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临床营养支持是21世纪现代外科的重要进展之一。自1997年始,国际著名普通外科专家、医学教育家黎介寿院士承办国家I类继续医学教育项目《临床营养支持的应用与研究》高级学习班。他立足于医学发展前沿,融医疗、教学与科研为一体,更新教学观念,深化教学改革,改善教学条件,完善培养规划,通过举办短期培训班、专题讲座、巡回讲学、召开学术会议、接收进修生、召开卫星电视电话会议等形式培训学员16 620人次。85%的人员已成为我国临床营养支持界的骨干,大部分学员在所在医院成立了营养支持学组。参加学习的人员有四个显著的变化:一是学历逐年提高,二是职务逐年上升,三是年龄逐年降低,四是来源广泛,层次多样。教育面之广,人数之众、层次之多在国内同类学科中均处于领先地位。由于在培养《临床营养支持的应用与研究》成绩显著,该成果被评为2005年江苏省高等教育省级教学成果一等奖,以彰显对“临床营养支持”人才的培养之功。2008年第一、二期学习班拟定于5月底和10月中旬分别在南京举办。参加条件:从事临床营养支持工作2年,主治医师以上(含主治医师)职称,本科以上(含本科)学历。详情请函询。通讯地址:南京市中山东路305号南京军区南京总医院,邮编21...  相似文献   

继续医学教育是卫生技术人员继毕业教育后,以学习新理论、新知识、新方法为主的一种终身职业教育,是加速卫生技术人员培养的重要手段。继续医学教育作为医学教育的重要环节,与医院的生存和发展密不可分,继续医学教育工作开展得好坏,直接影响着医院的竞争力。笔者所在医院作为全省唯一一所集医疗、教学、科研、预防、研究为一体的大型现代化三级甲等肿瘤专科医院,积极开展继续医学教育工作,为医院可持续发展,促进人才成长具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

复旦大学围绕"健康中国"需求,在医学拔尖创新人才培养机制方面进行了理论研究和实践探索。一是试点博士"申请-考核"制,推进招生制度改革,考察创新能力和研究潜力,提高生源选拔质量。二是探索培养机制改革,以学科建设为基础,推进科教结合和医教协同,加强学科交叉和融合发展,拓展国际合作和国际视野。通过参加一流科学研究,培养一流医学人才,产出一流学术成果,促进一流学科建设,提供一流社会服务。  相似文献   

记者:人才的培养对我省的医疗卫生建设有着怎样的重要性?郭兴华:人才是科技创新的决定性因素。卫生科技创新,需要有创新精神、创新能力和创新实践的人才。谁拥有一流的创新人才,谁就能拥有一流的创新成果。为了提升江苏医疗技术整体实力和水平,2000年开始,在省委省政府的大力支持下,省卫生厅正式启动了江苏发展医学科技力度空前的“大手笔”--江苏省医学重点学科和医学重点人才建设战略工程,简称“135工  相似文献   

中华医学会第十一届全国营养支持学术会议通知由中华医学会外科学分会营养支持学组主办,浙江省医学会承办,南京军区南京总医院、浙江大学医学院附属第二医院协办的第十一届全国营养支持学术会议,将于2008年4月18~21日在杭州休博园召开。本次大会的主题是“营养支持循证与团队实施”。大会将特邀黎介寿院士、郑树森院士、李兰娟院士等来自国内外的知名专家到会作专题报告以及学术研讨。为鼓励在临床营养支持研究中做出贡献的医药工作者,大会设立优秀论文奖,以奖励优秀论文的作者。本次会议为国家级继续医学教育项目,授予国家I类学分。欢迎医、护、技等各界人士踊跃投稿、参会。参加者请将论文、回执及电子文档一同寄至大会秘书处。截稿日期:2008年3月15日秘书处:浙江大学医学院附属第二医院临床营养中心联系人:张片红地址:杭州市解放路88号(邮编:310009)电话:0571-87783852;E-mail:zrlcyyzx@zju.edu.cn《临床营养支持的应用与研究》继续教育高级学习班招生通知临床营养支持是21世纪现代外科的重要进展之一。自1997年始,国际著名普通外科专家、医学教育家黎介寿院士承办国家I类继续医学教育项目《临床营养支持的...  相似文献   

浙江省继续医学教育培训班评估指标体系研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
继续教育是随着科技和经济的高速发展而发展起来的一项新兴教育制度.继续医学教育(CME)是医疗卫生系统专业技术人员掌握新理论、新知识、新技术和新方法的终身教育.1998年以来,我省继续医学教育工作蓬勃发展,各级卫生医疗单位以举办继续医学教育培训班的形式开展继续医学教育活动越来越多.继续医学教育学分与卫生专业技术人员晋升、聘任、执业、从业等挂钩后,参加继教医学教育培训班的人也越来越多[1].培训班的质量和效果已成为各方面关注的焦点,它直接关系到CME培训班是否具有生命力和可持续发展的大问题.为此,作者结合实际工作开展了"浙江省继续医学教育培训班评估指标体系"的研究工作.  相似文献   

一、《中国医学创新》杂志,每月中旬刊配以培训试题,面向全国临床各科医生开展继续医学教育培训。  相似文献   

临床营养支持是21世纪现代外科的重要进展之一。自1997年始,国际著名普通外科专家、医学教育家黎介寿院士承办国家I类继续医学教育项目《临床营养支持的应用与研究》高级学习班。他立足于医学发展前沿,融医疗、教学与科研为一体,更新教学观念,深化教学改革,改善教学条件,完善培养规划,通过举办短  相似文献   

一、《中国医学创新》杂志,每月中旬刊配以培训试题,面向全国临床各科医生开展继续医学教育培训。  相似文献   

一、《中国医学创新》杂志,每月中旬刊配以培训试题,面向全国临床各科医生开展继续医学教育培训。  相似文献   

21世纪医学影像学科发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
进入新世纪,知识与经济的全球化和可持续发展将成为人类社会和经济发展的主流。计算机、网络技术使医学影像学科的发展发生了很大变化,生命科学和信息科学的结合交叉成为医学影像学科发展的方向。医学影像学科的发展战略为:更快地获得信息;实现信息共享;实施高效管理;重视继续教育和知识更新;加强人才培养。  相似文献   

分析了甘肃民族地区卫生事业发展存在的主要问题及制约因素,并有针对性地提出了加大对民族地区医疗卫生事业的扶持力度,加强民族地区卫生人才培养,加快民族地区基层卫生网建设,推广新型农村合作医疗制度的试点,开展对少数民族居民的健康教育等发展对策。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The French National Program on Nutrition and Health has defined two specific objectives targeting older persons: (i) to improve their status in calcium and vitamin D and (ii) to prevent undernutrition. Home help provides support in activities of daily living, including meals, to dependent persons. The objective of our study was to evaluate the impact of a nutritional education intervention on knowledge and practices among home support assistants for the elderly. METHODS: Three facilities providing home support in Gironde (France) selected 132 home support assistants to follow an education program and 134 controls. Nutrition training was conducted in the intervention group by a dietician during two half-day sessions in May-June 2004. A non randomized controlled trial design was used for evaluation. Nutritional knowledge (20 questions) and practice (5 questions) of home support assistants were assessed by questionnaire before (April 2004) and after (September 2004) the training period in each group. Satisfaction of the intervention group was also assessed. RESULTS: The intervention group included 101 participants and the control group 106 persons who answered both questionnaires before and after the education program. The intervention group was significantly younger (p < 0.05), less educated (p = 0.01) and had less often participated to previous nutrition training (p < 0.001) than the control group. There was no significant difference between the two groups before intervention for their mean scores of knowledge or practices. The intervention group significantly improved its knowledge score (mean gain 2.5 points, p < 0.001) after the training period, whereas the score remained unchanged in the control group (mean gain 0.5 points, p = 0.06). The impact of the nutritional education was very significant (p < 0.0001) after adjustment for the characteristics which differed between the two groups. The practice scores did not differ significantly after intervention in multivariate analyses. Satisfaction of trained home support assistants was very high. Conclusion: An education program of home support assistants for elderly persons can improve their nutritional knowledge, but this study cannot conclude that the intervention was efficient to improve the nutritional status of older persons.  相似文献   

医院技术创新的管理实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
技术创新是医院管理的基础工程。文章就医院技术创新的管理要点:知识、科研、人才、 新技术、环境进行阐述。  相似文献   

本文通过对临床医学工程科的管理体制和人才培养现状的分析,提出了改变现状,提高临床医学工程科地位的建设性意见和构想。  相似文献   

面对医疗市场激烈竞争的形势,作为医疗机构主体的三级医院,在新世纪可持续发展战略中,必须实施科技创新,这既是医院发展的迫切要求,又是保持医院在竞争中立于不败之地的必由之路。通过科技创新促进学科建设,带动人才培养,实现医院的跨越式发展,同时也为医院的可持续发展奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

目的:探讨如何提高医学影像学专业实习生综合业务能力,为医学影像学专业培养合格人才。方法:要求学生抓住临床实习的机会,通过参与大量的临床实践,巩固所学的理论知识;建立正确的临床思维,培养良好的职业道德,提高实际工作的能力。结果:重视临床实习在整个医学教育中的重要作用、医学人才培养的质量、学生就业竞争的实力和毕业后实际工作的能力,培养出更多的影像专业人才。结论:医学影像学专业是一个新兴医学专业,在临床实习教学的重要阶段中应加强组织管理,合理安排各科的实习时间,强调基础训练,提高综合分析能力,培养合格人才。  相似文献   

目的:探讨如何提高医学影像学专业实习生综合业务能力,为医学影像学专业培养合格人才。方法:要求学生抓住临床实习的机会,通过参与大量的临床实践,巩固所学的理论知识;建立正确的临床思维,培养良好的职业道德,提高实际工作的能力。结果:重视临床实习在整个医学教育中的重要作用、医学人才培养的质量、学生就业竞争的实力和毕业后实际工作的能力,培养出更多的影像专业人才。结论:医学影像学专业是一个新兴医学专业,在临床实习教学的重要阶段中应加强组织管理,合理安排各科的实习时间,强调基础训练,提高综合分析能力,培养合格人才。  相似文献   

The European Community now supports the potential for professionals to practice in any of the member states subject to recognized local standards of education and practice being achieved. However, there is no agreed role for the nutritional support dietitian. This leads to an inconsistent and, sometimes, fragmented approach to the nutritional management of patients throughout Europe. There is a need to develop a common dietetic approach to nutritional support in order to raise awareness and rationalize standards. This will help to optimize care to individual patients by fostering good practice, developing effective communication and encouraging research. BACKGROUND: The role of the clinical dietitian varies widely throughout Europe - it tends to be more highly developed in some countries than in others, which is a cause for concern among dietitians in ESPEN. This appears to be caused by several factors including education, clinical awareness of the benefits of dietetic support and access to adequate financial resources. The intention of this paper is to focus on the key aspects of the role of the dietitian working in nutritional support. The educational requirements of such a dietitian are outlined and these could be used as a preliminary guide for institutions responsible for delivering undergraduate dietetic programmes. The overall intention is to identify minimum educational standards for practice in this field throughout Europe. However, these should be viewed as a baseline from which to proceed. They should also be perceived as a quality standard for facilitating professional development, sharing clinical practice and enhancing patient outcomes. This paper does not address issues of resource allocation. RECOMMENDATIONS: a) There should be agreement about the key functions of the dietitian working in nutritional support; b) There should be a common standard at first degree level for all dietitians; c) There should be an identified programme of post-graduate study (both clinical and academic) leading to specialization in nutritional support; d) There should be an innovative approach to providing clinical support for emerging specialists; e) ESPEN should investigate the potential for developing an accredited and integrated European dietetic standard in nutritional support.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Malnutrition is highly prevalent in hospitalized patients and is often not identified by the medical staff. Clinical nutrition and nutritional assessment are often neglected components of the curriculum of medical schools. The effect of instruction of nutritional assessment early in medical school on nutritional practice in clinical training is unknown. Four years after the introduction of nutritional assessment in the medical school curriculum, we assessed the knowledge of medical students and residents of nutritional assessment and the practice of this clinical skill in hospitalized medical patients. METHODS: We determined the nutritional status of 69 patients on a general medical ward within 10 d of their hospital admission. Hospital records were reviewed to determine the documentation of nutrition-related issues and practices. A questionnaire was then administered to the housestaff to determine their knowledge of assessment of nutritional status. RESULTS: Significant malnutrition was found in 69% of patients. Only one patient was identified as being malnourished by the housestaff. References to nutritional status were recorded in two patient charts. History of weight loss, appetite status, current oral intake, and functional status were recorded for fewer than 33% of patients. Although measurements of visceral protein stores (albumin and prealbumin) did not correlate with nutritional status, medical students and residents considered these to be the best markers of nutritional status. CONCLUSIONS: Malnutrition is common in hospitalized patients. Instruction of second-year medical students in assessment of nutritional status does not result in improved knowledge or practice of nutritional assessment in the clinical training years as medical housestaff. Additional instruction in nutritional assessment during clinical training needs to be emphasized. Hospitals need to develop standardized protocols for assessment of nutritional status.  相似文献   

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