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INTRODUCTION  Graves’disease(GD)isoneoftheautoimmunethyroiddiseases(AITD) ,andischaracterizedbyhypermetabolicandhyperthyroidsyndromecausedbyTSHreceptor stimulatingantibody TheetiologyandpathogenesisofGDarestillnotfullyclarified TheroleofTcellswaswidelyst…  相似文献   

The immunophenotype, rearrangements of T cell receptor(TCR) γ andδchain genes as well as the immunoglobulinheavy chain (IgH)gene were studied in 37 cases ofmorphologically defined acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).According to the expression of differentiation antigens, 8 caseswere classified as T-ALL, 26 B lineage ALL, 2 acute un-differentiated leukemia (AUL) and myeloid phenotype. An or-der of TCR gene rearrangements was observed in T-ALL,with the rearrangement of δgene preceding that of γgene.Both genes were also found frequently rearranged and / or de-leted in high proportions of the ALL of B cell lineage. Howev-er, the patterns of gene rearrangements were somewhat differ-ent between the T and B lineage ALLs. In contrast, the lgHgene rearrangements were observed only in the B lineage ALL.The immunogenotype analysis of ALL proved to be a usefulmarker of the clonality and provided us with important informa-tion on early human lymphoid differentiation. We concludethat the determination of T  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONRetinoidsareagroupofnaturalandsyntheticvitaminAderivatiVesthatmodulategrowthanddifferentiationofmanytissuesandcelllines(l)Theyactbybindingtoagroupofnuclearreceptorswhichformpartofalargersuperfamilyofsteroid/thyroidhormonenuclearreceptors.TheretinoidnuclearreceptorsaredivivdedintoRARsandRXRssuperfamilieseachcomposedofthreesubtypes(a,8,Y)(2)ItisdemonstratedthatRARaplaysamajorroleinthegrowthinhibitoryeffectofretinoidsonbreastcancercells,maybeitcanserveasastrongindicatortogui…  相似文献   

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