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目的:评估宫腔内夫精人工授精(IUI)的临床结局及其影响因素。方法:回顾性分析行IUI治疗的1 646对夫妇共3 178个周期的临床资料,分析临床妊娠率及其与女方年龄、不孕类型、不孕病因、是否促排卵治疗、IUI时机、IUI周期次数的关系。结果:IUI临床妊娠率为12.4%(394/3 178);对临床妊娠率有统计学意义的影响因素是女方年龄、不孕病因、是否促排卵治疗;而不孕类型、IUI时机、IUI周期次数不影响临床妊娠率。结论:女方年龄、不孕病因、是否促排卵治疗均可影响妊娠率,治疗时应综合考虑多种因素的影响。  相似文献   

不孕症患者诱导排卵治疗致卵巢癌二例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
不孕症患者使用促排卵药物发生卵巢癌的报道逐渐增多 ,已引起了临床医师对促排卵药的潜在致肿瘤作用的关注。我院自 1990年 9月至 2 0 0 0年 9月采用克罗米芬 (CC)促排卵治疗不孕症患者 4 10 0例 ,联合应用绝经后促性腺激素(hMG) 14 0例 ,其中 2例发生卵巢恶性肿瘤。现就其发生、临床特点及对促排卵治疗的不孕症患者的监测问题探讨如下。一、病例报告例 1 患者 ,2 9岁 ,孕 0产 0 ,月经稀发 11年 ,结婚 8年 ,因多囊卵巢综合症 ,多次使用CC促排卵治疗未孕。 1994年 11月11日经腹腔镜检查证实为双侧输卵管积液 ,盆腔粘连 ,于1995年 12…  相似文献   

目的:探讨垂体降调节后激素替代方案对不明原因反复种植失败(RIF)患者冻融胚胎移植周期的影响。方法:回顾性分析2012年1月至2015年12月在中山大学附属第六医院生殖中心使用垂体降调方案进行冻融胚胎移植的不明原因RIF患者118例的291个冻融周期。其中GnRH-a垂体降调节周期131个周期(A组,118例),非降调周期160个周期(B组,95例)。比较两组基本情况、周期特点及周期妊娠结局的差异。结果:A组患者的既往冷冻周期数高于B组(2.40±0.10个vs1.76±0.07个),差异有统计学意义(P0.01),而两组的年龄、不孕类型、不孕年限、BMI、基础FSH、窦卵泡数及移植胚胎数、优质胚胎率、转化日或排卵日内膜厚度比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);A组患者的种植率、生化妊娠率、临床妊娠率及持续妊娠率均高于B组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01),A组患者流产率低于B组,差异有统计学意义(P0.01)。结论:对不明原因RIF不孕患者,在冻融胚胎移植周期使用垂体降调节方案有望改善此类患者的助孕治疗结局。  相似文献   

本文采用ELISA间接法对30对不明原因的不育夫妇血清及生殖道分泌液中ASA的阳性率、种类(IgG、IgM、IgA)及分布情况进行了研究。男性病人组血清中ASA阳性率为13.3%,精浆中为16.7%,和对照组相比无统计学意义。女性病人组血清中ASA阳性率为23.3%,宫颈粘液中为33.3%,和对照组相比均有显著差异。在不明原因的不育夫妇中,ASA主要发生在女方。检测结果表明,血清、精浆和宫颈粘液中均存在有IgG、IgM、IgA类ASA。但血清中主要为IgG、IgM类ASA,精浆及宫颈粘液中主要为IgA、IgG类ASA。ASA可同时存在于血清或生殖道分泌液中,也可单独存在于血清或生殖道分泌液中。  相似文献   

Q 我这两天用了面霜后,总觉得皮肤有刺痛感,还伴有发红发烫的现象,不过十分钟左右之后,刺痛感会慢慢消失,肌肤看起来也恢复如常,这是怎么回事?  相似文献   

目的探讨不明原因不孕患者行首次体外受精(IVF)治疗时受精方式的选择。方法对2004年6月至2005年12月在北京大学第三医院行IVF治疗的35例不明原因不孕患者,将其卵母细胞分为2组,同时行常规受精和卵胞浆内单精子注射受精(ICSI),比较2组的受精结局、妊娠率及着床率。结果常规受精组受精率(51.2%)低于ICSI组(61.3%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);而完全受精失败率(20.0%)明显高于ICSI组(2.8%),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);2组的优质胚胎率、临床妊娠率、着床率差异无统计学意义。结论不明原因不孕患者行首次IVF治疗时,采用部分卵母细胞常规受精、部分卵母细胞ICSI的方法,可降低完全受精失败风险。  相似文献   

不明原因早期自然流产患者蜕膜淋巴细胞的超微结构变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨不明原因早期自然流产患者蜕膜中淋巴细胞的种类及其超微结构的变化。方法:以10例正常妊娠早期施行人工流产的健康孕妇作为对照组,用光镜及扫描电镜对早期自然流产的10份蜕膜组织中不同淋巴细胞的百分率及其超微结构进行检测。结果:实验组蜕膜淋巴细胞百分率平均为6335%±219%,其中,大颗粒淋巴细胞及小淋巴细胞在蜕膜细胞中所占的百分率分别平均为6005%±192%、330%±058%;对照组相应百分率则分别平均为5610%±347%、5235%±342%、375%±059%,两组比较,实验组总淋巴细胞及大颗粒淋巴细胞百分率显著上升(P<00005),但小淋巴细胞百分率未见显著改变(P>005)。透射电镜观察结果表明,不论大颗粒淋巴细胞还是小淋巴细胞,实验组均表现出细胞功能活跃的超微结构变化,如胞质中细胞器丰富,含大量的溶酶体及大、小泡;细胞核形态各异,核孔较多,常见核仁,常染色质丰富等,而且实验组呈细胞凋亡形态学变化的淋巴细胞增多,与对照组相比分别平均为640%±117%,315%±075%(P<00005)。结论:不明原因早期自然流产患者蜕膜淋巴细胞的超微结构发生了?  相似文献   

复发性流产严重威胁人类的生殖健康,约50%患者病因不明,基于循证医学的诊断和治疗策略相对匮乏,是生殖医学中最困难的领域之一。文章重点阐述原因不明复发性流产的病因学和治疗研究现状及进展。  相似文献   

复发性流产严重威胁人类的生殖健康,约50%患者病因不明,基于循证医学的诊断和治疗策略相对匮乏,是生殖医学中最困难的领域之一。文章重点阐述原因不明复发性流产的病因学和治疗研究现状及进展。  相似文献   

卵母细胞单精子显微注射治疗男性因素及不明原因不育   总被引:12,自引:9,他引:12  
目的:研究应用卵母细胞单精子显微注射(intracytoplasmicsperminjection,ICSI)技术,治疗因严重男性因素及不明原因引起不育患者的价值。方法:于1994年12月,应用ICSI技术治疗31例严重少、弱、畸精症及不明原因不育夫妇。按常规超排卵治疗,经阴道B超介导取卵,行成熟卵母细胞单精子显微注射受精。结果:237个成熟卵母细胞中,213个卵子存活,其中正常受精卵子132个,正常受精率为62.0%。至1996年4月30日,已有8例临床妊娠,临床妊娠率为25.8%,其中1例在1996年10月3日,于妊娠39周+3顺利分娩一婴儿。结论:ICSI技术用于治疗严重少弱畸精症及不明原因不育夫妇是适宜的。  相似文献   

目的 阶段性回顾应用卵母细胞单精子显微注射(ICSI)技术治疗严重男性因素及不明原因不育的临床效果。方法 收集1995年12月20日至1998年1月16日,在我院生殖医学研究中心接受ICSI技术治疗的严重男性因素及不明原因不育患140对(156个周期)为研究对象,以1997年5月28日为分界点,将其前的74个周期划为第一阶段,其后的82个周期为第二阶段,分析比较两阶段的临床结果。采用常规超排卵方  相似文献   

Eighty-three testicular biopsies, done for evaluation of oligozoospermia and azoospermia, were reviewed. Biopsies from eight healthy fertile males served as control. Johnsen's scoring was used for the staging of spermatogenesis. The number of mast cells was counted in a 1-mm2 area to study the relationship of spermatogenesis and mast cell proliferation. An impairment of spermatogenesis was noticed as the mast cell density increased. When the Johnsen score ranged between 1 and 4, mast cells were 24 to 112, with a mean of 57.7 cells/mm2. This value was highly significant when compared with control cases (P less than .001).  相似文献   

Infertility is a complex disorder with multiple genetic and environmental causes. Although some specific mutations have been identified, other factors responsible for sperm defects remain largely unknown. Despite considerable efforts to identify the pathophysiology of the disease, we cannot explain the underlying mechanisms of approximately half of infertility cases. This study reviews current data on epigenetic regulation and idiopathic male infertility. Recent data have shown an association between epigenetic modifications and idiopathic infertility. In this regard, epigenetics has emerged as one of the promising research areas in understanding male infertility. Many studies have indicated that epigenetic modifications, including DNA methylation in imprinted and developmental genes, histone tail modifications and short non-coding RNAs in spermatozoa may have a role in idiopathic male infertility.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the mast cell subclass changes in diseased testes. DESIGN: Retrospective. SETTING: University hospital urology clinic and anatomy laboratory. PATIENTS, PARTICIPANTS: Fourteen normal men and 50 patients with idiopathic male infertility. INTERVENTIONS: Histochemical techniques to identify proteoglycans of mast cells were applied to the obtained testicular biopsy specimens. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The numbers of the heparin containing mast cell and the chondroitin sulfate containing mast cell were measured with light microscopy. RESULTS: The total number of mast cells and the ratio of chondoroitin sulfate containing mast cells were significantly increased in the testes from patients with idiopathic male infertility. CONCLUSION: These results suggest that mast cells may play a certain role in the etiology of idiopathic male infertility.  相似文献   

The possible effect of Mesterolone (Schering N.V., Brussels, Belgium) (1 alpha-methyl-5-alpha-androstane-17 beta-ol-3-one) on semen quality and fertility of men with idiopathic oligoasthenospermia and/or teratozoospermia has been evaluated in a double-blind trial. The study included 52 patients who were treated during 12 months with either 150 mg/d of Mesterolone or placebo. The overall pregnancy rate was similar in the Mesterolone-treated cases (26%) and in the placebo control cases (48%), although a significant increase in motility and in the proportion of spermatozoa with normal morphology was recorded in the Mesterolone-treated cases. Because similar semen improvement also occurred in the placebo controls, our findings cast doubt on the possible usefulness of high-dose Mesterolone treatment of idiopathic male infertility.  相似文献   



Telomeres are multifunctional nucleoprotein domains with hexanucleotide tandem repeat (5′ TTAGGG 3′) sequences, which cap the chromosome ends. However, the role of telomere and its length in sperm with regard to fertility remains unknown.


In this pilot study, we analyzed 32 idiopathic infertile men and 25 controls for sperm telomere length by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR), and correlated it with sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) levels.


The relative sperm mean telomere length (T/S) of infertile men was found to be significantly lower (p < 0.005) when compared to controls (0.674 ± 0.028 vs. 0.699 ± 0.030). None of the sperm parameters such as sperm count, forward motility, morphology, ROS, and DFI were found to correlate with the sperm telomere length.


Shorter telomeres in sperm may be one of the causative factors responsible for male infertility, but further detailed studies are needed to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

The diagnosis of male infertility is determinate after assessment of sperm quality and clinical study. In nearly 30% of the cases nevertheless detailed clinical and laboratory study it can't be discovered the cause and on the bases of exclusion criteria set the diagnosis idiopathic infertility. The object of our study was investigation of the group patients (n=50) with idiopathic infertility treated with Prelox and to be studied its effects on spermatozoa parameters. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study design was double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over, randomized study, including introduction period (1 month), two therapeutic periods (each one of 1 month) separated with 1 month wash out period and concluding period of 1 month. There was applied a new method for treatment with mechanism of action stimulation the production cGMP of spermatozoa endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). This is not surprising achieving results show improvement of sperm quality. The methods of the study were: 1. Assessment of the conventional semen analysis (according the criteria of WHO, 1999). 2. Spermatozoa function tests. 3. Spermatozoa-cervical mucus penetration tests. RESULTS: The obtained results showed improvement of sperm quality, in the middle-aged men the therapeutic answers was better than in younger. In conclusion the therapy with Prelox improve sperm parameters in men with idiopathic infertility. Pycnogenol (one of the constituents of Prelox) has powerful antioxidative influence ameliorating spermatozoa function.  相似文献   

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