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Background  Bone grafting is used to enhance healing in osteotomies, arthrodesis, and multifragmentary fractures and to replace bony loss resulting from neoplasia or cysts. They are source of osteoprogenitor cells and induce bone formation and provide mechanical support for vascular and bone ingrowth. Autografts are used commonly but quantity of harvested bone is limited. The aim of this study is to evaluate autograft and new xenogenic bovine demineralized bone matrix (DBM) effects on bone healing process. Materials and methods  Twenty male White New Zealand rabbits were used in this study. In group I (n = 10) the defect was filled by xenogenic DBM and in autograft group the defect was filled by fresh autogenous cortical graft and fixed by cercelage wire. Radiological, histopathological and biomechanical evaluations were performed blindly and results scored and analyzed statistically. Results  Statistical tests did not reveal any significant differences between two groups on the 14th postoperative day radiographically (P > 0.05). There was a significant difference for union on 28th and 42nd postoperative days and for remodeling at on the 56th postoperative day radiologically (P < 0.05). Statistical tests did not support any significant differences between two groups for radiological bone formation (P > 0.05). Histopathological and biomechanical evaluation revealed no significant differences between two groups. Conclusions  The results of this study indicate that satisfactory healing occurred in rabbit radius defect filled with xenogenic bovine DBM. Complications were not identified and healing was faster, same as in cortical autogenous grafting.  相似文献   

皮肤与骨骼复合缺损的修复   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的 探讨显微外科修复肢体骨与皮肤复合缺损的技术和效果。方法 39例肢体骨与皮肤复合缺损患者接受显微外科手术修复:游离移植背阔肌肌皮瓣,而后髂骨植骨4例,移植髂骨皮瓣7例,移植腓骨皮瓣6例,组合移植背阔肌肌皮瓣与游离腓骨20例,组合移植双侧背阔肌肌皮瓣与游离腓骨2例。结果 移植组织完全成活30例,9例移植的(肌)皮瓣远端皮肤发生局部浅表坏死,经换药后愈合。移植骨术后12~18周与宿主骨牢固连接。平均随访3年6个月,修复肢体均恢复有用功能。14例12岁以下儿童,修复后下肢生长正常,未发生肢体不等长现象。结论 严格手术指征,准确操作,酌情选择不同皮瓣与骨复合组织移植的显微外科修复是治疗骨与皮肤缺损的有效手段。  相似文献   

Summary We have investigated the role of defatted, decalcified xenogenic bone implants composited by impregnation with fresh autologous marrow in bridging large cortical defects. Diaphyseal cortical implants were obtained from orthopaedic operations on humans and from guinea pigs and prepared by treatment with acetone, 0.6 M HCl and ethanol. The composited graft was used to bridge a 3 cm defect in the diaphysis of the ulna of rabbits. Periodic investigations were made clinically, radiographically and histologically and by tetracycline, fluorescence studies up to 20 weeks. Abundant new bone formation was observed in 85.7% of composited human xeno-autografts and in 83.3% of composited guinea pig xeno-autografts. New bone formation was seen in 13.3% of noncomposited xeno-implants. No appreciable antigenicity was observed either clinically or histologically in the grafts. The high degree of success obtained justifies further studies on implants composited by fresh autologous marrow and offers hope for the enhancement of new bone formation clinically, particularly in reconstructive operations for significant skeletal defects. We feel that the osteo-inductive potential of autologous marrow was responsible for the healing of the defects aided by the better internal milieu provided by defatted decalcified xeno implant.
Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié le rôle, dans le remplacement de pertes de substance corticales étendues, d'implants osseux hétérogènes, dégraissés et décalcifiés, et rendus composites par imprégnation à l'aide de moelle autogène fraîche. Les greffons corticaux diaphysaires ont été obtenus au cours d'interventions orthopédiques chez l'homme et sur des cobayes. Ils sont ensuite lavés successivement à l'acétone, à l'acide chlorhydrique et à l'alcool éthylique. La greffe composite est alors utilisée pour ponter une perte de substance de 3 cm, au niveau de la diaphyse cubitale du lapin. Des examens périodiques, cliniques, radiographiques et histologiques, ont été pratiqués jusqu'à la 20 semaine, ainsi que l'étude de la fluorescence par la tétracycline. Une abondante formation d'os nouveau a été observée dans 85,7% des greffes composites d'origine humaine et dans 83,3% des greffes composites de cobaye. Une néoformation osseuse n'a été constatée que dans 13,3% des greffes hétérogènes non composites. Ni cliniquement ni histologiquement, il n'est apparu de réaction antigénique au niveau des greffons. Le nombre élevé de succès obtenus justifie des études complémentaires et perment d'espérer l'accroissement de la néoformation osseuse, notamment dans les opérations reconstructrices pour pertes de substance étendues. Les auteurs estiment que le potentiel inducteur de la moelle est l'agent de la consolidation du matériau idéal que constitue la greffe hétérogène, dégraissée et décalcifiée.

目的 应用锁定钢板结合游离腓骨移植治疗下肢长骨大段骨缺损,并观察其疗效.方法 自2005年1月至2007年5月应用锁定钢板内固定结合游离腓骨移植治疗下肢长骨大段骨缺损10例,其中股骨2例,胫骨8例,病程6~96个月,平均27.9个月.结果 全部患者随访4~30个月,平均14.4个月;骨折均在4~6个月内牢固连接,平均愈合时间为4.5个月,无内固定松动及骨不连等并发症.结论 锁定钢板结合游离腓骨移植是治疗下肢长骨大段骨缺损的一种十分有效的方法.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of tissue‐engineered constructs on repair of large segmental bone defects in goats. Methods: Allogenic demineralized bone matrix (aDBM) was seeded with autologous marrow stromal cells (aMSC) for seven days to construct DBM–MSC grafts prior to implantation. 24 goats were randomly divided into three groups (eight in each). In each group, 3 cm diaphyseal femoral defects were created unilaterally, and subsequently filled with the DBM‐MSC grafts, DBM alone and an untreated control, respectively. Radiological analysis and biomechanical evaluation were performed at 12 and 24 weeks after operation. Results: Obvious increases in radiological scoring and biomechanical strength were found in the DBM‐MSC group when compared to the DBM group. X‐ray examination showed excellent bone healing in the DBM‐MSC group, whereas only partial bone repair was seen in the DBM group, and no healing in untreated controls. Histologically, a tendency to bone regeneration and remodeling was far more obvious for the DBM‐MSC group than the DBM only and untreated controls. Conclusion: Our results strongly suggest that transplantation of bone MSC within a DBM could have advantages for the bone repair of large segmental defects.  相似文献   

目的:观察自体外周血干细胞(APBSC)与脱钙骨(DBM)复合移植治疗良性骨肿瘤术后骨缺损的疗效。方法:对12例骨肿瘤患者,手术切除骨肿瘤脱钙骨填充骨缺损,术后第7天行骨髓动员,每天皮下注射特尔立3.0μg/kg,连续3d,第4天静脉滴注10mg地塞米松后采集APBSC。在X线电视透视下将一枚骨穿针准确穿入骨缺损部位,然后抽取自体外周血干细胞即可注入骨缺损部位。通过术后连续X线片,了解其骨缺损修复能力。结果:12例病人术后得到随访,时间为4~16个月,在2~4个月以内均开始有不同程度的骨化,成骨效应满意。结论:自体外周血干细胞(APBSC)/脱钙骨(DBM)复合移植是一种治疗骨缺损有效的新方法。  相似文献   

目的建立一种新型松质骨缺损动物模型,同时评价应用纤维增强微管结构仿生人工骨修复该骨缺损的性能。方法成年犬双侧股骨下段分别制备2处直径10mm、深20min腔隙性松质骨缺损,以正交结构(A)组、同心结构(B)组仿生人工骨修复,设立磷酸钙骨水泥(calcium phosphate cement,CPC)(C)组、空白(D)组为对照,术后6、12、24周进行影像学、组织学、形态计量学观察骨缺损修复情况。结果未经治疗的骨缺损不能自行愈合;人工骨修复组6周新生骨开始长人,6、12、24周时A、B、C组的成骨面积比(%)分别为(4.09±0.96)、(6.78±1.27)、(3.10±0.83),(8.98±2.45)、(15.38±2.33)、(4.25±1.03),(19.86±4.57)、(38.25±6.79)、(4.97±0.90);相应各组CPC残留面积比(%)为83.19±3.69、81.93±3.80、86.87±4.48,68.14±5.39、34.59±5.50、75.83±4.51,38.55±4.78、22.20±3.46、62.89±4.31;各组新生骨面积比(%)B〉A〉C(P〈0.01),CPC残留面积比(%)C〉A〉B(P〈0.01)。结论该骨缺损模型稳定、可靠;微管结构仿生人工骨在促进成骨、加快CPC降解速度上优于不具有微管结构的人工骨,同心结构具有最佳成骨和促CPC降解作用。  相似文献   

自体骨髓基质干细胞在齿槽裂骨缺损修复中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨人自体骨髓基质干细胞(human bone marrow stromal cells,hBMSCs)在治疗齿槽裂骨缺损中的可行性。方法2002至2005年,选择齿槽裂骨缺损患者7例(单侧6例,双侧1例),以患者自体骨髓基质干细胞为种子细胞,部分脱钙骨(partly demineralized bone matrix,pDBM)为支架材料构建组织工程骨,治疗齿槽裂骨缺损。从患者髂前上棘穿刺取骨髓,密度梯度离心法分离hBMSCs,经体外成骨诱导和扩增至第3代。将诱导的hBMSCs,复合部分脱钙骨体外培养1周后,手术回植骨缺损区。分别于术后1、3、6、12、24、36个月进行临床外形和三维CT检查随访。结果6例患者头部三维CT检查,结果示术后3个月能形成组织工程化骨,并修复骨组织缺损。术后1~3年的随访表明组织工程骨稳定存在,无明显骨吸收现象,临床治疗效果稳定。1例患者(双侧齿槽裂)植入物外露感染。结论以自体hBMSCs为种子细胞,部分脱钙骨为支架材料,利用组织工程技术可在人体内形成稳定的组织工程化骨组织,并临床修复齿槽裂骨缺损。  相似文献   

目的: 探讨抗生素骨水泥柱占位联合髂骨植骨在股骨远端开放骨折骨缺损治疗中的有效性及初步疗效。方法: 回顾性分析2014年10月至2021年3月采用抗生素骨水泥柱占位联合髂骨植骨技术治疗股骨远端开放骨折骨缺损16例,其中男12例,女4例;年龄28~68岁。车祸伤11例,高处坠落伤5例,Gustilo分型Ⅰ型3例,Ⅱ型5例,ⅢA型8例。采用AO分型:C2型9例,C3型7例。从受伤至接受最终植骨手术时间为4~119 d。骨缺长损度2~10 cm。记录患者骨折愈合时间、并发症、膝关节功能Merchan评分。结果: 本组16例患者均获得随访,随访时间9~29个月。16例患者切口均Ⅰ期愈合,无术后感染、钢板断裂、肢体短缩及膝内外翻畸形等并发症。骨折愈合时间为4~10个月。膝关节功能根据Merchan评分标准评估,优8例,良4例,可3例,差1例。结论: 采用抗生素骨水泥柱占位联合髂骨植骨治疗股骨远端开放复杂骨折骨缺损有助于预防感染、协助骨折复位,增加固定强度,减少植骨量,是一种有效的手术方式。  相似文献   

目的为大段骨缺损修复过程的血管再生探索一条可行的途径。方法成年大耳白兔30只,随机分为五组。右前肢为实验肢体,缺损长度约15 mm。第1~4组都采用胶原膜引导,结合纳米羟基磷灰石/聚酰胺骨水泥,不同的是在第1组中,复合血管内皮生长因子165(VEGF165)及骨形态发生蛋白2(BMP2)质粒;第2组复合VEGF165质粒;第3组复合BMP2质粒;第4组不复合任何质粒;第5组仅制作动物模型而不做任何处理,作为空白对照组。结果术后2周,核素断层摄影(ECT)结果显示第1组骨缺损修复后的局部血流量高于第2、3、4组(P<0.05);术后4周,X线片示第1组骨缺损处的骨痂明显增多;SEM显示在正常骨与工程骨交界处可见新生的骨小梁结构以及成骨细胞的附着;ECT结果照示第1组骨缺损的局部血流量高于第2、3、4组(P<0.01);第2组骨缺损的局部血流量高于第3、4组(P<0.01);术后8周,SEM显示第1组工程骨表面成骨细胞的附着多于其它各组, ECT结果显示与术后4周相同。结论在骨缺损的局部,联合应用表达VEGF165和BMP2质粒可以促进骨缺损局部的血液供应;附着质粒DNA的纳米羟基磷灰石/聚酰胺及引导性胶原膜在大段骨缺损局部的联合应用有助于新骨的形成。  相似文献   

Juxta-articular defects pose significant challenges due to the high risk of fracture of the subchondral plate and articular cartilage. We evaluated the mechanical and histomorphological repair process of caprine subchondral femoral defects augmented with either a bioresorbable in situ setting hydroxyapatite cement (HAC), polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), autogenous bone graft (AG), or left empty. Twelve-mm subchondral defects were made bilaterally in the medial femoral condyles of skeletally mature goats and augmented with a test material or left empty. Femurs were harvested at varying time periods out to 2 years and evaluated for subchondral stiffness and histomorphological indices. Several defects augmented using autograft or left empty sustained focal fracture of the subchondral plate. No HAC or PMMA augmented defects showed evidence of subchondral fracture. The HAC and PMMA augmented defects showed comparable stiffness at all time points. The mean volume fraction of HAC remaining within the defects progressively decreased from 96% at 24 h to 38% at 2 years. The new bone replacing the HAC appeared to have normal physiological architecture and orientation. In situ setting hydroxyapatite cement may be a viable alternative for the repair of subchondral defects with an important advantage that while undergoing gradual resorption and replacement with host bone, mechanical integrity of the skeletal defect is maintained.  相似文献   

目的比较采用钛网和线捆扎包裹嵌压松质骨植骨修复长骨干节段骨缺损的治疗效果。方法自2007-01—2013-01采用钛网(6例)和线捆扎(13例)包裹嵌压松质骨植骨修复长骨干骨折后节段骨缺损19例。骨缺损长度5.4~7.5 cm。在双侧髂后部、髂前部或胫骨近端髓内钉进钉处切取骨缺损体积2倍以上松质骨,嵌压植于骨缺损处,用钛网或多束线捆扎包裹。线捆扎组术后用石膏托固定6周。结果 19例术后均获得随访,随访时间12~48个月,平均18个月。切口均一期愈合,骨折骨缺损处均骨性愈合。钛网组骨缺损临床愈合时间3.5~6.0个月,平均4.9个月;线捆扎组骨缺损临床愈合时间4.0~8.0个月,平均5.7个月;2组差异无统计学意义(t=0.997,P=0.333)。但在胫骨干部位,钛网组骨缺损临床愈合时间少于线捆扎组,差异有统计学意义(t=10.000,P=0.001)。至末次随访,2组修复方法治疗后其邻近关节活动度差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论钛网和线捆扎包裹嵌压松质骨植骨修复长骨节段骨缺损的效果相似,但钛网植骨量多,术后患者可更早进行康复活动,骨愈合更快。  相似文献   

目的探讨开放性胫腓骨骨折伴有大段骨缺损的手术治疗方法。方法自2003—09-2012—04对51例开放性胫腓骨骨折伴骨缺损者根据骨缺损长度进行分组,其中24例一期行外固定架结合腓骨钢板固定骨折端,二期骨缺损处行髂骨植骨;27例一期行Ihzamv骨搬移技术治疗胫骨大段骨缺损。结果骨缺损均得以重建,患者肢体长度完全恢复,患者肢体长度与健侧之差均〈2cm,无一例出现畸形,皮肤软组织得到修复。结论外固定架结合钢板固定是治疗合并胫骨骨缺损的开放性胫腓骨骨折的有效方法,骨缺损6em以内患者肢体功能及长度得以重建。IHzamv骨搬移技术也是治疗胫骨大段骨缺损合并软组织缺损的有效方法,尤其适用于骨缺损长度大于6cm的患者。  相似文献   

M. Hakimi  M. Sager  M. Herten  J. Windolf 《Injury》2010,41(7):717-723
The use of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) for improving of bone defect healing is discussed controversially. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of PRP in combination with autologous cancellous graft on bone defect healing in a critical metaphyseal long bone defect. A critical size defect in the tibial metaphysis of 16 mini-pigs was filled either with autologous cancellous graft as control group or with autologous cancellous graft combined with autologous PRP. Compared to native blood platelets were enriched about 4.9-fold in the PRP. After 6 weeks, the specimens were assessed by X-ray and histological evaluation. Histomorphometrical analysis revealed that the area of new bone was significantly higher in the PRP group concerning the central area of the defect zone (p < 0.02) as well as the cortical defect zone (p < 0.01). All defects showed substantial new bone formation, but only defects of the PRP group regenerated entirely. The PRP group was superior to the control group even in the semi-quantitative assessment of the osseous bridging in both observed areas of the defect. Within the limits of the present study it could be demonstrated that PRP combined with autologous cancellous graft leads to a significantly better bone regeneration compared to isolated application of autologous cancellous graft in an in vivo critical size defect on load-bearing long bones of mini-pigs.  相似文献   

目的 研究兔骨髓基质干细胞(BMSCs)联合动静脉血管束植入异种脱蛋白松质骨(XDCB)构筑血管化组织工程骨修复兔桡骨中远段完全骨膜骨缺损的能力. 方法 从兔髂嵴捕骨髓培养制备兔BMSCs,将第5代BMSCs种植于多孔XDCB,并进行成骨诱导2周制备组织工程骨,手术中分离兔桡动、静脉血管束.动物模型为制备24只兔舣侧桡骨中远段完全骨膜骨缺损1.5 cm共48侧,分4组修复(n=12),A组为空白未治疗组,B组为单纯材料+血管束植入组(XDCB+VB),C组为组织工程骨组(XDCB+BMSCs),D组为组织工程骨+血管束植入组(XDCB+BMSCs+VB),符组交叉配对.分别于术后4、8、12周行X线片、大体解剖、组织切片、生物力学等检查,观察各组骨缺损修复效能及移植物血管化情况.结果 D组骨缺损修复效能(术后12周新骨面积比2.02%±0.16%)及血管化情况(术后12周血管面积比6.89%±0.32%)优于C组(1.50%±0.28%和3.17%±0.19%),而C组又优于B组(1.59%±0.19%和6.52%±0.23%),A组骨缺损未修复,各组结果差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 BMSCs联合动静脉血管束植入构筑的血管化组织工程骨能促进成骨过程和新生骨的血管化,显著提高组织工程骨修复大段骨缺损的能力.  相似文献   

目的探讨全髋关节翻修术中对于髋臼骨缺损重建的方法及其术后疗效。方法回顾性分析自2007-03—2011-12的75例(76髋)全髋关节翻修术,髋臼骨缺损根据Paprosky分型:Ⅰ型9髋,ⅡA型21髋,ⅡB型18髋,ⅡC型11髋,ⅢA型10髋,ⅢB型7髋。髋臼骨缺损采用不同方式修复,术后定期随访。采用髋关节功能Harris评分评估髋关节功能,根据X线片判断假体是否松动、植骨是否融合。结果 75例(76髋)均获得平均36(16~73)个月随访。术后12个月不同类型骨缺损患者髋关节功能Harris评分较术前明显提高,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。术后症状和关节功能明显改善,未出现髋臼骨折、感染、下肢深静脉血栓形成、坐骨神经损伤等严重并发症。X线片可见移植骨与宿主骨质交界处有连续性骨小梁通过,假体未见松动迹象。结论髋臼假体无菌性松动及骨溶解是需要进行全髋关节翻修的主要原因,而髋臼骨缺损Paprosky分型法对髋臼翻修重建方法有指导意义,正确选择假体类型及合理选择植骨方式是全髋关节翻修术后取得满意疗效的保证。  相似文献   

目的 探讨治疗肱骨中下段至尺桡骨上端长段骨缺损并重建肘关节屈伸功能的新术式。方法 在研究上胫腓关节应用解剖学的基础上 ,对 1例 30岁的女性患者 ,行吻合腓动静脉、带上胫腓关节的腓骨移植 ,修复左肱骨中下段至尺桡骨上端的骨缺损 (长 11cm)。移植腓骨长度为 15cm ;切开上胫腓关节约 3/ 4的胫腓前后韧带 (保留近腓骨尖的韧带 ) ,使该关节有约 75°的张合范围 ,以重建肘关节的部分屈伸功能。并用部分股二头肌腱加强重建关节后方与侧方的稳定性。结果 上胫腓关节为微鞍状关节 ,腓骨侧关节面呈梨形凹状 ,面积为 (199.70± 43 .3)mm2 (n =2 0 , x±s,下同 ) ;胫骨侧关节面呈卵圆形凸状 ,面积为 (137.2± 45 .4)mm2 (n =2 0 )。胫骨侧关节面上缘有一关节唇样增厚 ,胫骨关节面上缘距膝关节间隙距离为 (8.2± 1.7)mm (n =2 0 ) ,关节面下胫骨皮质厚度为 (2 .16± 0 .33)mm (n =10 )。术后随访 2 4个月 ,移植腓骨成活 ,重建肘关节的屈伸范围为 6 0°(45°~ 10 5°) ,屈肘位时可提持 2kg的重物 ,生活起居方便。结论 带上胫腓关节的腓骨移植用于修复肱骨中段至尺桡骨上端的长段骨缺损 ,可同时重建肘关节的部分屈伸功能  相似文献   

Autologous bone graft is considered as the gold standard for all indications for bone grafting procedures but the limited availability and complications in donor site resulted in seeking other options like allografts and bone graft substitutes. Demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is an allograft product with no quantity limitation. It is an osteoconductive material with osteoinductive capabilities, which vary among different products, depending on donor characteristics and differences in processing of the bone. The purpose of the present review is to provide a critical review of the existing literature concerning the use of DBM products in various procedures in the extremities. Clinical studies describing the use of DBM alone or in combination with other grafting material are available for only a few commercial products. The Level of Evidence of these studies and the resulting Grades of Recommendation are very low. In conclusion, further clinical studies of higher quality are required in order to improve the Recommendation Grades for or against the use of DBM products in bone grafting procedures.  相似文献   

Spinal fusion remains the gold-standard treatment for several pathological spine conditions. Although, autologous Iliac Crest Bone Grafting is considered the gold-standard graft choice to promote spinal fusion; however, it is associated with significant donor site morbidity and a limited graft quantity. Therefore, several bone graft alternatives have been developed, to augment arthrodesis. The purpose of this review is to present the results of clinical studies concerning the use of demineralized bone matrix (DBM), alone or as a composite graft, in the spinal fusion. A critical review of the English-language literature was conducted on Pubmed, using key word “demineralized bone matrix”, “DBM”, “spinal fusion”, and “scoliosis”. Results had been restricted to clinical studies. The majority of clinical trials demonstrate satisfactory fusion rates when DBM is employed as a graft extender or a graft enhancer. Limited number of prospective randomized controlled trials (4 studies), have been performed comparing DBM to autologous iliac crest bone graft in spine fusion. The majority of the clinical trials demonstrate comparable efficacy of DBM when it used as a graft extender in combination with autograft, but there is no clinical evidence to support its use as a standalone graft material. Additionally, high level of evidence studies are required, in order to optimize and clarify the indications of its use and the appropriate patient population that will benefit from DBM in spine arthrodesis.  相似文献   

目的 应用人脐血间充质干细胞(umbilical cord blood derived mesenchymal stem cells,UCB-MSCs)复合脱钙骨材料构建组织工程化骨,修复裸大鼠颅骨标准缺损.方法 体外扩增培养、成骨诱导人UCB-MSCs,采用Alizarin Red染色和钙离子半定量的方法测定细胞成骨分化能力.将第2代细胞接种在脱钙骨支架材料上继续诱导培养,扫描电镜检测细胞在材料上的生长状况.制备裸大鼠双侧颅骨全层标准缺损(直径5 mm),一侧以细胞材料复合物修复作为实验侧(n=8);另一侧以单纯脱钙骨材料修复作为对照侧(n=8).术后6、12周取材,分别通过大体形态观察、显微CT(Micro-CT)、组织学方法检测颅骨缺损的修复效果.结果 UCB-MSCs体外能够诱导分化为成骨细胞,且在脱钙骨支架材料上生长良好.Micro-CT检测显示术后6周实验侧有部分新生骨组织形成,12周时骨缺损修复率达(78.19±6.45)%,脱钙骨材料降解完全;对照侧6周时无明显新骨生成,12周时材料完全降解,骨缺损未修复.组织学检测显示12周时实验侧有较多成熟骨生成,为骨性愈合;对照侧骨缺损为纤维愈合.结论 成骨诱导的人UCB.MSCs复合脱钙骨材料构建的组织工程化骨可修复裸大鼠颅骨全层标准缺损,有望成为新的组织工程骨种子细胞来源.  相似文献   

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