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A series of dipeptide analogues of angiotensinogen have been prepared and evaluated for their ability to inhibit the aspartic proteinase renin. The compounds were derived from the renin substrate by replacing the scissile amide bond with a transition-state mimic and by incorporating bioisosteric replacements for the Val-10 amide bond. Analogue 21a exhibited an IC50 of 7.6 nM against purified human renin, showed high specificity for this enzyme, and produced a hypotensive response in anesthetized, salt-depleted cynomolgus monkeys.  相似文献   

A series of renin inhibitors have been prepared and evaluated for their susceptibility to cleavage by the serine protease chymotrypsin. The compounds were designed by consideration of the structural requirements in the active-site region of renin and chymotrypsin. By systematic alteration of the P3 phenylalanine residue, compounds with varying degrees of renin inhibitory potency and chymotrypsin susceptibility were obtained. Selected analogues from this group were examined in vivo for both their hypotensive effects and metabolic patterns.  相似文献   

The synthesis of five amino phosphorus derivatives, 1a-e, is described. The derivatives were incorporated into a series (18) of analogues of the 5-14 portion of angiotensinogen, in most cases at the scissile Leu-Val bond. The resultant compounds were tested in vitro for their ability to inhibit human plasma renin. Replacement of the scissile bond with the phosphinic analogue of Leu10-Val11 (1b) gave the most potent inhibitors, having IC50 = 7.5 x 10(-8) M for H-Pro-His-Pro-Phe-His-(1b)-Ile-His-Lys-OH and IC50 = 1.0 x 10(-7) M for Z-Arg-Arg-Pro-Phe-His-(1b)-Ile-His-NH2. The shorter phosphonic acid sequence Z-Pro-Phe-His-(1d) retained biological activity with an IC50 = 6.4 x 10(-6) M.  相似文献   

The design and synthesis of renin inhibitors that incorporate the novel dipeptide isostere (4S,5S)-5-amino-6-cyclohexyl-4-hydroxyhex-1-ene-2-carboxylic acid as a transition-state analogue are described. Titanium-promoted condensation of dilithiated N-alkylmethacrylamides with protected amino aldehydes results in efficient preparation of protected dipeptide analogues 7 and 8. Incorporation of 7 into the partial sequence of angiotensinogen affords potent in vitro inhibitors of human renin. Further chemical manipulation of the unsaturated amide moiety allows the study of structure-activity relationships in both the P1' and P2' sites. Details of the syntheses, stereochemical determinations, and in vitro renin inhibition are presented.  相似文献   

Free-Wilson and correlation analysis were combined to study a series of 34 pepstatin analogues in which mainly position 2 was varied. A statistically highly significant correlation was found between the inhibitory activity of the analogues on an enriched plasma renin preparation and structural parameters of the amino acid side chain in position 2. The crucial parameters were found to be the NMR chemical shift of the alpha-carbon, the localized electrical (inductive) effect, and the van der Waals radius related steric parameter, which demonstrated the dominating influence of electronic inductive effects compared to steric bulk. The model gives insight into the structural requirements for effective inhibition and suggests the histidine-2 derivative, a positive outlier in this series, as a lead compound for further structure-activity studies.  相似文献   

Molecular modeling methods have been used to design a novel series of conformationally constrained cyclic peptide inhibitors of human renin. Three goals were defined: enhanced inhibitory potency, high specificity for renin, and increased metabolic stability. Three cyclic compounds were synthesized with ring sizes 10, 12, and 14, based upon a linear hexapeptide inhibitor with a reduced amide replacing the scissile bond at the active site. When tested, the 14-membered-ring compound was as potent an inhibitor of human renin as the parent while the 12-membered-ring compound was 6-fold more potent than the parent against mouse renin. However, the 10-membered-ring compound was inactive against both renins. The lack of potency of the 10-membered compound was explained by using NMR and molecular modeling techniques. It forms another conformation in solution that is inconsistent with binding at the active site. The cyclic compounds did not inhibit either pepsin or cathepsin D significantly. The cyclic modification rendered these inhibitors significantly resistant to cleavage by chymotrypsin and thus prevented loss of activity by this enzyme. Thus, the goals of enhanced inhibitory potency, high specificity, and metabolic stability were achieved in the series of compounds.  相似文献   

Analogues of the renin octapeptide substrate were synthesized in which replacement of the scissile dipeptide with (3S,4S)-4-amino-3-hydroxy-6-methylheptanoic acid (statine, Sta) transformed the substrate sequence into potent, transition-state analogue, competitive inhibitors of renin. Synthesis and incorporation of the cyclohexylalanyl analogue of Sta, (3S,4S)-4-amino-5-cyclohexyl-3-hydroxypentanoic acid (ACHPA), gave the most potent inhibitors of renin yet reported, including N-isovaleryl-L-histidyl-L-prolyl-L-phenylalanyl-L-histidyl-ACHPA-L -leucyl-L- phenylalanyl amide [Iva-His-Pro-Phe-His-ACHPA-Leu-Phe-NH2,3], with renin inhibitions of Ki = 1.6 X 10(-10) M (human kidney renin), IC50 = 1.7 X 10(-10)M (human plasma renin), IC50 = 1.9 X 10(-9)M (dog plasma renin), and IC50 = 2.1 X 10(-8) M (rat plasma renin). This inhibitor 3, containing ACHPA, was 55-76 times more potent vs. human renin than the comparable Sta-containing inhibitor 1 and 17 times more potent vs. dog renin than 1. Inhibitor 3 lowered blood pressure in sodium-deficient dogs, with in vivo potency 19 times that shown by 1, in close agreement with the relative in vitro potencies. Structure-activity results are presented that show the minimal N-terminus for these inhibitors. An ACHPA-containing pentapeptide, N-[(ethyloxy)carbonyl]-L-phenylalanyl-L- histidyl-ACHPA-L-leucyl-L-phenylalanyl amide [Etoc-Phe-His-ACHPA-Leu-Phe-NH2,8], retained subnanomolar inhibitory potency. Molecular modelling studies are described that suggested the design of ACHPA.  相似文献   

A highly stereoselective synthesis of 2(R)-[5(R)-[1(S)-[(tert-butyloxycarbonyl)amino]-3-methylbutyl]-2,2- dimethyl-4(R)-dioxolanyl]-3-methylbutanoic acid is described. This is a suitably protected carboxylic acid useful as an intermediate for the preparation of renin inhibitory peptides. Angiotensinogen analogues such as peptides IX and X that contain the dipeptide isostere (2R,3R,4R,5S)-5-amino-3,4-dihydroxy-2-isopropyl-7-methyloctanoic acid residue at the scissile site are shown to be potent inhibitors of human plasma renin. The glycol moiety in this novel acid, dihydroxyethylene isostere, is suggested to act as a transition-state analogue and mimics the tetrahedral intermediate formed during the enzyme-catalyzed hydrolysis of the peptidic bond.  相似文献   

The synthesis of a series of renin inhibitors in which the P2 and P3 amino acids are replaced with the hydroxyethylene dipeptide isostere is reported. In vitro evaluation of the inhibitors has revealed that this isostere is an acceptable amide-bond replacement in which activity is maintained and stability is enhanced. Structure-activity relationships of this series resemble but do not parallel those of the corresponding dipeptide-containing inhibitors.  相似文献   

Using solid-phase methodology we have synthesised peptides based on the 8–14 or 6–14 human and rat angiotensinogen sequences, containing the following different isosteric units at the P1-P1’cleavage site: Leu-Ψ[CH2NH]Leu; Leu-[CH(OH)CH2]Val; Leu-Ψ[CH(OH)CH2]Leu and Leu-Ψ[CH(NH2)CH2]Val. In vitro, peptide Piv-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu-Ψ[CH(OH)CH2]Leu-Tyr-Tyr-Ser-NH2( XXI ) is the most potent inhibitor of rat plasma renin reported having an IC50 of 0.21 nM; it is a much weaker inhibitor of human renin (IC50 45 nM). Peptide Boc-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu-Ψ[CH(OH)CH2] Leu-Val-Ile-His-NH2 ( XX ) was a highly effective inhibitor of rat renin in vivo. When infused (1 mg/kg/h) into two-kidney, one-clip chronic renal hypertensive rats, it lowered blood pressure and suppressed both plasma renin and angiotensin II. When given as a bolus (1 mg/kg) there was a divergence between the rapid rebound of renin levels and blood pressure, which remained suppressed. These results indicate that potent in vivo inhibitors of rat renin could be useful not only in examining the role of circulating renin but also in elucidating the equally important involvement of extracirculatory renin pools.  相似文献   

The effect of microsomal protein concentration on the inhibitory potency of a series of CYP3A inhibitors was assessed in vitro using diazepam 3-hydroxylation (yielding temazepam) as an index of CYP3A activity. With diazepam concentrations fixed at 100 micro M, inhibition of temazepam formation by fixed concentrations of ritonavir, ketoconazole, itraconazole, OH-itraconazole, norfluoxetine, and fluvoxamine decreased substantially as active protein concentrations increased from 0.0625 to 3.0 mg/ml. However protein concentration had only a small effect on the inhibitory activity of fluconazole. Equilibrium dialysis indicated extensive microsomal binding of all inhibitors except fluconazole; binding increased with higher protein concentrations. Based on the CYP3A content of liver microsomes, decrements in inhibitory potency of stronger inhibitors (ketoconazole and ritonavir) could be explained by specific binding, whereas nonspecific binding is anticipated to account for the effect on weaker inhibitors (norfluoxetine and fluvoxamine). Thus, microsomal binding (specific, nonspecific, or a combination of both) may have a major effect on estimation of inhibitory potency of p450 inhibitors and may contribute to variations among laboratories. The effect can be minimized by use of the lowest possible microsomal protein concentration for in vitro studies of metabolic inhibition.  相似文献   

We have designed highly potent synthetic bivalent thrombin inhibitors, which consist of an active site blocking segment, a fibrinogen recognition exosite blocking segment, and a linker connecting these segments. The bivalent inhibitors bind to the active site and the fibrinogen recognition exosite simultaneously. As a result, the inhibitors showed much higher affinity for thrombin than the individual blocking segments. Various arginyl ketomethylene isosteres ArgPsi[CO-CH(2)-X]P(1)' were incorporated into the bivalent inhibitors as P(1)-P(1)' segment to eliminate the scissile bond. The P(1)' residue is a natural or unnatural amino acid; specifically, the incorporation of mercaptoacetic acid exhibited superiority in synthesis and affinity for thrombin. Inhibitor 16, (D-cyclohexylalanine)-Pro-ArgPsi[CO-CH(2)-S]Gly-(Gly)(4)-Asp-Tyr-G lu- Pro-Ile-Pro-Glu-Glu-Tyr-cyclohexylalanine-(D-Glu)-OH, showed the lowest K(i) value of 3.5 +/- 0.5 x 10(-13) M, which is comparable to that (K(i) = 2.3 x 10(-13) M) of recombinant hirudin. Consequently we successfully reduced the size of the inhibitor from approximately 7 kDa of recombinant hirudin to approximately 2 kDa without losing the affinity.  相似文献   

In an effort to decrease the size and to increase the hydrophilicity of the previously prepared renin inhibitory peptides, it was postulated that one might be able to take advantage of the polar Thr-84 on the flap region of the enzyme renin by potential hydrogen bonding to polar functionality on the inhibitory peptide at the P-2 site. A beta-aspartyl residue with a carboxylic acid group was proposed to be a possible replacement for the histidyl residue at the P-2 site. A series of renin inhibitory peptides were prepared with the beta-aspartyl residue to probe the structure-activity relationship of the resulting peptides. Potent inhibitory peptides could be realized with activity in the subnanomolar range. Molecular modeling was also undertaken to investigate the interactions between the enzyme active site and the new inhibitors and to suggest a possible mode of binding of these ligands to the enzyme. From this modeling study, the role of Ser-229 at the active site in the bound conformer of the inhibitors was suggested. It was further noted in the analogue study that a malic acid residue, which is the oxygen analogue of the beta-aspartic acid residue, could lead to further enhancement of inhibitory potency of congeneric peptides. Small renin inhibitors, such as compound XII with molecular weight 535 and with no alpha-amino acid residue, could be prepared and exhibited renin inhibitory activity in the nanomolar range.  相似文献   

A series of renin inhibitors containing ester side chains at the P2 subsite are potent inhibitors of primate renin. Derivatives containing the diol isostere (ACDMH) at P1-P1' were the most potent inhibitors. Moderate selectivity for renin was observed relative to the closely related aspartic proteinase cathepsin D. The prototype compound, 4 (PD 132002), inhibited pepsin only weakly. In both high-renin normotensive and high-renin renal hypertensive monkeys, 4 produced substantial reductions in blood pressure after oral administration of 30 mg/kg. The maximum drop in blood pressure observed (24 +/- 4 mmHg) in the renal hypertensive monkey model was comparable to the drop produced by an intravenous infusion of saralasin at a maximally effective dose. Both the magnitude and duration of the oral antihypertensive effect of 4 is greater than that produced by enalkiren, CGP-38560, or CP-80794 by direct comparison in the same hypertensive monkey model. The malonate ester derivatives were prepared as ca. 65:35 mixtures of epimers. The kinetics of epimerization of 4 were investigated in detail, and it was shown to equilibrate rapidly at physiological pH (t1/2 less than 2 min). Fractional crystallization was employed to obtain the individual diastereomers in greater than 98% purity, which were indistinguishable in terms of their activity in vitro or in vivo, presumably due to rapid epimerization under the testing conditions.  相似文献   

1. The emetic potencies of morphine and its metabolite morphine 6-glucuronide have been determined in the ferret by constructing dose-response curves for mean total retches and vomits for subcutaneous doses of 0.05 mg kg-1 to 5 mg kg-1. Morphine 6-glucuronide induced retching and vomiting at lower doses than morphine and at a maximal dose induced more retching and vomiting than morphine. 2. The emesis induced by both morphine and morphine 6-glucuronide was abolished by the preadministration of naloxone (0.5 mg kg-1 s.c.). 3. The 5-HT3 receptor antagonists granisetron and ondansetron (1 mg kg-1, s.c.) failed to abolish or reduce emesis induced by either compound. 4. At a high-dose (5 mg kg-1), morphine but not morphine 6-glucuronide failed to induce emesis and abolished the emesis induced by the cytotoxic drug, cyclophosphamide (200 mg kg-1, i.p.). 5. Preliminary pharmacokinetic studies of intravenous and subcutaneous morphine and morphine 6-glucuronide revealed that morphine 6-glucuronide accounts for less than 1% of the metabolic product of morphine in the ferret. Peak plasma levels of the two compounds after their subcutaneous administration were obtained within 10 min. The metabolic profile of morphine was not dose-dependent. There was no relationship between plasma level and emetic response for either compound.  相似文献   

The systematic structure-activity relationship (SAR) of the muraymycins (MRYs) using an Ugi four-component reaction (U4CR) was investigated. The impact of the lipophilic substituent on antibacterial activity was significant, and the analogues 8 and 9 having a lipophilic side chain exhibited good activity against a range of Gram-positive bacterial pathogens, including MRSA and VRE. Further investigation of compounds 8 and 9 revealed these analogues to be selective inhibitors of the MraY transferase and nontoxic to HepG2 cells. The SAR of the accessory urea-peptide moiety indicated that it could be simplified. Our SAR study of the MRYs suggests a probable mechanism for inhibition of the MraY, where the inner moiety of the urea-dipeptide motif interacts with the carbohydrate recognition domain in the cytoplasmic loop 5. The predicted binding model would provide further direction toward the design of potent MraY inhibitors. This study has set the stage for the generation of novel antibacterial "lead" compounds based on MRYs.  相似文献   

The synthesis of S-adenosylhomocysteine analogues, in which the 5'-thioether linkage is replaced by an oxygen or nitrogen isostere, has been investigated. These compounds were disigned to be resistant to enzyme-catalyzed hydrolytic cleavage of the 5'-substituent. The amine analogue Id and two amide analogues 20 were prepared via alkylation or acylation of appropriately blocked adenosine derivatives. These new analogues were evaluated as inhibitors of catechol O-methyltransferase and tRNA methylases and found to have poor inhibitory activity.  相似文献   

Analogues of the opioid peptides [D-Phe(3)]morphiceptin (H-Tyr-Pro-D-Phe-Pro-NH(2)) and endomorphin-2 (H-Tyr-Pro-Phe-Phe-NH(2)) containing the pseudoproline (Psi Pro) (4R)-thiazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (Cys[Psi(R1,R2)pro]) or (4S)-oxazolidine-4-carboxylic acid (Ser[Psi(R1,R2)pro]) in place of Pro(2) were synthesized. The pseudoproline ring in these compounds was either unsubstituted (R(1), R(2) = H) or dimethylated (R(1), R(2) = CH(3)) at the 2-C position. 2-C-dimethylated pseudoprolines are known to be quantitative or nearly quantitative inducers of the cis conformation around the Xaa(i-1)-Xaa(i)[Psi(CH(3),CH)(3)pro)] imide bond. All dihydropseudoproline-containing analogues (R(1), R(2) = H) showed good mu opioid agonist potency in the guinea pig ileum (GPI) assay, high mu receptor binding affinity in the rat brain membrane binding assay, and, like their parent peptides, excellent mu receptor binding selectivity. (1)H NMR spectroscopic analysis of the Cys[Psi(H,H)pro](2)- and Ser[Psi(H,H)pro](2)-containing analogues in DMSO-d(6) revealed that they existed in a conformational equilibrium around the Tyr-Xaa[Psi(H,H)pro] peptide bond with cis/trans ratios of 40:60 and 45:55, respectively. The dimethylated thiazolidine- and oxazolidine-containing [D-Phe(3)]morphiceptin- and endomorphin-2 analogues (R(1), R(2) = CH(3)) all retained full mu agonist potency in the GPI assay and displayed mu receptor binding affinities in the nanomolar range and high mu receptor selectivity. As expected, no conformers of the latter analogues with a trans conformation around the Tyr-Xaa[Psi(CH(3),CH(3)pro)] imide bond were detected by (1)H NMR spectral analysis, indicating that in these compounds the cis conformation is highly predominant (>98%). These results represent the most direct evidence obtained so far to indicate that morphiceptin and endomorphin-2 have the cis conformation around the Tyr-Pro peptide bond in their bioactive conformations.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the stereoelectronic requirements of substrates of human erythrocytic purine nucleoside phosphorylase (E.C. were elucidated providing the following information: (a) the N1 position cannot have a nonhydrogen substituent; (b) the 5'-OH group must be present for catalytic activity to be exhibited but is not an essential functional group for inhibitory action to be observed; (c) on the C8 position groups larger than -NH2 or -Br cannot be accommodated; (d) the syn-glycosyl conformation (i.e., 8-bromoguanosine) is acceptable but may not be an absolute requirement for phosphorolysis; (e) among nucleic base inhibitors methylation at N3, N7, or N9 vastly decreases the inhibitory properties as does a nitrogen in lieu of C-H in the 8 position. The results clearly indicate that this enzyme differs in its stereoelectronic requirements from the Escherichia coli enzyme.  相似文献   

Due largely to the emergence of multi-drug-resistant HIV strains, the development of new HIV protease inhibitors remains a high priority for the pharmaceutical industry. Toward this end, we previously identified a 4-hydroxy-5,6-dihydropyrone lead compound (CI-1029, 1) which possesses excellent activity against the protease enzyme, good antiviral efficacy in cellular assays, and promising bioavailability in several animal species. The search for a suitable back-up candidate centered on the replacement of the aniline moiety at C-6 with an appropriately substituted heterocyle. In general, this series of heterocyclic inhibitors displayed good activity (in both enzymatic and cellular tests) and low cellular toxicity; furthermore, several analogues exhibited improved pharmacokinetic parameters in animal models. The compound with the best combination of high potency, low toxicity, and favorable bioavailabilty was (S)-3-(2-tert-butyl-4-hydroxymethyl-5-methyl-phenylsulfanyl)-4-hydroxy-6-isopropyl-6-(2-thiophen-3-yl-ethyl)-5,6-dihydro-pyran-2-one (13-(S)). This thiophene derivative also exhibited excellent antiviral efficacy against mutant HIV protease and resistant HIV strains. For these reasons, compound 13-(S) was chosen for further preclinical evaluation.  相似文献   

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