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为更好的实施卫生部/联合国儿童基金会母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项日(2006-2010),全国亿万农民健康促进行动办公室组成国家级督导组分别赴甘肃、陕西、四川、贵州开展20O7年度项目督导。目的是总结交流经验、发现问题,探索在基层实施参与式方法的有效途径。为今后更好的实施项目提供理论依据。  相似文献   

四川省梓潼县《生命知识》传播效果评价报告(610031)四川省健康教育所熊萍我国和联合国儿童基金会自1990年起,在全国12个省实施了健康教育合作项目。项目的中心任务是通过向农村中目标人群传播《生命知识》信息,即有关母子保健方面的卫生知识,在目标人群...  相似文献   

为更好地贯彻《全国健康教育与健康促进工作规划纲要(2005-2010年)》,提高各级健康教育机构应对突发公共卫生事件的能力,江苏省疾病预防控制中心申报了国家级继续医学教育项目“突发公共卫生事件健康教育与健康促进培训班”(项目编号2006-12-07002),拟定于2006年7月中旬在江苏省南京市举办,时间约6天。  相似文献   

目的了解西藏实施母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项目效果,为西藏进一步开展母子保健健康教育提供线索和依据。方法采用定量调查和定性调查相结合的方法,了解西藏母子系统保健项目的效果。结果通过大众传播与人际传播相结合的方法向项目地区孕产妇和0~5岁儿童家长传播母子保健健康传播核心信息,健康传播活动覆盖了7个项目县93.0%的孕产妇,65.0%的0~5岁儿童家长。项目干预4年后,与基线时相比,目标人群至少做过5次产前检查的比例为从23.6%提高到56.0%,至少做过1次产检的比例从81.3%提高到92.0%,住院分娩率为从59.7%提高到82.0%,腹泻儿童中使用口服补液盐并继续喂养的比例为从13.5%提高到25.6%,儿童饭前洗手的比例为从21.1%提高到36.2%,知道至少3个儿童危险症状的比例为从5.3%提高到17.9%,均显著高于基线和非项目地区(P<0.05)。结论西藏实施母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项目取得明显成效。  相似文献   

目的了解实施母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项目效果,为进一步开展母子保健健康教育提供线索和依据。方法采用定量调查和定性调查相结合的方法,了解实施母子系统保健项目的效果。结果项目在我国中西部12省的46个县开展,通过大众传播与参与式人际传播相结合的方法向孕产妇和0~5岁儿童家长传播孕产期保健和儿童保健项目核心信息。经过4年干预,项目活动覆盖了项目地区90.8%的孕产妇,80.4%的0~5岁儿童家长。项目干预4年后,与项目干预前相比,目标人群至少做过5次产前检查的比例从31.0%上升到81.2%,孕妇及时产前检查率从39.6%提高到84.7%,产前检查至少做了4项的比例从25.0%提高到85.0%,住院分娩率从70.5%提高到97.4%,生后1小时内开始吃母乳的比例从16.2%提高到58.9%,辅食及时添加率从60.6%提高到88.3%。在项目干预后显著提高,且都显著高于非项目地区(P<0.05)。结论母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项目取得明显成效。  相似文献   

为进一步贯彻落实全国亿万农民健康促进行动规划(2006--2010年),积极推进广东省亿万农民健康促进行动工作,广东省“行动”办公室和东莞市“行动”办公室于2006年岁末在东莞市常平镇振兴中学召开全市健康教育暨亿万农民健康促进行动工作现场经验交流会,并为获得“全国亿万农民健康促进行动‘示范县区’”的石碣镇举行了授牌仪式。  相似文献   

卫生部/联合国儿童基金会母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项目工作会暨培训班于2008年1月14日-15在北京召开,中国疾病预防控制中心健康教育所的有关领导,联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处项目官员,青海、西藏等12个项目省/自治区的健康教育所所长和项目管理人员约50余人出席了会议。  相似文献   

我国和联合国儿童基金会自1990年起,在全国12个省实施了健康教育合作项目。项目的中心任务是通过向农村中目标人群传播《生命知识》信息.即有关母子保健方面的卫生知识,在目标人群中普及卫生科学知识,增强自我保健意识,改变不卫生习惯和行为。我省是项目省之一,在全国爱卫办、中国健康教育研究所、省爱卫办的统一领导下,在全国项目办的业务指导下,按照项目行动计划的要求.我们首先接受了全国的培训,并在1992年选择了梓潼县作为  相似文献   

清澜 《中国健康教育》2005,21(3):166-166
为了贯彻党的十六大关于全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标和《中共中央、国务院关于卫生改革与发展的决定》精神,依据世界卫生组织《国家健康促进行动规划框架》,以及当前国际国内健康促进与健康教育发展和加强公共卫生体系建设的需要,在组织农村、城市社区、工作场所、公共场所、学校、医院及突发公共卫生事件等7个方面健康促进应用性研究的基础上,卫生部于2005年1月起草制定了《全国健康教育与健康促进工作规划纲要(2005—、-2010年)》,以规范和指导全国健康教育与健康促进工作的开展。  相似文献   

研究分析了西藏自治区开展的母子系统保健健康促进与健康传播项目的实施过程。该项目的实施改变了我区健康教育工作的传统宣传模式,使之变平面为立体,并推动我区健康教育及母子健康保健工作的深入开展。  相似文献   

Equity and equality in health and health care   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper explores four definitions of equity in health care: equality of utilization, distribution according to need, equality of access, and equality of health. We argue that the definitions of 'need' in the literature are inadequate and propose a new definition. We also argue that, irrespective of how need and access are defined, the four definitions of equity are, in general, mutually incompatible. In contrast to previous authors, we suggest that equality of health should be the dominant principle and that equity in health care should therefore entail distributing care in such a way as to get as close as is feasible to an equal distribution of health.  相似文献   

Inequalities in health and health care are caused by different factors. Measuring "unfair" inequalities implies that a distinction is introduced between causal variables leading to ethically legitimate inequalities and causal variables leading to ethically illegitimate inequalities. An example of the former could be life-style choices, an example of the latter is social background. We show how to derive measures of unfair inequalities in health and in health care delivery from a structural model of health care and health production: "direct unfairness", linked to the variations in medical expenditures and health in the hypothetical distribution in which all legitimate sources of variation are kept constant; "fairness gap", linked to the differences between the actual distribution and the hypothetical distribution in which all illegitimate sources of variation have been removed. These two approaches are related to the theory of fair allocation. In general they lead to different results. We propose to analyse the resulting distributions with the traditional apparatus of Lorenz curves and inequality measures. We compare our proposal to the more common approach using concentration curves and analyse the relationship with the methods of direct and indirect standardization. We discuss how inequalities in health care can be integrated in an overall evaluation of social inequality.  相似文献   

The author explains and illustrates by historical references terms such as health policy, public health, health. Next he deals with ethical principles of the health policy in the following sections: a) respecting people and their rights, b) maximalization of benefit and minimalization of damage, c) legal aspects.  相似文献   

War-related changes in health and health services in Nicaragua   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The low-intensity war against Nicaragua from 1983 to 1987 has had a wide reaching impact on health, health services, and health economics in that country. Beyond the death of individuals and destruction of facilities, economic embargo and contra destruction have cost the health system about 200 billion cordobas between 1981 and 1987. This is approximately equal to the value of 2 years of the entire health budget. The war has resulted in decreased accessibility and availability of services, leaving about 10% of the population without access to modern health facilities. Perhaps 10% of the demand for acute care services is generated by the war, which has resulted in a reorganization of surgical and medical services. Long term care needs for psychiatric illness and rehabilitation services are far more extensive. Population movements and resettlement, where preventive care has been unavailable, are associated with epidemics of malaria, diarrheal diseases, measles, leishmaniasis, meningitis, and tuberculosis. Health services remain a high priority of the government as health care is viewed as a way to reduce the untoward effects of the war on the general population. Nonetheless, the indirect effects of the war have been detrimental to the system. Negative effect include the loss to the system of health professionals and rampant inflation. These forces contribute to the weakening of primary health programs and the reorientation of the national system into hospital based, curative medical services.  相似文献   

Addressing inequity in health and health care in Mexico   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the fact that life expectancy at birth in Mexico has improved from forty-two years in 1940 to seventy-three in 2000, major inequalities persist in health and access to health care. The Mexican health care system has evolved into a series of disjointed subsystems that are incapable of delivering universal health insurance. Without greatly restructuring the way health care is financed, performance with respect to equity will remain poor. This paper presents the inequities of the system and describes how the current system contributes to the status quo rather than redressing the situation. After tracing the origins of the present system, we discuss policy initiatives for moving toward universal health insurance.  相似文献   

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