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国际全科医生制度发展历程:影响因素分析及政策启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全科医生制度建设的国际经验可以为中国全科医生制度的建立和发展提供借鉴。本文首先梳理了国民健康服务体制、社会医疗保险体制、商业医疗保险体制等部分典型国家的全科医生制度发展历程,重点分析了全科医生制度建设的影响因素。结果发现,建立和发展全科医生制度的主要影响因素有:经济社会因素、卫生保健体制对卫生体系的控制力、医师对卫生体系的控制力、全科医学服务的激励机制、全科医学的发展程度等。最后,结合近年我国全科医生制度建设的实际提出几点政策启示,一要以满足我国公众健康需求为目标,构建中国特色全科医生制度;二要普及全科医学服务核心价值,为建立全科医生制度提供公众民意基础;三要建立健全促进全科医生制度发展的激励机制,提高全科医生地位;四要积极推动全科与专科医学的专业分工,促进全科医学发展。  相似文献   

为了解英国全科医生制度的建立和发展历程、制度现状、发展特点与启示,通过文献法回顾了英国全科医生制度从产生到发展成熟的历程,重点探索了全科医生教育培训、执业方式、服务内容和范围、激励和约束机制等制度方面的演变过程。发现英国国民卫生服务制度和医生对医疗服务体系的控制力、全科医学服务的激励机制和全科医学的发展程度这3个因素相互作用,推动着英国全科医师制度的建立和发展。  相似文献   

健康管理旨在调动个人或群体的积极性,有效利用有限资源来获得最大的健康效益。如何建立健全全科医生制度,健康管理理念将为全科医疗服务模式提供新的思路。全科医生是居民健康的守护者,全科医学是基础医疗的新曙光,健康管理可以为全科医生工作提供新的切入点。通过建立健全规范化的全科医师培训制度,建立基于社区的全科医疗服务体系,以健康管理作为全科医学工作的切入点等方法,发展基于健康管理的全科医学服务模式。从"治病"到"治未病"的医疗模式转变,健康管理和全科医学将为我国初级医疗保健提供新的动力源泉。  相似文献   

本研究采用常规登记报告采集、问卷调查、专题小组访谈等研究方法研究广州市某区内社区卫生服务机构全科医生服务团队卫生资源配置状况。结果显示社会力量办社区医疗机构全科团队工作人员职称、学历和培训率较低,专业技术人员的结构层次与社区卫生服务发展趋势不相匹配;全科团队的服务主要以公共卫生服务为主,基本医疗服务还不能完全满足群众需求;全科团队服务的考核和补偿机制不完善,全科团队工作人员的积极性不高。提示不同举办主体的社区卫生服务机构在全科医生团队服务发展上具有差异性。在全科团队发展的人力物力投入以及在基本医疗和公共卫生服务投入上有一定的差别,针对不同举办主体的不同的特点,应加大对各类社区卫生服务机构的政策引导和扶持力度,为建立真正的全科医生家庭医生制服务奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

全科医生的执业能力,已经成为社会关注的热点,这对全科医学继续教育提出了新的要求。全科医学继续教育的模式,应注重培训的内容、方式、考评等,实现全方位的优化改进。本文围绕某地区情况,调研社区全科医生的培训需求,基于区域医疗中心,提出社区全科医生执业培训机构的建设路径,建立人才评估模式,全面反映了社区全科医生岗位胜任的能力需求,并科学开发培训内容,建设科教研协同平台,进而加强全科医生能力,深入践行教育培训机制。  相似文献   

正自2010年以来,在中央财政的支持下,各地积极探索基层医疗卫生机构全科医生转岗培训工作。基层医疗卫生机构的执业医师或助理执业医师经过一年全科医学全脱产培训,经考核合格后,可转注或加注"全科"执业范围。全科医生转岗培训为实施和推进家庭医生签约服务提供了人才支撑,截至2017年年底,我国培训合格的全科医生已达25.3万名,其中50%以上为转岗培训而来。  相似文献   

日前,在全科医生执业方式和服务模式改革试点启动会议暨第一次工作会议上,国务院医改办相关负责人指出,全科医生执业方式和服务模式改革试点地区要按照"6+X"的推进思路,把试点工作抓紧、抓好、抓出成效。会议指出,开展全科医生执业方式和服务模式改革试点,是建立全科医生制度中的一项重大改革措施和制度创新。各试点地区要做好6项改革探索,即组建分工合作的  相似文献   

目的:分析社区卫生服务中心的全科团队构成模式,为社区卫生服务模式转变提供实践经验.方法:采取目的抽样,选取在社区卫生服务模式探索较早且具有代表性的北京市、上海市、郑州市、成都市共12家社区卫生服务中心进行现场调查.采用定性调查为主、定量调查为辅的方法.结果:所调研社区卫生服务中心的全科团队构成模式可分为四类:(1)全科医生+护士+护士助理+药师;(2)医生(全科医生、中医)+护士+社区志愿者;(3)医生(全科医生/中医)+护士+助理员+社区志愿者;(4)全科医生+护士+辅助团队(公卫医师、妇保医生等)+支持团队(药房、医技等).不同模式下,团队成员的专业类别、职责分工和团队规模有所差异.结论:以全科医生为核心,构建全科团队的做法已基本形成共识;上述四种典型全科团队构成模式各有侧重点,对于提高服务效率和质量、密切医患关系、促进社区参与和防治结合具有积极的影响.  相似文献   

<正>前言广东省卫生计生委和人力资源社会保障厅确定,在广东省推广和实施全科团队服务模式下的家庭医生式服务试点工作,促进和完善广东省城乡基层医疗卫生服务向团队、契约、主动服务模式转变,在逐步建立和完善全科医生制度的基础上,进一步深入推进全省基层医疗卫生体制改革,逐步形成并建立起基层首诊、全科团队服务、分级诊疗及双向转诊的就医秩序和服务模式,进一步强化基层医疗卫生机构服务能力和水平,实现与居民建立长期、稳固的签约式服务关系。  相似文献   

全科与专科医学服务分工形成是建立全科医生制度的重要环节,利用分工理论分析全科与专科分工演进的机理,并据此分析影响我国全科与专科医学服务分化的主要原因。结果发现,我国患者接受全科医学服务的交易费用并未远低于接受专科医疗服务的交易费用,患者更愿意在医院首诊,加之转诊交易费用较高而收益较低,均导致了全科与专科医学服务不仅无法形成分工而且存在竞争,全科医学专业化难以建立,更无法推动全科医学服务水平及效率提高;全科与专科医学服务收益差距较大,激励医学生更愿意从事专科而非全科事业,全科医学人才匮乏更加大了全科医生与专科医生技术水平的差距,从而导致患者接受全科医疗的交易费用继续上升,形成恶性循环。  相似文献   

几十年来,经济社会的巨大变革所引起的政府卫生决策意识改变导致我国农村卫生服务网络提供连续性卫生服务呈现明显的波动性:计划经济时代,"分级分工,就近就医"的服务模式曾是我国连续性服务的理念萌芽和初始实践;改革开放以来则形成了"自由择医,碎片化提供"的非连续服务模式;2009年公共卫生服务均等化实施后则呈现"基层就医,连续综合"的整合服务模式的发展趋势。上述三个阶段服务提供模式的波动特征背后隐含着不同时期政府意识形态对卫生服务治理的深刻影响,充分证明了基本医疗保健服务具有明显的政治脆弱性。这种历史演化特征的政策动因为我国以及转型国家维持卫生服务网络延续连续性服务模式提供了诸多政策经验和启示:重视基本保健策略,建立完整的基层卫生体系框架和系统的、整合的运行机制以及重视以人为中心的服务提供理念等。  相似文献   

In response to a climate of constant change and increasing demand for services, general practice in the UK has undergone significant modification over the last 10 years. It has become a multi-disciplinary organisation encouraged by funding bodies to plan for service delivery using a more structured team based approach. In Tayside in 1996, practices were charged with producing formal Practice Development Plans (PDPs) which would focus on priority areas aligned with the Health Boards own strategic plan--those were teamwork, information management and technology, and clinical service delivery. The University of Dundee's Department of General Practice successfully applied for funding to develop ways of facilitating practices so that they could a) identify their own development priorities, and b) plan and implement action and learning to see these priorities through. Using action research methodology, the project attempted to create a climate for change, provide support and training to see the changes implemented, and ensure commitment to the changes from all members of the practice team. The Facilitator adopted a flexible style varying her role between expert, guide and support. Analysis of progress made by different practices, coupled with the Facilitator's in depth knowledge of them, suggested the importance of certain key aspects of practice organisation and culture. A practice characterisation model identified practices which were stable, currently coping, proactive and ready to face the challenge of change as best placed to engage in a full scale development programme. Other profiles suggested a range of alternative interventions as more likely to be acceptable and productive.  相似文献   

目的:总结典型国家基层卫生服务提供中实现医防整合的经验,为我国基层医疗卫生服务整合提供借鉴。方法:本研究方法为文献研究。结果:在个人层面,英国、泰国、古巴培养全科医生作为"守门人"并将其作为提供医防整合服务的主体;在机构层面,各国基层机构组成服务网络,内部强调跨学科合作;在体系层面,通过横向合作和有序的首诊与转诊协调服务;国家立法保障和健康保险筹资等引导支持基层医疗卫生服务整合。结论:培养和配置高质量的医防一体的全科医生、促进机构跨学科融合、通过立法和筹资体系予以保障是各国提供基层整合型服务的核心,值得我国基层医防服务整合借鉴。  相似文献   

The paper examines the nature and use of GP remuneration systems as instruments of health policy in five different countries--Australia, Canada, Denmark, Norway and the UK. Since doctors are not naturally efficient, they need to be encouraged to adopt efficient practices. The paper indicates that while there are great differences in the nature and level of remuneration across the five countries, there is little evidence that policy-makers in these countries have given adequate thought to how to use remuneration to influence the activities of GPs. In all five countries except the UK the objectives of GP services are somewhat vague and largely non-operational. The designs of the remuneration systems seem directed more towards deciding doctors' income levels and controlling public expenditure than towards meeting health care objectives. The remuneration for similar services varies widely across the five study countries. There is a need to clarify what the objectives of general practice are and thereafter to experiment more with GP remuneration systems to determine how best to get doctors to meet these objectives efficiently.  相似文献   

Abstract The use of multi-disciplinary health care teams is an increasingly common aspect of service delivery in health care in Western countries. While the literature rehearses the putative benefits to practitioners and clients of such teams, there appears to be an absence of extensive evidence-based research on team practices to substantiate such claims. What evidence there is suggests that team work is in different ways problematic. This article is a progress report on a qualitative research project into the operation of health teams with responsibility for clients in hospitals and the community in New Zealand. The first part of the article presents some of the main themes in current research on health care teams. The second part argues that effective teamwork requires giving attention to a hitherto marginalised dimension of teamwork - the team's reflexive and representational practices. Attention to these practices appears to be particularly important in complex cases or when the team believes that its work with the client is not progressing as well as it might. The article concludes by highlighting the sociological significance of representational issues in team work and by drawing some inferences about factors affecting effective teamwork.  相似文献   

在对英国卫生保健体系进行梳理的基础上,总结了其开展整合保健的做法和经验,尤其是近年来英国卫生服务与社会服务体系进行整合的趋势值得我国借鉴。本文受英国卫生保健体系尤其是初级卫生保健整合做法的启发,针对我国社区卫生服务改革中存在的问题,提出相关的政策建议,包括加强多学科服务团队建设,推动医学模式在社区转变;建立"守门人"制度,做实社区首诊和双向转诊;建立部门间的沟通机制,整合卫生服务与社会服务;加大舆论宣传力度,引导居民就医需求等。  相似文献   

当前人口老龄化的问题日益加剧,老年人由于年龄增长导致生理机能的下降,因此,健康问题已经成为老年人重点关注的问题。通过对宁波市养老服务机构的抽样调研可知,养老机构老年人对于健康服务需求强烈,但养老机构健康服务供给能力不足,提供的健康服务项目单一,尤其是体制障碍,影响养老机构在健康服务领域的发展。对此,提出了建立养老机构健康服务的政策保障体系、建立具有区域特色的养老机构和医疗机构的合作模式、设计"以需求为中心"的养老机构健康服务项目、加强养老机构复合型健康服务专业队伍建设以及发挥政府与市场在养老机构健康服务领域的双重作用等建议和措施。  相似文献   

Greater Glasgow Health Board's strategy for the development of community mental health services includes the establishment, over a 7-year period, of multi-disciplinary community mental health resource centres throughout Glasgow. An evaluation of the first phase of the development was carried out in three resource centres. This focused on three key themes: the establishment of multi-disciplinary teams, targeting of those with the most severe illnesses and the participation of users in the care process. The evaluation exercise comprised five substantive elements: analysis of the clinical database; interviews with staff within each of those centres, interviews with representatives of key external agencies associated with each centre; a survey of general practitioners; and a survey of the views of clients, their carers, their key workers, and their general practitioners (GPs). Clients were generally very satisfied with the services and felt that the resource centres met all their mental health needs. Although the majority of current centre cases had severe mental illnesses and those with the more severe conditions had the highest contact rates there was evidence that in the absence of a clear framework for referral the centres were also providing services for those with less severe illnesses. Despite a wish by centre staff to move towards modes of working less dominated by health professionals and more inclusive of other resources and especially of clients themselves, these goals remained to be achieved: there was a lack of clarity in the definition of the appropriate target groups for the centres; access to crisis support was regarded as problematic; the concept of multi-disciplinary team working had yet to be fully realized with evidence suggesting that some psychiatrists working in the resource centres had not embraced many aspects of the new approach to service delivery including a focus on the severely ill; and progress towards the ideal of active client involvement had been slow.  相似文献   

基于不同基本医疗保险支付方式的利弊分析、借鉴国外典型国家基本医疗保险支付方式,结合国内医疗卫生机构基本医疗保险支付方式的成功经验,探究不同医疗卫生机构的基本医疗保险支付方式选择模式。建议针对基层医疗卫生服务机构,采用总额预付制或按人头付费为主的方式;针对二级、三级综合医院,采用总额预付制为基础的,按病种付费为主,结合按人头付费、按服务项目付费和按床日付费等支付方式的医保支付模式;专科医院,采用总额控制下按病种付费和按床日付费相结合的支付模式。  相似文献   

目的:分析基层社区全科医生执业情况和规范化培训意向,提出促进全科医师培养的政策建议。方法:对3省15个社区机构297名医生现场问卷调查,对医生执业情况和培训意向进行描述性分析。结果:基层社区医生人员结构有所优化,但社区医师实际注册全科医师的比例低,基层全科医师岗位培训有待规范。结论:规范化培训和岗位培训相结合,多渠道培养全科医师;完善注册政策,提高全科医生待遇、社会地位,提高全科医师注册比例;进一步规范全科岗位培训和加强医改相关政策宣传。  相似文献   

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