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单肺移植术治疗重度肺气肿   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
目的总结单肺移植治疗重度肺气肿的早期临床结果和经验体会。方法 2003年1月至 2004年9月,6例重度肺气肿病人施行同种异体单肺移植术,其中右侧单肺移植4例,左侧单肺移植2 例。6例均为男性,年龄51-63岁,平均54.2岁。术前均有呼吸困难史5-23年,气急分级4级。术前肺功能检查示FEV1(0.69±0.36)L,占预计值(23.3±12.9)%。PaO2(62.5±6.5)mm Hg(1/mm Hg=0.133 kPa),PaCO2(41.4±14.9)mm Hg,6 min行走试验(6 MMT)为(51.5±18.0)m,术前平均肺动脉压(30±6) mm Hg。术后均采用三联免疫抑制剂。结果 4例术后并发曲霉菌感染,2例术后并发严重肺部感染,1 例术后36 h出现再灌注性肺水肿,1例术后7 d并发上消化道大出血。6例术后分别已生存24、19、14、 10、9、4个月,目前生活自理,活动良好。术后2个月复查,PaO2均>80 mm Hg,较术前提高37.6%,除1 例外,FEV1较术前提高165.2%。术后急性排斥反应平均发生1.2次。结论单肺移植是治疗终末期肺气肿的有效方法。  相似文献   

单肺移植治疗老年重度肺气肿   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 报告单肺移植治疗老年重度肺气肿。方法 63岁男病人。有呼吸困难史23年.进行性加重3年。气急分级为4级。术前肺功能检查示FEV1,0.64L,占预计值24%,PaO2 45mmHg(1mmHg=0.133kPa),PaCO2 36.3mmHg,6min行走试验(6MMT)59m,术前肺动脉压38mmHg。2003年1月9日在全麻下行同种异体左全肺移植术,术后给予三联免疫抑制剂。结果 术后肺功能恢复良好。术后6个月各项功能检查示FEV 1.20L,占预计值41%,PaO2 92mm Hg,6MMT227m。术后2周出现曲霉菌感染,术后1个月出现吻合口狭窄,置入镍钛网状支架。结论 单肺移植是治疗终末期肺气肿的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肺移植治疗终末期肺病肺气肿的手术适应证、手术方式、围术期的处理及术后生存率。方法 2002年9月28日为1例肺气肿、肺功能重度减损的患者进行左肺移植。结果 术后93h顺利脱机,术后第9d发生1次急性排斥,经大剂量甲泼尼龙冲击治疗后症状消退,术后40d胸部CT示左肺扩张良好,左肺血液灌注良好,术后肺功能明显改善,术后47d出院,现已恢复工作。结论 终末期肺气肿是肺移植最常见的手术适应证。单肺移植术后肺功能改善明显。  相似文献   

Zhen MF  Chen JY  Liu F  Dong SM  He YJ  Zhu QK  Chen R  Ye SG  Wang YG  Zhu YH 《中华外科杂志》2005,43(22):1444-1446
目的 探讨终末期肺气肿患者行肺移植手术方式的选择。方法 自2002年9月至2005年2月为9例终末期肺气肿患者施行左侧单肺移植1例、右侧单肺移植1例、左单肺移植+术后1周对侧肺减容术1例、左单肺移植+同期对侧肺减容术2例、右单肺移植+同期对侧肺减容术2例、非体外循环下序贯双肺移植2例。结果 术后1d内2例胸腔引流量超过2000ml,1例再次开胸止血,1例保守治疗控制。术后机械通气3~22d,其中2例行气管切开。7例至今存活良好,均能生活自理,其中2例已恢复工作,目前存活最长时间30个月。1例因重症急性排斥(4A级)于术后15d死亡,1例因余肺重症细菌感染合并霉菌感染于术后1个月因多脏器衰竭死亡。结论 单肺移植可作为终末期肺气肿的常用术式,单肺移植结合对侧肺减容术可以更好地利用供体,避免对侧自体肺过度膨胀等术后并发症。对存在感染的终末期肺气肿患者应首选双肺移植。  相似文献   

肺移植治疗终末期肺气肿19例报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 探讨肺移植治疗终末期肺气肿的手术适应证、术式的选择及术后疗效.方法 报告肺移植治疗终末期肺气肿19例,患者术前CT检查均以弥漫性肺气肿为主,均经2~3年不同程度的吸氧治疗,其中依赖呼吸机的有5例.手术方式分别为:单肺移植6例;单肺移植加对侧肺减容术7例;双肺移植6例.结合这19例患者的肺移植效果进行分析和总结.结果 单肺移植的受者中,术后第1天内有2例受者胸腔引流量超过2000 ml,再次剖胸探查止血.19例受者术后机械通气时间为3~22 d,平均呼吸机脱机时间为7 d.术后1个月内死亡5例,死亡原因分别为:原发性移植物功能丧失1例、支气管吻合口漏1例、重症急性排斥反应(4A级)1例及重症细菌和霉菌感染2例.6例双肺移植的受者术后早期均康复出院.19例患者术后1、2、3年存活率分别为73.7%、63.2%和52.6%.结论 肺移植是治疗终末期肺气肿最有效的方法;单肺移植口丁作为终末期肺气肿的常用术式,单肺移植结合对侧肺减容术可以更好的利用供肺,同时又解除了术后对侧自体肺的并发症;对年龄较轻及有双肺感染的终末期肺气肿患者,应首选双肺移植,双肺移植较单肺移植术后并发症更少.  相似文献   

The hemodynamic effect and degree of damage in grafts of single lung transplants for pulmonary hypertension were studied in rats with monocrotaline-induced pulmonary hypertension. Inbred male Lewis rats (weight 200–230 g) were divided into two groups. Group 1 (control group,n = 16) underwent isogenic left lung transplantation, while group 2 (n = 15) received an intravenous administration of monocrotaline (80 mg/kg i.v.) and underwent isogenic left single lung transplantation 3 weeks later. Hemodynamic evaluations were performed prior to transplantation, at 1h postoperatively, and on days 3 and 7 after transplantation. Mean pulmonary arterial pressure (mPAP) rapidly declined after transplantation in group 2, from 39.3 ± 8.7 mmHg to 18.5 ±3.0 mmHg 1h after transplantation, and remained stable on day 7 after tranaplantation. No significant difference in the mPAP between the two groups was observed after tranaplantation. The extravascular lung water volume (ELWV: dry/wet ratio) in the right lung of group 2 significantly increased on day 3 (0.86 ± 0.02) (P < 0.01), and subsequently decreased to control levels on day 7 (0.83 ± 0.02). There was no significant difference in the ELWV in the grafted lungs between the two groups (0.84 ± 0.03 vs 0.86 ± 0.04), but there was tendency toward an increase in ELWV in group 2 on days 3 and 7. These data thus demonstrated that a hemodynamic improvement was obtained by single lung transplantation; however the degree of graft damage was remarkable in the pulmonary hypertension group.  相似文献   

Abstract Lung transplantation, single or bilateral sequential, is the final option for patients with emphysema. This study analyzed the outcome of lung transplants for emphysema (single or double), and evaluates the incidence, predictive factors and prognosis of lung hyperinflation (LHI) in unilateral transplants. We prospectively studied patients undergoing lung transplantation for emphysema. On admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and at 12, 24,48 and 72 h we tested the patients' respiratory function, oxygen arterial pressure (PaO2) and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) before transplantation. LHI incidence, duration of mechanical ventilation and hypoxemia, ICU stay and mortality was also analyzed. We studied 34 consecutive patients undergoing lung transplantation for emphysema, 14 single and 20 bilateral. Single-lung transplantation had a higher mortality (50%) than double-lung transplantation (11%), with an odds ratio of 9.0 (1.3–48.7). Of the 14 patients who received a single graft, 9 patients (64%) developed LHI. No predictive factors for LHI could be established. Duration of mechanical ventilation (22 vs 3 days) and ICU stay (36 vs 6 days) was much longer in patients with LHI; however, only ICU stay reached statistical significance (P = 0.011). Mortality in patients with LHI was higher, 67% vs 20% (NS). We conclude that single-lung transplant in emphysema patients has a worse prognosis than bilateral transplant, with a 9-fold higher mortality rate. LHI is a common event in single-lung transplant for emphysema and is associated in our patients with a longer stay at the ICU.  相似文献   

Lung transplantation, single or bilateral sequential, is the final option for patients with emphysema. This study analyzed the outcome of lung transplants for emphysema (single or double), and evaluates the incidence, predictive factors and prognosis of lung hyperinflation (LHI) in unilateral transplants. We prospectively studied patients undergoing lung transplantation for emphysema. On admission to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and at 12, 24, 48 and 72 h we tested the patients respiratory function, oxygen arterial pressure (PaO2) and mean pulmonary arterial pressure (MPAP) before transplantation. LHI incidence, duration of mechanical ventilation and hypoxemia, ICU stay and mortality was also analyzed. We studied 34 consecutive patients undergoing lung transplantation for emphysema, 14 single and 20 bilateral. Single-lung transplantation had a higher mortality (50%) than double-lung transplantation (11%), with an odds ratio of 9.0 (1.3--48.7). Of the 14 patients who received a single graft, 9 patients (64%) developed LHI. No predictive factors for LHI could be established. Duration of mechanical ventilation (22 vs 3 days) and ICU stay (36 vs 6 days) was much longer in patients with LHI; however, only ICU stay reached statistical significance (P=0.011). Mortality in patients with LHI was higher, 67% vs 20% (NS). We conclude that single-lung transplant in emphysema patients has a worse prognosis than bilateral transplant, with a 9-fold higher mortality rate. LHI is a common event in single-lung transplant for emphysema and is associated in our patients with a longer stay at the ICU.Supported by Red GIRA, G03/063, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, SpainThe authors wrote this article on behalf of The Lung Transplant Team of the Hospital Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain  相似文献   

目的 探讨单肺移植术后自体肺并发症对移植疗效和受者预后的影响.方法 回顾性分析自2003年1月至2012年8月间单中心施行的48例单肺移植的临床资料.患者的原发疾病分别为慢性阻塞性肺病29例(61%),特发性肺间质纤维化14例(29%),闭塞性细支气管炎2例(4%),尘肺2例(4%),肺淋巴管肌瘤1例(2%).分析术后对侧自体肺并发症发生情况及其预防和处理,并探讨其对受者预后的影响.结果 48例单肺移植受者中,21例(43.7%)出现了对侧自体肺并发症,其中7例(14.6%)因自体肺并发症死亡.并发症分别为气胸2例(4.2%),对侧肺减容术术后持续漏气1例(2.1%),后期自体肺过度膨胀4例(8.3%),顽固性乳糜胸1例(2.1%),肺内恶性肿瘤2例(4.2%),细菌感染6例(12.5%),真菌感染5例(10.4%).有自体肺并发症及无自体肺并发症受者术后1、3和5年存活率分别为63%、42%、21%以及85%、55%、48% (P<0.05).自体肺感染性并发症为影响预后的独立因子(P<0.05).结论 受体对侧自体肺并发症是影响单肺移植预后的重要因素之一;非感染性的自体肺并发症,采用外科手段常可成功治疗,而自体肺感染的预后较差.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to describe and to analyze early severe digestive complications (ESDC) after lung transplantation (LT) in our center. Methods: A retrospective study included 351 patients, who underwent LT without cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) at our center between March 1988 and December 2009. There were 86 double LTs and 265 single LTs. ESDCs were defined as complications (1) occurring during the first 30 days after transplantation or during initial hospitalization if longer; (2) involving the gastrointestinal tract; and (3) jeopardizing survival or requiring invasive therapeutic procedure. Patients’ characteristics, associated risk factors, and influence of ESDC on early outcome have been analyzed. Results: During the first 30 days after LT or initial hospitalization if longer, 26 ESDCs occurred in 26 patients (rate 7.4%, sex ratio M/F 66%, mean age 56 ± 6 years). This included 10 acute cholecystitis (38%), four angiocholitis (15%), three perforated gastroduodenal ulcers (11%), three digestive perforations (11%), two intestinal occlusions (8%), two mesenteric ischemia (8%), and two acute pancreatitis (8%). ESDC occurred after a mean postoperative follow-up of 14 days (5–46), required emergency surgical treatment in 20 cases (77%), significantly prolonged the mean duration of hospitalization (96 days with ESDC vs 55 days without ESDC, p < 0.0001), and was responsible for death in five cases (19%). Surgical treatment included cholecystectomy (n = 11), bowel resection (n = 3), ulcer surgery (n = 2), subtotal colectomy (n = 2), Hartmann procedure (n = 1), and open coelioscopy (n = 1). Age and bilateral LT were found to be significant risk factors for ESDC in both uni- and multivariate analyses. Conclusion: ESDC occurred in 7.4% of patients after LT without CPB, and was responsible for longer in-hospital stay. Relevant risk factors included older age and bilateral LT, interfering with current debate regarding recipients’ selection and procedure's choice.  相似文献   

由于免疫抑制和神经损伤等综合因素的影响,肺移植术后胃肠道并发症的总体发生率较高,可引起受者药物吸收障碍和慢性排斥反应。近年来,关于该并发症的研究逐渐增多,但由于各肺移植中心胃肠道并发症发病情况差异较大,临床医师对其认知并不全面。本文对肺移植术后胃肠道并发症的一般情况、常见类型以及危险因素进行了综述,旨在为肺移植术后胃肠道并发症的综合管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

肺气肿胸腔镜减容术   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
He J  Yang Y  Lee Y  Zhong N  Chen R  Chen M  Wei B  Yin W  Zeng L 《中华外科杂志》1998,36(5):299-301
目的探讨肺气肿的外科处理方法。方法对5例重度肺气肿的患者进行胸腔镜双肺减容术的外科治疗。患者均为男性,平均年龄64.3岁。3例行部分肺切除术,1例行肺折叠术,1例行部分肺切除术加折叠术。术中计算机气道内监测CO2变化和顺应性改变,发现气道阻力明显下降和肺顺应性增高,术后无需呼吸机维持通气。结果经3、6和10个月随防,患者肺功能均有逐步好转。FEV1从0.38~0.53恢复至0.83~1.4,FVC从1.15~2.39回复至2.22~3.0。胸片提示膈肌部分弧度从平面恢复弧形。活动能力从平卧和只行走10米到术后可以步行至200米以上。结论表明严重肺气肿的患者经肺容积减少术后各方面指标改善,活动能力好转,恢复生活自理  相似文献   

目的 探讨单肺移植同期行肺减容术纠正移植肺容积不匹配的有效性和安全性.方法 24例次单肺移植的受者中,男性20例,女性4例,年龄(54.6±12.2)岁(28~75岁).原发病为终末期慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)14例,COPD合并上叶毁损肺1例,COPD合并尘肺1例,终末期肺间质纤维化6例,淋巴管血管平滑肌瘤病1例,肺移植术后闭塞性细支气管炎综合征1例.采用右侧单肺移植16例,左侧单肺移植8例.肺减容采用开胸手术,移植肺减容在移植同期的手术视野下操作,自体肺减容采用移植肺对侧的前外侧小切口进胸.术后将受者分为减容组和对照组.减容组有8例受者,其中移植肺减容5例,自体病肺减容2例,移植肺和自体肺共减容1例.将未接受肺减容术的16例受者作为对照组.观察和比较上述两组受者间肺功能等各项临床指标的差异.结果 原发病为COPD的受者中有2例接受了肺减容术,占14.3%(2/14),明显低于其他原发病者接受肺减容术的比例(60%,6/10),二者间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).减容组和对照组分别有50.0%和25%的受者术后胸部X线片显示纵隔位置居中,两组比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组间其余各项临床指标的比较,差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).但减容组受者的机械通气时间、胸管引流时间、漏气时间、胸管引流量都有增加的趋势,术后胸穿抽液次数和总量都有下降的趋势.有8例未行术后肺功能复查,其余16例次移植肺功能资料齐全,减容组4例,对照组12例,两组间术后第1秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)改善的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 单肺移植同期行移植肺或自体肺减容术对纠正移植肺容积不匹配是安全、有效的方法,可以改善移植肺的通气血流比例.  相似文献   

单肺移植治疗终末期肺病肺气肿   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
Chen JY  Zheng MF  He YJ  Zhu QK  Hu CX  Chen R  Zhu DW  Su ZX  Ye SG 《中华外科杂志》2003,41(6):404-406
目的 探讨单肺移植治疗终末期肺病肺气肿的术式、手术适应证及围手术期的处理方法。方法 2002年9月28日为1例肺气肿、肺功能重度降低的患者进行左肺移植。结果 患者术后93h顺利脱离呼吸机;术后第9天发生1次急性排异反应,经大剂量甲基强的松龙冲击治疗后症状消退;术后第20天胸部CT显示左肺扩张、血液灌注良好。患者术后肺功能明显改善,第47天出院。结论 肺移植是治疗终末期肺病肺气肿的有效方法。  相似文献   

23例次肺移植术后受者的临床分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 评估23例次肺移植术后受者的临床预后情况.方法 总结2003年1月至2007年8月施行的23例次(21例患者)肺移植的临床资料.分析存活率及并发症.结果 肺移植围手术期死亡率为13%;术后3个月、1年、2年和3年的累积存活率分别为82.6%、82.6%、69.7%和58.1%.受者术后2个月时的通气和换气功能较术前明显改善(P<0.05).有10例受者术后6个月内出现轻度急性排斥反应,经激素冲击治疗后均缓解.4例受者分别于术后8个月、9个月、14个月和24个月时出现慢性排斥反应;术后6、12和24个月时未发牛慢性排斥反应的受者分别为95%、78.2%和71.1%.术后肺部感染发生率为33.3%;气管吻合口软化和狭窄发生率为14.3%.结论 肺移植术后受者的中期存活率较高;肺部感染和支气管吻合口软化及狭窄是肺移植术后主要并发症.  相似文献   

Three patients with recurrent bronchial stenosis following single lung transplant (SLTx), and one patient with tracheal stenosis following heart-lung transplantation (HLTx), not responding to repeated dilatations (3 patients) and prolonged use of silastic stents (patient with tracheal stenosis), have been treated by the endoscopic insertion of Gianturco self-expanding metallic stents under fluoroscopic control. The stent resulted in immediate improvement in respiratory function in all four patients. One patient (SLTx) had early bronchial re-stenosis due to growth of granulation tissue within the stent which was successfully treated by cryotherapy. In one patient (HLTx), a left lower lobe bronchial stenosis developed 14 months after tracheal stenting. The metallic stent appears to be a promising device in the management of recurrent or resistant bronchial stenosis following SLTx or tracheal stenosis after HLTx.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess the future need for lung transplantation in the Netherlands in the absence of limiting factors, such as a shortage of donor organs. The need was estimated using two different methods. In method 1, estimation of the need was based on data from the Dutch lung transplantation program, collected during a 4-year period (1 April 1992 until 31 March 1996). In method 2, the need was estimated using national mortality data over a 5-year period (1987–1991) preceding the start of the Dutch lung transplantation program. The results of both methods were corrected for known factors of distortion. The number of lung transplantations needed in the Netherlands in the future was estimated to range from 50 to 80 a year, which corresponds to 3.2–5.2 transplantations per million inhabitants per year. Considering the current supply of donor lungs in the Netherlands, only about one-third of the patients in need of a lung transplant in the future will be able to receive one. Received: 5 March 1997 Received after revision: 22 May 1997 Accepted: 9 July 1997  相似文献   

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