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Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a group of genetically and clinicallyheterogeneous retinopathies, some of which have been shown toresult from mutations in two different known retinal genes,rhodopsin (3q) and peripherin-rds (6p). Three additional anonymousloci at 7p, 7q and pericentric 8 have been implicated by linkagestudies. There are still, however, a few families in which allknown loci have been excluded. In this report we present dataindicating a location, on the short arm of chromosome 17, forthe autosomal dominant RP (ADRP) locus in a large South African(SA) family of British ancestry. Positive two-point lod scoreshave been obtained for nine markers (D17S938, Z = 5.43; D17S796,Z = 4.82; D17S849, Z = 3.6; D17S786, Z = 3.55; TP53, Z = 3.55;D17S578, Z = 3.29; D17S960, Z = 3.16; D17S926, Z = 1.51; D17S804,Z = 0.47 all at   相似文献   

We report the mapping of a sixth locus for autosomal dominantretinitis pigmentosa (adRP) to 19q13.4. After a total genomelinkage search using over 300 markers in a single large pedigree,marker loci on the long arm of chromosome 19 showed significantlinkage with the disease locus. Since the mapping informationfor the marker loci used in this study was derived from twodifferent genome maps, we established genetic distances betweenrelevant marker loci so that linkage information could be combinedfrom both maps. A conventional three point analysis betweenthe adRP phenotype and markers D19S180 and D19S214 gave a maximumlod score of 4.87. Combining data from these and other markers,we used the recently described multiple two point programmeFASTMAP to simulate a multipoint analysis of the full data set.This gave a lod score of 5.34 in the Interval between markersD19S180 and D19S214. Recently this laboratory has also reportedthe linkage of another form of retinal degeneration known ascone-rod dystrophy (CRD) to a genetically different set of markersfrom 19q. Linkage data presented here clearly supports the existenceof two separate retinal genes in this part of the genome.  相似文献   

A form of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) mapping to chromosome 17p has been reported in a single large South African family. We now report a new family with severe early onset ADRP which maps to 17p. Linkage and haplotype analysis in this family places the ADRP locus in the 5 cM interval between markers AFMc024za5 and D17S1845, confirming the data obtained in the South African family. The discovery of a second 17p linked family may imply that this is one of the more common loci for dominant RP. In addition, the confirmation of an RP diagnosis at this locus is of interest since loci for a dominant cone dystrophy and Leber's congenital amaurosis (LCA1) have recently been linked to the same markers. While the cone dystrophy locus may be allelic with RP, our data and that of Goliath et al show that distinct genes are responsible for dominant RP and Leber's congenital amaurosis on chromosome 17p.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa is a group of hereditary retinopathies which is both clinically and genetically heterogeneous. Autosomal dominant (ADRP), autosomal recessive (ARRP), and X linked recessive (XLRP), as well as digenic forms of inheritance have been reported. ADRP has been linked to 3q, 6p, 7p, 7q, 8cen, 17p, 17q, and 19q. Three unrelated ADRP families have been reported to show linkage to 7q. We tested a Scottish ADRP family with microsatellite markers mapping within the 7q31-q35 region, and found three markers (D7S487, D7S514, D7S530) showing statistically significant evidence of linkage. A maximum two point lod score of 3.311 at 0% recombination was obtained for D7S514.  相似文献   

A large four generation Japanese family was studied, in which autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) of very variable expression was segregating. Positive lod scores with maxima between 1.557-5.118 at theta = 0.00, strongly suggestive of linkage, were obtained for KLK, D19S180, D19S418, and D19S254 on chromosome 19q. Recently, an ADRP locus has been mapped to the same region in a British family, in which, again, several members subjectively had no clinical evidence of the disease although they had both an affected parent and an affected child.  相似文献   

Autosomal recessive retinitis pigmentosa (ARRP) is a genetically heterogeneous disease. To date, mutations in four members of the phototransduction cascade have been implicated in ARRP. Additionally, linkage of the disease to three loci on 1p, 1q, and 6p has been described. However, the majority of cases are still uncharacterised. We have performed linkage analysis in a large nuclear ARRP family with five affected sibs. After exclusion of several regions of the genome known to contain loci for retinal dystrophies, a genomic search for linkage to ARRP was undertaken. Positive lod scores were obtained with markers on 2q31-q33 (Zmax at theta = 0.00 of 4.03, 4.12, and 4.12 at D2S364, D2S118, and D2S389, respectively) defining an interval of about 7 cM for this new ARRP locus, between D2S148 and D2S161. Forty-four out of 47 additional ARRP families, tested with markers on 2q32, failed to show linkage, providing evidence of further genetic heterogeneity.  相似文献   

Retinitis pigmentosa is an inherited progressive disease which is a major cause of blindness in western communities. It can be inherited as an autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or X-linked recessive disorder. In the autosomal dominant form (adRP), which comprises about 25% of total cases, approximately 30% of families have mutations in the gene encoding the rod photoreceptor-specific protein rhodopsin. This is the transmembrane protein which, when photoexcited, initiates the visual transduction cascade. So far, 41 single-base-pair (bp) substitutions, one two-bp substitution, and four deletions ranging from 3 to 42 bp have been identified in this gene. These mutations do not appear to be significantly clustered in a specific part of the protein, but occur in all three major domains, namely the intradiscal, transmembrane, and cytoplasmic regions. Different mutations appear to cause differences in the severity of the disease, though there is considerable variability in severity even within the same family, at least in certain of these mutations. Identification of all the mutations involved in rhodopsin-RP should allow accurate and early detection of affected individuals, informed genetic counselling, as well as furthering our knowledge of the disease process involved. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Here we report recruitment of a three-generation Romani (Gypsy) family with autosomal dominant cone-rod dystrophy (adCORD). Involvement of known adCORD genes was excluded by microsatellite (STR) genotyping and linkage analysis. Subsequently, two independent total-genome scans using STR markers and single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were performed. Haplotype analysis revealed a single 6.7-Mb novel locus between markers D10S1757 and D10S1782 linked to the disease phenotype on chromosome 10q26. Linkage analysis gave a maximum LOD score of 3.31 for five fully informative STR markers within the linked interval corresponding to the expected maximum in the family. Multipoint linkage analysis of SNP genotypes yielded a maximum parametric linkage score of 2.71 with markers located in the same chromosomal interval. There is no previously mapped CORD locus in this interval, and therefore the data reported here is novel and likely to identify a new gene that may eventually contribute to new knowledge on the pathogenesis of this condition. Sequencing of several candidate genes within the mapped interval led to negative findings in terms of the underlying molecular pathogenesis of the disease in the family. Analysis by comparative genomic hybridization excluded large chromosomal aberrations as causative of adCORD in the pedigree.  相似文献   

We studied a large Danish family of seven generations in which autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP), a heterogeneous genetic form of retinal dystrophy, was segregating. After linkage had been excluded to all known adRP loci on chromosomes 3q, 6p, 7p, 7q, 8q, 17p, 17q and 19q, a genome screening was performed. Positive lod scores suggestive of linkage with values ranging between Z = 1.58-5.36 at theta = 0.04-0.20 were obtained for eight loci on proximal 1p and 1q. Close linkage without recombination and a maximum lod score of 7.22 at theta = 0.00 was found between the adRP locus (RP18) in this family and D1S498 which is on 1q very near the centromere. Analysis of multiply informative meioses suggests that in this family D1S534 and D1S305 flank RP18 in interval 1p13-q23. No linkage has been found to loci from this chromosomal region in six other medium sized adRP families in which the disease locus has been excluded from all known chromosomal regions harbouring an adRP gene or locus suggesting that there is (at least) one further adRP locus to be mapped in the future.   相似文献   

Cataracts are the commonest cause of blindness worldwide. Inherited cataract is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease that most often shows autosomal dominant inheritance. In this study, we report the identification of a novel locus for cerulean cataract type 5 (CCA5), also known as blue-dot cataract on chromosome 12q24. To date, four loci for autosomal dominant congenital cerulean cataract have been mapped on chromosomes, 17q24, 22q11.2–12.2, 2q33–35 and 16q23.1. To map this locus we performed genetic linkage analysis using microsatellite markers in a five-generation English family. After the exclusion of all known loci and several candidate genes we obtained significantly positive LOD score (Z) for marker D12S1611 (Zmax=3.60; at θ=0). Haplotype data indicated that CCA5 locus lies within a region of 14.3 Mb interval between the markers D12S1718 and D12S1723. Our data are strongly suggestive of a new locus for CCA5 on chromosome 12.  相似文献   

A locus for autosomal dominant anterior polar cataract on chromosome 17p   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:6  
Inherited cataract is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disease. Here we report the identification of a new locus for an autosomal dominant anterior polar cataract on the short arm of chromosome 17. To map this new locus we performed genetic linkage analysis with microsatellite markers in a four-generation pedigree. After exclusion of seven candidate loci for cataract, we obtained significant positive LOD scores for markers D17S849 (Z = 4.01 / theta = 0.05) and D17S796 (Z = 4.17 / theta = 0.05). Multipoint analysis gave a maximum LOD score of 5.2 (theta max = 0.06) between these two markers. From haplotype analysis, the cataract locus lies in the 13 cM interval between markers D17S849 and D17S796. This study provides the first genetic mapping of an autosomal dominant anterior polar cataract.   相似文献   

We have defined a new genetic locus for an X linked form of retinitis pigmentosa (RP) on chromosome Xq28. We examined 15 members of a family in which RP appeared to be transmitted in an X linked manner. Ocular examinations were performed, and fundus photographs and electroretinograms were obtained for selected patients. Blood samples were obtained from all patients and an additional seven family members who were not given examinations. Visual acuity in four affected individuals ranged from 20/40 to 20/80+. Patients described the onset of night blindness and colour vision defects in the second decade of life, with the earliest at 13 years of age. Examined affected individuals had constricted visual fields and retinal findings compatible with RP. Based on full field electroretinography, cone function was more severely reduced than rod function. Female carriers had no ocular signs or symptoms and slightly reduced cone electroretinographic responses. Affected and non‐affected family members were genotyped for 20 polymorphic markers on the X‐chromosome spaced at 10 cM intervals. Genotyping data were analysed using GeneMapper software. Genotyping and linkage analyses identified significant linkage to markers DXS8061, DXS1073, and DXS1108 with two point LOD scores of 2.06, 2.17, and 2.20, respectively. Haplotype analysis revealed segregation of the disease phenotype with markers at Xq28.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis has been performed on a large Australian family segregating for the autosomal dominant form of retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). The majority of patients had no subjective symptoms of night blindness until their second decade and good visual acuity until late in life. The disease in this family has been classified as Type II ADRP according to the subdivisions provided by both Massof and Finkelstein and Fishman and colleagues. Linkage (Omax:0.08 at Zmax:4.78) is here demonstrated between the disease locus and D3S47 (a marker locus on the long arm of chromosome 3), which showed in an earlier study very close linkage without recombination to the disease locus in an Irish pedigree with a clinically more severe and early onset (Type I) ADRP.  相似文献   

We performed a genomic search for linkage to autosomal recessiveretlnitis pigmentosa In a large pedigree obtained from the DominicanRepublic using microsatelllte markers. Regions of the genomeknown to contain genes for retlnltis pigmentosa were preferentiallytested. One of these regions, on chromosome 6p, which containsthe gene for peripherin, gave positive lod scores. Use of amononucleotide repeat polymorphism In the peripherin gene excludedthis locus. Two- and multi-point analyses suggest that the mostlikely location for the disease gene is near D6S291, which Islocated approximately 20 centlmorgans telomeric from peripherin.  相似文献   

We report the exclusion of a locus for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa proximal to the rhesus locus in a single large pedigree. In addition, a previously unreported linkage is described between two chromosome 1 markers, which confirms that a highly variable minisatellite locus is placed internally on chromosome 1.  相似文献   

The RP17 locus for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa has previously been mapped to chromosome 17q by linkage analysis. Two unrelated South African families are linked to this locus and the identification of key recombination events assigned the RP17 locus to a 10 cM interval on 17q22. The work reported here refines the mapping of the locus from a 10 cM to a 1 cM interval between the microsatellite markers D17S1604 and D17S948. A physical map of this interval was constructed using information from the Whitehead/MIT YAC contig WC 17.8. Sequence-tagged site (STS) content mapping of seven overlapping YACs from this contig was employed in order to build the map. A BAC library was screened to cover a gap in the YAC contig and two positive BACs were identified. Intragenic polymorphisms in the retinal fascin gene provided evidence for the exclusion of this candidate as the RP17 disease gene.  相似文献   

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