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To study families with a psychotic parent, 35 families were interviewed in the acute phase of the illness and 2-3 years later. The ill parents had to be less than 45 years old and hospitalized for the first time for psychosis in either the Psychiatric Clinic in Turku or the Municipal Hospital for the mentally ill. The families had to be intact and have children between 4 and 16 years old. To cope with all the information collected, some common denominator had to be found. Such was found in the separation-individuation processes of man's life. Psychosis in a parent can be seen as an interrupted separation-individuation process in the family. When the developmental and psychologic function of the family ought to change. when there is a turning point in the family life-cycle, the risk of illness in one of its members increases. The stress is greater for the parent with strong vertical bonds, whose own separation and individuation from his/her own parents is incomplete. The risk to the children in the family is an interrupted separation-individuation process. They become bound by and dependent on the parents and later become a new risk group for disturbances coursed by incomplete or interrupted separation and individuation.  相似文献   

Anton Aggernæs fortsätter från föregående nummer sin diskussion av orsakerna till att patienter vårdas lång tid på psykiatriska avdelningar. Utöver själva psykopatologin spelar sociala faktorer som arbets-, bostads-förhållanden och möjligheterna till mänsklig kontakt stor roll.  相似文献   

The authors report a case of severe vaginismus which was successfully treated by hypnosis, which is known to be an effective and rapid form of therapy in many narrow hysterical syndromes.  相似文献   

Artikkelen er et forsek På å beskrive psykoterapiens funksjon i samfunnet i rela-sjon ti1 de endringsprosesser vi ser pågå i våre vatlige samfunn. Behandlings- og særlig omsorgstjenatene blir i stigende grad offentlig administert. Dette setter spærsmålstegn ved psykoterapiens tilpasnings- eller frigjøringsfremmende hensikt. Det aktualiserer ogå spørsmåilet om i hvilken grad psykoterapien vil bevege seg ut av medisinen og brukes ti1 pedagogiske og generelt livs-kvalitetsfremmende for mål.  相似文献   

Författarna vill med artikeln väcka intresse för hypnos som hjälpmedel i psykoterapeutisk praxis. Just de psy-kodynamiskt utbildade har troligen de bästa förutsätt-ningarna att använda tekniken men samtidigt förefaller dessa kolleger mest ängsliga inför den. Fyra fallbeskriv-ningar exemplifierar hur tekniken kan appliceras.

Roland Berg är avdelningsläkare vid Karolinska sjuk-huset, lärare vid psykoterapiutbildningarna där och vid Enheten för psykoterapiutbildning, Stockholm samt privatverksam som psykoanalytiker och psykoterapeut.

Sonja Leikrans är leg. psykolog vid Sollentuna psykiat-riska mottagning samt privat verksam som psykoterapeut.  相似文献   

Background: Tardive dyskinesia (TD) is a potential adverse effect of long-term treatment with antipsychotics. Previous studies have suggested a link between brain serotonergic systems and TD vulnerability. A recent report described that a serotonin 3 receptor (5-HTR3) agonist induced rhythmic movements in mice with complete paraplegia. Furthermore, it has been reported that the 5-HTR3 antagonist ondansetron is efficacious in the treatment of Gilles de la Tourette syndrome (GTS). Aim: The aim of the present study was to determine whether the 5-HTR3A gene C178T polymorphism is associated with antipsychotic-induced TD in Korean schizophrenia patients. Methods: We investigated 280 Korean schizophrenia patients. Subjects with TD (n = 105) and without TD (n = 175) were matched for antipsychotic drug exposure and other relevant variables. Results: The distributions of genotypic (chi-squared = 3.55, p = 0.169) and allelic (chi-squared = 0.40, p = 0.528) frequencies did not differ between patients with and without TD. The total score on the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale also did not differ between the two genotype groups (F = 0.94, p = 0.391). Conclusions: The findings of the present study do not support the involvement of the 5-HTR3A gene C178T polymorphism in TD in Korean schizophrenia subjects.  相似文献   

Detta försök att mäta den terapeutiska effektiviteten genom förändringar i vård-tiden för schizofrena patienter har gjorts i Helsingfors. Författarna är verksamma vid psykiatriska kliniken, Lappviksvägen, där Pekka Niskanen är docent och bi-trädande överläkare, Jouko Lönnqvist assis-tentläkare och Kalle Achté professor och överläkare.  相似文献   

Vid efterundersökning 2–6 årefter vistelse vid rehabiliteringsklinik är inte mindre än 37% av allvarligt psykotiska patienter yrkesmässigt stabilt fungerande. Detta uppmuntrande resultat manar till fortsatta intensiva rehabili-teringsstravanden, anser Jan Standal vid fylkessjukhuset i Ålesund. Standal har vid den psykiatn'ska avdelningen haft ansvar särskilt för den sociala och yrkesinriktade rehabiliteringen.  相似文献   

Trichotillomania is a disorder with involuntary hairpulling of own hair. The self-infliction of the hairloss is often denied by the patient. Trichotillomania is described in non-psychotic patients with normal intelligence. Some of the patients are psychologically normal persons and some have various personality disorders.

Psychoanalytic theories claim that the symptom has a symbolic meaning and that traumas in early mother-child relationship is of etiological significance, other theories find that hair-pulling is a result of frustration of basic needs, and regard it as a «habit».

Trichotillomania is difficult to treat. Further investigations are needed to establish the Trichotillomania is difficult to treat. Further investigations are needed too to establish the effect of psychoanalytically oriented therapy or behavioural techniques or a combination as well as the possible effect of psychopharmacological treatment.  相似文献   

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