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曼陀罗与颠茄、莨菪全是同属于茄科的药用植物。它们的叶都含有莨菪碱和东莨菪碱等有效成分,它们的效用也相类似,有镇痉、镇痛、止分泌和扩瞳等作用。关于曼陀罗的应用历史,在我国本草纲目中已有记载,名为"曼陀罗花",并有"风茄儿"和"山茄子"等释名。在我国各地民间,"曼陀罗"名称并不通用,而"风茄儿"或"风茄花"却是非常普遍的名称。一直到现在,有一些中叶行中仍旧以"风茄花"出售。根据李时珍(1518—1593)当时对曼陀罗原植物的记载,谓"……春生夏长,独茎直上,高四五尺,生不旁引,绿茎碧叶,叶为茄叶,八月开白花,凡六瓣,状如牵牛花而大,攒花中坼,骈叶外包,而朝开夜合,结实圆而有丁拐,中有小子……".再就本草纲目所附的插图,很像今日所指的白曼陀罗(Datura metel L.f.alba)。又据李时珍记载曼陀罗花及种子的功效,谓有"主惊癎……并入麻药",可见我国很早已用作镇痉、镇痛药,较之在欧洲,主要因 Storck 氏(1762)的研究而应用此叶,要早约200余年。但是我国现  相似文献   

曼陀罗子,又名风茄子,始载于明代《本草纲目》,附于曼陀罗花项下。李时珍说:“花子有毒,主惊痫及脱肛,并入麻药。”并提到:八月采花,九月采实。根据黄胜白、陈重明等考证,曼陀罗花的原植物是指茄科植物洋金花(实际应该称羊惊花)Daturametel L.的花。因此,曼陀罗子的原植物也应该是D.metel L.。但是目前有些中草药书籍对曼陀罗子原植物的记载和附图与上述  相似文献   

曼陀罗子的毒性鉴别及中毒治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王玉宝 《淮海医药》2001,19(5):430-431
曼陀罗子又名闹羊花子、伏茄子、风茄果、醉葡萄等。为茄科植物白花曼陀罗 Datura metel L 的种子。载于《本草纲目》曼陀罗花条下。李时珍谓 :“春生夏长 ,独茎直上……结实园而有丁拐 ,中有小子 ,八月采花 ,九月采实……花、子 ,气味辛、温有毒。主治诸风及寒湿脚气……及脱肛 ,并入麻药”。能祛风胜湿 ,定喘消肿 ,逐瘀血 ,通经络 ,虽医院、药店用不多 ,然民间常用。曼陀罗各部分均含生物碱 ,其中以东莨菪碱 1- Hyoscine,1- Scopolam ine,Hyoscine为主 ,莨菪碱 Hyoscyamine次之和阿托品 [1 ] ,其毒性成份为东莨菪碱、莨菪碱和阿托品 ,…  相似文献   

从新鲜未经干燥的白曼陀罗(Datura raetel L.)分离得一种新的莨菪烷生物碱白曼陀罗悔碱(Datu-metine),这是从曼陀罗属植物中分得的第一种由p-甲氧基苯甲酸为酯化酸的莨菪烷生物碱。经UV、IR、MS、~1H-NMR、~(13)C-NMR 及自旋回波(Gated spinecho)和偏振试验的联用测定,并从其水解和盐酸化所得的实验数据,确定白曼陀罗梅碱的结构式为:  相似文献   

空气中污染物质浓度的增加正日益对植物的生长、代谢和果实产量起着不良的影响,但其影响程度依植物品种而不同。铜(Cu)是一种工业残渣,它还作为硫酸盐或氯氧化合物存在于多种杀虫剂中。作者研究了Cu对白花曼陀罗(Datura Metel L.)的影响。观察对象是经鉴定为白花曼陀罗的种子播种后生长并拔疏的植株,分别种在相邻的两块土地上,  相似文献   

<正> 洋金花又名曼陀罗花(风茄花)是我国传统的中麻药,明代李时珍的《本草纲目》曾有记载。中华人民共和国85年版药典收载了洋金花用于哮喘咳嗽、风湿痹痛等。由于洋金花的生理活性较强,国际市场的需求量较大,根据联合国国际贸易中心所发布的资料,曼陀罗为目前国际市场上生产和流通量最大的八种药用植物之一。因此国内外有  相似文献   

解胆碱能药物具有解胆碱能和拟精神的双相作用,我国医药学家李时珍早在《本草纲目》中记载曼陀罗花(洋金花)具有“令人笑舞”和“昏昏如醉”的双相作用。近年来我国学者发现人口服大剂量洋金花制剂或静脉注射洋金花总生物碱出现拟精神症状,也验证这类解胆碱能药物具有精神作用。曼陀罗的主要成份东莨菪碱(Ⅰ)和阿托品(Ⅱ)都属于托品酸酯类的解胆碱能药物。解胆  相似文献   

洋金花的药理作用及临床应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李花 《现代医药卫生》2012,28(19):3001-3002
洋金花药用历史悠久,药理活性较强,应用广泛,为茄科草本植物白曼陀罗(Datura metel L.)的干燥花,主产于江苏、浙江、福建、广东等地。别名曼陀罗花、南洋金花、风茄花等。洋金花中生物碱类为临床应用的主要成分[1],主含东莨菪碱、莨菪碱、阿托品,还含有黄酮类、内酯类、木酯素类、倍半萜类、芳香族类等化学成分。《中国药典》2010版记载其性味辛温,有毒[2]。  相似文献   

目的探索评价曼陀罗和毛曼陀罗花的最佳采收期的方法。方法将两种曼陀罗花的生长发育过程进行量化,与Logistic生长曲线方程拟合,建立数学模型,运用有序聚类分析法将其生长过程划分不同采收期,以活性成分为指标,对两者最佳采收期进行界定。结果两种曼陀罗花的生长过程与Logisitic生长曲线方程拟合良好,有序聚类分析后将其花的生长发育过程划分为5个阶段,依此确定的最佳采收期与以往研究中药材最佳采收期方法不同。结论该研究中药材最佳采收期的方法值得进一步研究并推广。  相似文献   

洋金花致肾损害的临床报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洋金花为茄科植物白曼陀罗Datura metel L.或毛蔓陀罗D.innoxie Mill.的干燥花,分布于江苏、浙江、福建、广东、广西、湖北、四川等地,生长在北京地区别名叫洋大麻子花.它含生物碱(以东莨菪碱为主),辛、温,有大毒,入心、肺经.  相似文献   

Phytochemical investigation of the 50% ethanol eluate fraction of macroporous resin for the flower of Datura metel L. led to the isolation of a new compound named yangjinhualine A (1) and five known megastigmane sesquiterpenes through repeated silica gel and ODS column chromatography and semipreparative HPLC. The structures of these compounds were determined by spectroscopic methods, including 2D-NMR, ESI-MS, and HR-ESI-MS spectrometry as well as by comparison with published data. Five known megastigmane sesquiterpenes were also isolated from D. metel L. for the first time.  相似文献   

Suspensions of the powdered leaf of Datura metel L. and Datura stramonium L. (Solanaceae) were administered by intubation at different doses: 0.125 mg/kg, 0.250 mg/kg, 0.500 mg/kg, 1.000 mg/kg, 1.224 mg/kg and 1.400 mg/kg to virgin female albino mice and were observed daily. After two weeks, the mice were sacrificed and the liver, kidney and intestine were removed, preserved in 10% formalin solution and embedded in paraffin wax. Tissues from these organs were stained for assessment of tissue morphology. Pathological changes observed at 1.224 mg/kg and 1.400 mg/kg (LD100) were irreversible. At all other dose levels, there were reversible changes in the liver, kidney and intestine. Generally, D. metel-treated mice showed less anatomical abnormalities than D. stramonium-treated mice. Hence, D. metel could serve as a substitute for D. stramonium in drug development.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences of partial ferredoxin (Fd)-cDNAs (corresponding to the amino acid sequence of 22-87 in the total 97 amino acids of ferredoxin) were determined for Datura arborea, D. stramonium, D. metel, and related Datura plants. Non-synonymous substitutions were noted at 4 positions and a synonymous substitution was seen at position 82 (Gln [CAA] (arborea) vs. Gln [CAG] (stramonium and metel)). The nucleotide sequence of Fd-cDNA may provide more detailed information regarding the relative taxonomic positions of plants than the amino acid sequence. However, Datura plants in the same section (metel, fastuosa, and innoxia) and of different varieties (stramonium var. stramonium and stramonium var. tatula) showed identical Fd-cDNA nucleotide sequences. This result suggests that there are very close relationships among the plants in each group.  相似文献   

目的 建立瑶药止痛散的质量标准.方法 采用薄层色谱(TLC)法对瑶药止痛散中毛两面针、洋金花、草乌进行定性鉴别;采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)法测定瑶药止痛散中氯化两面针碱的含量,色谱柱为Waters XBridge Phengl C18柱(150 mm×2.1 mm,3.5μm),流动相为乙腈-0.2%磷酸溶液-三乙胺...  相似文献   

1例11岁女性患儿因口腔溃疡,口服家人自行用3朵洋金花煎煮的汤剂约300 ml,2 h后出现兴奋躁动,易惊醒症状持续一整夜。体格检查发现幻觉、自知力缺乏、定向障碍等症状。心电图检查示窦性心动过速。其症状可能和洋金花所含莨菪碱有关。给予葡萄糖氯化钠500 ml,1次/d静脉滴注,地西泮2.5 mg,2次/d口服。治疗第3天患儿症状消失。  相似文献   

Dabur R  Ali M  Singh H  Gupta J  Sharma GL 《Die Pharmazie》2004,59(7):568-570
Phytochemical investigation of the leaves of Datura metel Linn. led to the isolation of a new pyrrole derivative 1 which was characterised as 2beta-(3,4-dimethyl-2,5-dihydro-1H-pyrrol-2-yl)-1'-methylethyl pentanoate on the basis of spectral data analyses and chemical reactions. Compound 1 was endowed with antifungal activity and its MIC was found to be 87.5 microg/ml. Two proteins having molecular weights of 42 and 58 kD of Aspergillus fumigatus are potential targets for compound 1.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequences of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxins from Scopolia japonica and Lycium chinense have been determined by automated Edman degradation of the entire Cm-proteins and of the peptides obtained by enzymatic digestions. These two ferredoxins exhibited only 2-7 differences in the amino acid sequence when compared to the Datura-ferredoxins (D. stramonium, D. metel, and D. arborea), and especially only 2 or 3 differences compared to D. arborea. On the contrary, 8-19 differences were observed among the other solanaceous ferredoxins. This suggests that S. japonica and L. chinense are closely related taxonomically to Datura plants, especially to D. arborea.  相似文献   

Scopolamine and atropine contents in the whole plant of Datura metel L. increased gradually with the progress of developmental growth, and were most pronounced when the plant was at the end of its reproductive stage. The highest percentage of scopolamine accumulation in the root was after 16 weeks. The root was the organ which often accumulated higher amounts of atropine. The aerial parts, if compared with the root of the plant, usually accumulated relatively higher amounts of scopolamine and relatively lower amounts of atropine.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequences of [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin from Atropa belladonna and Hyoscyamus niger have been determined by automated Edman degradation of the entire S-carboxymethylcysteinyl proteins and of the peptides obtained by enzymatic digestion. These two ferredoxins exhibited 1-8 differences in their amino acid sequences compared to those of other tropane-alkaloid-containing plants (Scopolia japonica, Datura stramonium, D. metel, and D. arborea), and only 1 or 4 differences compared to S. japonica and D. arborea. In contrast, 9-23 differences were observed among the other solanaceous ferredoxins. This suggests that tropane-alkaloid-containing plants are closely related taxonomically.  相似文献   

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