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An epidemiological survey of blindness and low vision in Shanghai   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  

广东省梅县盲和低视力流行病学调查   总被引:36,自引:3,他引:33  
LlANG X  Li F  Qiu W 《中华眼科杂志》2001,37(1):12-15
目的 调查梅县盲及低视力的流行病学情况。方法 采用分层随机抽样原因,以世界卫生组织盲目分级为标准,对全县按2.01%抽样比例抽取11327例进行盲和低视力的流行病学调查。结果 双眼盲及低视力患病率分别为0.47%(男性0.30%,女性0.63%)和0.89%(男性0.66%,女性1.12%);双眼盲率:县城0.29%、附城郊区0.34%、山区0.56%。单眼盲、双眼低视力和单眼低视力的患病率分别为0.72%、0.89%和0.59%。≥50岁盲及低视力患者的患病率明显增高。结论 致盲和致低视力的眼病均以白内障居首位,其次为青光眼、屈光不正、弱视及翼状胬肉等。  相似文献   

目的调查上海市浦东新区三林镇70岁及以上老年人盲和低视力的患病率及致病原因。方法以世界卫生组织制定的分级为标准,使用针孔镜矫正视力,统计其盲与低视力患病率,分析盲及低视力的主要病因。结果盲及低视力患病率分别为2.4%和8.8%,致盲和低视力的眼病均以白内障居首位,其次为老年性黄斑变性、角膜病和青光眼等。结论手术治疗白内障是降低盲与低视力患病率的主要措施,老年性黄斑变性等难治性眼病的防治亦应成为防盲治盲工作的重点。  相似文献   

山东省盲与低视力流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  

河北省盲和低视力流行病学调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

上海市北新泾街道老年人低视力和盲的流行病学调查   总被引:41,自引:2,他引:39  
Zou H  Zhang X  Xu X  Wang W  Li G  Yu H 《中华眼科杂志》2002,38(12):744-746
目的 调查上海市北新泾街道≥60岁老年人的低视力,盲患病率及致盲原因。方法 分别对1994,1997及2000年上海市北新泾街道所有≥60岁老年人进行调查,并建立视力档案,使用针孔镜矫正视力,观察其低视力及盲的患病率,分析致盲的主要原因。结果 1994,1997及2000年的实际受检率分别为83.87%,88.32%及91.98%;各年度低视力和盲的患病率分别为3.61%和1.51%,2.31%和1.09%及1.31%和0.71%。致盲的主要原因依次为视网膜退行性变,白内障,角膜病及视网膜血管性疾病。结论 1994,1997及2000年该地区盲的患病率及低视力率呈下降趋势,首位致盲原因为视网膜退行性变。  相似文献   

National survey of blindness and low vision in Lebanon   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
AIMS—To survey level of blindness and low vision in Lebanon.
METHODS—A population survey was undertaken in 10 148 individuals to measure the prevalence and identify the causes of blindness in Lebanon.
RESULTS—The prevalence of blindness was 0.6% and that of low vision 3.9%. The major causes of blindness were cataract (41.3%) and uncorrected large refractive error (12.6%).
CONCLUSION—Most causes of blindness in Lebanon can be controlled by various educational and medical programmes.


A survey of blindness and low vision in Shanxi Province   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In accordance with the unified criteria and methods over the country, a sampling survey of blindness and low vision was carried out in Shanxi province in April, 1987. The sample population was 53,656 persons and the actual number examined was 51,664 (96.3%). The provincial prevalence of blindness was 0.46%, i.e. 0.18% in cities and 0.50% in rural areas, with senile cataract as the leading cause for blindness (29.7%). The prevalence of monocular blindness was 0.85% and that of low vision 1.23%. The authors also proposed key points for the prevention and treatment of blindness and low vision.  相似文献   

西藏自治区墨脱县人群盲和低视力现况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨与了解西藏自治区墨脱县人群盲与低视力的流行病学变化情况。方法以村为基础,采用随机整群抽样原则,抽取6个行政村作为调查地点。采用世界卫生组织制定的盲与低视力标准,对全县按2.05%抽样比例抽取样本进行盲与低视力的流行病学调查。结果检录821人中,受检人数为735人,受检率为89.52%。双眼盲19人,盲率为2.59%(男性1.72%,女性3.40%);双眼低视力32人,低视力患病率为4.35%(男性4.02%,女性4.67%)。≥40岁盲及低视力患者的患病率明显增高。致盲的眼病依次为白内障(42.11%)、角膜病(21.05%)及青光眼(15.79%)。结论西藏自治区墨脱县人群中盲和致低视力的眼病以白内障居首位,因此手术治疗白内障仍是今后防盲治盲工作的首要任务。  相似文献   

广州市萝岗区盲与低视力流行病学调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 调查广州市萝岗区年龄≥50岁人群盲与低视力的患病率及主要致病原因.方法 采用整群抽样方法 ,按世界卫生组织盲与低视力分类标准,对广州市萝岗区50岁及以上人群进行问卷调查,视力检测初筛后对针孔镜下视力低于0.3者,由眼科医师做视功能、眼前后节形态检查及主要致盲原闪诊断.结果 共录入人数4532人,实际受检4126人,受检率91.04%.其中双眼肓患病率为1.91%,单眼盲患病率5.96%,双眼低视力患病率8.41%.随着年龄增加,盲与低视力患病率明显升高.70岁年龄组双眼肓是50岁年龄组的25.5倍,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01).在盲与低视力人群中致病原因的前几位依次是白内障(47.9%),眼底病(20.4%),屈光不正(9.52%),角膜病(7.59%).另外,脑垂体瘤致盲占0.74%.结论 广州市萝岗区≥50岁老年人群盲与低视力的首要原因为白内障,故降低自内障的患病率是该地区防旨治盲的关键,另外眼底病在该地区也是重点防治的疾病.  相似文献   

目的 对荣成市进行眼病及盲目的流行病学调查。方法 采用分层随机抽样原则,以2.16%的抽样率抽取14789人做为调查对象。结果 各种眼疾患病率为2.64%,盲目患病率为0.142%,其中白内障占首位(38.1%),第二位为青光眼(14.3%),第三位为视神经萎缩、角膜白斑及糖尿病性视网膜病变(各占9.5%),其它占(19.1%)。结论 眼病及盲目的流行病学调查结果提示了主要致盲病因为白内障,手术治疗白内障仍是今后防盲治盲的首要任务。  相似文献   

沙湾县45岁及以上人群盲与低视力流行病学调查与治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的调查新疆沙湾县≥45岁人群中盲与低视力患病率及致盲原因。方法采用分层整群随机抽样法,抽取8个基本抽样单位内的1322例≥45岁的患者作为调查对象。采用WHO盲与低视力标准由眼科医生作外眼、前房、晶状体、眼底等检查,对所有视力<03的患眼进行主要眼病原因诊断。结果1322列中受检1208例,总受检率9134%,盲目患病率为141%。低视力患病率为339%,致盲的主要眼病依次为白内障(4634%)、角膜病(1707%)、青光眼(976%)、玻璃体视网膜病(1463%)等。结论白内障仍占致盲和低视力病因的首位,今后防盲治盲的重点应是白内障的手术复明。  相似文献   

天津郊县盲及低视力眼病调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:调查低视力门诊盲及低视力眼病患病情况,获得流行病学资料。方法:2006-08/2007-07对来我院低视力门诊普查的天津郊县6209例行眼科检查并进行检查结果统计分析。结果:全部对象中盲及低视力患者326例(5.25%),其中白内障98例(1.58%),青光眼82例(1.32%),角膜病42例(0.68%),视神经萎缩31例(0.50%),糖尿病视网膜病变14例(0.23%),弱视10例(0.16%),原发性视网膜脱离8例(0.13%),老年性黄斑变性6例(0.10%),其它(包括:眼部炎症、外伤、视网膜中央静脉阻塞、视网膜色素变性)35例(0.56%)。结论:低视力和盲的门诊患病率随年龄增长而增高,白内障和青光眼是致盲的主要原因。现阶段白内障手术仍为防盲治盲工作重点,同时应加强卫生宣传及基层眼病普查制度。  相似文献   

目的方法结果结论对安徽省两地人群盲和低视力及眼病的流行病学情况进行抽样调查。选择阜阳市颍州区和宣城市绩溪县,采用随机整体抽样方法,对所属居民进行眼部及其他情况的调查。两地的受检人数和受检率分别为3336人(91.40%)和3602人(92.10%),达到抽样调查要求;两地双眼盲、单眼盲、双眼低视力和单眼低视力的患病率分别为1.05%和0.69%、1.71%和1.25%、1.02%和0.97%、0.87%和0.89%;两地盲和低视力的主要原因分别为:白内障、弱视、青光眼和白内障、眼球萎缩/缺如、青光眼;两地主要眼病都为:屈光不正、白内障、翼状胬肉和沙眼;两地的白内障手术率分别为600和278。据不完全资料估计我省盲和低视力的患病率远高于全国平均水平,盲和低视力的高发人群为50岁以上老年人,女性,孤寡,文盲,低收入者,白内障仍是最主要致盲原因,屈光不正/弱视已日益成为影响人民特别是青少年视力的最主要因素,广泛宣传正确用眼方式,推广青少年正确验光配镜方法,提高相关人员验光配镜水平对于有效降低弱视致残率至关重要。  相似文献   

National survey of blindness and low vision in The Gambia: results.   总被引:1,自引:18,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A population based survey of blindness and eye disease has been conducted throughout the whole country of The Gambia, and 8174 people were examined. The prevalence of blindness (best acuity less than 3/60) was 0.7% and low vision (6/24-3/60) 1.4%. The causes of blindness were cataract (55%), non-trachomatous corneal opacity/phthisis (20%), and trachoma (17%). An estimated 5500 people in The Gambia require cataract surgery, 4600 eyelid surgery for entropion, and 4600 people spectacles to correct a refractive error which causes a visual acuity of less than 6/18. More than half the current burden of blindness in The Gambia is potentially remediable through the provision of cataract surgery and aphakic spectacles.  相似文献   

目的了解13年来上海市普陀区双眼盲患者的患病率、致盲疾病谱和发展趋势。方法对上海市普陀区自1993年至2005年,区内的双眼盲患者进行调查,对双眼视力低于0.1者用小孔镜检测视力进行登记并建立档案。分析现盲率、新盲患率和致盲的主要原因。结果1990初现盲率为0.476%,然后就大幅度下降并稳定在0.12%左右。1997年、2001年和2005年因白内障而新发病的盲患患者分别占新发病的盲患患者总数的62.6%、77.9%、67.9%。其中90%以上经手术治疗后得以复明。1997年新增盲人致盲的主要原因依次为白内障、视网膜退行性变、青光眼、角膜病;2005年新增盲人致盲的主要原因依次为视网膜退行性变、白内障、青光眼、视神经萎缩。结论该地区七年来现盲率一直稳定在0.12%左右;近年来视网膜退行性变成为致盲主要原因。  相似文献   

AIM: To estimate the incidence rates and major causes of registered blindness and low vision in Kuwait. METHODS: Data on age, gender and cause of blindness and low vision were collected from the Visual Disability Committee while evaluating Kuwaiti citizens applying for a blindness allowance from January 2000 to December 2004. Criteria for legal blindness in Kuwait are visual acuity 6/60 or less in the better eye with best possible correction or a visual field less than 20 degrees around the central fixation point. Incidence rates per 100,000 person years of observation were calculated for both genders in four age subgroups and four severity categories. The causes of registered blindness were classified according to the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition. RESULTS: 412 persons were registered as blind, 272 males (66.01%) and 140 females (33.98%), mean age 28.7 +/-25.2 years, 39.32% below 20 years of age, 31.79% 21-40 years, 18.68% 41-60 years, and 9.95% 61 years and over . Male gender was prevalent for all age subgroups. The overall incidence rate was 9.97 per 100,000 person years of observation, 13.33 for the male and 6.69 for the female patients. The incidence rates rose from 7.35 for those 20 years and younger to 14.80 for the age subgroup 41-60 and 23.16 for those 61 years and above. The rates of severe visual impairment classified in categories 4 and 5 were higher than the rates for categories 2 and 3. Retinitis pigmentosa was the leading cause of blindness, followed by congenital anomalies and optic atrophy. In the subgroup below 20 the rate of optic atrophy was highest, followed by congenital malformations, retinitis pigmentosa and retinopathy of prematurity. In the next age subgroup (21-40 years), the rate of retinitis pigmentosa was three times as high as in the younger subgroup, followed by optic atrophy, congenital malformations and albinism. In the subgroup 41-60 the incidence rate for phthisis bulbi was twice as high as the rates for retinitis pigmentosa and optic atrophy. For those 61 years and older, the incidence rate of phthisis bulbi was almost five times as high as that for optic atrophy. The incidence rates for the male patients were higher for the major causes of disability in all age subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: The overall incidence rate of registered blindness for Kuwait is less than in many other national registries. The marked prevalence of the male gender in all age subgroups is specific for Kuwait. The rates of the leading causes of registered blindness reflect the prevalence of the younger subgroups in our registry. Additional data on co-morbidity and dedicated efforts to reveal unrecognized and unregistered blindness, particularly among females, will overcome the limitations of the registry, and will serve to outline the tendencies in avoidable vision loss and monitor the efficacy of the prevention programs in the future.  相似文献   

山东省章丘市盲人流行病学调查和治疗   总被引:16,自引:4,他引:16  
Dang G  Zheng X  Yang Z  Song L 《中华眼科杂志》1999,35(5):352-354
目的 调查山东省章丘市进行了盲患病率及治疗效果。方法 采用分层随机抽样原则,按WHO盲目分级标准。对全市按1.27%抽样比例抽取11884例作为调查对象。结果 双眼盲37例,盲率为0.31%,致盲的主要眼病依次为白内障(45.95%)、青光眼(24.32%)及玻璃体视网膜病(13.51%)。对全市1016例白内障盲人行白内障复明手术,占按盲率推算白摧障盲人的73.89%,人工晶体植入率为84.15  相似文献   

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