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上海市4个月内纯母乳喂养现状调查   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
上海市4个月内纯母乳喂养现状调查朱丽萍,杨文蔚,周冰华,华嘉增上海市妇女保健所200401为了解上海市在创建爱婴医院促进母乳喂养活动后母乳喂养率及存在问题,为创建爱婴市提供基础资料,为实现2000年4个月内纯母乳喂养率达80%的目标提出切实有效的干预...  相似文献   

促进母乳喂养创建爱婴医院是世界卫生组织和联合国儿童基金会倡导的全球性活动。为实现《九十年代中国儿童发展规划纲要》提出2000年母乳喂养率达80%的目标,1992年以来我市广泛开展了创建爱婴医院活动,并把爱婴行动由医院推向社区。1997年福州市被世界卫生组织、联合国儿童基金会评估、中国爱婴医院最高审批委员会批准成为国际首批“爱婴市”之一。本社区的4个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率由1992年的16.4%到1998年达53.7%,笔者认为爱婴行动不仅要通过创建“爱婴医院”来实现,更关键的是要以社区妇幼卫生工作为载体,深入社区,面向群体,发动社区中的各…  相似文献   

创建爱婴医院实行母婴同室是提高纯母乳喂养达4个月的良好开端,而出院后能否坚持纯母乳喂养是个长期的任务。我们对实施不同访视方法对婴儿4个月纯母乳喂养情况的影响作了调查分析,报告如下。  相似文献   

为了解创建爱婴医院以来4个月婴儿纯母乳喂养情况,我们对913婴儿4月时喂养方式进行了调查,结果表明:四年来4月纯母乳喂养率无显著增加,人工喂养率有明显下降;未坚持4月纯母乳喂养主要原因是乳量不足及传统喂养习惯的影响。建议进一步创建爱婴医院,在产前健康教育中强调4-6月纯母乳喂养,建立健全促进母乳喂养的支持组织,这是提高4个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率,实现2000年4个月纯母乳喂养率达80%总目标的关键所在  相似文献   

我院自1993年创建爱婴医院以来,护理人员通过多种方式进行母乳喂养知识教育,使我院分娩的要儿4个月纯母乳喂养率已达到82%。现将我院进行健康教育的方法介绍如下。  相似文献   

巩固爱婴医院成果中开展母乳喂养健康教育的探索(457000)河南省濮阳市妇幼保健院房瑞阁范银芬2000年达到婴儿出生后4至6个月纯母乳喂养率80%以上目标,是李鹏总理代表中国政府向世界作出的承诺,也是爱婴医院创建后如何巩固提高的关键。如何实现上述目标...  相似文献   

提高母乳喂养率以促进母婴健康是爱婴医院的长期任务。加强产后随访工作是巩固爱婴医院成果 ,提高 4个月母乳喂养率的关键环节。我市从 1995年起到 1996年止在全市 5 4个乡(镇 )中心卫生院及 3所市级医院均已创建了爱婴医院。为掌握我市爱婴医院创建后母乳喂养情况 ,1997年 7~ 8月在全市2 1所乡 (镇 )卫生院中对 10 65名儿童进行创建爱婴医院前、后 4个月母乳喂养情况入户调查 ,结果如下 :1 调查方法与对象1.1 对象 创建前 :1994年以前出生婴儿。创建后 :1996年6月 1日出生到调查之日满 4个月婴儿。1.2 方法 将婴儿孕期情况、分娩情况…  相似文献   

<正> 1992年以来,我们医院在上级主管部门的领导和支持下,按照爱婴医院的有关标准和要求开展了创建爱婴医院活动。创建爱婴医院是实行母乳喂养的开端,但要达到80%的婴儿4~6个月纯母乳喂养仅仅依靠院内的工作是远远不够的。为此我们在继续巩固院内母乳喂养工作的同时,对抓好出院后继续母乳喂养进行了探索。院外的母乳喂养是一项新的工作,也是一个难点。1年来,经过大家的努力取得了较好的成绩,  相似文献   

创建爱婴医院前后纯母乳喂养情况调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
母乳喂养是减少营养不良及其导致的疾病的有效方法。随着人们卫生保健知识及生活水平的提高 ,绝多数婴儿在医院出生。因此 ,医院妇产科便成了培养科学哺乳习惯 ,实现纯母乳喂养的宣教场所。为此我院于 1995年 5月开始创建爱婴医院 ,提倡 4月内婴儿纯母乳喂养 ,通过几个月的实践 ,收到了较满意的效果。现将创建爱婴医院前后的纯母乳喂养情况报告如下。1 资料与方法随机抽取 1995年 2~ 4月份和 1995年 6~ 8月足月顺产且其母亲无异常的健康新生儿病历各 80份 ;时间划分 :2~ 4月份为创建爱婴医院前 ,6~ 8月份为创建爱婴医院后。对该 16 0个…  相似文献   

为实现2000年4月个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率达到80%的总目标,云南省通海县妇幼保健院在建成爱婴医院的基础上,对通海县母乳喂养现状及4个月纯母乳喂养影响因素进行了调查。结果如下:通海县4个月纯母乳喂养率比较低,其总体率95%的可信期间为47.48%~57.07%;4个月纯母乳喂养率,汉族高于少数民族,农民高于工人及干部,不同年龄组、一产与多产、顺产与难产之间则无差异。建议普及爱婴医院,加强4个月婴儿纯母乳喂养的宣传教育,尤其应提高第4个月纯母乳喂养的宣传教育的深度与广度,针对不同的情况给予不同的指导,提高4个月婴儿纯母乳喂养率,促进母婴健康。  相似文献   

联合国儿童基金会对厦门市进行爱婴市评估时给予了高度评价,认为“厦门所取得的成绩可以向其他国家和地区推广”。他们的经验是各级政府高度重视、各职能部门紧密配合,共同参与、严格执行《母乳代用品销售管理办法》、认真搞好女职工保健、宣传部门积极介入,同时建立完善的社区妇幼保健体系,该市母乳喂养率从创建爱婴医院前的57.5%上升至1997年4月的93.5%,其中纯母乳喂养率达53.3%,所有综合性医院,中心卫生院均通过了爱婴医院评估,其中72.0%的医院接受并一次性通过了国家级评估  相似文献   

通过对128对母婴进行产后4个月内的访视,说明创建爱婴医院实行母婴同室及母乳喂养系列化服务是提高母乳喂养率的关键。  相似文献   

社区爱婴行动对母乳喂养促进作用的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解社区爱婴行动对母乳喂养的促进作用,江苏省在南京市及镇江市社区内开展了多种爱婴活动,并在项目活动开始时及结束时进行了问卷调查。结果表明,终末调查与基础调查相比,产妇出院前24h内纯母乳喂养率和调查前24h内纯母乳喂养率均有明显上升,母亲在孕期及出院后接受母乳喂养健康教育的比例均有明显提高,母亲认为4个月内婴儿应该开始添加辅食的比例及4个月内婴儿实际添加辅食者的比例均有明显下降。提示社区爱婴行动确实大大促进了母乳喂养率的提高。  相似文献   

西城区卫生局在巩固爱婴区工作的基础上,以爱婴社区国际合作项目为引导,提高管理水平,探索爱婴社区管理方法,搞好部门协作,街道搭台,卫生部门提供技术服务,做好母乳喂养工作,提高妇幼保健工作水平  相似文献   

爱婴医院的文化氛围与爱婴医院的建立和发展密切相关。为搞好爱婴医院文化建设与管理,促进母乳喂养,本文对近几年发展起来的爱婴医院文化的构成、功能、特征和今后发展的标准进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Infant formula samples and breast feeding among Philippine urban poor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An experiment was performed on the maternity wards of three public hospitals in Cebu City, Philippines to determine whether the distribution of free samples of infant formula reduced the likelihood that mothers would breast feed or caused mothers to terminate nursing early. Samples were given or withheld alternately for 2 week intervals to mothers as they left maternity wards. They were followed for 8 months in the first experiment (N = 273) and for 2 months in a replication (N = 284). We found that there were no statistically significant differences between those who received samples and those who did not in initiation or maintenance of breast feeding. Mothers in both groups frequently turned to mixed schedules, but these varied from day to day depending on money to buy other forms of milk, or on the mother's health, or her plan to be away from the baby for one or more feeding periods. After the baby reached an age of 2-3 months, mothers, with few exceptions, used diluted sweetened condensed milk as a supplement and/or substitute for their own milk. It was found that, while mothers recognize the nutritional, economic and health benefits of breast feeding, they may terminate early on the basis of folk beliefs. Receiving formula samples, however, had no measured effect on their breast feeding practices.  相似文献   

I would like to comment on the article on breast feeding in emergency situations (AH Sept '97). The first sentence, "Breast feeding is widely recognized as the optimal feeding option for an infant up to the age of 6 months," might give the impression--albeit unintentionally--that breast feeding is only important during this period. It is generally recommended that breast feeding should continue, accompanied by suitable complementary foods, until around 2 years. I think it is now established that effective suckling by the baby is as crucial for successful breast feeding as the mother's let-down reflex. Proper positioning of the infant on the breast may be as important as helping the mother feel confident about breast feeding. WHO has not ignored this issue. It has produced a review version of the document "Guiding principles for feeding infants and young children during emergencies" (doc NIT.97.3), which promotes breast feeding for all children under 2 years.  相似文献   

I would like to comment on the article on breast feeding in emergency situations (AH Sept '97). The first sentence, "Breast feeding is widely recognized as the optimal feeding option for an infant up to the age of 6 months," might give the impression--albeit unintentionally--that breast feeding is only important during this period. It is generally recommended that breast feeding should continue, accompanied by suitable complementary foods, until around 2 years. I think it is now established that effective suckling by the baby is as crucial for successful breast feeding as the mother's let-down reflex. Proper positioning of the infant on the breast may be as important as helping the mother feel confident about breast feeding. WHO has not ignored this issue. It has produced a review version of the document "Guiding principles for feeding infants and young children during emergencies" (doc NIT.97.3), which promotes breast feeding for all children under 2 years.  相似文献   

Immediately after delivery when the baby is put to breast, the simplicity of breast feeding becomes apparent. There is no concern about the milk not agreeing with the baby, and if he is kept with his mother so she can feed him on demand, the baby will probably gain more weight than if he were on formula. The mother's milk is always right and is always there. Traveling is convenient if clothes are worn that make discreet nursing possible; a 2-piece outfit such as a blouse and a skirt works well. A rest room or a dressing room can also be used for nursing privacy. A diaper or little blanket thrown over the baby can be a casual cover-up if needed. The nursing mother has no bottles to carry around and no fears of running out of supplies. A study by Spock found that mothers of twins who were breast feeding were better organized than those who were bottle feeding. Although the breast feeding mother is tied down to being a mother of her baby, she grows in discovery of her importance to her baby. Weaning is a gradual process. As the baby nurses less, the mother's milk supply decreases. Even after a baby has been weaned, he might need an occasional nursing to assuage a trying experience like a bump or an illness.  相似文献   

为了解上海市近年来在创建爱婴医院活动后母乳喂养现状及不同喂养方式的婴儿其生长发育的情况,本研究对上海市第一妇婴保健院1993年6月1日至7月10日期间分娩的190对母子进行了4个月的随访调查.结果表明:纯母乳喂养率在出院时高达89%,但在出院后迅速下降,满月时为47.7%,2个月30.6%,3个月26.6%,至4个月时仅为16.2%.不同喂养方式的婴儿在4个月内身高、体重变化经统计学检验,差别无显著性(P>0.05).人工喂养婴儿腹泻发生率显著高于母乳喂养儿(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

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