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Prostate cancer is becoming an increasing burden on health services. It is essential that any man undergoing investigations for prostate cancer should be counselled by a specialist nurse utilising research-based information. Ideally, a prostate cancer nurse specialist should be able to carry out all diagnostic tests. This would enable the provision of a rapid access prostate cancer diagnosis service.  相似文献   

The nurse-physician relationship is the major dyad of the health care delivery system. The integration of the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) role in collaboration with physicians is an evolving style of practice reflecting collegial relationships. Various issues are associated with collaborative practice. Obstacles to collaboration between CNSs and physicians are addressed, followed by strategies to promote collaborative practice. Essential components of collaboration are identified. The impacts of collaborative practice on health care professionals and consumers are explored. Support for CNS and physician collaboration is validated by reports of CNS and physician collaborative practices.  相似文献   

The specialist nurse: a classification system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the important developments of specialty nursing practice within Australia and reports the results of a recent survey of specialist nurses in Victoria. Debate among the worldwide nursing community reflects confusion and ambiguity about specialist practice. Similarly, variation, duplication and inconsistency characterise the status of specialist nurse education in Australia. This situation contributes to role problems for specialist nurses and may arise from their lack of contribution to the decision making process. Seventy-five nurses undertaking a range of specialist nursing courses offered by three educational providers (a university, major teaching hospital and professional organisation) completed a survey questionnaire to establish the extent to which they agreed with the major recommendations proposed in the National Review of Specialist Nurse Education (Specialist Review) (Russell et al 1997). Despite contention within the profession, specialist nurses in Victoria show support for a unified approach toward definition, title and credentials. The discussion specifically addresses the implications for the future classification of specialist nurses in Australia.  相似文献   

Scand J Caring Sci; 2010; 24; 341–348
The meaning of a consultation with the diabetes nurse specialist Objective: The aim of this study was to elucidate the essential meaning of a consultation between diabetes nurse specialists and patients to gain a deeper understanding of the patients’ experiences. Methods: Twenty patients with type 2 diabetes were interviewed about their experience of a consultation at an annual check‐up with the diabetes nurse specialist. A phenomenological hermeneutic method was used in the analysis and interpretation of the text. Results: The patient’s experience of a consultation was interpreted as manifestation of hold on the disease control. This means a safeguard to continue daily life shown in the four themes being controlled, feeling exposed, feeling comfortable, and feeling prepared. Conclusion: The patients’ experiences of a consultation with the diabetes nurse specialist became the basis for a health maintenance process in dealing with critical health–disease aspects. Implications to practice: In a consultation, professionals have to take into account the potential emotional turbulence that disease progression can mean to a patient. Diabetes care implies patient dependence on support to avoid a potential self‐management insufficiency and call attention to professionals’ time for listening to patients’ perceptions.  相似文献   

The clinical nurse specialist   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

BACKGROUND: Specialist nurses are being promoted as a means of improving the health care provided to people with multiple sclerosis (MS). OBJECTIVES: To identify the impact of a programme of MS specialist nurses on MS health care provision and on the health and well-being of people with MS. DESIGN: A quasi-experimental design comparing an intervention group in which new MS nurse posts were installed with a control group that had no MS nurse posts. SETTING: Six neurological services in four English regions. PARTICIPANTS: Seven hundred and fifty-three of the 1510 people invited to participate returned completed questionnaires at baseline. Follow-up of participants was 82% with 616 patients participating in the main outcome analysis. METHOD: Data were collected prospectively before the appointment of the MS nurses and then at 12 and 24 months. Data were collected via a postal questionnaire comprising questions related to care processes (information provision and care quality) and health outcome measures, hospital admissions, MS complications, health-related quality of life (SF36) and disease impact (MS Impact Scale-29). Analysis repeated measures in CAT MOD for process variables and ANCOVA to longest follow-up for outcome measures. RESULTS: Information provision was higher in the intervention group (68% (n=153) compared to 53% (n=98) at 24 months) but no significant improvement was observed in information provision through time compared to the control group. There was an increase in the availability of a contact person in the intervention group, at 24 months 83% (n=42) had a contact person compared to 44% in the control (p=0.01). The only significant finding in relation to MS complications was a reduction of 17% in the incidence of pressure ulcers in the intervention sites compared to a 3% reduction in the control (p<0.001). In relation to the disease and health-related quality of life measures, the intervention group showed a small but significant (p<0.05) worsening in the physical and symptom scales of the SF36 compared to the control (mean differences: physical function -2.81, CI -5.45 to -0.1; bodily pain -4.09, CI -7.2 to -0.9; general health -5.35, CI -8.1 to -2.5; and energy and vitality -2.82, CI -5.5 to -0.1). No differences were observed in relation to disease impact or psychosocial well-being, although a relative benefit in mental health (with a 7.8 point advantage on the SF36 mental health scale, p=0.04) was observed in some of the intervention sites for people with relapsing/remitting MS. CONCLUSION: The specialist nurse programme was found to impact positively on the provision of MS-related health care. However, there was very limited evidence that the programme led to any improvements in disease-related problems, impact or health-related quality of life, These findings were in part explained by the inherent difficulties of measuring effects in evaluations of complex phenomena such as a nursing role. The deterioration observed in the intervention group on the physical outcome measures was explained by a selection bias in which people with worsening health were more likely to seek contact with a specialist nurse. It is contended that future research in this area may be better directed toward identifying specific interventions that nurses and other health professionals might employ in addressing the many problems confronting people with MS.  相似文献   

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