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目的 了解我院儿科门诊抗生素应用情况,为临床合理使用抗生素提供参考。方法随机抽取2004年1月.2004年12月我院儿科门诊处方4000张,对抗生素的应用情况、抗生素的联用情况和不合理使用情况等进行回顾性调查。结果抗生素的使用率为79.2%,单用一种抗生素占31.3%,联用二种抗生素占38.3%,联用三种或四种占9.6%。滥用和不合理使用抗生素的情况较为严重。结论医院应加强对抗生素的管理,医生要加强学习,合理使用抗生素。  相似文献   

湖南省儿科住院病人泌尿系统疾病调查湖南省小儿肾脏病科研协作组为了解我省儿科住院病人泌尿系统疾病的构成情况,对我省包括省、地市、县和职工医院在内的23家医院,在统一制定调查提纲的基础上,共同协作,对1992年1月1日至12月31日儿科住院的泌尿系统疾病...  相似文献   

周唯敏  虞丽英 《浙江临床医学》2008,10(11):1451-1451
抗生素种类多、用量大,临床使用中存在一些问题。合理使用抗生素已经越来越为人们所重视。为了解本院儿科抗生素使用情况,加强临床用药的安全性、有效性与合理性,并为合理使用抗生素提供依据,作者对儿科住院患儿的抗生素使用情况进行了调查分析。现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 了解我院抗生素使用现状。方法 对2003年8月份各科室出院病人.随机抽样调查(出院病人20%抽样).按统一的调查表,内容如实正确填写。经质量检查后进行整理分析。结果 共抽查215例病人。抗生素使用人数131人.抗生素使用率60.9%,131例病人中应用抗生素248例次。预防用药84例次。占33.9%;治疗性用药164例次。占66.1%;在164例治疗性用药中,按药敏结果用药仅20例次。仅占12.2%;248例次抗生素使用中,使用合理102例次。占41.1%;基本合理105例次。占42.3%;不合理使用41例次。占16.6%。结论 我院合理使用抗生素教育培训任重而道远。  相似文献   

儿科门诊抗生素应用分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现就我院2007~01/2007~06儿科门诊抗生素的应用分析如下。 1 资料和方法 随机抽取我院2007—01/2007—06的儿科门诊处方l254张,记录抗菌药物处方数、种类、应用频率及每一种抗菌药物的处方数、应用频率、  相似文献   

15年儿科住院病人疾病谱变化调查及临床意义   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
高丽  陈风鸣  孟妍 《疾病监测》2001,16(1):25-28
了解儿科住院病人疾病谱的变化,可以从中反映出我国人民生活水平,健康状况,环境保护以及儿童卫生保健事业发展速度,同时可以反映出我们与国际水平的差距,从而加强对常见病,多发病以及对健康严重威胁疾病的重视和控制。为此,我们对我院15年来住院病儿进行了分析与总结,报告如下。资料与方法按照ICD-9国际疾病分类标准及诸福棠等主编《实用儿科学》,对1984年1月至1998年12月从我院儿科出院的15047例患儿,以其第一诊断进行分类统计,共分为12个系统疾病,按每5年为一阶段进行分析,共分为三个阶段:第一阶段1984~1988年(第1组),第二阶段1989~1…  相似文献   

抗生素用于儿科临床往往只注意到小儿的体重或身材大小,对小儿解剖生理的特点及药物作用的特殊反应,则易被忽略,因而难免会发生无效、中毒或延误治疗。现根据小儿病理生理特点,谈一下抗生素在儿科的应用。  相似文献   

儿科患儿家长抗生素应用相关知识及健康教育需求调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的了解儿科患儿家长对抗生素应用相关知识的掌握情况和对健康教育内容、方式的需求。方法对290位儿科患儿家长采用自行设计的问卷进行抗生素应用相关知识调查。结果患儿家长普遍缺乏抗生素应用相关知识,特别是对病毒感染的用药了解不够、对抗生素给药途经的认识存在误区、对滥用抗生素的危害认识不足。患儿家长最希望了解的抗生素应用知识依次为抗生素的适应证、用法、不良反应和滥用抗生素的危害。医护人员讲解是患儿家长首选的获得相关知识的途径。结论护士在帮助患儿家长合理使用抗生素方面起重要作用。适当延长就诊时间,使家长在就诊过程中得到有关抗生素知识的宣教。利用医院健康教育手段和大众媒体宣传合理、规范使用抗生素的意义,引起全社会对滥用抗生素问题的关注,从而对抗生素使用采取慎重的态度。  相似文献   

临床护士对抗生素静脉输注速度的认识调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解临床护士对静脉输注抗生素速度调节的认识及执行情况 ,选择某院使用抗生素频率较高科室护理人员 64人进行问卷调查 ,结果 :53 .1 %护士认为抗生素输注速度不固定 ,实际操作中 87.5 %护士采取单一的输注速度 ;不同职称及工作年限护士对静脉输注抗生素速度的认识程度在统计学上无意义 (P >0 .0 5)。建议护士在静脉输注抗生素前应参阅药品说明书 ,并严格按要求输注。  相似文献   

吴会琼 《护理研究》2004,18(4):297-298
为加强抗生素静脉给药过程的质量管理 ,提高治疗效果 ,减少抗生素的浪费 ,避免对病人造成经济上的损失。笔者对某医院内科甲、乙两病区护士抽吸氨苄青霉素药液遗留药量进行调查 ,发现一些护士静脉给药过程中存在一些缺陷。现介绍如下。1 资料与方法1.1 调查对象 甲、乙两病区治疗护士。采用单盲法对甲病区护士适当有意提示 ,而对乙病区护士采用盲法。1.2 调查方法 采用现场观察法 ,在某医院内科甲、乙两病区中分别收集护士在抽取完丢弃的 2 0组氨苄青霉素小瓶中的遗留药液 ,研究护士静脉给药情况。具体方法 :观察护士稀释抗生素小瓶内…  相似文献   

TOPIC:  The impact of adolescents in acute mental distress admitted onto inpatient pediatric settings: on the staff group caring for them and the adolescents' consequent experience of the service provided.
PURPOSE:  To examine the impact that this client group can have on the staff, the environment, and wider professional system from an applied psychodynamic standpoint. The aim of this study is to identify practical strategies for providing effective child and adolescent mental health service consultation liaison for this complex and high-risk group.
SOURCES:  This study draws on psychoanalytic theories of adolescent development, trauma, organizational dynamics, and reflections on personal experiences in the field of pediatric liaison. The challenges of providing effective support in this context are illustrated with clinical examples from the author's own practice.
CONCLUSIONS:  The importance of attending to the very primitive anxieties and subsequent defense mechanisms aroused in staff caring for adolescents in the context described is highlighted. A case is made for the provision of mental health consultation and support that provides emotional containment for the young people and staff, and that incorporates understanding of the organizational issues that can contribute to the complexity of this work.  相似文献   

Marielle Kabbouche MD  FAHS 《Headache》2015,55(10):1426-1429
Status migrainosus is defined by the international classification of headache disorders (ICHD) criteria as a debilitating migraine lasting more then 72 hours. The epidemiology of status migrainosus is still unknown in adult and children, and frequently underdiagnosed. Children and adolescents often end up in the emergency room with an intractable headache that failed outpatient therapy. Six to seven percent of these children do not respond to acute infusion therapy and require hospitalization. It is imperative that more aggressive therapy is considered when patients are affected by a severe intractable headache to prevent further disability and returning the child to baseline activity. Multiple therapies are available for adults and children. Studies for acute therapy in the emergency room are available in adults and pediatric groups. Small studies are available for inpatient therapy in children and, along with available therapies for children and adolescents, are described in this review. A review of the literature shows growing evidence regarding the use of dihydroergotamine intravenously once patients are hospitalized. Effectiveness and safety have been proven in the last decades in adults and small studies in the pediatric populations.  相似文献   

Growth monitoring is crucial for all children. Measurements obtained in the inpatient setting such as a children's hospital can be the first sign of growth failure or an undiagnosed chronic disease. Growth monitoring should be viewed as an important component of the inpatient admission for all children. If children are too ill to be measured on admission, it must be a requirement that children are measured once they recover and prior to discharge. Ongoing education is necessary for staff to accurately obtain and plot measurements. Data gleaned from this study serves to inform inpatient nurses of deficiencies in measuring, documenting linear measurement, and the accuracy of the documentation. The ultimate goal is to change nursing practice related to linear growth measurement in hospitals.  相似文献   

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