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餐厨垃圾饲料化技术的同源性污染研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以疯牛病为例,阐述动物源性饲料同源性污染的机理,分析餐厨垃圾饲料化技术及其同源性污染,并参考欧盟等对动物源性饲料的管理制度提出:我国餐厨垃圾处理应审慎选择饲料化处理技术,禁止使用其饲料化产品喂养反刍动物.  相似文献   

In the United States, one third of children and adolescents are overweight or obese, yet food and beverage companies continue to target them with advertising for products that contribute to this obesity crisis.When government restrictions on such advertising are proposed, the constitutional commercial speech doctrine is often invoked as a barrier to action. We explore incongruities between the legal justifications for the commercial speech doctrine and the psychological research on how food advertising affects young people.A proper interpretation of the First Amendment should leave room for regulations to protect young people from advertising featuring calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods and beverages.NUMEROUS STUDIES HAVE documented the volume and poor nutritional quality of foods and beverages marketed to children and adolescents. The food industry spends more than $1.6 billion per year in child- and teen-targeted marketing of their products.1 The average child in the United States views 13 food ads on television each day,2 and food advertising represents approximately 30% of all paid television advertising viewed by children.3 Food companies also target children directly on the Internet, product packaging, social media, and numerous other marketing venues.1 Nearly all foods featured in advertising targeted toward young people have high levels of calories, total fat, saturated fat, sugar, or sodium (i.e., they are unhealthy, calorie-dense, nutrient-poor foods, or “junk” foods) and are often nutritionally inferior to products targeting adults.4–9Research has consistently demonstrated the effects of food advertising on children''s brand preferences, food choices, and requests to parents.10,11 Recent studies suggest that food advertising may also have a broader impact on children''s and adolescents’ diet and health, including increased consumption of snack foods, sugar-sweetened beverages, and fast food12–14 and higher body mass indexes.14,15One third of children and adolescents in the United States are overweight or obese,16 and rates of diet-related diseases among young people are unprecedented.10,17,18 Public health experts conclude that this epidemic of childhood obesity and poor diet cannot be resolved without dramatic changes in the obesogenic food environment that surrounds young people and to which food advertising is a major contributor.1,10,19,20Advocates have proposed a range of public health tools to protect young people from exposure to unhealthy food advertising, including nutrition and media literacy education, public health and industry advertising to promote consumption of healthy foods, industry self-regulation, government legislation and regulation, and litigation.19 However, education and counteradvertising alone cannot compete with the $1.6 billion spent annually by industry to target young people with continuous reminders about the rewards of consuming primarily unhealthy foods1,19; significant reductions in the volume of unhealthy food advertising directed at young people are necessary.It is unlikely that the food and beverage industry will voluntarily make these changes. Seventeen food and beverage companies in the United States21 participate in the Children''s Food and Beverage Advertising Initiative and have pledged to improve their advertising directed at children; however, these pledges have been criticized for numerous limitations in the types of marketing and products covered.22 For example, “child-targeted” advertising is defined as advertising that appears in media in which 50% or more of the audience is between the ages of 2 and 11 years,21 yet this definition excludes many types of media that appeal to and are viewed primarily by nonadults.22 Similarly, most pledges do not restrict advertising for “better-for-you” foods,21 but these criteria are defined by the companies themselves and often allow advertising of products high in saturated fat, sodium, or sugar.22 Evaluations of the effectiveness of these pledges demonstrate minimal improvements at best.23–26In the absence of effective industry self-regulation, it is imperative for the government to step in; however, governmental bodies have been timid about attempting to limit young people''s exposure to food advertising.19,27 An oft-cited barrier to action is the constitutional commercial speech doctrine, which affords significant First Amendment protection to advertising, defined by the US Supreme Court as “speech proposing a commercial transaction.”28 (It is beyond the scope of this article to speculate how courts would parse out which promotional activities involve advertising versus non-speech-related marketing that is unprotected by the First Amendment. Our analysis applies to “advertising” however construed.) The commercial speech doctrine presumes that advertising restrictions harm consumers and the overall economy by obstructing the free flow of information needed to facilitate informed commercial transactions.19,29We discuss key premises underlying the commercial speech doctrine and psychological research on how food advertising affects young people. Examining both legal and psychological theories of advertising effects, we demonstrate that the commercial speech doctrine, in its current form, has little relevance to the actual techniques used to encourage the purchase and consumption of nutritionally poor foods by children and adolescents. As applied to unhealthy food advertising to young people, the commercial speech doctrine is outdated and inadequate and should not stand as an impediment to well-crafted government restrictions on such advertising. Although this premise has not been tested in the courts, there should be constitutional room for governments at the local, state, and federal levels to use laws, regulations, and enforcement actions to curb advertising of junk foods to children.  相似文献   

梁浩  王舟  谭唯  潘柳波 《实用预防医学》2007,14(5):1477-1478
目的通过对2001-2005年深圳市食物中毒情况的分析,揭示其分布、原因及变化趋势,为制定相应对策提供依据。方法对各区、镇卫生监督部门上报的食物中毒报告资料进行统计学、流行病学分析。结果2001-2005年全市共报告食物中毒146起,从中毒起数看,深圳市食物中毒多发生在集体食堂,占69.2%,中毒人数占70.7%,公共饮食业和家庭次之。而引起食物中毒占首位的食品为肉及肉制品,占39.0%,其次是豆及豆制品和果蔬类。结论提高食物中毒事故的预警和应急处理能力,将深圳市食物中毒的发生控制在最低限度。  相似文献   



To determine whether family food and mealtime practices experienced in adolescence are carried forward into parenthood.


Baseline (Project Eating and Activity in Teens and Young Adults [EAT]-I) and 15-year follow-up (EAT-IV) survey data from a population-based cohort study (Project EAT).


Cohort members identified as parents at follow-up (n?=?727). To gain additional data about the practices of both parents in the household, significant others completed surveys at EAT-IV (n?=?380).

Main Outcome Measure

Frequency of family meals, healthfulness of foods at home, frequency of meals in front of the television, and expectations of being home for dinner.


Linear regression models tested associations between parent food and mealtime practices reported at baseline and follow-up controlling for demographics.


Healthy and unhealthy home food availability, expectations to be home for dinner, and eating in front of the television in adolescence predicted similar outcomes 15 years later among female parents (effect sizes range: β?=?.2–.3; P?<?.001), and to a lesser extent among males. Families ate more frequent family meals when either 1 or both parents reported frequent family meals as an adolescent compared with when neither parent reported frequent family meals as an adolescent.

Conclusions and Implications

It is important to invest in parenting interventions that target healthful family food and mealtime practices because of the potential long-term impact on their own children's parenting practices.  相似文献   

铝害与动植物源性食品安全   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
铝对植物、动物及人的危害,主要表现为影响植物生长;动物呈现骨病、神经毒性;水生动物死亡;人发生老年性痴呆、骨病、铝尘肺、肾病、肝病、肿瘤等。为此,着重分析了自然界铝残留:饮用水铝残留源于水体污染、含铝净水剂的使用、输配和烧制过程的2次污染;食物中铝残留的差异较大,含铝添加剂的食品和茶叶中含量较高,未加工粮谷蔬菜及动物产品中含量较低。对食用安全进行了评价,因国别食用习惯及食品种类差异其安全限值存在不同,提出了铝毒害值得研究的问题。  相似文献   

2004-2007年广元市食品卫生监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解广元市食品卫生状况,探讨提高食品卫生质量的措施,为制定防制对策提供科学依据.方法 按国家颁布的<食品卫生标准>和<食品卫生检验方法>的要求对生产经营单位食品进行检测和分析.结果 2004-2007年共检测各种食品3 106件,总合格率为83.58%,各年的平均合格率分别为:81.63%、82.65% 、84.58%和88.99%;其中酒类平均合格率为96.00%,肉及肉制品平均合格率为79.61%.结论 4年中食品卫生合格率维持在较稳定的水平,合格率呈逐年上升趋势.仍需进一步加强食品卫生监督管理工作的力度.  相似文献   

Human nutrition has progressed impressively from the hunter-gatherer mode to that of promising personalized nutrition for health optimization through advanced and sophisticated omics technologies. The contemporary major diseases, while having strong genetic components, do not conform to Mendelian genetics; hence, their expression/manifestation is not controlled by a single gene. Noncommunicable diseases such as obesity, cancer, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease are attributed to a series of chronic anomalies closely related to dietary, among other, environmental factors, and consistent deregulation of one or more groups of genes (polygenic). Collectively, these diseases constitute the main cause of death globally and pose tremendous financial burden on healthcare systems. Dietary interventions offer significant possibilities for cost-effective strategies to reduce risk of a series of metabolic diseases and/or improve the outcome of prognosis. In recent decades, the ability of particular nutrients to influence certain cellular functions as well as the regulation of several metabolic pathways via genomic interplay has been demonstrated. Nutrients can influence cellular responses and hence exert an effect on health parameters and outcomes. Several nutrients have been documented to extend their regulatory capacity at various levels including gene expression profile signatures’ modulation. In addition, specific nutrients can modulate expression/activation of genes that encode regulatory hormones, which in turn are signaling agents strongly affecting metabolism and subsequently risk levels for certain metabolic diseases. The field of nutrigenomics attempts to revolutionize modern thinking on diet, food, and health; whether it will deliver is still an open matter of debate
  • Key teaching points:
  • A brief, yet comprehensive account on how food and nutrition evolved to give rise to nutrigenomics.

  • Discusses potential of nutrigenomics for public health contribution in noncommunicable diseases.

  • Debates credibility of nutrigenomics’ commercial products versus the bio-hype in the field.

  • Presents experts’ and stakeholders’ opinions for future directions of nutrigenomics.


目的探讨Chemically-ActivatedLuciferaseeXpression(CALUX)生物学方法作为检测二的一种方法在环境流行病学调查中的实用性。方法分别采用高分辨率气相色谱和质谱仪联机(HRGC-MS)法和CALUX方法测定同一来源的人体脂肪、血液和母乳中二毒性当量,观察两种不同方法测定结果间的相关性。结果两种方法测定脂肪组织和母乳中二毒性当量结果之间的相关系数分别为0.8675和0.9581,具有显著的正相关关系(P<0.05)。二毒性当量>20pg/gfat的血液样品,两种方法测定结果之间也具有密切的相关关系(P<0.05或<0.01)。结论CALUX生物学方法可适用于一般人群的脂肪组织和乳汁样品以及二类暴露人群的血液中二类污染物的筛查。  相似文献   

近年来,食源性疾病的广泛分布和不断增长已成为全球性公共卫生问题之一.由于相继发生的全球性食品安全恶性事件,从政府到消费者对食品安全问题都高度重视,我国瘦肉精和蔬菜农药超标引起的食物中毒,以及细菌性食物中毒,每年都多达几百起,造成较大的经济损失,食品安全问题不容忽视,尤其微生物污染,是食品安全性最主要的问题之一.……  相似文献   

目的 了解营口地区食物中毒发生变化趋势及发生原因,为制订预防和控制食物中毒的有效措施提供科学依据.方法 依据营口地区2002-2006年食物中毒资料,对营口地区食物中毒发生的流行趋势、中毒原因等进行分析.结果 2002-2006年营口地区共发生食物中毒26起,中毒315人,死亡6人.第3季度食物中毒发生率占69.23%.发生在集体食堂的食物中毒9起,中毒160人.原因不明食物中毒占61.54%.死亡病例中发生在农村家庭的占83.33%.结论 营口地区食物中毒以第3季度为高发季节,集体食堂和餐饮单位发生的起数和中毒人数为多,死亡病例以农村家庭为主.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine infant food preparation practices at age 7, 9, 11, and 13 months overall and by sociodemographic characteristics.DesignData from a longitudinal study from the US Department of Agriculture's Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study-2 (ITFPS-2) were used.ParticipantsA sample of 1,904 infants (970 males and 934 females) enrolled in WIC who had been introduced to solid foods and were consuming food prepared at home.Main Outcome MeasuresFood preparation practices included pureeing, mashing, chopping/dicing, and prechewing. Estimates were provided overall and by sociodemographics.AnalysisPrevalence estimates were calculated for each survey month overall and by sociodemographics. Chi-square tests for independence were used to test for differences.ResultsFood preparation practices changed as infants aged. Pureeing and mashing were common in month 7 (57.8% and 59.6%, respectively), but chopping/dicing were the most prevalent by month 13 (85.4%). Food preparation practices did not vary by education status, but statistical differences were consistently observed by race and ethnicity and inconsistently observed by maternal age at birth.Conclusions and ImplicationsExposing children to a range of food textures at an appropriate age is important for developmental progress. Continued culturally relevant efforts by WIC educators and health care providers can emphasize the importance of early experiences with food textures.  相似文献   

“Nutrition transition” describes the shifts in dietary consumption and energy expenditure influenced by economic, demographic, and epidemiological changes at a population level. This phenomenon has been associated with rising obesity rates worldwide, especially in developed countries. In Brazil, the historical analysis of temporal trends between malnutrition and obesity characterized the nutrition transition in the country and interweaved it with the formulation and implementation of public food and nutrition policies. Such analysis is crucial for understanding certain principles in each context. Thus, this review contextualized the consolidation of obesity as a critical health and public policy issue in Brazil. Our review suggested that the country may still be at the initial stage of care for obesity, and more efforts are needed to contain the advance of the disease in Brazil.  相似文献   

Background: There is limited evidence in the literature regarding associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of frailty. Objective: To examine associations between fruit and vegetable consumption and risk of incident frailty and incident prefrailty/frailty. Design: A prospective panel study. Setting and Subjects: 2634 non-frail community-dwelling men and women aged 60 years or older from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA). Methods: Fruit and vegetable consumption/day was measured using a self-completion questionnaire at baseline. Frailty status was measured at baseline and follow-up was based on modified frailty phenotype criteria. Four-year incident frailty was examined among 2634 robust or prefrail participants, and incident prefrailty/frailty was measured among 1577 robust participants. Results: Multivariable logistic regression models adjusted for age, gender, and other confounders showed that fruit and vegetable consumption was not associated with incident frailty risks among robust or prefrail participants. However, robust participants consuming 5–7.5 portions of 80 g per day (odds ratio (OR) = 0.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.37–0.85, p < 0.01) and 7.5–10 portions per day (OR = 0.46, 95%CI = 0.27–0.77, p < 0.01) had significantly lower risk of incident prefrailty/frailty compared with those consuming 0–2.5 portions/day, whereas those consuming 10 or more portions/day did not (OR = 1.10, 95%CI = 0.54–2.26, p = 0.79). Analysis repeated with fruit and vegetable separately showed overall similar results. Conclusions: Robust older adults without frailty who eat current U.K. government recommendations for fruit and vegetable consumption (5–10 portions/day) had significantly reduced risks of incident prefrailty/frailty compared with those who only eat small amount (0–2.5 portions/day). Older people can be advised that eating sufficient amounts of fruit and vegetable may be beneficial for frailty prevention.  相似文献   

As a result of multiple developments in health care and health care policy, hospital administrators, policy makers and researchers are increasingly challenged to reflect on the meaning of good hospital governance and how they can implement it in the hospital organisations. The question arises whether and to what extent governance models that have been developed within the corporate world can be valuable for these reflections. Due to the unique societal position of hospitals--which involves a large diversity of stakeholders--the claim for autonomy of various highly professional groups and the lack of clear business objectives, principles of corporate governance cannot be translated into the hospital sector without specific adjustments. However, irrespective of these contextual differences, corporate governance can provide for a comprehensive 'frame of reference', to which the hospital sector will have to give its own interpretation. A multidisciplinary research unit of the university of Leuven has taken the initiative to develop a governance model for Belgian hospitals. As part of the preliminary research work a survey has been performed among 82 hospitals of the Flemish Community on their governance structure, the composition of the governance entities, the partition of competencies and the relationship between management and medical staff.  相似文献   

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