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This paper addresses the clinical links between emotional abuse and the eating disorders. It is argued that the core feature of a range of abusive experiences is emotional invalidation. Emotional abuse is associated with problems in the development of emotional skills, manifesting as alexithymia, poor distress tolerance, and emotional inhibition. Cognitive-behavioral approaches are outlined for work with eating-disordered patients with a history of emotional abuse. As well as addressing the central concerns about eating, weight, and shape (using existing evidence-based methods), the focus of treatment is on addressing the conditional assumptions about the acceptability of emotions and the core beliefs that underpin the emotional difficulties.  相似文献   

The incidence of sexual abuse in eating disorder patients appears significant. Fifty percent of both our anorectic and bulimic patients reported a history of sexual abuse while only 28% of a non-anorexic, non-bulimic control population reported similar problems (p less than 0.01). Several patterns of behavior seemed related to previous sexual assault. In one, the eating disorder was used to change the body image of the patient and therefore to provide a defense to future abuse. Other behaviors which occurred more specifically in bulimic women dealt with a projection of repressed anger toward male authority figures. Forty six percent of the bulimic women seen in our study exhibited some promiscuous behavior, using sex either as a gauge of their own self worth or as a means of punishing men. It is essential that sexual issues be addressed early in the treatment of patients with eating disorders. Disclosure is often difficult particularly in outpatient situations where the patient lives at home with her family. It usually does not occur in such cases until the later stages of therapy, or until the patient is hospitalized. Rape is the exception since our data suggests that it is usually revealed early in the course of treatment (p less than 0.001). Once disclosure occurs, a dramatic change is usually seen in the patient and treatment becomes more effective. As the patient deals with the issues of sexual abuse, they no longer need to deny their sexuality or punish themselves or others. Issues of guilt, depression, repressed anger, low self-esteem, social isolation and inadequacy are important and need to be addressed during the course of therapy with sexually abused patients.  相似文献   

Covert drug abuse in patients with eating disorders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Impulse control disorders in women with eating disorders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We compared symptom patterns, severity of illness, and comorbidity in individuals with eating disorders with and without impulse control disorders (ICD), and documented the temporal pattern of illness onset. Lifetime ICD were present in 16.6% of 709 women with a history of eating disorders. The most common syndromes were compulsive buying disorder and kleptomania. ICD occurred more in individuals with binge eating subtypes, and were associated with significantly greater use of laxatives, diuretics, appetite suppressants and fasting, and with greater body image disturbance, higher harm avoidance, neuroticism, cognitive impulsivity, and lower self-directedness. In addition, individuals with ICD were more likely to have obsessive-compulsive disorder, any anxiety disorder, specific phobia, depression, cluster B personality disorder, avoidant personality disorder, and to use psychoactive substances. Among those with ICD, 62% reported the ICD predated the eating disorder and 45% reported the onset of both disorders within the same 3-year window. The presence of a lifetime ICD appears to be limited to eating disorders marked by binge eating and to be associated with worse eating-related psychopathology, more pathological personality traits, and more frequent comorbid Axis I and II conditions. Untreated ICD may complicate recovery from eating disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Across populations, findings associate impulsivity, behavioral disinhibition, or hostility with reduced central serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine: 5-HT) activity and increased likelihood of childhood abuse. Inconsistently, findings associate compulsivity, behavioral inhibition, or anxiousness with elevated 5-HT neurotransmission. We explored relationships among measures of 5-HT system functioning, behavioral inhibition/disinhibition, and childhood abuse in women with bulimia-spectrum eating syndromes. METHOD: In 73 bulimic (body mass index [kg/m2] under 30, binge eating at least once weekly) and 50 normal-eater control women, we obtained indices of platelet paroxetine binding and 5-HT agonist (m-CPP)-stimulated neuroendocrine responses. Cluster analysis was used to classify the bulimic women according to 5-HT "profiles." Resulting groups were then compared on symptom and trait measures. RESULTS: Measures of paroxetine-binding density (Bmax) and affinity (Kd) contributed significantly (p < .001 and p < .02, respectively) to a classification of bulimic women into groups with "low density/high affinity" (N = 52) or "high density/low affinity" (N = 21) binding. The 5-HT based classification did not predict eating-symptom severity. However, the "high density" pattern was associated with increased perfectionism and compulsivity, reduced risk of childhood sexual abuse, and (to some extent) reduced probability of borderline personality disorder. DISCUSSION: In women with bulimic syndromes, serotonergic factors, personality-trait variations, and developmental typologies converge in principled fashion. Our findings corroborate (with neurobiological evidence) the concept of underregulated and overregulated subtypes within the bulimic population.  相似文献   



To assess the familial influence on neuropsychological dysfunction in eating disorders (ED) patients by comparing 16 patients with restricting type anorexia nervosa (AN-R), 18 patients with bingeing purging type anorexia nervosa, 20 patients with bulimia nervosa binge-purge type, 21 of the patients' nonaffected sisters, and 20 nonrelated healthy controls.


Self-report questionnaires assessing psychopathology and 2 computerized cognitive tasks measuring hemispheric asymmetry for language and visuospatial abilities were administered to all participant groups.


On the self-report questionnaires, ED patients scored significantly more pathological than the healthy controls, whereas the healthy sisters were similar to the nonrelated healthy control group. For both of the computerized tasks, the behavior pattern of the sisters was similar to that of all, or most ED groups, and were significantly different from the nonrelated healthy controls. In addition, AN-R patients performed significantly worse on the visuospatial task than the other ED groups.


The dissociation between the performance on the cognitive tasks and psychopathology measures in healthy sisters, when compared to the ED and nonrelated healthy control groups, suggests that disturbances in neurocognitive functioning in ED patients are not necessarily the result of ED-related dysfunction. Rather, this may indicate general individual differences in cognitive processes that may run in families irrespective of the ED condition of the family member. The findings, with respect to the AN-R patients, support a neurocognitive continuum model of EDs in which AN-R represents the most severe form of the illness.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence, reliability, and predictive value of comorbid personality disorders in a large sample of 210 women seeking treatment for anorexia nervosa (N = 31), bulimia nervosa (N = 91), or mixed disorder (N = 88). METHOD: All subjects were interviewed using the Structured Interview for DSM-III Personality Disorders as part of a longitudinal outcome study of eating disorders currently underway at Massachusetts General Hospital. RESULTS: Of the 210 subjects, 27% had at least one personality disorder; the most commonly observed was borderline personality disorder in 18 subjects (9%). The highest prevalence of personality disorders was found in the anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa group at 39%, followed by 22% in the anorexics and 21% in the bulimic sample. We found statistically significant differences regarding the distribution of personality disorders across eating disorder groups. The dramatic personality disorder cluster was differentially distributed across groups; this finding was accounted for by higher rates of borderline personality disorder in the bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa groups than in the anorexia nervosa group. The anxious personality disorder cluster was differentially distributed across groups with higher rates in the anorexia nervosa and anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa samples. Those subjects with a comorbid personality disorder had a significantly slower recovery rate than those without a comorbid personality disorder. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of personality disorders is not high in treatment-seeking women with eating disorders compared with previously studied samples. The greatest frequency of comorbid personality disorders is in the anorexia nervosa/bulimia nervosa group; this subset also had longer duration of eating disorder illness and much greater comorbid Axis I psychopathology compared with the rest of the sample. Future studies should address whether personality disorders have predictive value in the long-term course and outcome of eating disorders.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors compared 62 men who met all or most of the DSM-III-R criteria for eating disorders with 212 women who had similar eating disorders and 3,769 men who had no eating disorders on a wide variety of clinical and historical variables. METHOD: The groups of subjects were derived from a community epidemiologic survey performed in the province of Ontario that used the World Health Organization's Composite International Diagnostic Interview. RESULTS: Men with eating disorders were very similar to women with eating disorders on most variables. Men with eating disorders showed higher rates of psychiatric comorbidity and more psychosocial morbidity than men without eating disorders. CONCLUSIONS: These results confirm the clinical similarities between men with eating disorders and women with eating disorders. They also reveal that both groups suffer similar psychosocial morbidity. Men with eating disorders show a wide range of differences from men without eating disorders; the extent to which these differences are effects of the illness or possible risk factors for the occurrence of these illnesses in men is not clear.  相似文献   

This qualitative study retrospectively explored the help-seeking process in women with eating disorders. Interviews were conducted with 14 college-age women suffering from anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, or eating disorder NOS. Grounded theory was utilized to develop a preliminary model of the help-seeking process. Participants described a gradual shift from denial to increased awareness of self and the impact of the illness. This core process was transient in nature and influenced by interpersonal feedback, critical incidents, the women's general attitude toward help- seeking, and prior treatment experiences. Implications for clinicians include an increased focus on the transient awareness of self and the illness.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A number of European and Northern American studies have investigated a possible association between dissociative phenomena, eating disorders, child sexual abuse and self-mutilation. However, there has been little confirmation from other countries and cultures, and the Australian experience of these interrelationships has not previously been studied. METHOD: Dissociative symptomatology and self-reported history of abusive experiences, physical and sexual, were retrospectively studied in a sample of Australian eating disordered patients using a self-report measure, the Dissociation Questionnaire (DIS-Q). RESULTS: As hypothesised, dissociative symptoms were particularly frequent in those who reported child and adult sexual abuse and in those who self-mutilated. A correlation between multiple forms of abuse and higher dissociation scores was only partially upheld. CONCLUSIONS: Interrelationships between victimisation and dissociation are discussed within the context of current knowledge in the field, and brief suggestions for therapeutic strategies are offered.  相似文献   

Excessive exercise (EE) is an important symptom of eating disorders (ED) and is a likely risk factor for developing ED, however, no population-based studies have been performed on the relationship between EE and obtaining ED diagnosis. The aim of this study was to examine the co-occurrence of EE and ED diagnosis in a general population of women. Data for 778 females (age min=30, max=55) from the Saint Thomas Twin Registry, London were used. Phenotypes analyzed included self-reported time spent on physical activity per week, ED diagnosis, Eating Disorder Inventory results (EDI-III), age, BMI and kinship (twin pair). Generalized Estimating Equation analysis showed that only EE (>5 h of exercise per week) and Bulimia Subscale of EDI-III were significantly associated with obtaining ED diagnosis throughout the life. These data revealed that the odds of ever being diagnosed with an ED are more than 2.5 times higher for excessive exercisers compared to individuals with lower activity levels. These data support the notion that EE may be an important risk factor for developing an ED in women.  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence both from animal experimentation and from clinical field studies that physical activity can play a central role in the pathogenesis of some eating disorders. However, few studies have addressed the issue of prevalence or whether there are different rates of occurrence across diagnostic categories, and the estimates that do exist are not entirely satisfactory. The present study was designed to conduct a detailed examination of the physical activity history in patients with anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN) both during and prior to the onset of their disorder. A sample of adult patients and a second sample of adolescent AN patients took part in the study. A series of chi-square analyses compared diagnostic groups on a number of variables related to sport/exercise behaviors both premorbidly and comorbidly. Data were obtained by means of a detailed structured interview with each patient. We found that a large proportion of eating disorder patients were exercising excessively during an acute phase of the disorder, overexercising is significantly more frequent among those with AN versus BN, and premorbid activity levels significantly predict excessive comorbidity comorbidity. These findings underscore the centrality of physical activity in the development and maintenance of some eating disorders. They also have important clinical implications in light of the large proportion of individuals who combine dieting and exercise in an attempt to lose weight, and the increasing recognition of the adverse effects of strenuous physical activity in malnourished individuals.  相似文献   

Covariation bias refers to the phenomenon of overestimating the contingency between certain stimuli and negative outcomes, which is considered as a heuristic playing a role in the maintenance of certain types of psychopathology. In the present study, an attempt was made to investigate covariation bias within the context of eating pathology. In a sample of 61 female undergraduates, a priori and a posteriori contingencies were measured between pictures of obese and slim bodies, on the one hand, and fear- or disgust-relevant outcomes, on the other hand. Results indicated that participants in general displayed an a priori and an a posteriori covariation bias reflecting an overestimation of the link between obese bodies and disgust-relevant outcomes. However, this bias was not related to eating disorder symptomatology. Meanwhile, eating pathology was positively associated with a priori covariation biases referring to the associations between obese bodies and fear-relevant outcomes, and between slim bodies and disgust-relevant outcomes. All in all, these findings suggest that covariation bias plays a role in eating pathology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The authors assessed lifetime and 6-month occurrence and phenomenology of self-injurious behavior in patients with eating disorders. METHOD: Women (N=376) in inpatient treatment for an eating disorder (anorexia: N=119, bulimia: N=137, eating disorder not otherwise specified: N=120) were assessed for self-injurious behavior and completed the Traumatic Life Events Questionnaire, the Dissociative Experience Scale, the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale, and the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale. RESULTS: The lifetime rate of self-injurious behavior occurrence was 34.6%, with the highest rates found in subjects with eating disorder not otherwise specified (35.8%) and bulimia (34.3%); the 6-month rate of self-injurious behavior occurrence was 21.3%. Multivariate comparisons were computed for the factors of self-injurious behavior and diagnostic subgroup: self-injuring patients reported a significantly higher number of traumatic events, showed significantly higher dissociation scores, and exhibited significantly more obsessive-compulsive thoughts and behaviors. Bulimic patients showed significantly higher impulsivity scores. CONCLUSIONS: This study strongly supports the assumption that patients with eating disorders are at risk for self-injurious behavior and points to the necessity of a routine screening for self-injurious behavior as well as the development of a standardized questionnaire. Group comparisons point to the relevance of traumatic experiences and comorbid dissociative phenomenology.  相似文献   

The relationships among trauma, eating disorders, and spirituality are complex. Both trauma and eating disorders can distance women from their own spirituality, which undermines a potentially important treatment resource. In this article, we offer suggestions based on our clinical experience for helping eating disorder patients who have suffered trauma to rediscover their faith and spirituality. We describe how spirituality can be used as a resource to assist women throughout treatment and in recovery.  相似文献   


Eating disorders are often complicated by the misuse of laxatives, diet pills, and diuretics. Although little attention has been paid to the problem of diuretic abuse as a method of weight control, diuretic abuse has been reported since 1968 in patients with anorexia nervosa (Wolff et al., 1968). A recent review article has documented the extent of diuretic use in eating disordered patients (Bulik, 1992). In a 1981 report of 34 bulimic patients, 29% (10 patients) reported having used diuretics for the purpose of weight control (Pyle, Mitchell,&Eckert, 1981). A subsequent 1985 study of 275 bulimic women found that 33.9% (90 women) used diuretics for weight loss reasons, 10.2% taking them at least once each day (Mitchell, Hatsukami, Eckert,&Pyle, 1985).  相似文献   

Eating disorders are often complicated by the misuse of laxatives, diet pills, and diuretics. Although little attention has been paid to the problem of diuretic abuse as a method of weight control, diuretic abuse has been reported since 1968 in patients with anorexia nervosa (Wolff et al., 1968). A recent review article has documented the extent of diuretic use in eating disordered patients (Bulik, 1992). In a 1981 report of 34 bulimic patients, 29% (10 patients) reported having used diuretics for the purpose of weight control (Pyle, Mitchell,&Eckert, 1981). A subsequent 1985 study of 275 bulimic women found that 33.9% (90 women) used diuretics for weight loss reasons, 10.2% taking them at least once each day (Mitchell, Hatsukami, Eckert,&Pyle, 1985).  相似文献   

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