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目的 探讨可调压分流管治疗先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水的应用价值.方法 2例男性患儿行CT、MRI提示脑室系统扩张,MRV及DSA检查发现颅内静脉窦广泛闭塞.腰穿压力显著升高.手术均采用强生可调压分流管行脑室-腹腔体外可调压分流术治疗.结果 2例患者术中均将分流阀压力设定为200 mmH2O,术后逐步调低,调低至180 mmH2O均出现不同程度低颅压症状,调高后症状缓解,2例患者术后智力及运动功能显著提高,复查CT提示脑室减小.结论 先天性颅内静脉异常回流导致的高颅压性脑积水非常少见,治疗经验甚少.可调压分流显然是治疗颅内静脉回流导致高颅压性脑积水一种最佳治疗方法,对压力调节,需通过较长时间多次调节来逐步达到一个合适的个体压力.  相似文献   

目的 探讨先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水的临床特点和治疗方法.方法 对1例先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水患者,经CT、MRI、MRV及DSA检查明确诊断后,行脑室-腹腔体外可调压分流术治疗,对其病史结合文献进行回顾分析.结果 先天性颅内静脉回流异常导致的脑积水临床上非常罕见,患儿常有头颈部皮肤毛细血管扩张,对高颅压耐受较好,回流静脉受损可致颅内压调节失代偿,DSA检查能够明确颅内静脉回流的异常路径,体外可调压脑室-腹腔分流可随时根据患儿反应调节分流压力,分流压力一般需维持在较高水平,以保证静脉回流.结论 出生后有头颈部毛细血管扩张者需考虑先天性颅内静脉回流异常,DSA检查有助于明确诊断,体外可调压脑室-腹腔分流可安全有效地控制先天性颅内静脉回流异常所致脑积水引起的头颅进行性增大.  相似文献   

目的探讨小儿脑积水行脑室-腹腔分流术的疗效。方法回顾性分析65例小儿脑积水的临床资料,均行脑室-腹腔分流术,其中59例使用可调压分流管,6例使用中压抗虹吸分流管;可调压分流管术前根据脑室大小选择不同初始压力,术后复查头颅CT,据CT结果适当调节压力范围。结果 65例中,60例效果满意,6例术后出现并发症(分流管堵塞2例,颅内感染2例,颅内出血2例)。术后随访1~24个月,64例临床症状改善、颅内压增高表现减轻或消失,复查头颅CT示脑室较术前均有不同程度缩小;1例使用中压抗虹吸分流管影像学表现无好转,临床症状无改善。结论使用可调压分流管是治疗小儿脑积水的有效方法,术后初期使用偏高档位压力,再据CT结果逐步适度调节压力。严格把握分流手术适应证,可以减少术后并发症的发生。  相似文献   

目的探讨可调压分流式脑室-腹腔分流管治疗脑积水的有效性和安全性。方法自2007年8月至2010年9月,采用可调压分流管对18例脑积水患者行脑室-腹腔分流术,同时期有61例脑积水患者使用固定压力分流管手术,比较用两种分流管手术的治疗效果。结果可调压管分流组未发生硬膜下积液或硬膜下血肿,无因为脑脊液分流过度或不足而需再次手术治疗者;2例患者术后出现堵管或感染。固定压力管分流组发生颅内血肿或积液4例;堵管或感染5例,两组之间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论可调压分流管对脑积水的治疗具有很好的安全性,更符合脑脊液的循环压力需要,并在减少分流过度和不足方面优于不可调压分流管。  相似文献   

目的探讨体外可调压分流管治疗老年正常压力脑积水的临床效果。方法回顾性分析36例老年正常压力脑积水患者的临床资料,均应用体外可调压分流管行脑室-腹腔分流术。结果本组无手术死亡病例,未出现分流管堵塞、感染、排异反应等现象。术后随访3个月~1年,24例症状明显改善,生活自理;7例症状有改善,但生活不能自理;5例症状改善不明显或无改变。结论体外可调压分流管治疗老年正常压力脑积水安全、有效,术后对分流过度或分流不足的患者很容易进行调整。  相似文献   

目的探讨正常压力脑积水(NPH)的临床特征和手术治疗效果。方法 NPH患者32例,其中17例应用中压分流管、15例用可调压分流管行脑室-腹腔分流术治疗。结果应用可调压分流管分流者的症状改善率为86.7%(13/15),应用中压分流管者为41.2%(7/17),两者相差显著(P<0.01)。结论应用可调压分流管行脑室-腹腔分流是治疗NPH的有效方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨婴儿低颅压脑积水(LPH)的临床特征、发病机制和治疗策略。方法回顾性分析3例婴儿LPH患者,3例患儿均采用可调压分流管行侧脑室腹腔分流术(VPS)进行治疗,观察治疗后颅内压、脑室、临床特征的变化情况。结果 3例患儿术后随访3~24个月后,反应迟钝、智力低下等脑功能障碍症状明显好转;CT/MRI复查显示,扩大脑室回缩。结论采用可调压分流管行VPS可能是治疗婴儿LPH的有效措施。  相似文献   

目的探讨体外可调压分流管经皮穿刺腰大池-腹腔分流术治疗交通性脑积水的可行性及其优势。方法对23例各种原因引起的交通性脑积水病人行体外可调压分流管经皮穿刺腰大池-腹腔分流术,评价此手术与传统手术的优越性。结果随访3~18个月,23例病人治疗效果明显,经CT检查见脑室系统均恢复正常大小,无分流过度或不足表现,并发症少。结论体外可调压分流管经皮穿刺腰大池-腹腔分流术治疗交通性脑积水的手术效果均优于固定阈值分流管微创腰大池-腹腔分流手术及传统脑室-腹腔分流术。  相似文献   

例1男,18岁.枕部持续性胀痛1个月.MRI检查:侧脑室和第三脑室对称性扩大,脑皮层变薄,脑沟脑池缩小,周围脑间质T2加权高密度改变,第四脑室形态基本正常(图1).提示中脑导水管堵塞.全麻下行右侧脑室前角腹腔分流术,术中测脑室压力>200 cmH2O,放置可调式分流管(强生,分流阀门压力130 cmH2O).术后4d头颅CT提示右侧脑室引流管在位,脑室形态改善,无继发脑出血(图2).腹部平片提示分流管末端位于盆腔,位置良好.术后83d头颅CT提示左侧额顶部硬膜外积血(图3),将可调压分流管分流阀门压力调整到160 cmH2O,术后122 d头颅CT提示左侧额顶部硬膜外血肿,术后243 d头颅CT提示血肿缓解(图4).随访中患者无不适主诉.  相似文献   

患者 男,64岁.2010年12月6日急诊行“前交通动脉动脉瘤夹闭术+去骨瓣减压术”.2011年1月18日因脑积水、脑室指数34.4%(脑室体部宽度与同一部位脑宽的比例)行脑室腹腔分流术(美敦力可调压分流管,Strata(R)Ⅱ),术后分压阀压力调整为1.0[平卧35 ~55 mm H2O(1 mmH2O=0.0098 kPa),站立50~ 70 mm H2O],CT示脑积水明显改善(脑室指数21.9%),患者生活基本自理,步行出院,简易智能状态检查评分(mini-mental state examination,MMSE)为25分.2011年4月患者逐渐出现表情呆滞,言语少,动作、情感反应迟钝,对答尚能切题,MMSE评分12分,颅骨缺损区凹陷明显,患侧肌力Ⅳ级,对侧肌力Ⅴ级,肌张力不高,站立不稳,独立行走不能.调高分流阀压力为1.5(平卧70~90 mm H2O,站立85 ~105 mm H2O),观察半个月,颅骨缺损区凹陷变浅,但临床症状无明显改善.颅脑CT:脑室系统扩大(脑室指数32.9%).经颅多普勒检查:双侧大脑中动脉、双侧大脑前动脉血流速度加快,左侧较重,提示脑血管痉挛.  相似文献   

目的 探讨磁共振相位电影对比成像法在内镜下导水管成形术治疗导水管梗阻性脑积水的应用价值.方法 对23例诊断为导水管梗阻性脑积水的患者,术前常规采用磁共振相位电影对比法进一步确诊;手术采用电子软性神经内镜下导水管成形术,术中对导水管阻塞程度进行评估.术后1周及随访均采用磁共振相位电影对比法复查来测量导水管脑脊液流速流量以确定导水管是否开通.结果 23例术前磁共振相位电影对比法未见导水管脑脊液流动患者,术中见导水管完全闭塞或直径小于1 mm2;23例患者成形术均获成功,导水管扩张平均在4 mm左右,术后1周电影成像检查导水管平均流速为(4.74±1.77)cm/s,在随访期间,2例再次出现颅高压症状的患者,电影成像显示导水管未见脑脊液流动,二次内镜下探查见导水管重新闭塞.结论 磁共振相位电影对比法通过测量导水管内脑脊液流速流量来精确判断导水管开通情况,可以作为导水管梗阻性脑积水术前诊断及导水管成形术后疗效判断及随访的重要工具.
Objective To evaluate the application of phase-contrast cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in endoscopic aqueductoplasty for patients with obstructive hydrocephalus. Methods The clinical diagnosis of hydrocephalus due to aqueduct obstruction in 23 patients was confirmed by phasecontrast cine MRI examination. The patients were treated with endoscopic aqueductoplasty. MRI was repeated during follow- up period. The cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow velocity in aqueduct was measured to determine whether the aqueduct was obstructed. Results The Results of phase -contrast cine MRI examinations indicated that there was no CSF flow in aqueduct in any patient. Aqueductoplasty was successfully performed in all patients. After one week, the Results of phase - contrast cine MRI examinations showed an average CSF flow velocity of (4.74 ± 1.77) cm/s. During follow - up period, intracranial hypertension recurred in two patients in whom CSF flow was not seen inside the aqueduct by phase - contrast cine MRI scan and the aqueduct re - occlusion was revealed by endoscopic exploration. Conclusions By measuring CSF flow velocity, phase - contrast cine MRI could accurately identify whether the aqueduct is obstructed. It should play an important role in the diagnosis of obstructive hydrocephalus and evaluation of theeffectiveness of aqueductoplasty, and it could be used for follow - up evaluation as well.  相似文献   

A trapped fourth ventricle is a rare clinico-radiological entity producing symptoms suggestive of a progressive posterior fossa mass lesion. It is mainly reported in children as a late complication of lateral ventricular shunting to relieve infantile post-meningitic or post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus. Optional treatment of the trapped fourth ventricle remains controversial. Placement of fourth ventricular shunting via a conventional midline approach can be fraught with complications in about 40% of the patients. Authors report a successful CT Stereotaxy guided high pressure (80 mm H(2)O) programmable fourth ventriculo-peritoneal shunting via a lateral trans-cerebellar approach in a 14-year-old girl with a trapped fourth ventricle, which occurred as a late complication of ventriculo-peritoneal shunting in her infancy. Her preoperative symptoms of raised intracranial pressure, bobble-head doll syndrome and bilateral abducens palsies completely improved following the surgery. Lateral trans-cerebellar stereotactic placement of the fourth ventricular catheter and the use of high-pressure (low flow) programmable shunt (to avoid complications associated with over drainage) are beneficial in some patients with trapped fourth ventricle.  相似文献   

面部血管痣合并脑积水的颅内静脉异常回流三例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨面部血管痣合并脑积水患者的颅内静脉异常回流特征及其临床表现.方法 结合文献复习,回顾性分析3例面部血管痣合并先天脑积水患儿的脑血管造影资料及临床表现.结果 3例患儿均有多处广泛的静脉窦闭塞且影响全脑静脉回流,颅内静脉回流主要经异常扩张的导静脉或代偿形成的侧副路静脉反流至头面部,引起双侧头面部及颈部静脉扩张.结论 广泛的颅内静脉窦闭塞导致颅内异常的静脉回流是面部血管痣患儿发生脑积水的主要原因,而这种静脉窦闭塞及异常回流静脉的形成很可能源于胎儿胚胎期发育缺陷.  相似文献   

目的探讨腰大池置管引流联合持续性颅内压监测在交通性脑积水术前的应用价值。方法回顾性分析47例交通性脑积水病人的临床资料,术前均行腰大池置管引流和持续颅内压监测。根据脑脊液检验及颅内压监测结果,采用低压分流阀门2例,中压分流阀门39例,高压分流阀门3例,可调压分流阀门3例;进而行内镜辅助脑室一腹腔分流术。结果术后脑积水症状不同程度改善。随访1年,共发生并发症6例(12.8%),其中脑积水症状复发5例,颅内感染1例。头颅CT复查显示:脑室较术前不同程度缩小44例,无明显变化3例,脑室周围间质水肿消失,分流管位置正常。结论对交通性脑积水病人术前应用腰大池置管引流联合颅内压监侧,合理选择分流阀门,并采用内镜辅助手术,可有效降低脑室一腹腔分流术后并发症的发生率。  相似文献   

This paper reviews long-term follow-up studies of 78 hydrocephalic patients with myelomeningocele. Seventy-eight (95%) out of 82 patients with myelomeningocele had hydrocephalus. CT, MRI, CT cisternography, and monitoring of intracranial pressure (ICP) with infusion methods were performed to evaluate the indication of shunt insertion or shunt independency. These hydrocephalic patients consisted of the following two groups: (1) Early treated group. Sixty-four cases received initial cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) diversion operation within 2 years of life. Sixty-three patients had a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) or a ventriculoatrial (VA) shunt. All the patients of this group showed progressive signs and symptoms of increased ICP due to hydrocephalus. The mean age at the initial shunt placement was 10 weeks. The mean value of Evans' index before shunting was 47%, which corresponded to moderate ventriculomegaly. 48% of this group showed slit-like ventricles on postoperative CT scans, where 52% had normal or only mildly dilated ventricles subsequent to shunting. There were two instances (3%) of the so-called "slit ventricle syndrome" and one instance of "isolated fourth ventricle", who had undergone multiple shunt revisions. Shunt revisions were performed on fifty-two occasions in this group. The mean number of shunt revisions per child was 2.8. Sixty among 64 patients of this group were suitable for evaluating shunt dependency with long-term follow-up period. Forty-two out of 60 patients were considered to be shunt dependent, who underwent multiple shunt revisions after 6 months of age. These patients had signs and symptoms of increased ICP, neurological deterioration, and enlarged ventricles when their shunts were blocked. There were four cases of slowly progressive (shunt dependent) hydrocephalus, who did not show clinical signs and symptoms of shunts malfunction in spite of progressive ventriculomegaly and abnormal findings of CT cisternography and ICP monitoring. Only two patients (3%) proved to be shunt independent. Consistently their ventricles were mildly dilated. These results suggest a very low incidence of true arrest of hydrocephalus after shunt operation. (2) Late treated group. Fourteen cases were diagnosed or treated for hydrocephalus after 7 years of age. Six out of fourteen patients had remarkable hydrocephalus whose Evans' index exceeded 51%. The mean value of Evans' index was 48% in this group. Six patients had progressive signs and symptoms of hydrocephalus and were shunted. ICP monitoring and studies of CSF dynamics revealed abnormal findings in ten out of 14 cases in spite of preservation of good intelligence.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Routine CT scanning in 221 patients with craniosynostosis revealed ventricular dilation in 40. In 5 hydrocephalus was obviously unrelated to the craniostenosis. The remaining 35 cases were associated almost exclusively with syndromic craniosynostosis. Ventricular dilation was mild in 22, moderate in 9, and marked in 4 patients. Clinical and radiological findings strongly suggest that three different mechanisms are involved in the pathogenesis of hydrocephalus: primary cerebral maldevelopment, brain atrophy, and CSF outflow obstruction. In the diagnosis of hydrostatic hydrocephalus with craniosynostosis, head circumference is no indicator of progressive hydrocephalus, and intracranial hypertension may be due either to CSF accumulation or to craniostenosis. The present study indicates that shunt treatment prior to correction of synostosis should be restricted to a few cases of rapidly progressing hydrocephalus. Secondary shunting of hydrocephalus may be considered if intracranial pressure remains high despite adequate cranial decompression. Shunting is not an appropriate treatment for craniostenosis — even in cases of concurrent ventricular dilation.  相似文献   

OBJECTS: The most important function of the programmable valve (PV) is to limit the shunt-dependent flow of the cerebrospinal fluid by upgrading valve pressure. This activates the regular circulation of cerebrospinal fluid, which may make successful removal of the shunt possible once sufficient cerebral development has been achieved. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the possibility of shunt removal using the programmable Medos and Sophy valves (one programmable Sophy valve was specially designed for this situation). METHODS: Prior to regular use of the PV, removal of existing shunt systems was attempted in 57 children, since some systems malfunctioned and others had abdominal tubes that were meanwhile too short as the children had grown as they became older. Shunt removal was successfully achieved in only 18 patients (32%). However, in patients in whom PV valves were used, shunt removal was successful in 68 out of 114 patients (57%). This shows that the success rate of shunt removal becomes significantly higher when PV valves are used. The 68 cases in which PV valves were used and shunt removal was successful were divided into three groups: A, B, and C. In group A (36 cases, 53%), the Medos valve was used for the initial PV shunt implantation and the pressure was gradually increased up to 200 mmH2O. The shunt systems were then withdrawn. Group B (29 cases, 43%) includes patients who experienced both the minor symptoms and ventricular enlargement attributable to increased valve pressure. The pressure was gradually upgraded by pumping several times and was maintained at close to 200 mmH2O. After 6-24 months' observation shunt removal was performed, and in 21 out of 29 cases the outcome was good. However, the remaining 8 patients (12%) still had symptoms and required shunt reinsertion. The specially designed Sophy valves were then used, which allowed the pressure to be set at above 200 mmH2O. The pressure was increased by degrees up to 400 mmH2O and kept at the same level for 6-24 months. The shunt systems were then removed successfully. Although a high pressure setting was required over a sustained period, a total of 29 patients (43%) were able to have their shunts removed. In group C (3 cases, 4%), which included patients with aqueduct stenosis, the pressure was raised and thus allowed ventricle enlargement. Third ventriculostomy was performed under neuroendoscopy with the shunt pressure maintained at a high level. Shunt systems were removed successfully. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed that it is possible to remove the shunt systems in 50% or more of pediatric hydrocephalus cases in which PV valves are used. This is achieved through careful control of the valve pressure. Close observation is essential during the period when the PV pressure is maintained at a high level, as well as 6-12 months after shunt removal.  相似文献   

目的 探讨影响正常压力脑积水行脑脊液分流手术预后的因素.方法 从27例正常压力脑积水病人临床症状、病程、腰穿放液和引流试验等因素分析手术效果.结果 术后随访3个月~3年,依照疗效判定标准,显效7例(25.9%);有效15例(55.6%);无效4例(14.8%).其中以步态不稳改善最明显,以痴呆、尿失禁为主要症状者疗效较差.腰穿测CSF平均压力≥140 mmH2O者优于压力<140 mmH2O的患者;腰穿压力< 140 mmH2O,且24 h CSF总引流量<250 ml、夜间12 h CSF引流量<150 mL的患者疗效最差.结论 对正常压力性脑积水,根据临床表现及脑脊液动力学的变化可以预测NPH分流手术的有效性.  相似文献   

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