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甲基苯丙胺的毒性及危害   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
苯丙胺类物质是一组具有类似化学结构的中枢神经系统兴奋剂,包括苯丙胺(amphetamine)、甲基苯丙胺(methamphetamine,MA,俗称冰毒)、亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺(MDMA,俗称摇头丸)及其它一些精神兴奋剂.90年代以来,苯丙胺类中枢兴奋剂(amphetamine-type stimuants,ATS)滥用增长势头迅猛,超过海洛因、可卡因等传统非法精神活性物质,滥用人数达3 020万,呈全球蔓延之势.专家们预测,ATS将成为21世纪最广泛滥用的药物,甲基苯丙胺和亚甲基二氧甲基苯丙胺将是其中最常被滥用的物质[1-4].鉴于现今ATS滥用日趋严重(尤其是冰毒和摇头丸)且中毒和致死时有发生,本文结合相关文献对ATS中的甲基苯丙胺的毒性及危害作一综述报导.  相似文献   

当前,我国毒品滥用呈现出传统毒品(以海洛因为代表)滥用问题尚未解决、新型毒品(以苯丙胺类物质为代表)滥用问题又来势迅猛的严峻现实[1]。截至2009年底我国登记在册的吸毒人员已达133.5万,其中海洛因滥用97.8万人,新型毒品滥用36万人[1]。新型毒品的吸食人群正以  相似文献   

目的 :调查全国部分地区中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用的基本情况、特点和危害。方法 :自拟调查表对上海等存在相关问题的 10个省、区、市的 15个地区 2 0 0 1年 3月 - 2 0 0 2年 1月发现或收治的所有确认为中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用人员进行调查。结果 :本调查群体的平均年龄 2 8.2a±s 6 .3a(最小年龄 14a,最大年龄 5 2a) ,其中 2 0a以下占 10 .4 %。滥用者涉及各行业的各类群体 ,但以无业者 (38.5 % )和私营 个体劳动者 (18.2 % )为主。滥用场所以歌舞厅 迪厅 (6 6 .5 % )为主 ,但有约 1 3的滥用者主要滥用场所是在家中。另外滇南地区的滥用者主要在“田间小屋”、“赌场”滥用。毒品滥用的种类除苯丙胺类中枢兴奋剂“摇头丸”和冰毒外 ,还涉及可卡因、氯胺酮、大麻等其它种类的“舞会药”。以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质精神依赖性强。滥用者的身体已受到不同程度的损害。结论 :全国部分地区以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质滥用情况严重 ,造成的后果是多方面的。目前我国面临着继海洛因之后以ATS为主的中枢兴奋剂及相关非法精神活性物质流行的威胁。  相似文献   

This is a summary report of the International Pharmaceutical Federation/Board of Pharmaceutical Sciences (FIP/BPS) international conference, Bio-International 2005, which was held October 24-26, 2005 at the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, in London, UK. Bioequivalence (BE) issues related to multisource locally delivered topical dosage forms, oral inhalation drug products, highly variable drug products (HVDP), and endogenously occurring drugs were discussed. The conference also focused on alternate approaches to assess BE for some of these drug products. Pharmacokinetic (PK) approaches like, dermatopharmacokinetics (DPK) for dermatological topical dosage forms, scaled average BE (s-ABE) where within-subject variability is considered for estimation of 90% confidence intervals to document BE for highly variable drugs (HVD) were recommended. In addition, issues and difficulties related to the BE assessment of oral inhalation products, role, and appropriateness of metabolites in BE assessment, importance of base line correction in BE assessment of endogenously occurring drugs, and waiver of BE study requirements for certain drugs based on a Biopharmaceutics Classification System (BCS), were also discussed.  相似文献   

The successful translation of basic scientific discoveries into novel therapeutic strategies for the prevention and treatment of disease depends on integrating all aspects of the drug discovery and development process.  相似文献   

黄胜炎 《上海医药》2006,27(7):330-332
2005年,全球医药市场销售额为6020亿美元,较上一年增长7%。全世界新释药系统销售额稳步增长,约占整个医药市场的10%以上。治疗新观念促进了新释药系统的开发,创新推动了制剂新产品上市。  相似文献   

The WHO embraces evidence-based medicine to formulate an essential medicines list (EML) considering disease prevalence, drug efficacy, drug safety and cost-effectiveness. The EML is used by developing countries to build a national formulary. As pharmacogenetics in developed countries evolves, the Pharmacogenetics for Every Nation Initiative (PGENI) convened with representatives from China, Mexico, Ghana and South Africa in August 2009 to evaluate the use of human pharmacogenetics to enhance global drug use policy. The diseases causing mortality, the lack of integration of pharmacovigilance at the national formulary level, the pharmacogenetics research agenda and pharmacogenetics clinician education did not differ greatly among the countries. While there are many unanswered questions, systematically incorporating pharmacogenetics at the national formulary level promises to improve global drug use.  相似文献   

食品药品监管科学是近十几年发展形成的前沿学科,受到世界科学界和管理界的重视。食品药品监管科学不仅研究制定医药创新产品的监管政策、监管法规构建方法、产品创新技术策略以及各类创新产品的标准等,而且研发评估医药创新产品安全性、有效性、质量及性能和制定科学监管法规具有重要意义,特别在医药产品开发和评价和产品研发、生产、流通监管中具有重要的科学意义和应用价值。分析回顾了国际食品药品监管科学的发展概况,介绍国际药品监管和监管科学发展的情况,希望对该新兴学科发展研究者和管理者获益。  相似文献   

The Institute of Holistic Medical Sciences (IHMS, Kottayam, Kerala, India); the Institute of Macromolecular Science and Engineering (IMSE, Kottayam, Kerala, India) and Mathew Ayurveda und Venen Klinik (MUVK, Klegenfurt, Austria) have jointly conducted a 3-day world conference on Nanomedicine and Drug Delivery (WCN 2011) in Kottayam, Kerala, India from 11-13 March 2011. Application of nanotechnology for treatment, diagnosis, monitoring and control of biological systems has been referred to as 'nanomedicine' by the NIH. Research into the rational delivery and targeting of pharmaceutical, therapeutic, and diagnostic agents is at the forefront of projects in nanomedicine. Nanotechnology will also provide devices to examine tissues in minute detail. Biosensors that are smaller than a cell would give us an inside look at cellular function. Tissues could be analyzed down to the molecular level, giving a completely detailed 'snapshot' of cellular, subcellular, and molecular activities. Today, nanotechnology and nanoscience approaches to particle design and formulation are beginning to expand the market for many drugs and are forming the basis for a highly profitable niche within the industry, but some predicted benefits are hyped. This article gives an outlook of the ongoing research projects conducted all over the world, presented at the conference that highlight rational approaches in design and surface engineering of nanoscale vehicles and entities for site-specific drug delivery and medical imaging after parenteral administration. Potential pitfalls or side effects associated with nanoparticles were also discussed.  相似文献   

目的了解2001—2005年抗生素使用情况和使用水平以及临床分离的非发酵革兰阴性杆菌及部分肠杆菌科革兰阴性杆菌的耐药现状,为科学合理使用该类抗生素提供必要参考依据。方法调查山西医科大学第二医院2001—2005年5年间抗生素的使用消耗情况以及临床药敏试验结果,采用世界卫生组织(WHO)推荐的限定日剂量(DDD)法分析各种抗菌药的用药频度(DDDs);用VITEK2系统对临床分离菌株进行鉴定,采用K-B纸片扩散法及VITEK2系统对所分离的革兰阴性杆菌进行药敏试验,用2004版美国实验室标准化委员会(CLSI)标准对结果进行判定,用WHONET5.3软件对数据进行统计学分析。结果5年来革兰阴性杆菌分离株除2003年外呈逐年上升趋势,其构成比分别为41.0%、40.0%、45.3%、37.0%、54.0%;非发酵革兰阴性杆菌逐年上升,尤其是鲍曼不动杆菌2004、2005年其分离分别达到了182、334株,而2001年只有21株;非发酵革兰阴性杆菌耐药率普遍较高,鲍曼不动杆菌除对亚胺培南仍保持着较好的敏感性外(≤10.0%),对其他抗生素2004年以后耐药率几乎都超过了50.0%,对头孢哌酮+舒巴坦的耐药率2005年达到42.0%;在肠杆菌细菌中对亚胺培南的耐药率都很低,几乎为0,对头孢哌酮+舒巴坦的耐药率除阴沟肠杆菌外,其耐药率大部分在30.0%以下;在肠杆菌细菌中耐药最严重的为阴沟肠杆菌,除对亚胺培南外,对其他抗生素几乎都超过了50.0%。在对抗生素的使用调查中,抗生素的总DDDs2003年达到高峰,以后有下降趋势;销售金额逐年上升,但与年总药物销售金额构成比2003年达高峰,占42.8%,以后逐年下降,2005年占28.2%;头孢霉素在5年间的DDDs没有太大的变化,但复合制剂的DDDs在2004、2005年上升幅度很大,亚胺培南的DDDs5年来虽略有增加但仍保持DDDs较低水平,分别为133,140,157,254,422。喹诺酮类在连续高的DDDs后,2005年有所下降。结论细菌耐药与抗生素的过多使用有直接关系,我院通过加强对抗生素的使用管理,已经取得了一定成效,但仍存在不合理因素。  相似文献   

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