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目的 分析影响青年人自杀行为的因素及预防对策。方法 对60例15~35岁的服毒自杀者进行调查研究,调查项目包括职业、文化程度、既往史、自杀原因及女性月经史。结果 青年服毒者以女性为多,占85% ;工人、农民占73.3% ;文化程度在初中以下者占75% ;女性服毒半数以上发生在月经前期,自杀原因大多为恋爱受挫、夫妻矛盾、家庭纠纷(占76.7% );部分自杀者有酒精或药物成瘾史及自杀未遂史。结论 青年人的自杀行为有其特定的社会- 心理- 生物因素。 相似文献
目的了解张家港市中学生自杀行为现状及其影响因素,为学校健康教育和社会干预提供理论依据。方法采用分层抽样方法,选取张家港市普通和重点初、高中以及职业高中16所共5012名初一~高三年级学生进行调查。结果张家港市中学生自杀意念、自杀计划和自杀未遂的总体报告率分别为15.3%,6.1%和2.1%,其中自杀意念报告率呈现出随年级升高而逐渐上升的趋势,高中生报告率(18.6%)明显高于初中生(11.2%);普通高中和重点初中学生的各种自杀行为报告率与同阶段学校差异均有统计学意义;女性、经常感到孤独、因长相或身体缺陷而被嘲笑、因学习压力感到不愉快、连续2周以上感到伤心绝望、过去1a曾和别人打架、网络成瘾及赌博等均是自杀意念的危险因素。结论预防中学生自杀需强调心理健康教育,并建立起有效的干预机制和社会支持系统。 相似文献
了解黔北农村初中生自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀行动现状及其危险因素,为有针对性地开展农村中学危机预防和干预提供依据.方法 采取分层整群抽样方法,调查黔北农村初中生5 608名,采用自杀行为问卷、中国中学生心理健康量表和青少年自评生活事件量表进行调查.结果 黔北农村初中生自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀行动报告率分别为12.7%,4.6%,2.9%.多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明,女性、抑郁和其他压力是自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀行动的共同危险因素,少数民族是自杀计划和自杀行动的共同危险因素(P值均<0.05).结论 黔北农村初中生自杀行为报告率居于全国一般水平.应针对自杀行为的主要危险因素采取相应预防和干预措施. 相似文献
目的探讨住院精神障碍患者发生自杀行为的相关危险因素。方法回顾性调查1995年1月至2010年12月解放军第二六一医院18岁以上住院精神病患者的病例资料(共9 473例),分析其发生自杀行为的影响因素,单因素分析采用χ2检验,多因素分析采用非条件logistic回归。结果经非条件logistic回归分析可知,住院患者中有家族史(OR=6.106,95%CI=4.414,8.445),离异或丧偶(OR=1.733,95%CI=1.001,3.001),曾有过治疗的患者(OR=2.775,95%CI=1.795,4.291)较易发生自杀行为;41~60岁年龄组患者发生自杀的可能性低(OR=0.631,95%CI=0.436,0.915)。抑郁症(OR=4.484,95%CI=2.579,7.797),精神分裂症患者(OR=1.757,95%CI=1.124,2.747)发生自杀行为的可能性较高。结论对住院精神障碍患者应及时评估其危险因素,识别危险行为的先兆,对重点患者针对性的实施有效干预。 相似文献
自杀已成为全球性重要的社会和医学问题,世界卫生组织报道,每年全球约有100万人死于自杀,自杀死亡率为16/10万,在过去45年中全球自杀率提高了60%。不同的年龄群体自杀率不同,其中自杀已成为15~24岁青少年人群中前3位死亡原因,同时,在自杀者年龄构成中,青少年自杀死亡率居高不下,有低龄化趋势。本文针对目前青少年自杀行为的现状、危险因素和流行特征做一综述。 相似文献
了解深圳青少年学生自杀行为的现状及影响因素,为制定有针对性的干预措施提供依据.方法 随机抽取深圳初、高中各2所,采用自杀意念问卷、自杀态度量表、青少年生活事件量表、社会支持量表及中学生应对方式量表对抽取学校的在校一、二年级2 380名学生进行横断面调查,应用结构方程模型初步探讨自杀行为与自杀态度、社会支持、应对方式及性别特征之间的关系.结果 深圳青少年学生的自杀意念、自杀计划及自杀尝试报告率分别为35.9%,2.1%和1.1%.模型的主要指标(x2/df=10.470,GH=0.908,RMSEA =0.063)显示方程模拟较好.自杀计划对自杀尝试起直接作用(作用大小为0.35),自杀意念、自杀态度、生活事件、社会支持、指向情绪的应对方式、指向问题的应对方式和性别特征对自杀尝试起间接作用(间接作用为0.036).自杀尝试的危险因素排序为自杀计划(61.21%)>自杀意念(17.41%)>生活事件(6.21%)>指向情绪的应对方式(3.62%)>指向问题的应对方式(2.59%)>性别特征(2.41%);保护因素的排序为社会支持(6.03%)>自杀态度(0.52%).结论 深圳青少年学生自杀计划和自杀意念对自杀尝试的影响作用占近80%,尽早识别青少年学生的自杀风险对于预防自杀的意义重大. 相似文献
了解北京市职业高中生自杀行为特征的现状及其影响因素,为学校、社区以及家庭采取干预和防治措施提供理论依据.方法 2012年4-5月采用分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取北京市职业高中31所,共5 385名学生参与调查.研究因素包括学生人口统计学特征、故意伤害行为、情绪反应和自杀意念、自杀计划及自杀行动,并采用Logistic回归分析各因素与自杀的关系.结果 女生自杀意念(12.8%)、自杀计划(8.8%)及自杀行为报告率(4.8%)均高于男生,差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05);而多次自杀行为报告率男生(2.9%)高于女生(2.0%)(x2=4.02,P<0.05);年级越高的学生自杀意念、自杀计划及自杀行动报告率越低(x2值分别为21.18,9.25,11.75,P值均<0.05).单亲家庭、隔代家庭、重组家庭学生自杀意念、自杀计划及自杀行为报告率明显高于核心家庭学生(P值均<0.01).家庭人均月收入0~199元和≥5000元的学生自杀4项指标均较高,而人均月收入2000~2 999元的学生自杀4项指标的报告率均最低(分别为8.0%,5.7%,1.6%和0).Logistic分析结果显示,高一、母亲文化程度高、学习成绩差、家庭人均月收入过高或过低、单亲、重组及隔代家庭、被经常故意伤害、参与打架、常感到孤独及失眠是自杀行为及意念的危险因素.结论 青少年自杀与家庭类型、家庭人均月收入、学习成绩、故意伤害行为等因素密切相关,学校和家庭应该联合对学生自杀的影响因素进行干预,及时识别危险状况的发生,建立预防机制. 相似文献
了解新疆阿勒泰地区哈萨克族中学生自杀行为状况及其影响因素,为有针对性地采取有效的干预措施提供理论支持.方法 以班级为单位,对阿勒泰地区20所学校的5 246名哈萨克族初中学生采用中学生心理健康量表、青少年自评生活事件量表、自杀行为问卷进行调查,并对结果进行统计分析.结果 哈萨克族初中学生在过去12个月内存在自杀意念的学生比例为12.75%,存在自杀计划占4.57%,存在自杀行动占2.94%,差异有统计学意义(x2=460.72,P<0.01).哈萨克族女生自杀意念、计划和行动的报告率均高于男生,且差异均有统计学意义(x2值分别为46.291,37.695,5.836,P值均<0.05).初三年级学生存在自杀意念的报告率均高于初二和初一学生,差异有统计学意义(x2=9.318,P<0.01).单亲家庭学生自杀意念和计划的报告率均高于非单亲家庭,差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01),但在自杀行动方面差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).留守初中学生自杀意念、自杀计划和自杀行动3个方面的报告率均均高于非留守学生,但差异均无统计学意义(P值均>0.05).多因素Logistic回归分析显示,与自杀行动有统计学意义的影响因素包括性别(OR=1.454)、强迫(OR=0.638)、抑郁(OR=3.689)、心理不平衡(OR=1.615)、受惩罚(OR=1.057)、其他压力(OR=1.054)(P值均<0.05).结论 阿勒泰地区哈萨克族中学生的自杀行为报告率与全国水平相当.应根据危险因素进行有针对性的干预,保障哈萨克族中学生身心健康发展. 相似文献
N Spuijer 《Nederlands tijdschrift voor geneeskunde》1978,122(29):1057-1062
Relation between attempted suicide and suicide rates among young people in Europe 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2

K. Hawton E. Arensman D. Wasserman A. Hulten U. Bille-Brahe T. Bjerke P. Crepet E. Deisenhammer A. Kerkhof D. De Leo K. Michel A. Ostamo A. Philippe I. Querejeta E. Salander-Renberg A. Schmidtke B. Temesvary 《Journal of epidemiology and community health》1998,52(3):191-194
STUDY OBJECTIVE: To determine if there are associations between rates of suicide and attempted suicide in 15-24 year olds in different countries in Europe. DESIGN: Attempted suicide rates were based on data collected in centres in Europe between 1989 and 1992 as part of the WHO/EURO Multicentre Study of Parasuicide. Comparison was made with both national suicide rates and local suicide rates for the areas in which the attempted suicide monitoring centres are based. SETTING: 15 centres in 13 European countries. PATIENTS: Young people aged 15-24 years who had taken overdoses or deliberately injured themselves and been identified in health care facilities. MAIN RESULTS: There were positive correlations (Spearman rank order) between rates of attempted suicide and suicide rates in both sexes. The correlations only reached statistical significance for male subjects: regional suicide rates, r = 0.65, p < 0.02; national suicide rates, r = 0.55, p < 0.02. CONCLUSIONS: Rates of attempted suicide and suicide in the young covary. The recent increase in attempted suicide rates in young male subjects in several European countries could herald a further increase in suicide rates.
Pettingell SL Bearinger LH Skay CL Resnick MD Potthoff SJ Eichhorn J 《American journal of health behavior》2008,32(5):465-476
OBJECTIVE: To examine the likelihood of a past suicide attempt for urban American Indian boys and girls, given salient risk and protective factors. METHODS: Survey data from 569 urban American Indian, ages 9-15, in-school youths. Logistic regression determined probabilities of past suicide attempts. RESULTS: For girls, suicidal histories were associated with substance use (risk) and positive mood (protective); probabilities ranged from 6.0% to 57.0%. For boys, probabilities for models with violence perpetration (risk), parent prosocial behavior norms (protective), and positive mood (protective) ranged from 1.0% to 38.0%. CONCLUSIONS: Highlights the value of assessing both risk and protective factors for suicidal vulnerability and prioritizing prevention strategies. 相似文献
Factor analysis was used to study an association of risk factors of atherosclerosis (AS) in student during their study. These factors were shown to be rather evident just at the age of 17-22 years. The correlation matrixes in male and female students are described by a mixed number of factors and the factors differ themselves in the internal structure, magnitude, and correlation signs. Young men were ascertained to be more susceptible to stresses and to have more abnormal lipid metabolism. The risk of AS is much higher just in young men. It is concluded that male sex is a major potential risk factor of this disease. Accordingly, rational hygienic and demographic strategy must be aimed primarily at maintaining the health status of men as the most susceptible social sector. 相似文献
The suicide rate among young people in Australia has caused considerable concern and been the focus of research and intervention. Issues related to sexuality and gender can be the source of conflict for young people within their communities, and have been implicated in suicide attempts. This paper examines the cultural context of youth suicide, and asks how youth suicide may be related to emerging sexual identity, which all young people must negotiate through the customs, discourse and taboos of their society. In particular, it focuses on the situation of young heterosexual women. The findings are based on interviews with 41 young people, parents and youth service providers regarding youth suicide. Interviews were semi-structured and open-ended, and conducted in a suburban community. They included the use of scenarios or vignettes. Finding, suggest that traditional constructions of gender remain widespread, and that these are often disadvantageous to both young women and young men. Parents may be unaware that they have little control over, or even knowledge about, their teenagers' behaviour. Young people are more inclined to confide in their friends, who may not be equipped to deal with crises. 相似文献
目的探讨青年缺血性脑卒中后抑郁状况及影响因素。方法对2009年1月~2011年9月某院神经内科271例青年缺血性脑卒中患者进行自编问卷、抑郁自评量表及改良爱丁堡与斯堪的那维亚量表测评。结果青年缺血性脑卒中后抑郁情绪检出率为25.10%;单因素Logistic回归分析结果表明性别、年龄、经济状况、左侧半球、梗死面积及神经功能损害是发生青年缺血性脑卒中后抑郁的危险因素,而多因素Logistic回归分析发现:年龄、左侧半球、梗死面积及神经功能损害是发生青年缺血性脑卒中后抑郁的危险因素。结论青年缺血性脑卒中后抑郁发生率较高,且受多种因素影响。 相似文献
K. Williams 《Child: care, health and development》1997,23(2):173-185
In the UK the suicide rate for male adolescents has nearly doubled since 1975. With a similar increase reported from other countries it is not surprising that preventing suicide in young people has become a priority for many health professionals and policy makers. Unfortunately despite advances in our understanding of suicide in young people there are still deficiencies and inconsistencies in our knowledge. There are also problems in transforming our knowledge of suicide and suicidal behaviour in young people and our understanding of theoretically possible approaches to prevention into effective suicide prevention strategies. To increase the chance of preventing suicide in young people we need to be aware of the problems of putting theory into practice and evaluate all interventions that are undertaken to determine their appropriateness and effectiveness. 相似文献
Since the late 1990s there has been a sharp downward trend in Australian young male suicide. It is possible that a major government youth suicide prevention initiative, the National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy (NYSPS), implemented during 1995-1999 may have influenced the decline. In this article, we examine time trends in age- and means-specific male and female Australian suicide rates in relation to unemployment rates and the NYSPS. Based on Australian suicide data over the period 1966-2003, we assess secular changes in the 20-24 year male suicide to total (crude) male suicide rate ratio in relation to the NYSPS, using interrupted time series analysis (ARIMA), since this was previously found to be significantly associated with the 20-24 year male unemployment to total employment ratio. Results show that a dramatic reduction in Australian young male (aged 20-34 years) suicide has occurred since 1997-1998, declining from approximately 40 per 100,000 in 1997-1998 to approximately 20 per 100,000 in 2003. Most of the decline is due to a decrease in suicide by hanging and to a lesser extent from motor vehicle carbon monoxide and other gases. Further, the previously established strong secular association (lasting over 3 decades from 1966) between the rate ratio of 20-24 year male suicide to total (crude) male suicide, and the rate ratio of 20-24 year male unemployment to total unemployment, appears to have been disrupted. ARIMA modelling of the suicide ratio against the initiative indicates a highly significant statistical association between the NYSPS and the suicide ratio reduction but not between the NYSPS and the unemployment indicator trend, suggesting a break in the link between young male suicide and unemployment. The recent sudden turnaround in Australian young male suicide trends and its extent appears to preclude explanations centring on slow-moving social indices traditionally associated with suicide, or on possible cohort effects. This sudden decrease has occurred mainly in non-impulsive means, and at the same time has broken a long-standing secular link between 20 and 24-year-male suicide and unemployment, lending plausibility to the case for the NYSPS having had an impact on young male suicide in Australia. 相似文献