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We report two patients with hereditary spherocytosis associated with band 4.2 protein deficiency from a Japanese family. The defect of band 4.2 protein was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) not only in freshly prepared white ghosts but also in washed whole erythrocytes. The finding was quite reproducible and was also recognized postsplenectomy. The interaction of ankyrin with band 3 in the patients' ghosts was stable both at low ionic strength and at acidic pH. Our results suggested that band 4.2 protein might not be essential for the structural stability of band 3-ankyrin interaction. On the other hand, membrane protein phosphorylation studies revealed an increased phosphorylation of spectrin/ankyrin, band 3 and band 4.1 in the patients' erythrocytes as compared with normal cells. The finding might be related to a dysregulation of protein phosphorylation which could result in membrane instability in affected cells. Band 4.2 deficiency is an inherited disorder in association with hereditary haemolytic anaemias and seems to be relatively prevalent in the Japanese population.  相似文献   

Alteration of erythrocyte membrane proteins was studied in patients with obstructive jaundice in comparison with healthy controls. Analysis of the erythrocyte membrane proteins by SDS-PAGE revealed a slightly reduced protein 4.2 (MW 72 kDa). The erythrocytes with reduced protein 4.2 contained normal amounts of all other membrane proteins. In this study, it was demonstrated that the reduction of 4.2-protein is a common alteration in abnormal erythrocytes, target cells, and is observed in obstructive jaundice.  相似文献   

Unlike previously reported cases with total protein 4.2 deficiency due to mutations in the EPB42 gene, we describe a total deficiency in protein 4.2 with normal EPB42 alleles. Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) was observed in a Japanese woman (unsplenectomized) and her daughter (splenectomized). The mother showed a partial deficiency in band 3 and a proportional reduction in protein 4.2. She was heterozygous for a novel allele of the EPB3 gene, allele Okinawa, which contains the two mutations that define the Memphis II polymorphism (K56E, AAG → GAG, and P854L, CCG → CTG) and, additionally, the mutation: G714R, GGG → AGG, located in a highly conserved position of transmembrane segment 9. The latter change was responsible for HS. In trans to allele Okinawa, the daughter displayed allele Fukuoka: G130R, GGA → AGA, an allele known to alter the binding of protein 4.2 to band 3. The daughter presented with a more pronounced decrease of band 3, and lacked protein 4.2, resulting in aggravated haemolytic features. Although the father was not available for study, heterozygosity for allele Fukuoka has been documented in another individual who showed no clinical or haematological signs, and a normal content of band 3. We suggest that band 3 Okinawa binds virtually all the protein 4.2 in red cell precursors, band 3 Fukuoka being unable to do so, and that the impossibility of band 3 Okinawa incorporation into the membrane leads to degradation of the band 3 Okinawa protein 4.2 complex. In contrast, band 3 Fukuoka, free of bound protein 4.2, could then incorporate normally into the bilayer. Thus, protein 4.2 would not appear in the daughter's red cell membrane.  相似文献   

Unlike previously reported cases with total protein 4.2 deficiency due to mutations in the EPB42 gene, we describe a total deficiency in protein 4.2 with normal EPB42 alleles. Hereditary spherocytosis (HS) was observed in a Japanese woman (unsplenectomized) and her daughter (splenectomized). The mother showed a partial deficiency in band 3 and a proportional reduction in protein 4.2. She was heterozygous for a novel allele of the EPB3 gene, allele Okinawa, which contains the two mutations that define the Memphis II polymorphism (K56E, AAG → GAG, and P854L, CCG → CTG) and, additionally, the mutation: G714R, GGG → AGG, located in a highly conserved position of transmembrane segment 9. The latter change was responsible for HS. In trans to allele Okinawa, the daughter displayed allele Fukuoka: G130R, GGA → AGA, an allele known to alter the binding of protein 4.2 to band 3. The daughter presented with a more pronounced decrease of band 3, and lacked protein 4.2, resulting in aggravated haemolytic features. Although the father was not available for study, heterozygosity for allele Fukuoka has been documented in another individual who showed no clinical or haematological signs, and a normal content of band 3. We suggest that band 3 Okinawa binds virtually all the protein 4.2 in red cell precursors, band 3 Fukuoka being unable to do so, and that the impossibility of band 3 Okinawa incorporation into the membrane leads to degradation of the band 3 Okinawa protein 4.2 complex. In contrast, band 3 Fukuoka, free of bound protein 4.2, could then incorporate normally into the bilayer. Thus, protein 4.2 would not appear in the daughter's red cell membrane.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence for human erythrocyte band 4.2 has been derived from the nucleotide sequence of a full-length 2.35-kilobase (kb) cDNA. The 2.35-kb cDNA was isolated from a human reticulocyte cDNA library made in the expression vector lambda gt11. Of the 2348 base pairs (bp), 2073 bp encode 691 amino acids representing 76.9 kDa (the SDS/PAGE molecular mass is 72 kDa). RNA blot analysis of human reticulocyte total RNA gives a message size for band 4.2 of 2.4 kb. The amino acid sequence of band 4.2 has homology with two closely related Ca2(+)-dependent cross-linking proteins, guinea pig liver transglutaminase (protein-glutamine gamma-glutamyltransferase; protein-glutamine: amine gamma-glutamyltransferase, EC (32% identity in a 446-amino acid overlap) and the a subunit of human coagulation factor XIII (27% identity in a 639-amino acid overlap), a transglutaminase that forms intermolecular gamma-glutamyl-epsilon-lysine bonds between fibrin molecules. The region of greatest identity includes a 49-amino acid stretch of band 4.2, which is 69% and 51% identical with guinea pig liver transglutaminase and the a subunit of factor XIII, respectively, within the regions that contain the active sites of these enzymes. Significantly, within the five contiguous consensus residues of the transglutaminase active site, Gly-Gln-Cys-Trp-Val, band 4.2 has an alanine substituted for cysteine (which is apparently essential for activity). Consistent with this active site substitution, erythrocyte membranes or inside-out vesicles, which contain band 4.2, show no evidence of transglutaminase activity by two types of in vitro assay.  相似文献   

Summary. Human erythrocyte protein 4.2 (band 4.2; pallidin) is a major membrane protein that comprises 5% of the total weight of the human erythrocyte membrane. Deficiencies of this protein have been observed in hereditary spherocytosis with anaemia, suggesting a role of protein 4.2 in erythrocyte stability and integrity. The molecular basis of this disorder remains unknown. As a first step in elucidating the pathogenesis of hereditary spherocytosis associated with protein 4.2 deficiency, we cloned and sequenced the erythrocyte protein 4.2 gene from a normal Japanese person. We prepared sets of oligonucleotide primers for polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and determined nucleotide sequences of exons and exon-intron boundaries of the protein 4.2 gene from three unrelated Japanese patients with hereditary spherocytosis due to a complete defect of protein 4.2, using PCR-related techniques. Two patients were homozygous for a missense mutation in codon 142 with the Ala (GCT) → Thr (ACT) amino acid substitution that has been reported previously (protein 4.2NIPPON), whereas one patient was compound heterozygous for the same missense mutation in codon 142 and a guanine-adenine transition in codon 119 that changes the codon for Trp (TGG) to the termination codon (TGA) (protein 4.2Fukuoka). No additional mutation was identified in other exons of the protein 4.2 genes. Dot-blot hybridization with allele-specific oligonucleotide probes showed that homozygosity for the missense mutation in codon 142 and compound heterozygosity for the codon 142 and the codon 119 mutations were related to protein 4.2 deficiency in the families. Although two alleles of missense mutation of the codon 142 were also detected in 100 alleles of healthy Japanese, results obtained in this study indicate that the two mutations described above are closely related to the pathogenesis of hereditary spherocytosis due to protein 4.2 defect.  相似文献   

Membrane protein phosphorylation was examined in several members from a family with an unusual form of hereditary sperocytosis. After incubation of membrane ghosts with (gamma-32 P) ATP, the phosphorylation of spectrin component II was diminished both in the absence of cAMP. In the presence of this nucleotide, the phosphorylation of components IV5 and IV8 was also decreased. Along with a previously reported alteration of a membrane neutral phosphatase in this family, these abnormalities remove the present condition from the usual form of hereditary spherocytosis.  相似文献   

The characteristics of phenotypic expression were studied in a Japanese family with hereditary spherocytosis and an extremely rare homozygous missense mutation of the band 3 gene (band 3 Fukuoka: G130R). The homozygous unsplenectomized proband was a 29-year-old male with compensated haemolytic anaemia (red cell count 4.21 × 1012/l, reticulocytes 278 × 109/l, and indirect bilirubin 44 μmol/l). His red cell band 3 (B3) protein demonstrated a 9.3% reduction and his protein 4.2 (P4.2) level was substantially reduced (45.0%), compared to normal subjects. P4.2 protein was composed mostly of a wild type (72 kD) with a trace of 68 kD peptide. The binding properties of the mutated B3 to normal P4.2 were significantly impaired, which probably resulted in the substantial reduction of P4.2 in this proband, since no abnormalities were detected on the P4.2 gene. Electron microscopy (EM) using the freeze-fracture method demonstrated a mild decrease in intramembrane particles (IMPs) of near-normal size (8 nm in diameter) with no substantial increases in their oligomerization. Their distribution on the membrane P face was almost normal, although most of the IMPs could represent the homozygously mutated B3 protein. EM (quick-freeze deep-etching method) disclosed a skeletal network of near-normal size and size distribution of the skeletal units, suggesting that the mutated B3 protein itself did not have much effect on the skeletal network in situ . Therefore the reduced P4.2 content (45% of that of normal subjects), which remained on the red cell membrane of this proband, appeared to be nearly sufficient for maintaining the normal structure of the skeletal network and IMPs in situ , contrary to the marked abnormalities in both IMPs and the skeletal network in complete P4.2 deficiencies.  相似文献   

A family comprising three patients (a mother and two children) with mild hereditary elliptocytosis was studied. Each patient had prominent elliptocytosis, reduced red cell deformability, and normal erythrocyte thermal sensitivity. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) of the erythrocyte membranes in each patient showed decreased levels of band 4.1 (approximately half of the normal value) and the presence of an additional band migrating below protein band 4.2. This additional band was shown to derive from protein 4.1. Comparative partial proteolytic mapping of protein 4.1 and the additional band revealed a number of common peptides. Enzyme-linked immunoelectrotransfer blots of the patients' erythrocyte membranes using a monoclonal antibody to protein 4.1 revealed that, in addition to protein 4.1, two other bands below protein 4.2 were stained; one of these bands migrated in the same position as the additional band detected in the Coomassie Blue-stained gels. Immunoblotting of the patients' whole cells using the antibody to protein 4.1 revealed that this altered band 4.1 occurred as such in the intact red cell. SDS-PAGE of protein 4.1 purified from one patient showed the presence of two lower molecular weight bands below protein 4.1; the lower band migrated in the same position as the additional band found on SDS-PAGE of the patients' erythrocyte membranes. The patient's purified protein 4.1 displayed a decrease of about 40% in the binding activity with crude spectrin extracted from normal controls. Spectrin-spectrin interactions were normal in the three patients. The additional band present in the patients' red cell membranes probably represents a proteolytic degradation product. This alteration, present both in whole cells and isolated membranes, might affect the intact cells in vivo. We suggest that the patients' erythrocyte membrane instability may be related to the presence of an abnormal protein 4.1 whose modulatory influence on the spectrin-actin interaction in the skeleton is defective.  相似文献   

A patient with congenital factor V deficiency combined with mental retardation and several congenital anomalies including cleft palate, dwarfism, microcephaly and right hydrocele testis is described. The levels of factor V activity and factor V antigen of plasma were significantly decreased. The platelet lysate obtained from him also showed a significantly low level of factor V activity. Palatoplasty and tooth extraction were successfully performed under transfusion therapy with fresh-frozen plasma.  相似文献   

We report a family with hereditary spherocytosis in whom there is, in addition, a cluster of genetic predispositions to thrombosis. Although inherited prothrombotic abnormalities are prevalent in the general population, the likelihood of this combination of abnormalities being found in a single family is extremely low. The management of such high risk individuals is discussed.  相似文献   

Rybicki  AC; Schwartz  RS; Hustedt  EJ; Cobb  CE 《Blood》1996,88(7):2745-2753
Band 3 (anion-exchange protein 1-[AE1]) is the major integral membrane protein of human erythrocytes and links the membrane to the underlying cytoskeleton via high-affinity binding to ankyrin. It is unclear whether other cytoskeletal proteins participate in strengthening the ankyrin-band 3 linkage, but a putative role for protein 4.2 (P4.2) has been proposed based on the increased osmotic fragility and spherocytic morphology of P4.2-deficient red blood cells (RBCs). The present study was designed to investigate the hypothesis that P4.2 has a direct role in strengthening the band 3-cytoskeleton linkage in human RBCs, by measuring independent features of this interaction in normal and P4.2- deficient RBCs. The features examined were the rotational mobility of band 3 assayed by time-resolved phosphorescence emission anisotropy (TPA), and the extractability of band 3 by octyl-beta-glucoside, the latter being a nonionic detergent that selectively extracts only band 3 that is not anchored to the cytoskeleton. We find that the amplitude of the most rapidly rotating population of band 3 (correlation time, approximately 30 to 60 microseconds) is increased 81% and 67% in P4.2- deficient ghosts (P4.2NIPPON and band 3MONTEFIORE, respectively) compared with control ghosts. The amplitude of the intermediate speed rotating population of band 3 (correlation time, approximately 200 to 500 microseconds) is increased 23% and 8% in P4.2-deficient ghosts (P4.2NIPPON and band 3MONTEFIORE, respectively) compared with control ghosts, at the expense of the slowly rotating component (correlation time, approximately 2,000 to 3,000 microseconds, amplitude decreased 43% and 39% in P4.2NIPPON and band 3MONTEFIORE, respectively) and immobile component (immobile on this experimental time scale; amplitude decreased 26% and 10% in P4.2NIPPON and band 3MONTEFIORE, respectively) of band 3. These results demonstrate that P4.2 deficiency partially removes band 3 rotational constraints, ie, it increases band 3 rotational mobility. The nonionic detergent octyl-beta-glucoside, which does not disturb band 3-cytoskeleton associations, ie, it extracts only band 3 that is not attached to the cytoskeleton, extracted 30% and 61% more band 3 from P4.2NIPPON and band 3MONTEFIORE ghost membranes, respectively, compared with control ghosts. The octyl-beta-glucoside ghost extracts from both P4.2-deficient phenotypes were enriched in band 3 oligomeric species (tetramers, higher-order oligomers, and aggregates) compared with controls. Since band 3 oligomers selectively associate with the cytoskeleton, these results are consistent with a weakened band 3-cytoskeleton linkage in P4.2-deficient RBC membranes. P4.2 deficiency does not affect band 3 anion transport activity, since uptake of radiolabeled sulfate was similar for control and P4.2- deficient RBCs. Thus, we propose that P4.2 directly participates in strengthening the band 3-cytoskeleton linkage.  相似文献   

Rybicki  AC; Qiu  JJ; Musto  S; Rosen  NL; Nagel  RL; Schwartz  RS 《Blood》1993,81(8):2155-2165
Red blood cell (RBC) protein 4.2 deficiency is often associated with a moderate nonimmune hemolytic anemia, splenomegaly, and osmotically fragile RBCs resembling, but not identical to, hereditary spherocytosis (HS). In the Japanese type of protein 4.2 deficiency (protein 4.2Nippon), the anemia is associated with a point mutation in the protein 4.2 cDNA. In this report, we describe a patient with moderate and apparently episodic nonimmune hemolytic anemia with splenomegaly, spherocytosis, osmotically fragile RBCs, reduced whole cell deformability, and abnormally dense cells. Sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis of the proposita's RBC membrane proteins showed an 88% deficiency of protein 4.2 and a 30% deficiency of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (band 6). Structural and molecular analyses of the proposita's protein 4.2 were normal. In contrast, limited tryptic digestion of the proposita's band 3 showed a homozygous abnormality in the cytoplasmic domain. Analysis of the pedigree disclosed six members who were heterozygotes for the band 3 structural abnormality and one member who was a normal homozygote. Direct sequence analysis of the abnormal band 3 tryptic peptide suggested that the structural abnormality resided at or near residue 40. Sequence analysis of the proposita's band 3 cDNA showed a 232G-->A mutation resulting in a 40glutamic acid-->lysine substitution (band 3Montefiore). Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization was used to probe for the mutation in the pedigree, showing that the proposita was homozygous, and the pedigree members who were heterozygous for the band 3 structural abnormality were also heterozygous for the band 3Montefiore mutation. The band 3Montefiore mutation was absent in 26 chromosomes from race-matched controls and in one pedigree member who did not express the band 3 structural abnormality. In coincidence with splenectomy, the proposita's anemia was largely corrected along with the disappearance of most spherocytes and considerable improvements of RBC osmotic fragility, whole cell deformability, and cell density. We conclude that this hereditary hemolytic anemia is associated with the homozygous state for band 3Montefiore (40glutamic acid-->lysine) and a decreased RBC membrane content of protein 4.2. We speculate that band 3 structural abnormalities can result in defective interactions with protein 4.2 and band 6, and in particular, that the region of band 3 containing 40glutamic acid is involved directly or indirectly in interactions with these proteins.  相似文献   

We report a family with hereditary spherocytosis in whom there is, in addition, a cluster of genetic predispositions to thrombosis. Although inherited prothrombotic abnormalities are prevalent in the general population, the likelihood of this combination of abnormalities being found in a single family is extremely low. The management of such high risk individuals is discussed.  相似文献   

We report on the complete absence of protein 4.2 in two Tunisian siblings. The propositus presented with a haemolytic anaemia that evolved in an intermittent fashion until she was cured by splenectomy. Her red cells had a normal morphology, as well as normal deformability upon osmotic gradient ektacytometry. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis failed to reveal any protein 4.2. Using anti-protein 4.2 polyclonal antibodies. Western blots were also unable to detect protein 4.2. Preparation of inside out vesicles resulted in no detectable loss of ankyrin. The propositus's sister presented with a haemolytic anaemia but had not undergone splenectomy; she showed the same biochemical features. The two cases presented of missing protein 4.2 are the first ones to be described outside the Japanese population. Considered as homozygotes for some defect that must alter the protein 4.2 gene itself, they exemplify a unique syndrome pertaining neither to elliptocytosis nor to spherocytosis, at least not closely. The parents, who are first cousins and whom we regarded as heterozygotes, were clinically and morphologically normal; they had a normal content of protein 4.2. Therefore, the 4.2 (-) haemolytic anaemia appears as entirely recessive.  相似文献   

本文报道1例先天性疟疾合并严重血小板减少病例的诊断和治疗过程。  相似文献   

Protein 4.2 is a major red blood cell (RBC) protein that interacts with the band 3 protein and with ankyrin. Inherited deficiencies of this protein are associated with spherocytic hemolytic anemia, but the molecular basis of this defect is unknown. We have studied the underlying defect in a patient with spherocytic hemolytic anemia whose RBCs had a partial (29% +/- 5%) deficiency of protein 4.2. We have first studied the binding of normal ankyrin and protein 4.2 to patient inside-out vesicles (IOVs) stripped of peripheral proteins. While the binding of ankyrin was normal, the predicted maximal binding capacity of patient IOVs for band 4.2 was 20% to 33% lower than that of control IOVs, suggesting a defect in the cytoplasmic domain of band 3 (cdb3). An additional line of evidence pointing to a possible abnormality of band 3 was an abnormal proteolytic digest of cdb3. To elucidate the underlying molecular defect, we have cloned and sequenced the cDNA coding for cdb3 from the patient. One band 3 allele was found to be normal, while clones corresponding to the other allele contained two mutations: substitution A----G in nucleotide 166, changing codon 56 from AAG to GAG (Lys----Glu), and substitution C----G in nucleotide 980, changing codon 327 from CCC to CGC (Pro----Arg). Since the Lys56----Glu56 substitution is found in a common asymptomatic variant of the band 3 protein designated band 3 Memphis, we conclude that either the Pro327----Arg327 substitution itself, or in combination with the band 3 Memphis polymorphism, underlies the abnormal binding of protein 4.2 to cdb3 and results in the spherocytic phenotype.  相似文献   

A 25-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of abdominal pain, nausea and low-grade fever. An abdominal CT showed remarkable thickening of the wall of the small intestine and extensive thrombosis of the mesenteric, portal and splenic veins. Because neither intestinal infarction nor peritonitis was seen, anticoagulation therapy was chosen. Heparin was administered intravenously and was used alternatively with warfarin later. The patient's symptoms and clinical data improved gradually. Concerning the etiological factors of the thrombosis, only protein S activity definitely decreased. Genetic analysis indicated a variant of protein S, protein S Tokushima.  相似文献   

We report a 22-yr-old male patient with hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism (HH) associated with a giant middle fossa arachnoid cyst (AC) diagnosed by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). He presented with pubertal and growth delay. He also had learning disabilities and anosmia. Laboratory investigation revealed pre-pubertal levels of testosterone and normal results of the combined test of anterior pituitary function, except for in GnRH acute and prolonged test. Cranial MRI showed an AC in left middle fossa with expansion to suprasellar cisterna and several abnormalities like left temporal lobe hypoplasia, left optic tract and bilateral olfactory bulb hypoplasia and left hypothalamic hypoplasia.  相似文献   

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