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髂耻滑囊囊肿7例治疗报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李家祥 《中国骨伤》2001,14(6):351-351
我院自 1988年 1月至 1998年 12月间收治髂耻滑囊囊肿病人 7例 ,报告如下。1 临床资料本组共 7例。其中男性 3例 ,女性 4例 ;年龄 37~ 6 0岁 ,平均年龄 47岁 ;右侧 2例 ,左侧 5例。2 治疗本组有 2例起初行穿刺抽液治疗 ,但效果较差。后 7例均行手术探查囊肿切除术[1] 。手术施以硬膜外麻醉 ,取平卧位 ,患侧垫高 ,自髂前上嵴顺缝匠肌内侧缘作一约 10cm切口 ,切断缝匠肌及股直肌并向外牵开 ,向内牵开股血管神经 ,暴露髂腰肌 ,屈曲髋关节 ,将髂腰肌向内侧牵开 (也可自小粗隆部切断 ) ,即可见囊肿壁。穿刺可抽出淡黄色较粘稠液体 ,得以证实…  相似文献   

董锡亮  吴迪  赵宏斌 《中国骨伤》2009,22(7):534-534
患者,女,40岁,因“发现左腹股沟区包块半年,增大伴疼痛3个月”入院。查体:左侧腹股沟韧带中点偏内侧下方可扪及3.0cm×3.5cm×4.5cm大小包块,质韧,有压痛,移动度小,挤压后包块不消失,局部皮肤色泽正常。活动左髋关节包块不移位,过伸左髋关节左大腿前侧放射性痛。血象正常。B超示:左大腿根部一3.0cm×3.5cm×4.0cm大小液性暗区,  相似文献   

胰腺假性囊肿治疗方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
胰腺假性囊肿治疗方法探讨胡志前王元和吴德敬王为民王毅胰腺假性囊肿(PPC)是胰腺炎和胰腺创伤的常见并发症。近年来,随着新技术的发展,PPC的治疗有较大改进(1,2)。我院自1985年~1997年共收治PPC46例,疗效满意,报道如下。临床资料本组男3...  相似文献   

男性病人,35岁。因左大腿车祸伤后伴巨大包块3年于2002-06-07入院。病人于3年前因骑摩托车时翻车从10多米高的斜坡上滚下,摩托车压砸在左大腿外侧,导致左大腿肿胀、疼痛,行走不便。在当地卫生院行预防感染、止痛治疗后疼痛及皮下淤血症状消失,但左大腿外侧出现一个椭圆形的无痛性包块,有波动感,并逐渐增大。后曾先后进行了穿刺抽积液加压包扎以及抽尽积液后注入强的松龙并加压包扎治疗,均无明显效果。病人因腿部包块过大影响穿衣而来我院就诊。入院查体左大腿中段从前侧至外后侧见一约29cm×16cm×7cm包块,余无异常。包块局部皮温正常,质软,…  相似文献   

何延荣  文辉清 《腹部外科》1993,6(3):128-129
我们于1983~1992年共收治9例巨大薄壁假性胰腺囊肿,囊内积液4000ml以上。均行早期手术治疗,术中由于囊壁薄及囊壁基底部宽既不能行内引流又不能作囊壁切除。作者将手术方式进行了改进,以外引流加转流术式,均取得了良好效果,报告如下:  相似文献   

患者男,27岁.因上腹部挤压伤,腹痛腹胀,消瘦,中上腹逐渐胀满2个月入院.体查:一般情况差,极度消瘦.  相似文献   

目的 探讨巨大胰腺假性囊肿的临床特点,并对各种外科治疗方法进行评价.方法 对1991年2月至2008年2月收治的27例巨大胰腺假性囊肿(长径>10cm)的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 27例巨大胰腺假性囊肿约占同期全部胰腺假性囊肿的20.9%;病因分类:急性胰腺炎所致占51.9%,胰腺外伤和手术所致占33.3%,慢性胰腺炎所致占11.1%;病程小于6周者占绝大多数(21/27);30%患者出现上消化道梗阻(8/27);影像学上虽然囊肿巨大,但均为单房囊肿;ERCP检查发现多数囊肿与胰管相通(9/11).手术方式包括囊肿外引流术9例,均失败,改行其他内引流术.囊肿胃吻合术10例,1例失败,改行囊肿空肠引流术,ERCP胰腺导管囊肿内支架引流术2例,1例失败,改行囊肿空肠引流术,囊肿空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术17例(其中11例为采用其他手术方式治疗失败者).所有患者均临床治愈.结论 胰腺巨大假性囊肿多数出现胰管解剖学改变,外科治疗时机和适应证有别于一般性胰腺假性囊肿.  相似文献   

<正>病人,男性,31岁。2018年1月9日因左上腹痛2天入院。9年前因脾外伤行脾切除术,5年前患急性重症胰腺炎。体格检查:生命体征平稳,腹平软,腹正中见一长约15 cm纵行愈合瘢痕,左上腹触及一大小约20 cm×15 cm包块,质软,活动度欠佳,触痛明显,腹肌不紧张,移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音6次/分钟。血常规检查:白细胞17.45×109/L,红细胞4.91×1012/L,血红蛋白139 g/L,血小板594×109/L。肝肾功能,凝血,血  相似文献   

下肢静脉曲张病因及治疗方法研究进展   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
下肢静脉曲张是外科常见病之一 ,患病率在各国差别很大。许多欧美国家的发病率高达 2 0 %~4 0 % ,热带非洲仅为 0 1%。在我国 ,张培华等调查15岁以上人群中 ,发病率为 8 6 % ,4 5岁以上为16 4 % ,推算现有病人约 80 0 0万至 1亿例[1] 。1 下肢静脉曲张的遗传分析郭琼行、郭辰虹对山东省立医院 1991~ 1996年下肢静脉曲张患者 6 8个家系进行研究[2 ] ,分析结果表明下肢静脉曲张为单基因遗传 ,遗传异质性 ,主要为迟发性常染色体显性遗传 ,不完全外显。U×U(非患者与非患者婚配 )婚配型为常染色体隐性遗传 ,患者比例为男∶女 =2 39∶1。…  相似文献   

假性胰腺囊肿的外科治疗   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
假性胰腺囊肿的外科治疗广州海员医院(510300)吴水来,陈敬迈作者从1986年7月至1994年8月共手术治疗假性胰腺囊肿12例,现结合文献,对该病有关问题进行讨论。临床资料一般资料:本组12例均为男性,年龄36~55岁,平均46.1岁。12例均有饮...  相似文献   

IntroductionSynovial cyst in the cervical spine is a very rare pathology that develops from the facet joint. When a synovial cyst emerges into the surrounding space, it can compress the nervous tissue and cause neurological symptoms. In the cervical area there is additionally the risk of spinal cord compression comparing to the more common presentation of synovial cysts in the lumbar spine.Presentation of caseHere, a cervical synovial cysts from the left facet joint grew into the spinal canal and compressed the C8 nerve root which led to root compressing symptoms. Interestingly we found this synovial cyst with congenital fusion. We identified only nine similar cases in the literature. The cyst was removed surgically and the patient discharged without complications.DiscussionNumerous theories have been established to explain the pathogenesis of synovial cyst. Biomechanical alterations of the spine play a significant role in the development of synovial cyst. However, the etiology is still unclear.ConclusionSurgical treatment should be considered in cervical synovial cysts with neurologic deficit or with cord compression or when the conservative treatment is ineffective.  相似文献   

目的探讨椎管内滑膜囊肿治疗的方法与疗效。方法将18例椎管内滑膜囊肿患者根据治疗方法分为两组:手术治疗10例为观察组,cT引导下穿刺注射药物治疗8例为对照组。对住院时间、下床活动时间、囊肿复发及并发症发生情况、JOA评分进行比较。结果患者均获随访,时间6~36个月。观察组住院、术后下床活动时间均长于对照组(P〈0.05)。观察组术后未出现并发症及复发,JOA评分:优8例,良1例,中1例,优良率为9/10;对照组出现1例神经损伤、3例复发,JOA评分:优2例,良3例,差3例,优良率为5/8。观察组疗效优于对照组(P〈0.05)。结论手术治疗椎管内囊肿的卧床及住院时间相对较长,但临床疗效满意。  相似文献   

Spinal synovial cysts are degenerative extradural lesions mostly found in the lumbar region, and more rarely at cervical or thoracic levels and in a bilateral presentation. We report a patient with a history of progressive paraparesis associated with bilateral cervicothoracic synovial cysts, causing spinal canal narrowing and cord compression, ultimately resulting in myelopathy. A review of the literature summarizes previous reports on this topic. Surgical excision of the extradural mass, decompression of the spinal canal and instrumented fusion were performed, improving lower limb deficit and gait. Post-surgical MRI showed evidence of complete cyst resection, and good arthrodesis consolidation with adequate sagittal balance. Surgical excision is indicated in case of medical treatment failure or increasing symptom severity. Given the strong pathophysiological link between synovial cysts and spinal instability, concomitant instrumented fusion may help improve outcome.  相似文献   

目的 探讨巨大胆总管囊肿伴胆道发育不良症患儿的诊断和手术难点.方法 回顾性分析胆道扩张症患儿278例,其中3例伴有肝外巨大囊肿的胆道发育不良症患儿.本组患儿术中都进行胆道造影检查,了解肝内、外胆管通畅情况以及肝内胆管扩张情况;术中行肝脏活检,行囊肿切除术,术中放置肝总管支架管,并行肝总管-空肠Roux-en-Y吻合手术. 结果 3例患儿手术年龄在1~2个月之间,术中造影显示囊肿较巨大,左、右肝管发育较细且与肝内相通,有黄色胆汁流出.切开囊肿时有1例损伤肝总管,行肝总管修补手术,并行肝总管部位囊肿成型术,再行肝门-空肠吻合术.3例患儿术后无吻合口狭窄和结石形成;肝活检病理证实有通畅胆管,但胆管数量减少,未见类似胆道闭锁的胆管增生以及胆栓形成.术后随访1~5年,未见黄疸发生,超声显示无肝内胆管扩张.结论 术中胆道造影检查非常必要,如遇囊肿巨大,左、右肝管较细,切开囊肿时应小心,切口位置选择在胆囊管水平以下,勿损伤肝管,造成吻合困难,吻合时放置支架管对于早期胆汁引流意义重大.  相似文献   



Pediatric hand and wrist ganglia seem to have different epidemiological characteristics than those of adults – a majority are found on the volar aspect of the hands and wrists of patients younger than 10 years of age.


To determine the epidemiology, etiological factors, clinical presentation, treatment and outcome of patients with ganglion cysts at The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Ontario).


The records of the pathology department at The Hospital for Sick Children were searched for all cases of ganglion cyst operated on between January 2000 and December 2008.


Thirty-seven patients underwent treatment for symptomatic ganglion cyst. The mean age of the patients was 9.6 years, and there were 23 females. A mobile nodule was the initial presentation of the ganglion in 64% of the cases. Pain was the most common indication for surgical removal. Only 11.4% of patients experienced previous trauma. In 70% of the cases, the diagnosis was made clinically. The most common sites of occurrence were volar wrist (25.7%), dorsal wrist (22.8%) and the volar aspect of the base of the ring finger (17.1%). Surgical excision was the treatment of choice for 94.2% of the patients with symptomatic lesions. The minimum follow-up period was 12 months. Only one patient (2.8%) presented with recurrence in the series.


Although it is possible that these findings might change with longer follow-up, the present data provide information to help guide the treatment of these cysts. Complete surgical removal is a very effective treatment, with low rates of recurrence.  相似文献   

游离阔筋膜瓣移植修复小腿软组织和主要血管 缺损   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的:总结吻合血管的阔筋膜瓣移植修复小腿软组织和主要血管缺损的临床应用结果。方法:2000年9月至2008年12月,应用阔筋膜瓣移植修复5例(男4例,女1例)小腿软组织和主要血管缺损,用其携带的旋股外侧动脉降支行桥式吻合,同时修复受区肢体主要血管缺损。患者年龄19~48岁,平均34岁。切取阔筋膜瓣范围6.5cm×9cm~9cm×18cm,Ⅰ期行中厚网状游离植皮,股部供区直接缝合。结果:阔筋膜瓣全部成活,手术顺利。随访时间11个月~3.5年,平均2.5年,未发现明显的供区功能障碍,供区与受区外形较好,受区小腿经临床观察与Doppler检查,胫前和胫后动脉通畅。结论:阔筋膜瓣以旋股外侧动脉降支为血供,血运丰富、血管解剖恒定、血管蒂长以及切取容易,而且较薄,适宜修复小腿软组织和主要血管缺损。  相似文献   

This study is designed based on the retrospective analysis of patients treated in the Neurosurgical Department of two major hospitals and review of the literature. The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficacy of surgery and address controversial issues in the treatment of symptomatic lumbar intraspinal synovial cysts. Spinal juxtafacet cysts (synovial and ganglion cysts) are a rare cause of low back and radicular leg pain. Although the relevant reports in the international literature are increasing, the controversy about conservative versus surgical treatment and the need for concomitant fusion still exists. Data from seven patients (age range 58–69 years, mean age 61 years) with low back and radicular leg pain due to a lumbar facet joint cyst were retrospectively analyzed. Demographic data, cyst level, presence of concomitant local pathology, treatment and results of treatment were recorded. A follow-up of at least 6 months (range 6–48 months) was conducted and results were noted. All patients had back pain, while five also experienced unilateral radicular leg pain and one had bilateral leg pain. One patient had neurogenic claudication. MRI identified the cyst and highlighted underlying pathology in all cases. All patients underwent surgical cyst excision. No fusion was performed. Post-operatively, all patients showed a total resolution of symptoms with sustained benefit at final evaluation. Review of the literature revealed a trend towards surgery, as this is correlated to a more favorable outcome compared with conservative treatment. Fusion should be performed on a case-by-case basis only. Surgery is a safe and effective treatment choice in this increasingly appearing ailment. A prospective, randomized trial should clarify issues under debate. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Metaplastic synovial cyst (MSC) is a benign cystic lesion observed after surgical intervention and recurrent skin trauma. Because of its rarity, the etiology is not fully understood. The most emphasized etiologic factors are recurrent surgical procedures and cutaneous pathologies, which cause cutaneous fragility and abnormal wound formation. In the literature, MSC is exemplified as a mass that can be observed by the naked eye and palpated. All patients had a history of previous surgical procedures in the area. In the present case, we report a 48 -year-old woman with recurrent carpal tunnel syndrome due to a MSC. This report showed that MSC can be detected at deeper locations than the regions described in the literature. To our knowledge, this is the first report of MSC causing carpal tunnel syndrome recurrence. It is thought that previous operations are the most important etiologic factor in MSC occurrence.  相似文献   

Summary Intraspinal synovial cysts, sometimes referred to as ganglion cysts, are uncommon lesions which may present as acute or chronic low back pain, with or without radicular symptoms. We present two patients who presented with back pain and radicular symptoms attributable to the unusual pathology of an intraspinal synovial cyst.  相似文献   

A 64-year-old-female presented with progressive left foot weakness, low back and radicular pain after a left sided S1 transforaminal epidural steroid injection(ESI). Magnetic resonance imaging revealed left side L5-S1 large extradural heterogeneous mass with layering areas suggesting different stages of hematoma formation. Past medical history was significant for peripheral vascular disease and transient ischemic attacks, for which she took aspirin and clopidogrel(antiplatelet agent). These medications were discontinued one week prior to ESI. Although synovial cysts associated with facet arthropathy are common, hemorrhagic cyst is not. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first reported case of symptomatic hemorrhagic lumbar facet synovial cyst following ESI on a patient taking antiplatelet medications.  相似文献   

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