure to diacylglycerol. TRPC3, TRPC6, and TRPC7 interact physically and coassemble to form functional tetrameric channels. This review focuses on the TRPC3/6/7 subfamily and describes their functional properties and regulation as homomers obtained from overexpression studies in cell lines. It also summarizes their heteromultimerization potential in vitro and in vivo and presents initial data concerning their physiological functions analyzed in isolated tissues with downregulated channel activity and gene-deficient mouse models.  相似文献   

The block of large-conductance calcium-activated potassium (BK) channels by internal and external alkali metal ions was studied in adult rat melanotrophs. Internal but not external 20 mM Na+ produced a strongly voltage-dependent, flickery block that was well-fitted to the Woodhull model by using a value of 140 mM for the dissociation rate constant at 0 mV [K d(0)] and an equivalent valence (zδ) of 0.9. At a concentration of 20 mM external K+, Cs+ and Rb+, but not Li+, caused a rightward shift of the voltage dependence of the intracellular Na+ (Na+ i ) block. This effect of K+, Cs+ and Rb+ was modelled by an equilibrium knock-out mechanism in which the block-relieving ion binds to a site located within the voltage field and consequently increases the off-rate of Na+. Internal Li+ caused little or no block whereas internal Cs+ caused a voltage-dependent block [K d(0) ≈150 mM]. Flickery channel block observed in cell-attached patches was consistent with a cytoplasmic Na+ activity between 1 and 10 mM. Received: 22 January 1996 /Accepted: 26 March 1996  相似文献   

The yeast plasma-membrane potassium channel, Tok1p, is a voltage-dependent outward rectifier, the gating and steady-state conductance of which are conspicuously modulated by extracellular [K(+)] ([K(+)](o)). Activation is slow at high [K(+)](o), showing time constants (tau(a)) of approximately 90 ms when [K(+)](o) is 150 mM (depolarizing step to +100 mV), and inactivation is weak (<30%) during sustained depolarization. Lowering [K(+)](o) accelerates activation, increases peak current, and enhances inactivation, so that at 15 mM [K(+)](o) tau(a) is less than 50 ms and inactivation suppresses approximately 60% of peak current. Two negative residues, Asp292 and Asp426, near the mouth of the assembled channel, modulate both kinetics and conductance of the channel. Charge neutralization in the mutant Asp292Asn allows fast activation (tau(a) approximately 20 ms) at high [K(+)](o), peak currents diminishing with decreasing [K(+)](o), and fast, nearly complete, inactivation. The voltage dependence of tau(a) persists in the mutant, but the [K(+)](o) dependence almost disappears. Similar but smaller changes are seen in the Asp426Asn mutant, implying that pore geometry in the functional channel has twofold, not fourfold, symmetry.  相似文献   

The effects of both enantiomers of tocainide and of some of its chiral analogs on the inactivation of the sodium current in human myoballs were investigated with the whole-cell recording technique. Structure and electron densities of the applied compounds were calculated and compared to the results. Both the R(–) and the S(+) enantiomers had little effect on fast inactivation determined with short prepulses according to Hodgkin and Huxley (1952; h curve). When the inactivating prepulses used in this pulse protocol were prolonged to 1024 ms, both tocainide enantiomers increased inactivation severely, suggesting that the drug binds to the channel when it is in the state of intermediate inactivation (Fakler et al. 1990). Tetrodotoxin-resistant juvenile sodium channels were more affected than tetrodotoxin-sensitive adult channels. The R form was four times as effective as the S form. The compound obtained by substitution of the methyl group on the chiral centre of tocainide with a benzyl group, although in the less potent S form, affected inactivation of the juvenile sodium channels much more than the potent (R)-tocainide. Two additional substitutions, performed on the aromatic ring of tocainide, gave a compound that was most potent in shifting the inactivation curves, but without any selectivity for juvenile or adult channels.  相似文献   

Mechano-gated ion channels are implicated in a variety of key physiological functions ranging from touch sensitivity to arterial pressure regulation. Seminal work in prokaryotes and invertebrates provided strong evidence for the role of specific ion channels in volume regulation, touch sensitivity, or hearing, specifically the mechanosensitive channel subunits of large and small conductances (MscL and MscS), the mechanosensory channel subunits (MEC) and the transient receptor potential channel subunits (TRP). In mammals, recent studies further indicate that members of the TRP channel family may also be considered as possible candidate mechanosensors responding to either tension, flow, or changes in cell volume. However, contradictory results have challenged whether these TRP channels, including TRPC1 and TRPC6, are directly activated by mechanical stimulation. In the present review, we will focus on the mechanosensory function of TRP channels, discuss whether a direct or indirect mechanism is at play, and focus on the proposed role for these channels in the arterial myogenic response to changes in intraluminal pressure.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (Cav) are highly expressed in the adrenal chromaffin cells of mammalian species. Besides shaping action potential waveforms, they are directly involved in the excitation-secretion coupling underlying catecholamine release and, possibly, control other Ca2+-dependent events that originate near the membrane. These functions are shared by a number of Cav channel types (L, N, P/Q, R and T) which have different structure-function characteristics and whose degree of expression changes remarkably among mammalian species. Understanding precisely the functioning of each voltage-gated Ca2+ channels is a crucial task that helps clarifying the Ca2+-dependent mechanisms controlling exocytosis during physiological and pathological conditions. In this paper, we focus on classical and new roles that L- and T-type channels play in the control of chromaffin cell excitability and neurotransmitter release. Interestingly, L-type channels are shown to be implicated in the spontaneous autorhythmicity of chromaffin cells, while T-type channels, which are absent in adult chromaffin cells, are coupled with secretion and can be recruited following long-term beta-adrenergic stimulation or chronic hypoxia. This suggests that like other cells, adrenal chromaffin cells undergo effective remodelling of membrane ion channels and cell functioning during prolonged stress conditions.  相似文献   

We could identify two types of K+ channels, of 80 and 40 pS conductance, respectively, in the bullfrog taste cell membrane using excised and cell-attached configurations of the patch-clamp technique. The taste cell membrane could be divided into four membrane parts — receptive area, apical process, cell body and proximal process. The 80-pS K+ channels were dependent on voltage and Ca2+ and were located exclusively on the receptive membrane and the apical process membrane. The 40-pS K+ channels were independent of voltage and Ca2+. The open probability of 40-pS K+ channels was decreased by the simultaneous presence of cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP), and the suppressive effect was antagonized by protein kinase inhibitor (PKI). Although 40-pS K+ channels were found in a high density on the receptive and apical process membranes, the channels also were present in the other two parts of the taste cell membrane. These results suggest that the two different types of K+ channel in the bullfrog taste cells may play different roles in gustatory transduction.  相似文献   

The cloning of KCa2 channels revealed three subtypes, with each displaying distinct but partially overlapping expression distributions in the mammalian CNS and periphery. Activation of KCa2 channels leads to membrane hyperpolarization and inhibition of action potential firing. Block of KCa2 channels has been suggested as a novel target for cognitive enhancement, depression, myotonic muscular dystrophy and heart arrhythmias. It is clear however, that blockers selective for individual KCa2 channel subtypes would be required to be therapeutically useful. KCa2 channel current is blocked by apamin, with the bee venom toxin being unusual in displaying some selectivity between KCa2 channel subtypes. This suboptimal selectivity is not sufficient to be therapeutically useful and the toxin has been shown in vivo to have a very narrow therapeutic window. Mutational and molecular modelling studies of the KCa2 channels are beginning to determine how selective block might be achieved. Mutagenesis has indicated the importance of the outer pore region and the extracellular loop between transmembrane domains S3 and S4 for block of KCa2 current by apamin. Mapping the sequence of transmembrane domains S5, pore helix and S6 onto the crystal structures of KcsA, MthK and Kv1.2 has provided an approximation of the pore structure. This approach has allowed structural modelling of the interactions between toxins and channel, demonstrating that the toxins that show little discrimination between KCa2 channel subtypes interact with the outer pore and around the K+ selectivity filter. We present the structural modelling of the interaction of apamin and KCa2.2, which is superimposed onto the crystal structure of Kv1.2. This has shown that apamin interacts only with the outer pore and does not come into contact with channel's selectivity filter. It is clear that by comparing how different toxins interact with each KCa2 channel subtype, a detailed picture will be generated that will aid the development of more specific KCa2 channel blockers.  相似文献   

The blockage of the apical K+ channels in frog species Rana temporaria by Ba2+ and Cs+ is strongly voltage-dependent. The interaction of both blockers with the K+ channels was studied by recording relations between the K+ currents (I K) and the transepithelial and intracellular potential. Mucosal Ba2+ and Cs+ depress I K, hyperpolarize the cell and induce pronounced nonlinearities in the current/voltage (I/V) relations. The nonlinearities are caused by the voltage-dependent interaction of Ba2+ and Cs+ with the binding site. Consequently, the apical membrane resistance not only depends on the blocker concentration but also on the apical membrane potential. Also the fractional resistance, fR a, and the voltage divider ratio, fV a, will change with blocker concentration and voltage. Owing to this non-ohmic behaviour, measurements of fV a in the presence of Ba2+ deviate markedly from the expected fR a values. The inhibitory effect of Ba2+ and Cs+ was analysed at different transepithelial and apical membrane voltages. The relation between the Michaelis-Menten constants and the voltage could be fitted with equations based on Eyring rate theory with the assumption of a single binding site. With this model we calculated the relative electrical position of the binding site for the blocker (), referred to the extracellular side of the channel. We obtained for Ba2+, =0.34±0.05 and for Cs+, =0.81±0.01. Comparison of the results from apical and transepithelial I/V relations demonstrates that the analysis of the transepithelial data provides overestimated values of the Hill coefficient and results in an underestimation of .  相似文献   

Effects of acetylcholine (ACh) and noradrenaline (NA) on voltage-gated ion channels of sympathetic neurones acutely dissociated from rat superior cervical ganglion (SCG) were examined using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique. Depolarizing voltage steps elicited two types of low- and high-voltage-activated (LVA and HVA) Ca2+ currents. Pressure applications of ACh and NA produced concentration-dependent inhibition of the HVA Ca2+ current without affecting the LVA Ca2+ current. The inhibitory action of ACh on the Ca2+ current was blocked by a muscarinic antagonist, atropine. The action of NA was suppressed by an 2-adrenergic antagonist, yohimbine, but not by an 1-adrenergic antagonist, prazosin. Delayed rectifying outward K+ currents and inward rectifying K+ current were not affected by either ACh or NA. Tetrodotoxin-sensitive and -insensitive Na+ currents also remained unaffected under actions of ACh and NA. When recorded with electrode containing guanosine-5-O-(3-thiotriphosphate) (GTP--S), the inhibitory actions of ACh and NA on Ca2+ currents became irreversible. After treatment of SCG neurones with pertussis toxin, the inhibitory action of ACh on the Ca2+ current was almost completely abolished, whereas the action of NA was only partially reduced. The results suggest that ACh and NA differentially inhibit the HVA Ca2+ current via different G proteins coupling muscarinic and 2-adrenergic receptors to Ca2+ channels in rat SCG neurones.  相似文献   

Xerostomia is a state of oral dryness associated with salivary gland dysfunction and is induced by stress, radiation and chemical therapy, various systemic and autoimmune diseases, and specific medications. Fluid secretion is interrupted by the stimulation of neurotransmitter-induced increase in cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i) in salivary gland acinar cells, prompting the mobilization of ion channels and their transporters. Salivary fluid and protein secretion are principally dependent on parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves. Various inflammatory cytokines allied with lymphocytic infiltration cause glandular damage and Sjogren's syndrome, an autoimmune exocrinopathy associated with hyposalivation. A defect in IP3Rs, a major calcium release channel, prompts inadequate agonist-induced [Ca2+]i in acinar cells and deters salivary flow. The store-operated calcium entry-mediated Ca2+ movement into the acini activates K+ and Cl? channels, which further opens a water channel protein, aquaporin-5, and triggers the release of fluid secretion from the salivary glands. The cellular mechanism of salivary gland dysfunction and hyposalivation has not yet been elucidated. In this review, we focused mainly on the proteins responsible for deficient saliva, the correlation between inflammation and salivation, autoimmune disorders and other ailments or complications associated with hyposalivation.  相似文献   

Over 50 years ago the lupus erythematosus (LE) cell phenomenon was described and this was quickly followed by the introduction of the LE cell test and indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) to detect antinuclear antibodies (ANA) in clinical laboratories. Recently, attention has turned to the identification of the autoantigens that bind to cytoplasmic organelles such as the Golgi complex, endosomes and other "cytoplasmic somes". Three endosome autoantigens include early endosome antigen 1 (EEA1, 160 kDa), cytoplasmic linker protein-170 (CLIP-170, 170 kDa), and lysobisphosphatidic acid (LBPA). Antibodies to EEA1 were seen in a variety of conditions but approximately 40% of the patients had a neurological disease. Despite the prominence of lysosomes in cells and tissues, reports of autoantibodies are limited to the lysosomal antigen h-LAMP-2 and the cytoplasmic antineutrophil antibodies (cANCA). Autoantigens in the Golgi complex include giantin/macrogolgin, golgin-245, golgin 160, golgin-97, golgin 95/gm130, and golgin-67. More recently, there has been an interest in autoantibodies that bind components of the "SMN complex" or the "assemblyosome". Arginine/glycine (RG)-rich domains in components of the SMN complex interact with Sm, like-Sm (LSm), fibrillarin, RNA helicase A (Gu), and coilin proteins, all of which are antigen targets in a variety of diseases. More recently, components of a novel cytoplasmic structure named GW bodies (GWBs) have been identified as targets of human autoantibodies. Components of GWBs include GW182, a unique mRNA-binding protein, like Sm proteins (LSms), and decapping (hDcp1) and exonuclease (Xrn) enzymes. Current evidence suggests that GWBs are involved in the cytoplasmic processing of mRNAs. Autoantibodies to the "cytoplasmic somes" are relatively uncommon and serological tests to detect most of them are not widely available.  相似文献   

Reciprocal communication systems between astrocytes and neurones   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Over the past decade, a growing body of evidence has emerged on the existence in the brain of a close bidirectional communication system between neurones and astrocytes. This article reviews recent advances in understanding the rules governing these interactions and describes putative, novel functions attributable to astrocytes in neuronal transmission. Astrocytes can respond to the neurotransmitter released from active synaptic terminals, with cytosolic Ca(2+) oscillations whose frequency is under the dynamic control of neuronal activity. In response to these neuronal signals, astrocytes can signal back to neurones by releasing various neurone active compounds, such as the excitatory neurotransmitter glutamate. Interestingly, there is accumulating evidence that glutamate is released via a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism which may share common properties with neurotransmitter exocytosis in neurones. This bidirectional communication system between neurones and astrocytes may lead to profound changes in neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission. While there clearly is an enormous amount of experimental and theoretical work yet to figure out, a coherent view is now emerging which incorporates the astrocyte, with the presynaptic terminal and the postsynaptic target neurone, as a possible third functional element of the synapse.  相似文献   

Class II Major Histocompatibility complex (MHC-II) is a polymorphic heterodimer that binds antigen-derived peptides and presents them on the surface of antigen presenting cells. This mechanism of antigen presentation leads to recognition by CD4 T-cells and T-cell activation, making it a critical element of adaptive immune response. For this reason, the structural determinants of MHC-II function have been of great interest for the past 30 years, resulting in a robust structural understanding of the extracellular regions of the complex. However, the membrane-localized regions have also been strongly implicated in protein-protein and protein-lipid interactions that facilitate Class II assembly, transport and function, and it is these regions that are the focus of this review. Here we describe studies that reveal the strong and selective interactions between the transmembrane domains of the MHC α, and invariant chains which, when altered, have broad reaching impacts on antigen presentation and Class II function. We also summarize work that clearly demonstrates the link between membrane lipid composition (particularly the presence of cholesterol) and MHC-II conformation, subsequent peptide binding, and downstream T-cell activation. We have integrated these studies into a comprehensive view of Class II transmembrane domain biology.  相似文献   

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