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目的探讨肘关节外侧副韧带复合体修复治疗急性后外侧旋转不稳定的临床疗效。 方法选择2013年6月至2017年12月上海新华医院连续收治的急性肘关节后外侧旋转不稳定患者20例,其中手术组11例,对照组(保守治疗)9例。20例患者均有肘关节脱位史。在麻醉下检查时,20例患者侧方轴移试验和后外侧抽屉试验均为阳性。手术组患者均使用带线锚钉修复外侧副韧带复合体。术后随访评估患者的疼痛、活动范围及稳定性,采用视觉模拟评分和Mayo肘关节功能评分进行评价和评级。 结果20例患者经过6~24个月的随访,手术组和对照组治疗后视觉模拟评分分别为(0.27±0.19)分和(1.56±0.41)分,Mayo肘关节功能评分分别为(91.27±2.28)分和(77.78±4.96)分,手术组明显优于对照组,差异有统计学意义。 结论急性肘关节后外侧旋转不稳定的正确诊断对于治疗方案的选取非常重要。肘关节外侧副韧带复合体修复术可以很好地恢复肘关节的稳定性和功能。  相似文献   

1 病例简介 1.1 临床资料 女性患者,18岁,因左肘部跌伤后疼痛、活动受限1d人院.查体:头颅五官端正无畸形,心、肺、肝、脾未见异常.专科检查:左肘关节外侧略肿胀,内侧可见面积4.0 cm×5.0 cm的皮下瘀斑,左桡骨小头处压痛明显,左前臂旋转活动受限,左肘关节侧方应力试验阳性.  相似文献   

病历摘要 患者,男性,38岁,因高处坠落伤致左肘、左髋关节疼痛伴活动受限1h于2008年7月12日到我院就诊.当时急诊查体:神志欠清,痛苦貌,左肘关节、左髋关节活动明显受限.急诊摄x线片示左肘关节脱位伴桡骨小头和尺骨冠状突骨折(图1)、左髋臼、左髂骨翼骨折.急诊按照骨科损伤控制学原理对患者进行积极复苏,左肘予以静脉麻醉下闭合复位、临时石膏外固定,左股骨髁上牵引.但是,在肘关节复位过程中我们发现肘关节后外侧极度不稳定,较难维持复位.  相似文献   

创伤后肘关节挛缩及其治疗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨创伤后肘关节僵硬挛缩的治疗,推荐外侧入路松解的手术方法。方法1997~2001年,采用改良外侧入路松解来治疗18例创伤后肘关节挛缩患者,同时配合合理的术后康复治疗,对术前、术后肘关节的功能变化进行评价。结果18例患者平均随访25个月(10~56个月),肘关节运动功能均有所改善。伸肘受限从术前平均(38±16)°改善到术后(8±6)°。屈肘由术前的(81±15)°改善到术后的(105±17)°。肱尺关节运动范围平均增加54°(P<0.001)。用可视化的标准来衡量,所有患者的肘关节疼痛均减轻,肘关节的功能以标准等级来衡量,均有明显改善。结论采用外侧入路松解肘关节,可以保留桡侧副韧带和伸肌腱起点,最大限度地保持肘关节的稳定性。结合术后合理的康复治疗,能明显改善挛缩的肘关节功能,因此值得推广。  相似文献   

患者 女, 59岁, 因左肘关节疼痛伴伸肘功能障碍2年, 左环、小指麻木2个月入院。患者2年前出现左肘关节活动后疼痛, 伴伸肘功能障碍, 进行性加重, 期间行物理治疗等, 效果欠佳。患者于就诊前2个月出现左手尺侧一指半及手背尺侧麻木, 刺痛觉减退, 自觉手部无力。专科检查:左肘关节被动活动度100°-0°-75°, 肘关节无明显压痛;左手第一背侧骨间肌萎缩(+), 夹纸试验(+), 大鱼际萎缩(-), 手指并指障碍, 捏力减退, 尺神经沟处Tinel征(+);患者自评DASH(the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand)评分35分, 肘部疼痛视觉模拟评分(visual analogue scale, VAS)6分。肌电图检查结果提示:左尺神经肘部受压电生理表现, 左尺神经肘段传导速度为34 m/s。左肘X线片示:左肘关节退行性改变, 关节腔内赘生物形成。左肘CT示:左肘冠状突尖、冠状突窝内大量骨赘增生及关节腔内游离体。结合患者病史、体征及各项检查结果, 考虑为左肘关节挛缩合并肘管综合征。患者先行左肘部尺神经松解、皮下前置术, 术后1...  相似文献   

患者女性,12岁.1989年10月12日来诊.与人玩耍时不幸跌倒,右手先着地,身体压在左臂上,当即感左肘关节不能旋转屈曲,疼痛肿胀.检查见左肘关节外侧肿胀,压痛明显,肱桡关节空虚,在肘前外侧可触摸到桡骨颈,屈伸功能受限,旋前轻度受限,施后只达中立  相似文献   

患者,女,10岁,于1991年6月17日,绊倒跌伤左肘部,当时左肘外侧着地,即左肘部疼痛、肿胀,活动受限。就诊于当地医院,诊为“左肘软组织损伤”,予以左前臂悬吊,推拿按摩数次。一月后去悬吊,活动肘关节,2月疼痛消失后,发现左肘伸直时左腕背伸,不能屈曲,如屈肘时,腕部活动自如。随年龄增长,畸形无改善且  相似文献   

[目的]评价关节镜技术在肘关节剥脱性软骨炎诊断、治疗中的作用以及疗效。[方法]2011年5月~2014年7月,对17例患者施行肘关节镜检查、滑膜清理、游离体取出以及微骨折术,男11例,女6例;年龄15~35岁,左侧5例,右侧12例。17例均有肘关节疼痛,10例有肘关节卡压或绞锁等机械症状。患者取侧卧位全身麻醉下,经中外侧(软点)、近端前外侧、近端前内侧、后正中、后外侧等入路,行肘关节探查、清理、游离体取出以及微骨折术。分别测量术前术后肘关节伸直角度、屈曲角度、肘关节活动度,应用Mayo肘关节功能评分(Mayo elbow performance score,MEPS)评价疗效。[结果]术后患者伤口均I期愈合,无血管损伤并发症,17例获得10~48个月,平均28.5个月随访。术后15例(88.2%)肘疼痛消失或仅有轻微疼痛,2例(11.8%)肘仍有中等程度疼痛。10例有机械交锁症状者均消失。肘关节伸直角度、屈曲角度、肘关节活动度以及MEPS值均较术前明显改善(P0.05),术后MEPS结果优11例,良3例,中2例,优良率:88.2%。术后并发症:1例尺神经暂时性麻痹。[结论]肘关节镜治疗肘关节剥脱性软骨炎疗效确切,可以明显缓解肘关节疼痛,改善关节活动范围,损伤小、恢复快。  相似文献   

患者,男,56岁。不慎摔倒,左前臂旋前外撑、手掌着地致伤。伤后4小时来我院就诊。检查:左肘关节及前臂和左腕关节中度肿胀,肘、腕关节屈伸活动受限,肘关节稍下和腕关节稍上有骨擦感,肘外侧可摸到脱位的桡骨小头。X片示左尺骨上端粉碎骨折,远端向掌外侧成角移位,桡骨小头向外脱位,左桡骨下段粉碎骨折,向掌内侧成角,尺骨小头向掌侧移位。伤后5小时在臂丛麻醉下行  相似文献   

慢性肘关节不稳定的手术治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨慢性肘关节不稳定的原因和治疗方法。方法1998年8月~2002年8月,12例慢性肘关节不稳定患者完善体格检查及影像学检查,结合术中探查,分析其原因;采用内、外侧入路分别或同时修复与重建肘关节尺、桡侧副韧带,总结疗效。桡侧副韧带的修复方法是将指总伸肌腱的外侧半劈开向外侧转位,将外侧关节囊重叠缝合数针后,在尺骨冠突外侧尺侧副韧带前束的起止点处钻骨孔,将转位的肌腱穿过骨孔后缝合重建桡侧副韧带前束,然后将伸肌总腱缝合。尺侧副韧带的修复是将屈肌总腱劈为两半,取外侧半,保留其在肱骨髁的止点,从尺骨冠突内侧钻骨孔后将肌腱条穿过骨洞后反折缝合固定于尺侧副韧带前束的止点处,将后束增生瘢痕尽量切除,缝合关节囊及屈肌总腱。结果所有患者随访2~6年,平均3年。肘关节未发生复发性脱位,应力外翻试验阴性,肘关节外侧及后外侧轴移试验(PST)阴性,肘部无疼痛;活动范尉:平均屈伸0~135°,前臂旋转:平均旋前85°、旋后80°,患者均恢复正常生活及工作。根据中华医学会手外科学会(2000年,无锡)全国上肢功能评定标准进行肘关节功能评价,本组优8例,良4例,优良率为100%。结论慢性肘关节不稳定主要原因是肘关节侧副韧带损伤;采用手术重建肘关节侧副韧带治疗慢性肘关节不稳定效果可靠。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨胸腰椎骨折椎弓根螺钉内固定系统内固定术后,椎弓根螺钉断裂与植骨融合方式之间的关系,以探讨胸腰椎骨折植骨融合的最佳方式。[方法]回顾性研究1995年5月~2005年12月本院脊柱外科收治的胸腰椎骨折病人197例,其中A组单纯内固定(不植骨)患者14例,B组“H”形椎板植骨21例,C组横突间植骨67例,D组椎间、椎内联合横突间植骨95例。[结果]术后随访6~32个月,内固定断裂12例,其中A组4例,B组3例,C组5例,D组0例,4组中D组内固定断裂率显著低于其他3组(P<0.05)。[结论]椎间、椎体内联合横突间植骨重建脊柱三柱的稳定性,符合人体生物力学原理,能有效降低内固定断裂的发生。  相似文献   

A number of methods are currently employed to assess the functional properties of CFTR channels and their response to pharmacological potentiators, correction of the defective CFTR trafficking, and vectorial introduction of new proteins. Here we review the most common methods used to assess CFTR channel function. The suitability of each technique to various experimental conditions is discussed.  相似文献   

ObjectiveComplex base fractures of the fifth metacarpal bone and dislocation of the fifth carpometacarpal joint are more prone to internal rotation deformity of the little finger sequence after fixation with a transarticular plate. In the past, we have neglected that there is actually a certain angle of external rotation in the hamate surface of transarticular fixation. This study measured the inclination angle of the hamate surface relative to the fifth metacarpal surface for clinical reference.MethodsIn a prospective single‐center study, we investigated the tilt angle of 60 normal hamates. The study included thin‐layer computed tomography (CT) data from 60 patients from the orthopaedic clinic and inpatient unit from January 2017 to March 2020, including 34 men and 26 women who were 15~59 years old, average 35 years old. The CT data of 60 cases in Dicom format of the hand was input into Mimics and 3‐Matics software for three‐dimensional (3D) reconstruction and measuring the angle α between hamate surface and the fifth metacarpal surface. According to the possible placement of the transarticular plate on the fifth metacarpal surface, we measured the angle β between the hamate surface 1 and the fifth metacarpal surface and the angle γ between the hamate surface 2 and the fifth metacarpal surface.ResultsThe average angle between the hamate surface and the fifth metacarpal surface was 11.66°. The hamate surfaces 1 and 2 have an external rotation angle of 7.30° and 7.51° on average with respect to the fifth metacarpal surface, respectively. There is no statistically significant difference in the angles between the two groups (P > 0.05).ConclusionsThe horizontal angle of the dorsal side of the hamate is different from the back of the fifth metacarpal surface, and the hamate has a certain external rotation angle with respect to the fifth metacarpal surface. No matter how the transarticular plate is placed, the plate always has a certain external rotation angle relative to the fifth metacarpal surface. When the fixation is across the fifth carpometacarpal joint, if the plate does not twist and shape, it will inevitably cause internal rotation of the fifth metacarpal, resulting in internal rotation deformity of the little finger sequence.  相似文献   

目的 通过快速静脉输注甘露醇可逆性开放血脑屏障 (BBB) ,探知此方法能否增加抗生素透过BBB的量 ,在何时达到最高峰 ,其通透量增加后临床上有无不良反应。方法 采用自身配伍设计 ,共 6个样本组。对照组仅使用抗生素 ;其余 5组分别在使用甘露醇前 60、3 0min ,同时使用甘露醇后 3 0、60min使用抗生素 ,各组皆取使用抗生素后 1h的脑脊液测其抗生素浓度。抗生素选用头孢三嗪。结果 测量值经过q检验 ,经 2 0 %甘露醇处理前后的CSF中的头孢三嗪浓度差异有非常显著性。全组患者经临床观察未出现神经系统的不良反应。结论 经静脉快速输注2 0 %甘露醇后可以使透过BBB的水溶性抗生素的量增加 ,两者使用的顺序是在抗生素使用 3 0min内即给予甘露醇快速滴注。该方法不会增加低神经毒性抗生素在中枢神经系统的不良反应。  相似文献   

The historical evolution of the pylorus-preservation resection of the head of the pancreas is traced from the first resections early in this century to relative standardization of the operation, to a lowering of the operative mortality, and to an interest in improving nutritional status after resection. There are many theoretical advantages for the function of the upper gastrointestinal tract after pylorus and gastric preservation, such as maintenance of gastric capacitance and equilibration of osmotic pressure in gastric digestants, foodstuff digestion and absorption, and bowel motility. After the pylorus-preserving resection, gastric emptying is normal, pyloric function to prevent duodenal reflux is often normal, and gastric acids and serum levels of duodenal hormones are at normal levels, whereas after standard pancreatoduodenectomy, all of these are often abnormal. No prospective blinded studies have been published comparing nutritional values after the two operative procedures, but evidence is presented of a satisfactory result with regard to gastric capacitance, body weight gain, and lack of postgastrectomy symptoms. An undoubted advantage of the pylorus-preserving feature is a simplification of the operation. These gains are achieved without increase in operative mortality, without increase in the incidence of jejunal ulcer, and without theoretical or actual decrease in value of the procedure as a cancer operation, except in patients with duodenal carcinoma proximal to the ampulla of Vater.  相似文献   

目的:研究下颌牙弓的有效后移量及找寻下颌牙弓移动的后界。方法:选取涉及拔除下颌第三磨牙或下颌第三磨牙缺失的病例18例(男6例,女12例)。采用种植支抗牵引下牙弓向远中,治疗完成时所有病例均明确到达下颌牙弓后界,即下颌第二磨牙远中到达下颌升支前缘软组织交界处。应用治疗前后的曲断片测量下颌第二磨牙远中到升支前缘的距离。结果:下颌第二磨牙后移量为(3.49±1.21)mm;治疗后磨牙后间隙的长度为(4.43±0.97)mm。结论:下颌牙弓可确定性地实现整体后移;最大后移量由磨牙后间隙的长度决定;其最后界止于下颌第二磨牙远中与下颌升支前缘软组织交界处。  相似文献   

Whipple's pancreatoduodenectomy was the standard operation for diseases of the head of the pancreas for more than 40 years, but the results were vitiated in part by poor gastrointestinal function and malnutrition. Reintroduced in 1978, pylorus-preserving proximal pancreatoduodenectomy (PPPP) has had an increasing impact on pancreatic surgery as its benefits have been recognized: improved nutritional status, decreased incidence of postgastrectomy syndromes, and a technically easier operation. Postoperative mortality rates and 5-year survival rates are comparable with those of the classic Whipple procedure. PPPP is indicated for most patients with chronic pancreatitis of the pancreatic head. It is also appropriate for patients with periampullary cancer and for those with pancreatic cancer arising from the lower part of ‘the head and the uncinate process. More than 650 patients have now undergone PPPP: 31% for chronic pancreatitis and 66% for periampullary and pancreatic cancers. We assess the indications for PPPP, outline the operation, and review the results.  相似文献   

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