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The reliability of the Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) 960 system for rapid detection of mycobacteria in clinical specimens was evaluated and compared to the radiometric method (BACTEC 460TB) and to mycobacterial culture on Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium. Clinical specimens (n = 590) were tested without selection. A total of 121 (20.5%) isolates of mycobacteria were recovered; 98 (81.0%) of them were recovered with the BACTEC 460TB system, 86 (71.1%) were recovered with the BACTEC MGIT 960 system, and 55 (45.5%) were recovered with LJ medium (MGIT 960 versus BACTEC 640TB, p >0.05; MGIT 960 or BACTEC 460TB versus LJ, p <0.001). The mean time to detection (TTD) was 18 da for BACTEC 460 TB, and 13 da for BACTEC MGIT 960. The mean time to detection in each system, based upon data where both systems were culture positive, was significantly different (16.6 da for BACTEC 460TB and 13 da for BACTEC MGIT 960, p<0.001). The contamination rate of the BACTEC MGIT 960 system was 13.2%, which was intermediate between the BACTEC 460TB system (11.7%) and the LJ medium (14.7%). These data indicate that the fully automated MGIT 960 system is an accurate, non-radiometric alternative to the BACTEC 460TB method for rapid detection of mycobacteria in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

The performances of two continuously monitoring mycobacterial culture systems-ESP Culture System II (ESP II; Trek Diagnostics, Inc. , Westlake, Ohio) and BACTEC MGIT 960 (BD Biosciences, Sparks, Md. )-were compared. In addition to both liquid media, all specimens were plated onto Middlebrook 7H11/7H11 selective agar. A total of 3, 151 specimens of all types (56.3% were respiratory specimens) were cultured; 231 (7.3%) yielded mycobacteria. The most common species recovered were Mycobacterium avium complex (69 isolates) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC; 65 isolates). The recovery rates for ESP II, BACTEC MGIT 960, and Middlebrook agar, respectively, were 71.2, 63.9, and 61.8% for all mycobacteria; 70.2, 72.6, and 66.3% for all mycobacteria except Mycobacterium gordonae; and 73.8, 84.6, and 87.7% for MTBC. For liquid plus solid medium combinations, recovery rates for all mycobacteria and for MTBC, respectively, were 84.1 and 92.3% for ESP II plus Middlebrook agar and 81.5 and 98.5% for BACTEC MGIT 960 plus Middlebrook agar. The differences in recovery of all mycobacteria by ESP II and by BACTEC MGIT 960 were not significant; for the individual species, the only significant difference was recovery of more isolates of M. gordonae by ESP II. For those isolates recovered in both automated systems, mean times to detection of all mycobacteria and MTBC, respectively, were 15.8 and 17.4 days for ESP II and 12.5 and 11.9 days for BACTEC MGIT 960 (P < 0.05). False-positive signals occurred with 23 (0.7%) BACTEC MGIT 960 cultures and 84 (2.7%) ESP II cultures (P < 0.01). Overall contamination rates were 17.1% for BACTEC MGIT 960, 18.9% for ESP II, and 11.0% for Middlebrook agar. In summary, the ESP II and BACTEC MGIT 960 systems performed comparably with regard to growth and detection of mycobacteria, and the contamination rates were similar. However, with ESP II, times to detection of all mycobacteria and of MTBC were significantly longer, the recovery rate of M. gordonae was significantly higher, and the number of false-positive signals was greater than with BACTEC MGIT 960.  相似文献   

In a meta-analysis of 10 studies, the BACTEC 960/MGIT and BACTEC 460 systems showed a sensitivity and specificity in detecting mycobacteria (1,381 strains from 14,745 clinical specimens) of 81.5 and 99.6% and 85.8 and 99.9%, respectively. Combined with solid media, the sensitivity of the two systems increased to 87.7 and 89.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

In general, uniform clinical antibiotic susceptibility breakpoints (CBPs) for slowly growing nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) have not been established. The aim of this study was to determine wild-type drug susceptibility distributions for relevant antibiotics using Bactec MGIT 960 equipped with EpiCenter TB eXiST and to derive epidemiological cut-offs (ECOFFs) from semi quantitative drug susceptibility measurements. One hundred and twenty-six NTM clinical isolates (Mycobacterium avium n = 58, Mycobacterium intracellulare n = 18, Mycobacterium kansasii n = 50) were investigated in this study. Drug susceptibility distributions and MIC90 values were determined for clarithromycin, ethambutol, rifampicin, rifabutin, ofloxacin, moxifloxacin, and amikacin using Bactec MGIT 960/EpiCenter TB eXiST. For most species/drug combinations ECOFFs were determined. For some species/drug combinations ECOFFs were not defined as either the isolates were susceptible to the lowest drug concentration tested or because isolates, in part, had MIC levels exceeding the highest drug concentration tested. This study describes drug susceptibility distributions and MIC90 values of M. avium, M. intracellulare, and M. kansasii that may aid the definition of CBPs when correlating in vitro drug susceptibility with clinical outcomes in future studies.  相似文献   

A total of 120 mycobacterial isolates were recovered from 1,068 clinical specimens. Of these, 82.5% were in MGIT 960, 83.3% were in MB/BacT, 80% were in BACTEC 460, and 70% were on L?wenstein-Jensen medium. Mean times to detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (n = 96) were significantly shorter with MGIT 960 (12.6 days, P = 0.003) and BACTEC 460 (11.8 days, P < 0.001) than with MB/BacT (15.9 days). Although, MGIT 960 showed the lowest rate of recovery of M. kansasii genotype I (64.3%), the earliest growth was detected with this system (8.9 days). Low and similar rates of contamination were obtained with MGIT 960 (3.3%) and MB/BacT (3%). The AccuProbe test for identification showed excellent sensitivities with MGIT 960 (96. 8%) and MB/BacT (100%) cultures. In addition to being nonradiometric, both MGIT 960 and MB/BacT are accurate, rapid, and labor-saving detection systems which could replace the radiometric method.  相似文献   

The fully automated COBAS AMPLICOR CT/NG and semiautomated AMPLICOR CT/NG tests were evaluated in a multicenter trial for the ability to detect Chlamydia trachomatis infections. Test performance compared to that of culture was evaluated for 2,236 matched endocervical swab and urine specimens obtained from women and for 1,940 matched urethral swab and urine specimens obtained from men. Culture-negative, PCR-positive specimens that tested positive in a direct fluorescent-antibody test or in a confirmatory PCR test for an alternative target sequence were resolved as true positives. The overall prevalences of chlamydia were 2.4% in women and 7.2% in men. The COBAS AMPLICOR and AMPLICOR formats yielded concordant results for 98.1% of the specimens. With the infected patient as the reference standard, the resolved sensitivities of COBAS AMPLICOR were 89.7% for endocervical swab specimens, 89.2% for female urine specimens, 88.6% for male urethral swab specimens, and 90.3% for male urine specimens. When results were analyzed as if only a single test had been performed on a single specimen type, the resolved sensitivity was always higher. The resolved specificities of PCR were 99.4% for endocervical swab specimens, 99.0% for female urine specimens, 98.7% for male urethral swab specimens, and 98.4% for male urine specimens. The internal control revealed that 2.4% of the specimens were inhibitory when initially tested. Nevertheless, valid results were obtained for 98.6% of the specimens because 59.1% of the inhibitory specimens were not inhibitory when a second aliquot was tested. The COBAS AMPLICOR and AMPLICOR CT/NG tests for C. trachomatis exhibited equally high sensitivity and specificity with both urogenital swab and urine specimens and thus are well suited for screening for C. trachomatis infection.  相似文献   

The sensitivity and specificity of the MGIT TBc identification (TBc ID) test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) detection in positive Bactec MGIT cultures were 95.2% and 99.2%, respectively. When MTC-positive results obtained from two additional molecular methods were included, the sensitivity of the MGIT TBc ID test was 85.4%, while that of culture was 95.7%.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to compare the manual Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) method and the BACTEC MGIT 960 system to the BACTEC 460 method for susceptibility testing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The evaluation was based on testing of 36 M. tuberculosis strains with various susceptibilities to isoniazid (INH), rifampin (RMP), ethambutol (EMB), and streptomycin (SM). In addition, five of the strains generating discrepant results in testing for EMB were analyzed for heteroresistance. For INH, the susceptibility test results obtained by the MGIT 960 and the manual MGIT systems agreed with the BACTEC 460 results in 94 and 97% of the cases, respectively. The results of susceptibility to RMP were all in agreement. For SM, 78 and 72% of the results obtained by the MGIT 960 and the manual MGIT systems, respectively, agreed with the BACTEC 460 results. In contrast, less than 80% of the results for susceptibility to EMB obtained by the two MGIT methods agreed with the BACTEC 460 results. All five strains analyzed for EMB heteroresistance were found to consist of resistant and susceptible subpopulations. The average turnaround times were 6.4 days for the MGIT 960 system, 6.5 for the manual MGIT system, and 8.7 days for the BACTEC 460 method. Both MGIT methods can be regarded as accurate and rapid alternatives to the BACTEC 460 method for detection of strains resistant to INH and RMP. However, more studies are needed for solving the problems associated with susceptibility testing to EMB and SM.  相似文献   

Evaluation of the COBAS AMPLICOR MTB system.   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
A panel of 1,012 respiratory sediments was retrospectively tested by PCR amplification to detect Mycobacterium tuberculosis with the COBAS AMPLICOR MTB system. The sensitivities and specificities of COBAS and fluorescence microscopy compared to culture were 92.6 versus 95.6% and 99.6 versus 95.3%, respectively. Inhibition occurred in 48 (4.7%) specimens.  相似文献   

Improved detection of Mycobacterium spp. using the Bactec MGIT 960 system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Until 1987, the notification rate for mycobacterial infection was on the decline; however, it now appears to be increasing once more. The reason for this may be multifactoral and include improved reporting of diagnosed cases, increased infection of an ageing population, homelessness, immunosuppression (e.g. due to human immunodeficiency virus infection), and immigration of people from countries where tuberculosis is endemic. This rising incidence and the increasing importance of resistant organisms mean that rapid identification by the clinical microbiology laboratory is required, and this is where an automated detection system can be an advantage. Over a two-year period, 2743 clinical specimen were examined for Mycobacterium spp. using the Bactec MGIT 960, and 286 were positive. Time to detection ranged from three to 14 days (mean: 9.3 days), and M. tuberculosis was recovered from 214 (75.5%). Contamination rate was higher (8.6%) than with manual methods, however. On balance, the Bactec MGIT 960 system proved a valuable tool in the routine microbiology laboratory.  相似文献   

Clinical samples obtained over a period of 8 months (n = 2,624) were processed in parallel with the BACTEC 460TB system, with the MGIT 960 system, and in L?wenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium, resulting in the recovery of 127 mycobacteria. Recovery rates in combinations of the BACTEC 460TB or MGIT 960 system with LJ were, respectively, 94.7 and 94.7% for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (n = 57) and 91.4 and 70.0% for nontuberculous mycobacteria (n = 70). Contamination rates, elevated in the MGIT 960 system, were associated with patients (cystic fibrosis) and type of material but not with transport time. Detection time was reduced in the MGIT 960 system.  相似文献   

Mycobacterial growth in liquid culture can go undetected by automated, nonradiometric growth detection systems. In our laboratory, instrument-negative tubes from the Bactec MGIT 960 system are inspected visually for clumps suggestive of mycobacterial growth, which (if present) are examined by acid-fast smear analysis. A 3-year review demonstrated that ~1% of instrument-negative MGIT cultures contained mycobacterial growth and that 10% of all cultures yielding mycobacteria were instrument negative. Isolates from instrument-negative MGIT cultures included both tuberculous and nontuberculous mycobacteria.  相似文献   

We evaluated the efficacy of a PCR-reverse cross-blot hybridization assay, a test which permits identification of mycobacteria by means of species-specific probes and a Mycobacterium-specific probe, for early detection of negative BACTEC MGIT 960 mycobacterial cultures. Aliquots of 549 cultures were collected 7 days after the culture media were inoculated with various clinical specimens and tested with the molecular assay. PCR results were compared to those obtained at the end times with the BACTEC MGIT 960 system. Of the 549 specimens analyzed, 484 were found to be negative and 64 were found positive by both methods; one specimen, found to be positive by the BACTEC MGIT 960 system, was identified as negative by the molecular assay. In view of its high negative predictive value (99.8%), the PCR-reverse cross-blot hybridization assay appears to be a valid tool for early detection of negative BACTEC MGIT 960 cultures.  相似文献   

Evaluation of AMPLILINK Software for the COBAS AMPLICOR System   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
The use of AMPLILINK version 1.0 software was evaluated for the operation and control of one COBAS AMPLICOR instrument and for two COBAS AMPLICOR instruments run simultaneously to perform and detect nucleic acid amplification reactions. A total of 3,384 results were analyzed. The initial accuracy of the results was 99.91%. Three errors of omission of transfer of data from the COBAS AMPLICOR to the AMPLILINK system were observed. Two of these errors were from a single specimen, where both the analyte and internal control results were not transmitted. These errors did not interfere with the correctness of any other data. There were no interruptions of runs, and no data were mixed. AMPLILINK increased convenience, saved labor, and was found to be a very useful addition for clinical laboratories performing molecular-diagnostic procedures with the COBAS AMPLICOR system.  相似文献   

The fully automated COBAS AMPLICOR CT/NG and semiautomated AMPLICOR CT/NG tests were evaluated in a multicenter trial for their ability to detect Neisseria gonorrhoeae infections. Test performance compared to that of culturing was evaluated for 2,192 matched endocervical swab and urine specimens obtained from women and for 1, 981 matched urethral swab and urine specimens obtained from men. Culture-negative, PCR-positive specimens that tested positive in a confirmatory PCR test for an alternative target sequence within the N. gonorrhoeae 16S rRNA gene were considered to be true positives. The overall prevalences of gonorrhea were 6.6% in women and 20.1% in men. The COBAS AMPLICOR and AMPLICOR formats yielded concordant results for 98.8% of the specimens and exhibited virtually identical sensitivities and specificities. The results that follow are for the COBAS AMPLICOR format. With the infected patient as the reference standard, the resolved sensitivities of PCR were 92.4% for endocervical swab specimens and 64.8% for female urine specimens. There were no significant differences in these rates between women with and without symptoms. Among symptomatic men, COBAS AMPLICOR sensitivities were 94.1% for urine and 98.1% for urethral swabs; for asymptomatic men, the results were 42.3 and 73.1%, respectively. In comparison, the sensitivities of culturing were 84.8% for endocervical specimens, 92.7% for symptomatic male urethral specimens, and only 46.2% for urethral specimens obtained from asymptomatic men. When PCR results were analyzed as if only a single test had been performed on a single specimen type, the resolved sensitivity was always higher. The resolved specificities of PCR were 99.5% for endocervical swab specimens, 99.8% for female urine specimens, 98.9% for male urethral swab specimens, and 99.9% for male urine specimens. The internal control revealed that 2.1% of specimens were inhibitory when initially tested. Nevertheless, valid results were obtained for 99.2% of specimens because 60.0% of the inhibitory specimens were not inhibitory when a second aliquot was tested. The COBAS AMPLICOR CT/NG test for N. gonorrhoeae exhibited high sensitivity and specificity with urethral swab and urine specimens from men and endocervical swab specimens from women and thus is well suited for diagnosing and screening for N. gonorrhoeae infection.  相似文献   

We considered samples received for culture of mycobacteria using BACTEC MGIT 960 system over a period of 1 year. Tubes flagged positive by MGIT were evaluated for presence of serpentine cording. The cord formation was compared with isolates identified as Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) based on p-nitrobenzoic acid (PNB) test. Cords were found in 591 isolates of which 584 (98.8%) were confirmed as MTC. The sensitivity and specificity of cord formation were found to be 99.7% and 89.9%, respectively.  相似文献   

The performances of the BDProbeTec ET (Becton Dickinson) and COBAS AMPLICOR MTB (Roche) were retrospectively evaluated for detecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex in various respiratory specimens. The BACTEC and MGIT liquid culture system (Becton Dickinson) was used as a reference method. A total of 824 respiratory specimens, comprised of sputa, bronchoalveolar lavage fluid, and bronchial and tracheal aspirates from 580 patients, were evaluated. Out of 824 clinical specimens, 109 specimens from 43 patients were culture positive for M. tuberculosis. Of these 109 specimens, 67 were smear positive, 85 were positive by the COBAS AMPLICOR MTB test, and 94 were positive by the BDProbeTec ET. Of the 715 culture-negative specimens, 17 were positive by the auramine staining, 11 were positive by the COBAS AMPLICOR MTB test, and 12 were positive by the BDProbeTec ET. After discrepancy analysis and review of the patients' clinical data, 130 specimens from 50 patients were considered "true-positive" specimens. This resulted in the following sensitivities: microscopy, 61.5%; COBAS AMPLICOR MTB test, 78.0%; and BDProbeTec ET, 86.2%. The specificities of each system, based on the clinical diagnosis, were 99.7% for microscopy, 99.9% for the COBAS AMPLICOR MTB test, and 99.9% for the BDProbeTec ET. The data presented represent a considerable number of specimens evaluated with a considerable number of culture- and auramine-positive and culture-positive and auramine-negative results and therefore give a realistic view of how the data should be interpreted in a daily routine situation. Specifically, the data with regard to the culture-positive and auramine-negative specimens are useful, because in a routine situation, auramine-negative specimens are sometimes accepted, on clinical indications, to be analyzed by an amplification method.  相似文献   

To evaluate the reliability and feasibility of the automated Roche COBAS AMPLICOR PCR system for routine detection of hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA, a total of 405 serum samples previously tested by an in-house nested PCR and manual Roche AMPLICOR microwell plate HCV test were examined. Complete concordance was found between the results with the HCV COBAS AMPLICOR system and the previously determined HCV RNA status. The automated HCV COBAS AMPLICOR system provides the clinical microbiology laboratory with a specific and sensitive PCR method for rapid and reliable detection of HCV RNA.  相似文献   

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