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Methods for measurement of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (clearance in plasma, urine or both of an « exogenous » tracer, usually radio labeled) often are considered impractical from a clinical standpoint. Alternate methods proposed to estimate the GFR are based on plasma levels of « endogenous » tracers (creatinine, cystatin C). These methods are so imprecise that they provide little if any true reassurance with regards to warnings and recommended GFR values for the use of iodinated and gadolinium based contrast agents.  相似文献   

The kidney performs multiple functions. Glomerular filtration is the most studied of these functions. In clinical practice, the surgical indication for patients with unilateral uropathy is frequently based on the split renal function as demonstrated by scintigraphy. MRI is not yet validated as a technique but nonetheless offers an interesting non-radiating alternative to achieve both morphological and functional renal evaluation. Recent pulse sequences such as diffusion, arterial spin labeling, and blood oxygenation dependent imaging may also provide additional information. CT and US remain of limited value for the evaluation of renal function.  相似文献   

In patients with renal failure, iodinated contrast agents may cause acute deterioration of the renal function and gadolinium-based contrast agents (GBCAs) may cause nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF). The administration of a contrast agent must thus be reviewed for each patient and evaluation of renal function is paramount even though its estimation using formulas derived from the creatinine level may fluctuate. For iodinated contrast agents, contrast induced nephropathy is reduced by hydratation, preferably intravenous, when the GFR is less than 60 ml/min. The risk for intravenous injections is less than the risk for arterial injections, and the GFR threshold may be reduced to 45 ml/min. For gadolinium-based contrast agents, patients at risk for NSF are those with end-stage renal disease and patients undergoing dialysis. In such cases, the injection of a gadolinium-based contrast agent is only considered after a risk-benefit analysis has been completed, an alternate linear or macrocyclic agent issued and the dose limited to 0,1 mmol Gd/kg. Recently, recommendations from US and European agencies have converged. Learning objectives: to be familiar with the risk factors of CIN with iodinated contrast agents; to be familiar with hydration procedures for patients at risk of CIN; to be familiar with the diagnostic criteria of NSF; to be familiar with the classification of GBCA with regards to the risk of NSF; to be familiar with the contraindications of the different groups of GBCA.  相似文献   

Presentation in several international conferences, at the stage of design and interim results of randomized trials regarding the appropriateness of percutaneous endovascular correction of renal artery stenosis has raised some questions among clinicians, including nephrologists. What lessons should get the interventional radiologist now published the first results?  相似文献   

Vascular complications after renal transplantation are the most frequent type of complication following urological complications. They may affect the function of the transplant. Early vascular complications include renal artery or vein thrombosis, lesions to the iliac vessels and cortical necrosis. Delayed complications mainly include renal artery stenosis, arteriovenous fistula, and rarely false aneurysm. Doppler sonography, sometimes with the use of intravenous contrast, is the imaging modality of choice in the acute setting or routine follow-up. MRI may be performed for additional morphological and functional evaluation while CT may provide additional evaluation of the arterial supply. Angiography is performed prior to endovascular treatment.  相似文献   

Renal cystic diseases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Renal cystic disease comprises a mixed group of heritable, developmental, and acquired disorders. Because of their diverse etiology, histology, and clinical presentation, no single scheme of classification has gained acceptance. Conditions include autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, acquired renal cystic disease, medullary sponge kidney, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, multicystic dysplastic kidney, medullary cystic disease, tuberous sclerosis, cysts of the renal sinus, and von Hippel-Lindau's disease. An awareness of the pathology of each cystic disease is helpful in the understanding of the corresponding radiological images. Imaging techniques used in evaluating renal cystic disease include intravenous urography, sonography, CT, MRI, nuclear medicine, and renal angiography. Many types of cystic disease show similar imaging features. Meticulous attention to subtle radiological findings is therefore essential for reaching a correct diagnosis. Imaging features requiring analysis include whether the cysts are unilateral or bilateral, renal size and functional status, cyst distribution in the kidneys, and the presence of hemorrhagic and calcified renal cysts, solid renal masses, renal sinus cysts, and cysts in adjacent organs. Radiological findings should be carefully correlated with clinical features such as patient age, family history, symptoms, physical findings, and renal functional status before a diagnosis is attempted. Received 10 October 1996; Revision received 30 January 1997; Accepted 4 February 1997  相似文献   

Fetal pyelectasis is the most frequently encountered anomaly on prenatal ultrasound. The ultrasound diagnostic criteria are well established: nature of dilated structures, degree of dilatation, ultrasound appearance of the kidneys, volume of amniotic fluid. Ultrasound can also determine if the anomaly is isolated or not, which is important for the management and prognosis of the pregnancy. Ultrasound is the initial postnatal study to evaluate the urinary tract. Further management will be based on suspected diagnosis. In cases of suspected vesico-ureteral reflux, VCUG is performed. In cases of obstructive uropathy or complex malformation (duplications), MRI is performed at 6 months of age to further define the anatomy of the urinary tract. Radionuclide renogram, performed in most cases, allows evaluation of split renal function. Follow-up ultrasound is important to monitor renal development, urinary tract dilatation and appearance of the renal parenchyma. Functional follow-up is assured by radionucline renography. This comprehensive follow-up is recommended to prevent complications and progressive loss of renal function.  相似文献   

Multiple chronic renal diseases evolve to end-stage kidney disease due to progressive renal tissue fibrosis at the level of the interstitium or glomeruli. Fibrosis often results from transformation of the extracellular matrix by cytokines and chemokines released by activated cells in the setting of recurrent episodes of acute inflammation. Newer techniques to image intrarenal inflammation and fibrosis are mandatory for the non-invasive evaluation of these processes to improve follow-up and monitoring of drug therapy. These techniques are based on methods of cellular and molecular imaging, and methods of functional, such as diffusion weighted imaging, and structural, such as elastography.  相似文献   



To demonstrate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) in the management of Bosniak type 2F and 3 renal cysts on CT.

Patients and methods

Retrospective study of 14 patients with 15 Bosniak type 2F and 3 renal cysts on contrast enhanced CT. All patients underwent CEUS of the kidneys after injection of SonoVue®. Using predetermined criteria, the lesions were classified as benign, malignant or indeterminate. Patients either underwent surgery or follow-up CT at one to three years.


From the 15 indeterminate cysts on CT, 12 were either benign (n = 8) or malignant (n = 4) on CEUS. From the eight cysts considered benign on CEUS, seven remained stable on follow-up CT after a minimum of one year interval and one was surgically resected and confirmed to be benign. All four cysts considered malignant on CEUS were surgically resected and three were confirmed to be malignant and one was confirmed to be benign. Three cysts were indeterminate: two lesions were surgically resected and one was benign while the other was malignant and one lesion was stable at one year follow-up CT.


CEUS was able to characterize indeterminate lesions as benign or malignant in 80% of cases with 92% reliability. Twenty percent of cysts remained indeterminate on CEUS. CEUS is reliable as a complement to CT in the evaluation of Bosniak type 2F and 3 renal cysts.  相似文献   

Stress fractures     
In 1892, J. Wolff, an orthopedic surgeon, stated that the internal architecture and shape of a bone were related to the direction of stresses placed upon it. Conventional radiographs and MRI can demonstrate the adaptability of bones to stresses. Imaging also demonstrates that this adaptability has limitations, and that excessive stress may lead to fracture.  相似文献   



Dysbaric osteonecrosis is a complication that can result from repetitive and prolonged hyperbaric exposures and the correlation with a previous type 1 decompression sickness described as a joint pain remains a controversial subject. The study was designed to determine the risk factors of type 1 decompression sickness in recreational divers and their potential to shortly evolve into osteonecrosis.


All the osteoarthromuscular decompression sickness treated between October 2004 and November 2005 in one of three hyperbaric centers assigned in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region were analyzed in a prospective way of standardized collections, and the majority was explored with MRI in order to screen ischaemic osteomedullar damages.


Eleven cases (8,5%) were inventoried amongst the 129 diving accidents treated during this period. These joint pains were mainly located in the shoulder area (81%) and involved a majority of male experienced divers after performing deep and long dives (90%) furthermore more than 50% of these divers had greater than one dive within a twelve hour period. The average age was 38,5 years with a body mass index of 27,5 kg/m2. All dives were performed with a dive computer without omitted decompression. Ten injured divers (90%) were examined by MRI shortly after the accident, but only one diver (10%) had lesions compatible with osteonecrosis.


This preliminary study shows that osteoarthromuscular decompression sickness in recreational diving are essentially involved in dives considered to carry a high risk for bubble production. The conditions of occurence appear also to be related with some individual factors that must be specified in other studies. Nevertheless, the risk of early underlying dysbaric osteonecrosis development is quite low.  相似文献   

Routine daily practice shows that successful vaginal delivery for women with suspected narrow pelvis or large fetus remains possible. We present a computer software for the detection of fetopelvic disproportion based on 3D vectorial reconstructions of the fetal head and maternal pelvis with simulation of head passage through the pelvis for collision detection. Three delivery simulations were generated from MR pelvimetry data in two patients, one with narrow pelvis and the other with macrosomic fetus. Based on the simulation, fetus size in both cases was appropriate for the pelvic size, but delivery simulation for the macrosomic fetus concluded that vaginal delivery was mechanically impossible. Further evaluation of this promising software on a larger patient population is necessary.  相似文献   

Chemical peritonitis occurs following intraperitoneal rupture of a mature ovarian dermoid. Rupture may be acute and spontaneous, typically during pregnancy, or iatrogenic. Low grade ruptures lead to parasitic peritoneal dermoid cysts, usually involving the greater omentum, cul-de-sac of Douglas and perihepatic region. Radiologists should be familiar with their appearance to correctly diagnose the condition and not mistake the disease for peritoneal carcinomatosis.  相似文献   

The pretransplant imaging evaluation of recipients is mainly achieved with CT and has two objectives: detection of iliac artery calcifications that may have an impact on the site of the transplant and the type of arterial anastomosis; detection of a primary malignancy that would be a contraindication to transplantation. The pretransplant imaging evaluation of living donors relies on noninvasive techniques. CT angiography and MR angiography both allow the simultaneous evaluation of arteries, excretory tract and renal parenchyma. The goal is to achieve anatomical and functional renal evaluation in order to select the best donor and plan the surgical procedure.  相似文献   

Medical complications from renal transplant (acute tubular necrosis, acute rejection, chronic rejection) are mainly imaged with Doppler ultrasound to first exclude vascular or urological causes for renal function impairment. Once these causes are excluded, imaging features are nonspecific and imaging is mainly used for follow-up and biopsy remains essential. Urological complications include postsurgical collections, urinary fistulas, obstructive uropathy, vesicoureteric reflux, infections and malignancies. Imaging plays a leading role in the diagnostic and therapeutic management of these complications.  相似文献   

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