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新近施行的医疗侵权诉讼由医疗机构举证的新规则将对医患双方产生广泛而深远的影响。为适应这一新规则,各级医疗机构应增强举证意识,注意收集并保存各种医疗活动证据,恪守诊疗常规,尊重病人的知情同意权和选择权;加强医疗质量和医疗安全管理,增强医务人员法制观念,同时当务之急是完善和建立医疗责任保险制。  相似文献   

医疗诉讼的案由主要为医疗服务合同纠纷与医疗侵权纠纷。在合同纠纷与侵权纠纷发生争议的情况下,当事人有权选择以对自己有利的案由来提起诉讼,尤其重要的是会影响到医患双方的举证责任,也就是说谁对所提出的诉讼主张承担举证责任。本文将就医疗诉讼中举证责任方面的一些相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

近年来 ,医疗损害赔偿诉讼数量激增 ,其中医疗美容诉讼增速更大。笔者在总结办审经验的基础上 ,就医疗美容诉讼相关法律问题与大家共同探讨。1 如何认识医疗美容双方当事人的法律关系在医疗美容双方当事人之间 ,院方之接受美容服务一方的关系区别于传统的医患关系 ,接受服务方可就医疗措施、价款、医疗效果等内容行使选择权、决定权 ,其选择、决定权通过与院方协商一致形成合同关系来实现 ,因此双方地位平等 ;而医患关系中 ,患方基本处于被动承受地位。所以 ,医疗美容服务关系的性质 ,是经营者向消费者提供医疗美容服务的一种服务合同关系…  相似文献   

2002年4月1日开始实施的《最高人民法院关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》第四条规定“因医疗行为引起的侵权诉讼,由医疗机构就医疗行为与损害结果之间不存在因果关系及不存在医疗过错承担举证责任。”这一规定将医疗侵权诉讼区别于一般的民事诉讼“谁主张,谁举证”的举证责任分配原则,实行举证责任倒置。近几年媒体关于医疗侵权方面的报道连篇累牍,接连不断的护患纠纷案件和不绝于耳的各种争论,引发了大家对我国司法实践中医疗侵权诉讼举证责任倒置的规定对护理工作影响的讨论。辩证地看,既有积极的影响,也有不利的影响;从实践的检验来看,有利也有弊。  相似文献   

医疗损害诉讼举证责任的配置经历了三个阶段,即谁主张谁举证、举证责任倒置以及淡化举证责任倒置的阶段。举证责任配置的演变体现了立法者对医患关系本质的认识更加深刻,审视公正的视角也从个案上升到整个社会,并希望通过举证责任配置的手段来引导医疗资源的合理利用,实现更高层次的医疗领域中的公正。当然,《侵权责任法》中关于医疗损害诉讼举证责任配置的规定能否实现立法的本意和目的,尚有待实践检验。  相似文献   

冯馨  李斌 《解放军护理杂志》2011,28(22):22-24,58
目的探讨医患双方对医疗知情同意书的意见,以期为修改医疗知情同意书提供参考依据。方法收集不同等级医院的医疗知情同意书进行分析。采用自制的调查问卷对某医院100名医生和100名患者进行医疗知情同意书意见的调查。结果医患双方在医疗知情同意书的性质、过程、签署及改进方面的差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。结论临床现行医疗知情同意书仍有许多方面不能达到医生及患者的要求,且绝大部分的医生及患者均认同知情同意书应采取全国统一格式。  相似文献   

当前,医疗损害诉讼案件日益增多,医患双方选择司法裁判解决医疗损害赔偿纠纷已经成为最终的方式。医疗机构及其医务人员学习和研究《民事诉讼法》,在诉讼中合理应用抗辩事由可以为医方免除或减轻民事责任。本文浅谈医疗损害诉讼中医方抗辩事由的有关问题。  相似文献   

为了规范法官采集证据,认定事实的行为,最高人民法院于2001年12月21日在最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》的33号司法解释中规定:“因医疗行为引起的侵权诉讼,由医疗机构就医疗行为与损害结果之间不存在因果关系及不存在医疗过错承担举证责任”,于2002年4月1日执行。这一司法解释就意味着:如果患对医疗质量不满意向法院提起诉讼,不再按“谁主张谁举证”的民事诉讼证据原则由病家就质量问题拿出证据,反过来需要由医院就医疗行为没有过错、与患在医疗过程中造成的人身伤害没有因果联系拿出证明。这一司法解释的出台,各界人士褒贬不一,在这里仅从医学伦理学的角度来对理解和执行这一司法解释进行思考并做如何应对进行探讨。  相似文献   

《医疗事故处理条例》出台后,“举证责任倒置”的医疗诉讼举措,使患者在自己的权益受到侵犯时,能够勇敢地拿起法律的武器维护自己的合法权益,对医疗机构而言医疗档案作为“举证责任倒置”的重要文书证据的重要意义更加突现出来。因此,笔者认为医疗机构因以此为契机,充分认识医疗档案管理的重要性,从源头抓起,加强各诊疗环节的管理,加强医疗档案管理,才能真正维护医息双方的合法权益,减少医疗纠纷,维护正常的医疗秩序。  相似文献   

随着社会的发展,医院如何在相关法律法规的指导下,抓好医疗文书书写和加强各个环节的质量控制,加强医疗文书管理,做好自律和维权,已成为一个重要的课题。2002年4月1日最高人民法院规定,在我国医疗侵权的诉讼中,开始实行举证责任倒置;2002年4月4日国务院公布新的《医疗事故处理条理》;2002年8月20日卫生部和国家中医药管理局发布了《病历书写  相似文献   



All humans are fallible. Because physicians are human, unintentional errors unfortunately occur. While unintentional medical errors have an impact on patients and their families, they may also contribute to adverse mental and emotional effects on the involved provider(s). These may include burnout, lack of concentration, poor work performance, posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, and even suicidality.


The objectives of this article are to 1) discuss the impact medical error has on involved provider(s), 2) provide potential reasons why medical error can have a negative impact on provider mental health, and 3) suggest solutions for providers and health care organizations to recognize and mitigate the adverse effects medical error has on providers.


Physicians and other providers may feel a variety of adverse emotions after medical error, including guilt, shame, anxiety, fear, and depression. It is thought that the pervasive culture of perfectionism and individual blame in medicine plays a considerable role toward these negative effects. In addition, studies have found that despite physicians’ desire for support after medical error, many physicians feel a lack of personal and administrative support. This may further contribute to poor emotional well-being. Potential solutions in the literature are proposed, including provider counseling, learning from mistakes without fear of punishment, discussing mistakes with others, focusing on the system versus the individual, and emphasizing provider wellness. Much of the reviewed literature is limited in terms of an emergency medicine focus or even regarding physicians in general. In addition, most studies are survey- or interview-based, which limits objectivity. While additional, more objective research is needed in terms of mitigating the effects of error on physicians, this review may help provide insight and support for those who feel alone in their attempt to heal after being involved in an adverse medical event.


Unintentional medical error will likely always be a part of the medical system. However, by focusing on provider as well as patient health, we may be able to foster resilience in providers and improve care for patients in healthy, safe, and constructive environments.  相似文献   


Background. Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning poses danger to both patients and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel, as its symptoms are nonspecific and EMS is currently not equipped to detect CO in ambient air. Objective. We aimed to assess the degree of non–fire-related CO exposure at the high-volume EMS system of a city with 2 million inhabitants. Methods. The EMS system was equipped with handheld CO detectors (Dräger Pac 3500), which were added to EMS standard backpacks and had to be carried to the patient at all times. During a period of one year, all alarms by those devices were recorded, sources of CO were confirmed by the fire department, and hospital follow-up was conducted for both patients and exposed EMS staff. Results. During the study period, there were 40 alarms, including two false alarms. Alarms occurred during the whole year, with a peak during the winter months. The median ambient CO concentration was 167 parts per million; gas heating systems were the main source of CO. One hundred ten patients and 108 EMS personnel were exposed. One hundred fifteen persons, including 22 EMS staff, had to be hospitalized, which represents one out of 1,000 total EMS patients. Conclusions. Carbon monoxide poisoning was found to be a significant matter for a high-volume EMS system. Handheld CO detectors helped in identifying those cases.  相似文献   

正面建议与反面建议性语言方式对病人的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
医务人员为了取得病人的配合,往往在检查、治疗及护理时向病人提出建议。这种建议性的语言表达方式常常为两种方式,即正面建议方式和反面建议方式。所谓正面建议方式是向病人正面提出在配合治疗时应该做什么,而反面建议方式是向病人提出在配合治疗时不应该做什么,否则会有什么后果。通过对160例病人进行临床观察表明,两种语言方式的表达对病人的影响截然不同。1 资料与方法1.1 一般资料:160例病人中,男72例,女88例;年龄:3岁~16岁15例,17岁~30岁43例,31岁~50岁57例,51岁~80岁45例;职业:学龄前儿童5例,学生24例,干部40例,工人53例,农民3…  相似文献   

Medical respite programs provide nursing care and case management to individuals experiencing homelessness following hospitalization for an acute medical problem. One goal of these programs is to link clients to outpatient providers to decrease their reliance on hospital services. Through qualitative interviews with staff members (n = 8) and clients (n = 14) at a medical respite program, we explored processes of, and challenges associated with, linking clients to outpatient care. Six themes were identified, which offer insight about important considerations when linking clients to outpatient providers and highlight the value of medical respite programs for this population.  相似文献   

Uveitis, a treatable sight-threatening condition, may often be misdiagnosed and treated as pink eye, a common ophthalmic condition encountered in the primary care setting. Although more than 50% of cases of uveitis are idiopathic, a variety of underlying medical conditions, such as genetic, traumatic, systemic immune-mediated conditions, or infectious mechanisms can trigger uveitis. An accurate and prompt diagnosis is critical for initiating vision-saving treatment. Because a high percentage of uveitis was reported in the primary care setting, the role of primary care providers should focus on identifying the condition, initiating first-line therapy, and promptly referring to an ophthalmologist.  相似文献   

压疮护理的临床证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对近年来压疮研究现状的总结,探讨我国目前压疮护理的证据种类。方法计算机检索"中国学术期刊网"和"维普数据库"2000~2005年内的有关压疮护理方面的文章,限定期刊为《中华护理杂志》、《中国实用护理杂志》、《护士进修杂志》三种中国护理核心期刊,限定语种为中文,检索词包括"压疮、褥疮、护理、治疗、预防、评估和管理"。对所检索到的文献进行总结。结果共纳入16篇文献,其中10篇随机对照试验、6篇对照试验。1篇文献探讨了压疮的评估,2篇探讨了压疮的预防,13篇探讨了压疮的治疗。结论目前,我国有关压疮的文献多集中在治疗方面。今后应多开展大样本的压疮随机对照试验,以提高压疮临床护理质量。  相似文献   

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