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戒烟药物研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
烟草依赖为一种慢性尼古丁成瘾性疾病.尼古丁强化效应是吸烟者戒烟失败的主要原因.吸烟者成功戒烟往往需戒烟药物的辅助治疗,常用戒烟药物有一线戒烟药物(如尼古丁替代、安非他酮及伐尼克兰)和二线戒烟药物(如可乐定和去甲替林等),以及其他戒烟药物.  相似文献   

想戒烟的吸烟者可以借助于种种治疗方法如咨询、尼古丁替代(贴片及口香糖等)和药物等来戒烟.一些吸烟者经过上述治疗后获得成功,可是对大多数吸烟者来说,由于戒烟引起的不愉快和心理上对香烟的渴求促使他们复吸.近来NIDA资助的研究提出人体基因学说可以部分地解释造成复吸的原因.  相似文献   

魏玉杰  刘惠亮 《医药导报》2011,30(8):1049-1053
伐尼克兰是一种口服的高选择性α4β2尼古丁乙酰胆碱受体部分激动/部分拮抗药,可以帮助吸烟者缓解戒断症状,减少对吸烟的渴求和满足感,是一种有效的戒烟药物。《美国烟草使用与依赖指南》最新版推荐该药为一线戒烟药物。Ⅱ期和Ⅲ期临床试验显示,伐尼克兰的戒断率高于安非他酮、尼古丁替代品和安慰药。大量的短期和延期治疗的临床试验证实,伐尼克兰具有很好的耐受性。该文就伐尼克兰的疗效、安全性及药物相互作用等方面进行综述。  相似文献   

药物戒烟的循证性临床指南综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:了解和介绍循证性临床指南中药物戒烟的条款。方法:通过Medline、TRIPdatabase和NGC等9个数据库或指南类网站搜集有关指南。采用比较、归纳和罗列的方式介绍有关内容。结果:收集到HEA等6个循证性临床指南。(1)戒烟的一线药物有尼古丁制剂和安非拉酮,二线药物有可乐定和去甲替林;(2 )尼古丁替代疗法是有效的、安全的和主要的药物戒烟方法;(3)安非拉酮是有效的、安全的戒烟药物;(4)可乐定和去甲替林是有效的戒烟药物,应在一线药物无效或禁忌时在医生的监督下应用;(5 )没有足够的证据显示安定、普萘洛尔和美加明等药物的戒烟效果;(6 )尼古丁制剂对妊娠、心血管疾病患者基本上是安全的;(7)戒烟一般伴有体重的增加。结论:应该鼓励吸烟者戒烟;应该鼓励应用药物进行戒烟。  相似文献   

吸烟是许多疾病的患病危险因素,戒烟可减少很多疾病的发病率及病死率,戒烟困难的原因在于尼古丁的成瘾性。尼古丁依赖是一种慢性高复发性疾病,属于精神神经疾病。有关戒烟指南指出针对戒烟者的尼古丁依赖鼓励使用戒烟药物。戒烟药物包括尼古丁替代药物,安非他酮及尼古丁乙酰胆碱受体α4β2亚型的选择性部分激动药(伐尼克兰),三类药物各有特点。伐尼克兰作为一种新型的戒烟药物,与尼古丁替代疗法(nicotine replacement therapy,NRT)存在不同的特点。我们比较了两者用于临床戒烟的有效性和不良反应,以期指导临床中不同特点戒烟者的尼古丁依赖的治疗。结果显示伐尼克兰应用和NRT都是安全有效的戒烟疗法,药物不良反应各有不同,临床工作中可根据戒烟者自身的不同特点进行相应的选择。  相似文献   

现已证明,对尼古丁的依赖性是诱发吸烟的重要因素。因此,药物治疗方法的应用及其与心理疗法的结合可能会对戒烟产生良好的效果。尼古丁口香糖对戒烟者治疗最常用的药物是尼古丁代用品,尤其是尼古丁口香糖。该药是瑞典Ferno等于1973年发明的,现已传遍全球。易怒、心烦、精力不集中、无力及体重增加等是戒烟者常出现的不适反应,且常阻碍戒烟者的决心,尼古丁口香糖可缓解上述症状,帮助戒烟者渡过难关。尼古丁口香糖的戒烟率是安慰剂的2倍,两者差别显著。与其它  相似文献   

戒烟药物的临床应用廖忠昌(广西壮族自治区江滨医院南宁530021)近年来许多国家对吸烟采取了诸多控制,但对戒烟仅是凭行为上的劝告,往往收效甚微。通过采用药物治疗与心理疗法相结合,可以收到良好的效果。本文就戒烟药物的临床应用作一概述。1尼古丁制剂自瑞典...  相似文献   

根据国立药物滥用研究所 ( NIDA)发表在临床药理学和治疗学 2 0 0 0年 7月期上的一项新研究表明 ,用以治疗牛皮癣的药物 ,通过部分地阻断身体对尼古丁的代谢 ,而有助于吸烟者减少吸烟次数。烟瘾重者的特点主要是要求维持血中尼古丁的水平 ,以防止戒烟时或用尼古丁贴片时感到不适。但是多伦多大学的研究者发现 ,在用一种称之为甲氧沙林 ( methoxsalen)的药物时却可以部分地抑制烟瘾 ,因其可以减少一种称为 CYP2 A6的尼古丁代谢酶的活性。通过使尼古丁在血液中停留时间延长 ,甲氧沙林就可使尼古丁代用品的效果提高 ,从而减轻吸烟者对尼古…  相似文献   

<正>在烟草的成分当中,尼古丁是烟草中毒性较小的成分之一,它既非致癌物,亦非辅助致癌物,但却是造成烟草成瘾的主要物质[1]。所以,医学戒烟治疗的有效方法为用含有尼古丁的药物替代由吸烟中获取尼古丁,推荐使用尼古丁替代疗法(nicotine replacement therapy,NRT),使用NRT能使戒烟成功率增加2倍左右[2]。尼古丁替代疗法的主要治疗原理是以非香烟的形式,提供部分原来从香烟中获得尼古丁,而治疗量  相似文献   

尼古丁戒断症状是吸烟者容易复发的主要原因之一。现有的戒烟治疗戒烟率不高且复发率较高,急需寻求新的治疗方法辅助烟民戒烟。本文从戒断治疗的机制和治疗方法做一综述,以期为戒烟治疗找寻新的途径。  相似文献   

Promoting smoking cessation is among the key medical interventions aimed at reducing worldwide morbidity and mortality in this century. Both behavioural counselling and pharmacotherapy have been shown to significantly increase long-term abstinence rates, and combining the two treatment modalities is recommended. This article provides an update on pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation in the general population. Current first-line agents used to support quit attempts are nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and varenicline. Research suggests that abstinence rates can be increased by combining different forms of NRT or simultaneously administering NRT and non-nicotine medications. New treatments targeting the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor as well as other pathophysiological pathways involved in nicotine addiction are being developed, with nicotine vaccines now being tested in phase III clinical trials. Among the numerous research topics currently addressed, pharmacogenetics and tailoring therapy to specific groups of smokers look most promising. However, substantial progress is unlikely to be made unless social gradients impeding effective treatment of all smokers are overcome. In addition, public smoking bans and reimbursement of medication costs are crucial in reducing the future burden of disease caused by smoking on a global level.  相似文献   

Sutherland G 《Drugs》2002,62(Z2):53-61
Smoking remains a widespread intractable behaviour and is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Effective approaches to smoking cessation include behavioural intervention and pharmacotherapy, in particular nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) and sustained-release bupropion (bupropion SR). Pharmacotherapy remains a popular choice of smoking cessation intervention for many smokers, and both NRT and bupropion SR, combined with behavioural interventions, achieve 1.5- to >2-fold increases in smoking cessation rates. Various national and international smoking cessation guidelines have been published recommending effective implementation of smoking cessation strategies. Recommendations include the systematic identification of smokers, assessment of their willingness to quit smoking, provision of advice promoting a cessation attempt, and administration of approved first-line therapies.  相似文献   

Tobacco use remains the major preventable cause of early mortality and morbidity in the US and is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Quitting smoking rapidly reduces the risk of cardiovascular events. In this review, we identify and discuss best approaches to assist smoking cessation among patients with CVD. Establishing office systems that reliably identify smokers to healthcare providers is an essential first step. Once the patient is identified as a smoker, providers should inquire about their willingness to quit and advise them to quit or provide motivation to get ready to make a quit attempt. Behavioral (counseling) and pharmacologic (nicotine replacement and non-nicotine medications) treatments double or triple long-term cessation rates and should be offered in combination to all patients with CVD who use tobacco. More intensive behavioral therapy is more effective and should be delivered when possible. The choice of pharmacotherapy will depend upon the clinical history of the patient and patient preference. Nicotine replacement and sustained release bupropion (bupropion SR) are first-line treatments for smoking cessation. Nicotine patches have been studied extensively in patients with stable CVD and have been shown to be safe. Bupropion SR has relatively few cardiovascular adverse effects and may be especially useful for patients with CVD; its safety is currently being studied. Special consideration is needed for hospitalized patients with acute coronary syndromes (e. g. myocardial infarction and unstable angina). The safety of pharmacotherapy in the acute setting is not yet established. Behavioral interventions, however, are very effective and should be delivered to all hospitalized smokers. Finally, it is important to create a clinical environment that is supportive of treating patients with tobacco dependence. Simple changes in office and hospital routines and procedures (routine screening to identify smokers, prompts to encourage intervention and links to more intensive tobacco dependence treatment programs) will substantially improve the identification, treatment, and outcomes of patients with CVD who use tobacco.  相似文献   

Jorenby D 《Drugs》2002,62(Z2):25-35
Nicotine addiction is a chronic relapsing condition that can be difficult to treat. Until recently, pharmacological options for the treatment of tobacco dependence were primarily limited to nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). Sustained-release bupropion (bupropion SR) is the first non-nicotine pharmacological treatment approved for smoking cessation. Bupropion SR is recommended for first-line pharmacotherapy alongside NRT in the updated US Clinical Practice Guidelines and the UK Health Education Authority Guidelines. The UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence recommends NRT and bupropion SR for smokers who have expressed a desire to quit smoking. This review presents evidence that bupropion SR is an effective first-line therapy for smoking cessation in a wide range of patient populations. It is associated with significantly higher smoking cessation rates compared with placebo in patients with or without a history of prior bupropion SR or NRT use, and its effect is independent of gender. Bupropion SR treatment is effective in the prevention of relapse to smoking in those patients who have successfully quit, and re-treatment is effective in smokers who recommence smoking after a previous course of bupropion SR. Bupropion SR treatment relieves the symptoms of craving and nicotine withdrawal, and attenuates the weight gain that often occurs after smoking cessation. Data collected from motivational support programmes and employer-based studies provide strong evidence of the effectiveness of bupropion SR as an aid to smoking cessation in 'real life' situations, and confirm the efficacy seen in clinical trials.  相似文献   

Background: Pregnant women who continue to smoke expose their developing fetus to a wide range of risks. Assisting these patients to stop smoking can be an important intervention for the health of the baby and the mother. The management of pregnant smokers can be challenging, due to the potential risks of pharmacotherapy. There are a number of options available to the clinician to aid smoking cessation in non pregnant women. These include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion, varenicline, and a range of non-drug therapies. Objective: To provide guidance to prescribers on the best way to manage smoking cessation in the pregnant patient, reviewing the risks and efficacy of the different approaches. Methods: An extensive literature search was carried out to find original studies which examined issues surrounding the safety and efficacy of methods of smoking cessation in pregnancy. Results/conclusion: NRT is the agent of choice for smoking cessation in pregnancy as the safety of other therapies in pregnancy have not yet been proved.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:: Smoking in pregnancy is associated with serious perinatal risks, leading to attempts to prevent smoking with the use of nicotine-replacement therapy (NRT). After more than a decade of studies failing to show the effectiveness of NRT for smoking cessation in pregnancy, a recent large, randomized trial has clearly shown that the failure may be caused by >90% dropout rate. Several secondary analyses of randomized trials have shown that NRT is efficacious in decreasing smoking in pregnancy and in optimizing fetal growth among women who take the product. But to be effective in smoking cessation, any drug has to be taken by the patients. Can we overcome the dismal rates of pregnant women's adherence to NRT, so we can save unborn babies from the serious risks associated with their mothers' smoking?  相似文献   

Coleman T 《CNS drugs》2007,21(12):983-993
Maternal smoking during pregnancy causes significant fetal morbidity and is a public health problem, as 36% of women in the UK and 11% of those in the US smoke during pregnancy. Behavioural support for smoking cessation, provided outside of routine antenatal care, is effective for promoting smoking cessation by pregnant women, but relatively few pregnant women access such support. Effective pharmacological aids to smoking cessation, which have been trialled in nonpregnant populations, include nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), bupropion and varenicline; however, there is very little evidence to justify the use of these drugs in pregnancy. Also, for safety reasons, it is doubtful that definitive trials investigating the effectiveness of either bupropion or varenicline for smoking cessation will be conducted in pregnant women in the foreseeable future. In the short to medium term, research information relating to the use of these drugs in pregnancy is, therefore, likely to be derived from observational studies that are more difficult to interpret than clinical trials. This article assesses the evidence for the effectiveness and safety of using NRT, bupropion and varenicline for smoking cessation during pregnancy. The principle recommendations made are that NRT may be safer than smoking in pregnancy, and pregnant women who have unsuccessfully tried to stop smoking without pharmacotherapy may consider using NRT in subsequent quit attempts after informed discussion with their doctor. There is no evidence, however, that NRT is actually effective for smoking cessation in pregnancy. With currently available evidence, bupropion and varenicline cannot be recommended in pregnancy for smoking cessation.  相似文献   

Smoking during pregnancy is a significant public health concern. Maternal smoking increases the risk of spontaneous abortion, low birth weight, premature delivery, sudden infant death syndrome and learning and behavioral problems in the offspring. Unfortunately, the majority of pregnant women do not quit smoking during pregnancy. Although pharmacotherapy may improve smoking cessation rates in pregnancy, very few studies exist that have studied the safety and efficacy of medications to treat pregnant smokers. This article reviews the available safety and efficacy data for the use in pregnancy of the five first-line therapies and two second-line therapies that are recommended for smoking cessation in non-pregnant smokers. Other promising nicotine replacement therapies are also reviewed. Ultimately, the choice whether to use pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation should be made jointly by the pregnant smoker and her health care provider. This article reviews factors that may be considered when prescribing pharmacotherapy to pregnant smokers (i.e. the role of behavioral counseling, identification of appropriate patients, potential advantages and disadvantages of each of the pharmacotherapies, proposed monitoring strategies, dose and duration and goals of treatment). More research regarding the safety and efficacy of pharmacotherapy during pregnancy is needed to define the risk/benefit profile of each medication for use in smoking cessation in pregnant women. [Oncken CA, Kranzler HR. Pharmacotherapies to enhance smoking cessation during pregnancy. Drug Alcohol Rev 2003;22:191 - 202]  相似文献   

Smoking cessation is the most effective way to reduce the risk of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or to reduce its progression. However, little is known about the efficacy and safety of different pharmacological smoking cessation therapies used for the treatment of patients with COPD who smoke. The aim of this review was to evaluate the benefits and risks of pharmacological smoking cessation therapies in COPD. We conducted an extensive computer-aided literature search which resulted in the identification of four papers that met the inclusion criteria and contributed to this review.In two studies the efficacy of nicotine polacrilex (nicotine gum) was assessed. In one study, which did not have a control group, the efficacy of nicotine nasal spray was evaluated. The fourth study, a placebo-controlled trial, evaluated the efficacy of bupropion sustained release. The results of these studies indicated that nicotine gum, nicotine nasal spray and bupropion have a good safety profile and seem to increase abstinence rates in smokers with COPD. The incidence and nature of specific adverse effects occurring in patients with COPD seem to be comparable with the adverse effects reported by healthy smokers. However, the efficacy seems to depend on the follow-up period used to define success (i.e. abstinence rates decline with longer follow-up), as well as the intensity and duration of the concomitant psychosocial intervention.This review indicates that for a continuation of the effect of pharmacological smoking cessation therapies, the combination of pharmacotherapy (to reduce craving and withdrawal) and a relapse-prevention programme, in which attention is focused on the behavioural aspects of smoking and smoking cessation, seems to increase abstinence, especially when the psychosocial intervention is prolonged for a longer period. Also, the characteristics of the smokers who are motivated to quit must be taken into account in order to increase the number of successful attempts to quit smoking and prevent relapses. We therefore recommend using a holistic approach in which the possible coexistence of multiple problems (which are known to affect the success of smoking cessation strategies) is integrated.  相似文献   



Electronic- or e-cigarettes are nicotine-delivery devices commonly used by smokers to quit or reduce smoking. At present, not much is known about the characteristics of smokers who specifically try e-cigarettes to quit smoking compared to the nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) products approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Determining the characteristics of smokers who are likely to choose e-cigarettes as cessation aids would help develop strategies to impart valid information about e-cigarettes to such smokers as facts regarding the safety and utility of e-cigarettes emerge.


This study is based on 834 daily smokers [mean age = 45.8 (standard deviation = 13)] from Hawaii. Demographic, smoking- and cessation-related variables were examined as correlates of ever use of e-cigarette only or any FDA-approved NRT product only or both as cessation aids.


Results indicated that younger smokers, non-White smokers, and smokers reporting higher income, lower nicotine dependence, shorter smoking history, and higher lifetime quit attempts were more likely to have tried e-cigarettes but not NRT products for help with smoking cessation.


Smokers who are attracted to use e-cigarettes but not FDA-approved NRT products may differ from smokers who are likely to have used NRT products but not e-cigarettes in terms of demographic (e.g., age, ethnicity) and smoking- or cessation-related characteristics (e.g., nicotine dependence, quit attempts). Given the lack of knowledge regarding the health effects of e-cigarettes and their efficacy as cessation aids, future research needs to continue characterizing smokers who are likely to use e-cigarettes for smoking cessation.  相似文献   

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